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Igniting, reigniting, people's Souls was the only important work ever. But now none of the distractions make any sense.

Igniting, reigniting, people's Souls was the only important work ever. But now none of the distractions make any sense.

Soul is God, the kingdom, that which we can know, taught Jesus.

Soul is God, the kingdom, that which we can know, taught Jesus.

"But if one wants to understand the Gospel, it is necessary above all to remember that the first action of Jesus before preaching was to deny the external God......

"But if one wants to understand the Gospel, it is necessary above all to remember that the first action of Jesus before preaching was to deny the external God and every kind of worship. The destruction of the temple, repeated by all the evangelists (which is very rare), is the purging of the soil for the sowing. Only after the destruction of the former God the teaching about the God of Jesus and about that service of God, which Jesus teaches, is made possible........ Leo Tolstoy for gospel translation and harmonization.

Solar RV cycling log June 11. Part one. Exhaustion indeed is fabulous!

Such a surprise. A decent day of rest yesterday but terribly exhausting the day before.

Now 500 calories into this 1600 Callery climb to the Mount Whitney portal. The desired lessons learned of

Ignite Soul blog June 11. Yesterday a highly shocking awakening. Jesus was addressing exactly this period and time.

Several things collided yesterday I'll guess. Listening to the 1st 5 or 10% of the gospel translation and harmonization by Tolstoy. And the new clarity to James this last week or so that the job is to Pioneer living joyfully in the face of the existential material hell now in final accelerated stages of unfolding for the children and grandchildren and few downstream survivors.

What came to mind from memory was significant study

At what point would rallying people to save the Titanic be Criminal misdirection of resources and attention?


Ignite Soul log June 10. Working to understand neuro psychology as Jesus did.

Although dealing with significant fatigue from yesterday's Marathon good productivity tackling the now reasonably clean translation and harmonization by Tolstoy.

The focus of this effort is to deal with just one aspect of what Tolstoy is sharing. Tolstoy's audience is those interested in the man Jesus and probably from a Christian perspective. My immediate concern is not. It is to extract what can be extracted as to the way that Jesus understood the human condition and the human opportunity for optimal experience.

It is quite an interesting and somewhat exciting body of work. Only 5 or 10% complete. Will James ever know how much his current understanding of things is influenced by earlier deep study of Jesus and how much is a matter of Jesus and james coming to a similar understanding of life.

Very substantial to James and possibly central to his life now is attempting to do his share of pioneering for people downstream how to live a joyful life in material hell. Oddly, in this initial work described above by James, he is finding himself surprised to see that Jesus seems to be doing the same thing. In part James is surprised because this is very much the standing that domanic crossan had of Jesus and James has studied that. But James had forgotten.

Tremendously aided is James by the many tens of hours of work he has now completed for a clean electronic version of these four gospel Translations all 12 chapters. He is now for the first time able to have his smartphone application, at voice, free, read to him this entire 900 page work. Yesterday probably 40 or 80 pages were read to him. James is now working through the text of those same pages.

Solar RV cycling log June 9. Total exhaustion, a terrific friend!?!

Much to report except really a basic confirmation of recent week.

A shocking development was extreme exhaustion on this 1800  calorie climb tonight. And it was wonderfully revealing.

It was a really good journey but with 25% left to go the legs were just spent. The body was spent. All it could do was just sort of hold on.

All it could do was just sort of maintain pressure forward with the balls of the feet on the pedals but the pressure felt slightly Below, on the upper Arch. The forward Arch.

And the performance was terrific.

A related piece of this possibly was about the same time a decision to try and equate the body's expenditure with walking. And more particularly with walking up this steep Road carrying a 70 lb load which is what James was carrying. It is very very difficult for James body to not try and expand all the energy if possibly can. Throttling back continues to be very difficult. This idea of trying to equate with the energy expenditure of walking was helpful.

The human output maintained between 100w and 180 Watts!

what the heck was going on? Much energy had gone into the technique and mechanical physics discussed in recent blogs. Maybe the body had gotten into good habits. But be that as it may I think that there was a relaxation and fluidity the came when the body just said, all we can do is hang on and keep pressure on the pedals.

In a very brief climb this morning, June 10th, the body was tired but not that tired. But the attempt was to carry forward cycling as though the body were totally exhausted and only able to keep pressure alternately on the pedals. It was an encouraging experiment.



This book created the three greatest souls of the last 150 years, Tolstoy, MLK Jr, Gandhi, and fed Walter Rauschenbush, and countless others, directly and indirectly.




THIS FOLDER HAS THE NOW COMPLETE AND CLEAN WORKS.  ADDITIONAL FORMATS WILL BE ADDED.  The word  documents in particular can be cleanly READ TO YOU while you  are otherwise occupied with mindless tasks with @voice (smartphone) or similar apps.

I find error in this work, if that is the correct word.  And I think it is not error, but strategic calculation on the part of Tolstoy.  I'm quite sure, strategic decision.

What is that? It is entirely Jesus teaching's centric. But as clarified in the final 2 chapters of his The Kingdom of God is Within You, the book that created Gandhi, he was deeply aware of how many millions, now billions, knew of Jesus, and thereby the potential of shocking out of the dogma into Jesus human teachings. 

Point being, I do not believe that Tolstoy preferred the truths of Jesus vs the truths of Confucious, Buddha, Hillel, Amos, Muhammad... where they overlap with those of Jesus.  Truth is Truth, Math is Math.

Courage is what soul in charge looks like to head and flesh.


What is our work now, for the children and grandchildren? Not an option is saving the planet....

What is our work now, for the children and grandchildren? Not an option is saving the planet.... Pioneering, modeling for them, A Joyful Way of being in a material impoverished dying hell is what they need from us. Much work to do.

All Hitler needed was for Millions to sell their souls.


Ignite the soul blog June 5th. Tolstoy, Russian bush, Schweitzer. Greater Souls have there ever been?

To James it is not clear that there ever have been. In part because these three are among the one-in-a-million few that have internalised what the prior great Souls have shared with us, and at least brought these great early contributions current and to some degree went beyond.

And I find that all three although no indication is that they were close or in close communication, or any communication at all, all three were impressed with and influenced by the other two.

Most of yesterday was spent on the tedious and important task of creating those extremely clean copies of the first and second portion of Tolstoy, four Gospels translated and harmonized, 12 chapters in all. If things go as planned then by tomorrow evening the two copies will be finished. Then James will discover if his computer is powerful enough to create the 900-page combined document that is desired.

while doing the technical work of spell checking and formatting Etc, most of yesterday was spent listening to Schweitzer, and the estimation that James has of Schweitzer as a soul and a contributor went from extremely high even higher. He has gone about as far as any human has toward full Humanity. Those one-in-a-million wishing to fully ignite their own soul cannot afford not to study his easily accessible materials.

And some of the time yesterday and much of it today was spent listening to Rauschenbusch, the most significant Creator through his writings of the men Martin Luther King jr. That had no interest in the profession of Christianity until in Boston University or Boston College, he read rauschenbusch, Christianity and social crisis I believe is the name.

Today some time was spent in the journey listening to some articles that have been put in a list and several were really extraordinary.

Solar RV cycling logs. June 5th. Explosions.

Multiple Revelations on today's Journey up 10 and 13% grade 4 4 miles.

Old Friends, new friends, understood For the First Time.

Is this major? I think so. It could be horrible distraction


Head spinning honor. Hello James, said the third young boy.

Generally about four hours every other day are spent downtown. James does his business, keeps to himself. On three separate occasions three different young men, maybe 12 or 13 years old, hello James. Not familiar were these greetings. Respectful, warm, serious, knowing in some way. Almost certainly they are friends and somehow have come to a favorable and wondrous opinion of James.


Solar RV cycling blog June 1st. 1, one and two, one and two and three, four?

1. recent voyages  indicate that laying down a visual profile, stripes, of power, one foot at a time. Symmetrical individual footprint. Not necessarily so in terms of power or even means of delivery. It seems that is difficult given asymeteries in what the legs wish to do. But it almost always follows fairly closely. But not exactly. And that is okay.

2. Lat those stripes down at the same speed.

3. Laying those stripes down on a  drum at the same speed, keeping the drum going at the same speed.

4. Applying tbe stripes with the pads of the feet on to the drum with the knees thighs leveraging it there.

5. It seems possible that the application of power by the knees is not necessarily required to be symmetrical through the application. What is required is that the drum be moved at precisely a constant speed.

Ignite Soul log June 1st. Continued success being a soul.

Maybe a week now James has been working with the ability to ask of himself, James, are you a body at this moment, a mind, or soul? Generally this is prompted with the body making some demand and attempt at take over

I like what you were doing. Travel safe, said the young man as he drove out of the parking lot this morning.

how are you showing the status quo the strength of your opposition?


Schweitzer. James too. Rarely so in companionship has James felt as in reading these words yesterday.

This a quote from the epilogue of schweitzer's final book, out of my life and thought, and autobiography.

Yesterday's voyage was spent listening to portions of multiple Schweitzer books that had recently been downloaded from the first several were schweitzer's scholarship on the man Jesus and I was horrified. Dogma upon Dogma upon Dogma. Bulshit upon bulshit. Psychotic.
Whether he ever spoke differently about the man Jesus I don't know. But his life speaks a very very very different understanding than his scholarly works.
More from the epilogue of this autobiography.

 "Only at quite rare moments have I felt really glad to be alive. I could not but feel with a sympathy full of regret all the pain that I saw around me, not only that of men but that of the whole creation. From this community of suffering I have never tried to withdraw myself. It seemed to me a matter of course that we should all take our share of the burden of pain which lies upon the world. Even while I was a boy at school it was clear to me that no explanation of the evil in the world could ever satisfy me; all explanations, I felt, ended in sophistries, and at bottom had no other object than to make it possible for men to share in the misery around them, with less keen feelings..... "


Solar RV cycling log May 29th. Power pulse power pulse power pulse power pulse…. Balls of feet.

From the beginning of tonight's journey this was the goal. 45 minutes or longer it took for the body to settle down and accept the goal. But that's relatively quick.

And then the body begins to optimize. It's quite amazing.

And it's a problem. Because James body wants to pick up in the next journey with the optimized performance. And that never happens. Seemingly it must be a progression, from the very basic.

James begin every journey with the simple goal of feeling the long power pulses in the balls of the feet. If anything beyond that happens fine. Make it automatic, simple. This is all about exercise while studying.

Yes a long lost friend showed up! The thighs doing 100 percent of the work of delivering the power pulse sensation in the balls of the feet! Kindly, the ankles collapsing, completely limp to get out of the way of the thighs delivering those long pulses. It's f****** wonderful. And horribly un sustainable when James tries to go right to this! James, please, don't do it!