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Showing posts with label Revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revolution. Show all posts


Love as I have loved, that is, Do unto others all things whatsoever that you would have them do unto others. Jesus

💚💚💚 to me this Clarity is so extraordinarily empowering. I find that potential meaning of my life and therefore my potential Joy is increased by some substantial multiple by understanding this. It's like the gates to a prison have opened.

If James has ever made a contribution then it would probably be realizing the error of this last word this thousands of years. Possibly Jesus misspoke, most likely he was misquoted. As you would have them do unto


Overthrow of the head and flesh by the Soul / heart, the only true Revolution possible. Pic

No, really.  Bet your life on it.

We have a Triune Brain, Reptile (Flesh, selfish), Homo Sapiens (Head, selfish), Mammalian (Soul, Heart, Altruistic, Otherish, Altruistic).  This is the science, neuroscience, ethology, primatology, psychology, anthorpology.

The only possible revolution is to put the Soul, Heart, in charge.

The Titanic we, WE, are sinking, is the necessary certain result of the Head and Flesh in charge.  They DO NOT KNOW, CAN NOT CARE ABOUT, future of creation. DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.  THINK ABOUT IT.  Only the Heart, Soul, is designed and capable of CARING for the future of creation.  This is what my life, and this site, have been about for the last 10 years.

The proof of the head and flesh (Reptilian brain) in charge.  Trump and his hoards are the Reptile people.  No?? The Democrats, Liberals, are the Head... Silicon, Cerebral, gutless, heartless, intellectual people.  NO?!?!?!?!?

THE Revolution, Soul/Heart in charge, HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED.  Jesus tried to start it and BEFORE HIS BODY WAS COLD, his 'followers' genned up a Religion of Head and Flesh under his brand.  The exceptions prove the rule.

Why wage this Revolution?

1.  Waging it is the only Joy.

2.  Waging it is the only possibility of Joy for those you can influence.

3. Waging it is the only way to possibly provide a good future for future generations, though ecocide, armageddon, is now beyond avoiding, but the survivors....

Get on with it.

For more, click on the 'tags' below for more posts and information. Explore this site, posts at the right timeline, tags at the bottom left..  I am a pitiful instrument, but am 40 years ahead of the 2018 science.  I know what I'm talking about.  Ignore this at your peril, a the peril of all whom you  influence.

Regardless, never say I didn't do my best for you.  I have, and will continue to do so.

My life remains devoted, every breath, to this revolution.  Subscribe at the upper right, to the daily email summary. Or not.  I cannot do your part, nor will I anymore try. You can lead a horse to water....



Very important ramblings notes to self


Living as if there is a Creator seems to be inseparable from those few great healthy lives throughout history. scholarship I regard indicates that even Jesus was not sure there was a creator to hear what he had to say but he found it indispensible to elevating the goodness within himself to imagine and live as though there is. to my shock I have found the same these last 18 years.

Yesterday I wrote about the saying - you, are a soul, that has a body, and said that from this seed everything we need to know can grow if we ponder it. I think even more surely the path exists for those who value or learn to value goodness above existence itself. As I examine the few lives throughout history that came close to being Paragons of moral emotional mental health this is true of everyone whether or not they articulated it in this way. it is clear from their life path that this is how they were, they valued goodness above all else. It is as though they were as greedy for, lust full for, craving of, more goodness in the world as Donald Trump is greedy for more attention and power and money or as most of us are greedy for more Comfort and intoxication and pleasure and safety and years. This is how I experience myself these last 18 years. At the time of the inexpressibly great Abraham Maslow (NOT his flawed theory hierarchy of needs), in psychology in the 1960s the research indicated that some chickens were better at selecting grain to eat and hence  became more healthy then other chickens and hence they were healthier. Maslow said that he could see this among people that only one in 100,000 I think, he said were good at selecting hey way of being conducive to mental health. I think he would agree that what I've just articulated is an advanced expression of this.

Gandhi and James were incorrect, wrong, not the love of a mother FOR her child is the strongest force in the universe but the love of a mother OF her child. The difference being the former has to do with the pulse of the child, the continuation of that pulse. the point is not that that is bad or good but, it is a thing. the love of a mother OF her child's which is extremely rare in this sick culture, but it happens, the love of a mother OF her child is the love of the being of the child the SPIRIT, soul, essence, piece of Creator of the child. It is the love of the soul the spirit which is in essence divine that is the ultimate constructive force in the universe. yes it remains to be seen that it is the ultimate force as the love of the mother for her child, (or her tribe or her church or her nation…. whwhich  far reign supreme and is causing the destruction of everything.


Very important ramblings notes to self

Regularly in my adulthood I go from butterfly to caterpillar to butterfly again. The caterpillar literally offers up all of its biological material for a soup, totally disintegrates to become that soup, that then somehow gets organized into the butterfly. I guess the caterpillar is sort of makes of itself a total soup of stem cells and becomes a new thing. I'm going through that faze now as I have many times before.

My current hunch is that for me and those wishing to do good in the world that what we need is to understand this as a mental health mission, that the world is in near total metal disease. I had hoped to find that the words of Jesus and the early Christian  ethassists and more recently Leo tolstoy provided the answer. I'm not now very confident of that, I think they pointed us in the correct direction but my current hope is that Abraham maslow in his work in the 60's of the studying the most healthy individuals throughout history catalog for us as best as we needed, is best as we can find, the mental health that we need to build into ourselves and help others achieve. spiritual health might better be a way of understanding  this than mental health but I'm guessing that mental health is necessary. Yesthat sets ones efforts up for an avalanche of attack from a very sick industry of psychologists but I think that maybe a risk I'll have to take. The characteristics he found universal among the healthy population were such things as truth goodness beauty wholeness aliveness dichotomy transcendance, playfulness….. ( is famous hierarchy of needs he got wrong but it can be Reformed into an extremely useful tool)

There are substantial benefits to a metal health model including that it is much less likely to become a sect, an organization, a dogma, a club a religion. it's possible but less likely. it is also less likely to become yet one more mechanism of one group to dominate over another although it is still possible. It is more likely to be and remain a soughtafter way of being, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

It continues to be my suspicion as mentioned a few days ago that the Northstar is goodness, one of the several dozen characteristics of healthy people that maslow categorized by the way. although loving tattooed on my face was in the right direction I think it is not sufficient. I think that goodness maybe correct and sufficient and in this the lights of Jesus King Gandhi were also incorrect. God needs to be understood as good and good needs to be understood as God. Gandhi said truth is God no goodness. Teresa Calcutta said it was love life and truth as I recall. no, goodness.

I'm fairly certain that the central hallmark of metal health or the lack thereof is the degree to what which one values goodness even more than the own life or even of the life, pulse, of those they hold most dear life. Crazy unless in fact prevailing goodness is the basis of sustainable pulse which the 2018 world is showing us is the case. This isechoed in the grate Dave Dellinger who said of World War 2, few people chose War, they chose selfishness and the consequence was war.

Jesus seem to have nailed this and surprisingly his followers King and Gandhi got it wrong. it so understandable but goodness not justice is the Northstar and our devotion must be too the metal health of our fellow creatures and not ultimately to their physical well being as difficult is this may be.

Goodness is God. God is goodness. Goodness is God and God must be loved and worshipped above all else. I think this may be it. I think this may be the piece that is been missing.

And it works because without goodness as we are seeing in this 2018 dying world without goodness without the presence and omnipresence of God, of goodness, all life ends.

And a corrilary to this, one must understand that our work, the entire purpose of our life, is to be the seed of metal health, ragingly good, and to act in such a way as to spread that seed and to nurture the few seeds that are already growing or grow as a consequence, understanding that this is a desert wasteland, and that all of the corrilary good we wish to see in the world, the increase of joy, the decrease of suffering, can only happen when there are more people of goodness.


Switching to blogger, another reason. The Path, the revolution, what Jesus and Gandhi and I walk, is a profound paradigm shift. It is........

Switching to blogger, another reason. The Path, the revolution, what Jesus and Gandhi and I walk, is a profound paradigm shift. It is...... very hard to learn to see life this way because it is so Farhan and all are examples are in the opposite direction. But learning to see a new paradigm, look it up if you're not familiar, he is always hard. It takes work. And like the picture of the old woman and the young woman simultaneously that cannot be seen at the same time, the path can be looked at, but not seen, with the liquor not realizing they don't see. So by being so accessible on Facebook I may be feeding the notion that I'm seeing without being seen. Rare is it that someone does not experience me with great excitement until they get closer to knowing me. Then the reaction can be very negative. Hey realize I am not what they projected on me to be, but they don't realize they are not seeing me, and the path.


We aim to establish the first of a series of Communities that Starve the Corporate Capitalist State (CSCCS). These will.......

### CSCCS's, Communities that Starve the Corporate Capitalist State. This is my understanding of the initial thoughts of this core team. Your comments, suggestions, recommendations are welcome. Please read and comment. 

"We aim to establish the first of a series of Communities that Starve the Corporate Capitalist State (CSCCS).  These will be self growing, self-sustaining, self-propagating, with near zero consumption of corporate or capitalist Goods of any sort, and near zero extraction from mother earth.  The basic design approach is so threatening to corporate profits that upon being understood it has been banned from University campuses and even meetings of the UN.

With much less technological know-how for thousands of years people lived on earth doing what we intend to by way of minimizing disruption and they lived at a much higher inner quality of life than most people do today. We intend to bridge this Gap for the benefit of humankind and the benefit of creation. We see no other way to stop our Collective suicide now in its Advanced stages, than to starve the corporate capitalist state.

A core team proven in commitment and expert in architecture, Construction, and Technology is exploring available options for partnership that provides land, passionate long-term commitment to the vision, and possibly funding. All parties are investing heavily and will gladly Supply Mutual guarantees. The property that offers the strongest Foundation is what we will select and currently that looks like a property in Vermont but we are very open to other options and are exploring several.

These are perpetual cultures of contribution, from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs, that are radically inclusive with a priority of helping disenfranchised, disengaged communities to slowly but surely become revitalized through participation and eventual inclusion in each of these Ventures. We are determined to expand the current core team for Greater inclusivity by age and gender, as quickly as possible.

At the medium and long-term heart of this venture are children with healthy activities at the center of the community and Community Construction.

The core team is not looking to build communities for themselves but rather upon establishing each Community will move on to the next.

Although the pragmatic, judicious use of corporate capitalist products will take place, by harnessing the energy of Mother Earth, and the Sun, in millions of tons of Earth placed above Earth bearing structures even the use of corporate products such as solar panels and wind turbines will be minimized. Each Community will be self-sustaining in its food and the availability of water sources, ideally river or lake, will provide many advantages.

Those who are passionate about this vision, and have thoughts about available suitable land, and or funding, and joining this mission, please comment or message us.

Everyone wants a revolution, no one wants to be the revolution. It will be interesting to see who if anyone will stand with us in this mission."


EFLIUS Day 13: only 61 miles today but all morning was spent switching to the new plan so, not too bad. Tomorrow needs to be about a 90-mile day. For the first 13 days I was almost entirely off-grid. That's unlikely to happen in the future. The......

EFLIUS Day 13: only 61 miles today but all morning was spent switching to the new plan so, not too bad. Tomorrow needs to be about a 90-mile day. For the first 13 days I was almost entirely off-grid. That's unlikely to happen in the future. The primary reason is I'm now traveling for Speed, LOL, speed and distance. I need to be doing about 80 miles a day rather than 45. Only on the most extremely sunny, non hazy day, without significant climbing, and without trees to obstruct the sun, will that happen again. But on many days I'll be getting roughly half of my electricity from the Sun which will dramatically shortened the 2 times a day I'll need to plug in. So by and large I'll be half on the grid and half off. A number of people made Financial contributions to the mission today, one was breathtakingly large. I've gone deep into debt to get this far in the mission and that contribution will substantially help me climb toward sunlight. I'll be Reeling for many days to come and the mission was hugely strengthened. A fellow set up a go fund me site for the mission. In 12 years of similarly devoted activism I have never had that kind of help. I'm deeply touched,  greatly humbled. The mission is greatly helped. This morning at a Wawa which I never went into, I was trying to collect my thoughts on the new trajectory for the mission, North Dakota, accelerating the visit to Organic Transit for repairs, to this Saturday I hoped, and other planning had me just sitting at the convenience store outside pondering. Oh, did I mention major repairs I needed to do to the vehicle? A Jovial mid fifties white lady came over and if she is not, or was not, Nun, she certainly is the epitome of what that brings to mind. Extremely friendly. Extremely interested in the vehicle and its solar aspects, extremely interested in free Palestine, extremely interested in the message on the religion of loving. She asked me what I was doing and I told her a ridiculous Hail Mary pass to try and Spark some life in the country to stand up for our children's future. She asked how would anyone do that? I said, the only way I've ever seen it done, is to stoke the fire in oneself by redirecting one's attention from oneself to those who really need help, rekindling the fire that Gandhi counted on, the love of the mother or her child but for all children. And that by doing so in oneself and stoking the fire white hot sometimes it caused the fire to rekindle in others. I wasn't guessing that would mesh with her religious beliefs. She uttered some words not mystically but honestly that I didn't understand. I take them to be Indian words. She dug in both pockets and handed me all the contents of bills and change. Spoke very warmly to me and departed. There have been half a dozen at least meaningful encounters today in the largely impoverished areas that I've been traveling through. This continues to be my experience that where people are not plagued with the addiction of over privilege there is room among some of them for the spirit to live., many little flames encountered and encouraged today. As this post is written the author is sitting on a curb Stone having finished two cans of cold corn and a cold can of chicken noodle soup given me by a student at William and Mary. my planning and process is infantile as it relates to structuring days where I travel 80 or 90 miles per day. Seems trivial except the need to fuel this vehicle now from the grid while I'm traveling on largely back roads with no services adds some complexity and risk. I arrived at this location with probably only 5 miles of electricity to spare. in another three miles I know that there is a large truck stop. This is a much less prosperous convenience store and non-branded gas station. as I gain experience and courage I'll always follow my inclination to favor the less prosperous non corporate with what limited funds I can. And sometimes no funds at all if I think that's the best spiritual service. And that may be the case tonight. I walked into the store empty of customers and the Young Middle Eastern man at the counter, I explained that I saw a plug outside and hoped I would be allowed to plug in for several hours. a bit to my surprise he went right into risk management, I'm not sure my boss would allow it, can I bring the batteries inside and plug them in, we don't do that. I simply allowed my disappointment and Mild disgust to show. my mind immediately went to plan b, the place 3 miles down the road. As I was getting in the vehicle a voice got my attention. It was the young man. Where is the receptacle that you were talking about? I pointed to the receptacle 10 feet adjacent to the vehicle on the wall. He said, if it works, you're welcome to use it. He had simply had a change of heart. that's what it's about isn't it? Giving people an opportunity and inspiration for a change of heart? By first changing our own? I immediately directed his attention to the free Palestine signage which he had not seen. He asked me how America was going to stop Israel. How Americans were going to stop Israel. I said, we are not. But I can't control that. I can control me. I will not sit by and watch this unfold without trying to get in the way. This is my attempt. when he wasn't helping customers he's come out several times since. He said, come in for water or whatever you want. One time he came out and I was speaking to a customer of his,  a farmer white guy my age, and telling him that I was going to fail but I was not going to fail to try. The young shopkeeper jumped in and said, this man is a hero, To his customer. A new and very generous benefactor to the mission today said, I know you have to go through with this, but when you're done, I hope you take care of yourself. This is so understandable. But to understand myself, and for anyone to understand me, they need to understand that I experience the people of Palestine as intimately as some people might experience their own leg, or their skin, or their arms,  or their very own face. I experience all of the creatures whose habitats we are destroying totally and forever including all humans, as my own arms or legs or torso. I am exactly taking care of myself.


***** What I think Millions need to do differently is to realize that mindless greed is literally the weapon of mass destruction, the army of mass destruction, that is destroying everything decent on Earth. What millions should do......

What I think Millions need to do differently is to realize that mindless greed is literally the weapon of mass destruction, the army of mass destruction, that is destroying everything decent on Earth. What millions should do is stop hiding behind the skirts or trousers of their spouse, the diapers of their babies , and do what my father's generation did, go put their bodies in the way of the harm that is in the process of destroying the future of those who depend upon them. This is certainly not directed at anyone in particular, it is directed at everyone of us collectively.


My view is that Revolution is the only thing that can save us, anti violent, and that in Revolution the president is irrelevant, the Congress is irrelevant, the revolution prevails when the revolutionaries have become the relevant entity. It will not happen until more and more of us get past the illusion that the government will save us or that the government is the problem. Our cowardice, our inaction is the problem.

My view is that Revolution is the only thing that can save us, anti violent, and that in Revolution the president is irrelevant, the Congress is irrelevant, the revolution prevails when the revolutionaries have become the relevant entity. It will not happen until more and more of us get past the illusion that the government will save us or that the government is the problem. Our cowardice, our inaction is the problem.


To a young friend deciding to pay all to the revolution: ☺ I am afraid I may never have the wisdom to counsel any individual beside myself. But........

To a young friend deciding to pay all to the revolution: ☺ I am afraid I may never have the wisdom to counsel any individual beside myself. But I constantly drive myself to understand collectively where our opportunities are. That tens of millions of us have not quit our jobs and planted Our Lives squarely in the way of the destruction of all creation, of all that is good, is clinical mass suicidal insanity. If every breath you hold yourself to the standard of being unconditional tough loving incarnate, I am so glad for you and anyone that finds that path. It is the only sanity. It is the only hope although I really see no hope, but I fight anyway, because that's the kind of person I want to be, and that's the kind of life I want to experience. James


***** To a young activist worthy of the name, musing over several outlets she is considering now: Not that you asked, but I think it is more important how we do, than what we do. The only true Revolution is the Absolute, Total, every breath, embodiment of the spirit........

***** To a young activist worthy of the name,  musing over several outlets she is considering now: Not that you asked, but I think it is more important how we do, than what we do. The only true Revolution is the Absolute, Total, every breath, embodiment of the spirit of unconditional loving by whatever words or none at all. I find almost none of that anywhere including in Progressive actions whose ideas I support but whose spirit I do not. Bernie has the spirit, I see it in few of his supporters.  Those on the 10 day March from Philly to DC had the spirit, and then lost it almost immediately upon arrival.  That spirit is all hope. There is no hope besides that spirit. Everything we detest is symptom of the spirit of unconditional loving, serving from the soul in solidarity, being missing. James


### To those of us confronted by our sisters and brothers in uniform: We have a 100x greater Duty incite, to encourage, to applaud any decent, to express appreciation for any humane, dignified behavior on their part, then we do to antiviolently place our selves in the way of any bad behavior. Morally, there........

### To those of us confronted by our sisters and brothers in uniform: We have a 100x greater Duty incite, to encourage, to applaud any decent,  to express appreciation for any humane,  dignified behavior on their part, then we do to antiviolently place our selves in the way of any bad behavior. Morally, there is nothing they can do that stops them being our beloved sister or brother actively in our soul, unless and until we become the violence,  ignorance and hatred that we purport to stand against. Strategically, anti violent struggle throughout history, as rigorously studied by Erica Chenoweth, does not succeed until the people in uniform come on to the side of the revolutionaries. For the sake of all creation now, think. Is our priority on throwing a righteous tantrum, or on maybe securing a slightly better future for everything?


***** Revolution Is Possible when very large masses of people literally can't live with the status quo any longer, even if they don't recognize that fact within themselves. I don't see that in the world's Center of Empire, America, today. Things are going to have to get a lot worse.

Revolution Is Possible when very large masses of people literally can't live with the status quo any longer, even if they don't recognize that fact within themselves. I don't see that in the world's Center of Empire, America, today. Things are going to have to get a lot worse.


I just don't seem to have it in me to work for justice. Sanders, and those working with him, do, but I just don't find it in me. I have it in me to.....

I just don't seem to have it in me to work for justice. Sanders, and those working with him, do, but I just don't find it in me. I have it in me to work, every breath, for loving, but for me, a just world, that is not loving, I just don't have it in me to work for, and I think it's an illusion, I don't think you can arrive at, and I certainly don't think you can maintain, a just world, that is not first, loving.  I don't have it in me to work for justice, first. If you work for loving you may get the healthy, vibrant, joyful, living, self perpetuating, lovely child ... Justice. If you work for Justice at best you will get a stillborn child. At least that's my understanding of how it has always worked and always will.