URGENT. Will we "see" and rist to Pr. Obama's brilliance? In time?
Catholics fight to mass-murder the born, to save Fetuses
Washington Post
42,000 born die in US each year due to lack of insurance.
Did you see Da Vinci Code? The Catholic Church IS the albino; so twisted and perverted.
Congressman Grayson: "GOP Weapons of Mass Distraction." Quote of the day.
"GOP Weapons of Mass Distraction." Quote of the day.
These GOPredators guys make Hitler's Joseph Goebbles proud!
Our inaction in the face of their rabid disinformation
campaign is the height of cowardice and treason.
The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule
Thomas Frank (born 1965) is an American author, journalist and columnist for the
Wall Street Journal, authoring The Tilting Yard since May, 2008.
"A no-holds-barred exegesis on the naked cynicism of conservatism in America."—Kirkus Reviews, starred review
"Written with barbed wit and finely controlled anger, he skewers such juicy targets as libertarian strategist Grover Norquist and Michelle Malkin."—Publishers Weekly, starred review "Glorious… Often brilliant… Frank's gloom is leavened by an eye for the unexpected and the absurd."—Los Angeles Times"Frank's gifts as a social observer are on display… His analysis of why there are so many libertarian think tanks in a country with so few libertarians is dead on. In Thomas Frank, the American left has found its own Juvenal."—The New York Times Book Review
"Frank offers one damning anecdote after another. The Wrecking Crew explains how cynical conservatives have wrested control of the government by railing against its very existence, all while using federal perches to funnel billions into the pockets of lobbyists and the corporations they represent."—Time
"Thomas Frank is back with another hunk of dynamite. The Wrecking Crew should monopolize political conversation this year. It's the first book to effectively tie the ruin and corruption of conservative governance to the conservative "movement building" of the 1970s, and, before that, the business crusade against good government going back at least to the 1890s."—Salon.com
"Tom Frank has hold of something real. The Wrecking Crew can be good, spirited fun. Frank captures a quality of exuberant bullying in those of his conservative subjects he knows well enough to identify individually, rather than categorically."—The New Yorker
"Frank's sentences inhale and unfurl with a wit and verve…"—The New York Observer
"Conservatives in office have made their share of blunders and mistakes, and Frank is at his finest in depicting some of the stunning instances of hypocrisy and idiocy in the period of Republican rule."—The New York Post
"Smart, thoroughly researched, and written with wit and panache."—The Wichita Eagle
"A welcome read. There is no doubt that Frank is helping to restore the journalistic and literary standards to political books. Elegant… The Wrecking Crew has the rhetorical power to illustrate the dire consequences of a government sold off piece by piece to the highest bidder. One finishes the book feeling as if one's political vision has been brought into focus."—The Courier-Journal
"A superb follow-up to What's The Matter with Kansas?... Thorough reporting and incisive historical analysis. With genuine outrange and blasts of polemic, but Frank never allows The Wrecking Crew to become just another seething right- or left-wing political tract preaching to the choir."—The Oregonian
"Frank brings invaluable insider perceptions, ardor, and precision to his lancing inquiry into the erosion of democracy and the enshrinement of the mighty dollar… An electrifying, well-researched analysis of 'conservatism-as-profiteering.' This staggering history of systematic greed with inject new energy into public discourse as a historical election looms."—Booklist (starred review)
From: "Bertha Lewis, ACORN" <newsacorn@acorn.org>
To: start_loving@yahoo.com
Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 6:15:06 AM
Subject: Re: Sting the stinger - This is just embarrassing
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![]() ACORN is the nation's largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, with over 500,000 member families organized into neighborhood chapters in 71 cities across the country. Since 1970 ACORN has taken action and won victories on issues of concern to our members. Our priorities include: better housing for first time homebuyers and tenants, living wages for low-wage workers, more investment in our communities from banks and governments, and better public schools. ACORN is an acronym, and each letter should be capitalized. ACORN stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. | |||||||||||
"I'm simply your mother, like when a hoard of bullies is attacking you." SL
when a hoard of bullies is attacking you; cuz they are.
You are damn right I'm harsh, rough, aggressive, out-there;
just like she would be if she saw the same attack on you, that I do." SL
"Do you burn hot enough to start a fire?" Start
"She who would give light, must endure burning."
Eleanor Roosevelt
President unveils
revised health care plan (2)
SL here. I found my $.50 Crucifix. That beings tears toward my eyes, why?
See here: http://thechristlikechurch.blogspot.com/
Around Christ-mass time one of the pleasures my suburban zombie
sisters and brothers give themselves is an annual visit to DC to
do something for the poor - their not-my-family. It does wonders to
refresh their illusions that they are not Dead. Did you know that
Washington, DC, capitol of the wealthiest country in history,
in the US is:
#1 most powerful population of elites in the world!
#1 in concentration of the top 10 richest counties as suburbs (3) !!!!!!
#1 in child poverty!!!
#1 in mortality from HIV/AID!!!!
#1 in lowest life expectancy in the country!!!!!
See here:
DN! Washington, DC - 3rd World Capital
Well, anyway, at Christ-mass time they come out from their mansions
in their gated communities with their food bags, my zombie siblings,
or whatever, for we poor. One bag I got had a simple wooden Crucifix,
on the type of faux leather thong you'd use to make something
at summer camp. My $2.50 Crucifix I wear under my clothes, always,
but this one is larger and can go over my clothes. But about 3 weeks
ago it went missing. I looked everywhere. I was sooooo sad to lose it.
What magic draws me to these Crucifixes, and those on my head? Love.
Turns out that my beloved sister Connie found it, and I got it today.
Tears of Joy and Relief came toward my eyes. Why? A $.50 Cross.
Still moves me toward tears hours later.
Reminds me of the time 5 years or so ago my little Catholic sister and
I were in Texas on a business trip. Out of Love for her I attended her
Sunday Mass with her, and we were tapped to carry the chalice and Hosts up
to the alter. I sobbed and quaked uncontrollably. Brings tears
to my eyes whenever I think of it, like now.
Hmmmmm. I do so adore our brother Jesus. I do indeed. So did Gandhi.
He Loved us so.
"'Daily Bread' IS Soul Food IS Serving the Needy. There's none other." SL
IS Serving the Needy.
There's none other." SL
"'Zombies' no longer are fanciful creatures for me. They're but a few of us." SL
They're but a VERY few of us. Clinically. Really.
The living Dead. Who but Dead folks could spend
ANY time on Pleasures when so many are physically
and Spiritually destitute? Only living-Dead People. Really." SL
Teresa of Calcutta: 'The greatest poverty I've seen in
the world is the poverty of spirit in the west.'
Gandhi was asked what he thought about Western
Civilization: 'I think it would be a good idea.'
"I'm a warrior," Start said to the young Sec. Svc. Officer. "Clearly you are," he replied with entusiastic admiration and approval.
"Clearly you are," he replied with enthusiastic admiration,
respect, friendship and approval.