"Death says, 'I'll help RIGHT AFTER me and mine.' Life - 'I'll help NOW if you're Neediest.'" SL
From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.
. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
NYT: Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to China. GOP - YOU BETTER REFOCUS THEM, NOW.
Evergreen Solar, a leading maker of panels in the United States, is laying off 800 people and shifting production to China.
100 Round Clip Coming from Magpul - unless you stop it.
100 Round Clip Coming from Magpul - unless you stop it. http://www.rguns.net/gunparts/magazines-rifle.shtml
WP: "I believe Pr. Obama is a Patriot...." McCain. Ray of Hope, and Change.
"I believe Pr. Obama is a Patriot...." John McCain http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/14/AR2011011403871.html
President Obama gave a terrific speech Wednesday night. He movingly mourned and honored the victims of Saturday's senseless atrocity outside Tucson, comforted and inspired the country, and encouraged those of us who have the privilege of serving America. He encouraged every American who participa...
"Guns don't make you powerful. They demonstrate that you're not." SL
"Guns don't make you powerful.
They demonstrate that you're not." SL
They demonstrate that you're not." SL
9-Year-Old Shooting Victim's Organs Save a Life - CBS News
Family Friend Says Christina Green's Organ Donation Saved a Child's Life in the East Coast
Gallup: Gun Ownership Higher Among Republicans Than Democrats
Dated, but still. Tail wagging the dog - http://www.gallup.com/poll/21496/gun-ownership-higher-among-republicans-than-democrats.aspx
A review of Gallup Poll data shows that 4 in 10 Americans report having a gun in their home or on their property, including 30% who say they personally own a gun and 12% who say some other member of their household owns it. Republicans are much more likely than Democrats to report owning a gun, and
"We've made a cultural Fetish of our pathology." SL
"We've made a cultural Fetish of our pathology." SL
"You are a healthy, contributing organ, or a malignant tumor; on the body of Humanity. No 3rd option." SL
"You are a healthy, contributing organ, or a malignant tumor; on the body of Humanity. No 3rd option." SL
"Arizona broke open my reservoir of grief for US, the world, I didn't know was there. Endless." SL
"Arizona broke open my reservoir of grief for US,
the world, I didn't know was there.
Endless." SL
the world, I didn't know was there.
Endless." SL
BB: Glock Pistol Sales Surge in Aftermath of Shooting of Arizona's Giffords
After a Glock-wielding gunman killed six people at a Tucson shopping center on Jan. 8, Greg Wolff, the owner of two Arizona gun shops, told his manager to get ready for a stampede of new customers.
Republican school board in N.C. backed by tea party abolishes integration policy
GOP Lynch Mob Lives - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/11/AR2011011107063.html
RALEIGH, N.C. - The sprawling Wake County School District has long been a rarity. Some of its best, most diverse schools are in the poorest sections of this capital city. And its suburban schools, rather than being exclusive enclaves, include children whose parents can't afford a house in the...
Tumors ALL. Tom and Daisy Buchanan - USA Today: Wealthy treated themselves during the holidays - USATODAY.com
Tumors ALL. Tom and Daisy Buchanan - http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/retail/2011-01-11-wealthy-retail-sales_N.htm
The rich treated themselves like royalty this holiday season. That spun the holidays into gold for Tiffany and other high-end retailers.
"Hate begets hate. Violence begets violence. Loving is all that can break the cycle. Wage Love, or die." SL
"Hate begets hate.
Violence begets violence.
Loving is all that can break the cycle.
Wage Love, or die." SL
Violence begets violence.
Loving is all that can break the cycle.
Wage Love, or die." SL
"Many DON'T mourn the massacre of Rep. Giffords as Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Carlson, Hannity, Brewer, Arpaio, Engle... wouldn't be mourned by me. Of course." SL
"Many DON'T mourn the massacre of Rep. Giffords as Beck,
Palin, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Carlson, Hannity, Brewer, Arpaio,
Engle... wouldn't be mourned by me. Of course." SL
Palin, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Carlson, Hannity, Brewer, Arpaio,
Engle... wouldn't be mourned by me. Of course." SL
"'NEWS:' What HISTORY will say was CRUCIAL to know today. Murderous Distractions all else." SL
"'NEWS:' What HISTORY will say was CRUCIAL to know today.
Murderous Distractions all else." SL
Murderous Distractions all else." SL
"Nonviolence: Any and Every means of influencing another that does NOT Violate what is Right for them." SL
"Nonviolence: Any and Every means of influencing another that does NOT Violate what is Right for them." SL
"Violence: ANY and EVERY Violation of what's Right for another." SL
"Violence: ANY and EVERY Violation of what's Right for another." SL
NYT: Talk Radio Hosts in Arizona Reject Blame in Shooting
Will YOU nonviolently Stop those who won't stop themselves? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/11/us/11radio.html
In Tucson's first rush hour since the weekend shooting, talk radio hosts dismissed arguments that their heated political rhetoric had played a role.
'Start, don't you think by funding Israel we'd advance peace including Palestine?' (read on ...)
Ryan (FB friend), for EXACTLY the reason we should NOT have bought the
1930's German propaganda and funded Hitler; for EXACTLY the
reason we should not have bought the 1970-1980's White South
African propaganda and supported the white apartheid regime....
Turns out that believing something because we WANT to believe it,
rather than because it is True, is Genocide. Bringing Humanity to
the Palestine Israel Genocide is the central cause of my life for
the last year or so, point being I study the situation extensively
and write/speak on it extensively -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZgw-LluplY ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1kKl3x3J94 ,
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=006DA11B00287E8E , and
http://www.youtube.com/user/StartLoving4?feature=mhum#g/search ,
http://jesusgodgoodetcnjay.blogspot.com/#uds-search-results .
Your brother, sl
1930's German propaganda and funded Hitler; for EXACTLY the
reason we should not have bought the 1970-1980's White South
African propaganda and supported the white apartheid regime....
Turns out that believing something because we WANT to believe it,
rather than because it is True, is Genocide. Bringing Humanity to
the Palestine Israel Genocide is the central cause of my life for
the last year or so, point being I study the situation extensively
and write/speak on it extensively -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZgw-LluplY ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1kKl3x3J94 ,
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=006DA11B00287E8E , and
http://www.youtube.com/user/StartLoving4?feature=mhum#g/search ,
http://jesusgodgoodetcnjay.blogspot.com/#uds-search-results .
Your brother, sl
Giffords - Arizona man killed in Tucson shooting credited with saving wife's life
This is what Loving, Living, Human Health... look like - http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2011/01/09/20110109gabrielle-giffords-arizona-shooting-tucson-man-saved-wife.html
Arizona man killed in Tucson shooting credited with saving wife's life, Dorwan Stoddard was one of six people killed Saturday at U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' ''Congress on Your Corner'' event when a gunman shot Giffords in the head before turning the gun on the crowd gathered in the Safeway parking
"We're never here to 'survive.' We're here to Serve Our Neediest. If we Survive, well, OK." SL
"We're never here to 'survive.'
We're here to Serve Our Neediest.
If we Survive, well, OK." SL
We're here to Serve Our Neediest.
If we Survive, well, OK." SL
Giffords Shooting - Grandmother Stopped Tucson Shooter From Reloading
"Effectively minding My business demands I Ruthlessly Ignore Others' attempts to do so (meddling, micro-managing); regardless of personal cost to me." SL
"Effectively minding My business demands
I Ruthlessly Ignore Others' attempts to do so
(meddling, micro-managing);
regardless of personal cost to me." SL
I Ruthlessly Ignore Others' attempts to do so
(meddling, micro-managing);
regardless of personal cost to me." SL
"God, Our Father: The Optimum Concepts for making Heart rule Flesh and Mind. Almost Always perverted and misused for the Reverse." SL
"God, Our Father:
The Optimum Concepts for making Heart rule Flesh and Mind.
Almost Always perverted and misused for the Reverse." SL
The Optimum Concepts for making Heart rule Flesh and Mind.
Almost Always perverted and misused for the Reverse." SL
"We're NEVER here to work for money (prostitution); but for Our Neediest. I do now. It IS Joy." SL
"We're NEVER here to work for money (prostitution);
but for Our Neediest.
I do now.
It IS Joy." SL
but for Our Neediest.
I do now.
It IS Joy." SL
Reuters: Hamas urges militant groups to stop attacking Israel (CLICK for more...)
REMEMBER CUZ ISRAEL LIES ABOUT THIS (DUH) http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7081OH20110109
GAZA (Reuters) - Hamas said on Sunday it has begun talks with other militant factions in the Gaza Strip to urge them to stop firing rockets at Israel, attacks that have raised Palestinian fears of a new
WP: Nazi-Israelis Gang-Rape Palestine (CLICK for more...)
Nazi-Israelis Gang-Rape Palestine http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/09/AR2011010903304.html
Bulldozers began tearing down a former hotel building Sunday to make way for a Jewish housing development in an Arab neighborhood of East Jerusalem, pushing ahead with a contentious project that has raised concerns in Washington.
Pr. Obama spoke to Giffords's husband | POLITICO (CLICK for more...) 44

POLITICO44 is a new and innovative way to cover the Obama presidency, minute-by-minute. Powered by the largest White House staff around, it will be the go-to place for news and analysis about the president, the staff, the first lady, the vice president, and the new administration.
"Most give so they can take, more than their share." SL
"Most give so they can take, more than their share." SL
"I can't stop crying over the Arizona massacre of Rep. Giffords and friends." SL
"I can't stop crying over the Arizona massacre of Rep. Giffords and friends." SL
I DID. Indict Sarah Palin Petition (CLICK for more...)
I DID. http://www.petitiononline.com/IndictSP/
Indict Sarah Palin Petition, hosted at PetitionOnline.com
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