Riddle. How can Family Values destroy millions of families gladly? Answer. Family is those in my tribe. Silly rabbit.
***** Jesus: Hear me! The 'Hand of God' is Conscience, Wisdom, empathy, Heart, Soul, Spirit, Loving, Serving, Solidarity. Your 'capitalism' explicitly and zealously and Religiously commands you to surrender to that Other's 'Hand,' Greed, Mammon, Flesh, Head, Deceit, Lies, Hostility, Exploitation, Destruction, Alienation, Self-centeredness, Division, Systems, Institutions. And this is finally destroying you. As I warned it would.
***** Your love* is the deadliest force on earth. Familial, tribal, nationalistic, personal love is objectively behind all small and large acts of destruction by we humans. Conditional .......
***** Your love* is the deadliest force on earth. Familial, tribal, nationalistic, personal love is objectively behind all small and large acts of destruction by we humans. Conditional love.
Universal love is the alternative. Agape. What I am saying there is nothing more or less than what Jesus died to tell us.
No? This is untrue? We kill to protect our family. We destroy the environment to take care of our family. We exploit others to take care of our family. And on and on and on and on. Oh, and then there are wars on other people which are simply mass forms of what I just mentioned.
* If the shoe does not fit, do not wear it. If the above is not true of you then you are one in a million, objectively. If the above is not true of you, it was true of me for most of my decades. The one in a million true revolutionary, like Martin Luther King, like Gandhi, are the one in a million that have escaped, that have transcended, this deadliest love.
My loving of each and every in creation is unconditional and I must at each second be held to that standard. As a consequence, my action must always be conditional upon what creation needs from me at the moment. At.....
My loving of each and every in creation is unconditional and I must at each second be held to that standard. As a consequence, my action must always be conditional upon what creation needs from me at the moment. At any moment. At every moment. Unconditional Loving demands conditional action. What nurse is a good and loving nurse that does not differentiate between the person with a scratch and the person with a life-threatening hemorrhage? What doctor is loving and caring that with equal determination protects cancerous tissue and healthy tissue?
***** Paris Attacks Highlight Western Vulnerability, And Our Selective Grief And Outrage
***** My dad adored me above almost everyone. I wish he hadn't.....
My point isn't to dis my dad. If I could select anyone in history to be my dad, it would be him.
My point is to learn from my experience of this near greatest of all people I've ever known of.
He loved all of humanity, all of creation, unconditionally.
But he loved me nearly more than everything and everyone... and in that it was conditional love.
I wish he had loved me no more, and no less, than he loved every creature, all of creation.
I lost decades, my fault, on craving the supreme love he had for me. There was never any joy in that, There could NEVER be Joy in that - conditional Loving. Pleasure, yes. Lust, yes. Loving, no. Joy, no.
My life is now fully of his other side, Unconditional Loving - Immensely Painful with the pain of the world. Infinitely Loving. Infinitely Joyful. Every breath.
***** nd SPDF: Our Devotion to personal (and 'family') survival and pleasure... has finally doomed humankind, and all of creation. We've insanely embraced the way of 'cancer' over the way of Life. Our parents, the Creating generation, birthed the suicidal Consuming generation.
***** If you 'fell' into 'love' it is not Unconditional... that is not Love.
***** SPDF Day 39: Is No One COMMITTED to Palestine? Outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens....
***** nd. God is Unconditional Loving. Satan is Conditional Loving. Any questions?
***** I feel like I've just come to understand Chr'stian Protestant / Fundamentalism / near all of Catholicism... for the first time!!!! THEY'RE THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF JESUS TEACHING OF 'UNCONDITIONAL' LOVING! EXACT OPPOSITE!!! CHR'STIANITY Worships CONDITIONAL Loving!!!! Of course!!! God's "Chosen" people - be they 'jews' or 'born again' chr'stians, churchians, catholics...!!!! Those who the f'ther REALLY Love go the Heaven! CONDITIONAL loving... THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT JESUS WAS, AND WHAT HE TAUGHT, AND DIED TO RETURN US TO!!!! BUT CONDITIONAL LOVING... ALL THAT THE PRACTITIONERS, BELIEVERS... HAVE EVER KNOWN. THE 'CONDITIONALLY' LOVING 'DADDY' GIVES THE ONES HE 'REALLY' LOVES... A CONDO IN THE SKY!!!!
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." Albert Einstein
***** pic.As long as we will 'of course' do 'anything' for the good of our self or biological 'family,' there is no hope. ‘Me,’ ‘My family,’ at any cost, that IS Conditional loving. It is NOT Agape, Universal Family, Loving, Christ-ian. It IS the root Disease [with which I was ragingly infected most of my years. Not Malala, King, E. Roosevelt, Jesus, Gandhi....] Survival of Creation depends now on LIVING a higher allegiance: UNIVERSAL FAMILY, INCLUDING ALL CREATION Loving

‘Me,’ ‘My family,’ at any cost, that IS Conditional loving. It is NOT Agape, Universal Family, Loving, Christ-ian. It IS the root Disease [with which I was ragingly infected most of my years. Not Malala, King, E. Roosevelt, Jesus, Gandhi....]
Survival of Creation depends now on LIVING a higher allegiance:
also - Cancer, Depression Update