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Showing posts with label Loving Revolutionary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loving Revolutionary. Show all posts


To an acquaintance that has some familiarity with my writing and work of the last year: "It is odd to me that no one understands I have always fought to win. With every.....

To an acquaintance that has some familiarity with my writing and work of the last year: "It is odd to me that no one understands I have always fought to win. With every breath I fight to win and that includes seeing how the victory can be achieved through my action despite how infinitesimally likely that is. In my entire adulthood I have never allowed myself the luxury fighting without a vision that is reality based in how Victory can be achieved thereby. This could be the entirety of why I fight alone." The fellow replied, respectfully and kindly, in a way that suggests he found what I said ridiculous. As near as I can tell everyone finds what I write and say ridiculous at the core. A superficial level many people like it. But at the deeper level at which I try to operate, ridiculous.  "If at first the idea is not absurd, and has no hope." Albert Einstein


I don't know how long it will last, although I suspect it could be permanent. At least for the moment.....

I don't know how long it will last, although I suspect it could be permanent. At least for the moment I have reached a new level in my spiritual strength as a human rights activist. I have the sense of looking forward to each and every opportunity where by simply being a decent human being I draw the savagery of my sisters and brothers, and corporate and government entities, that they might visit it on my body for simply being decent. Gandhi's faith is the same as mine, 100% in the force of the truth revealed. Primarily a force on the nervous systems of onlookers , but even the force that can help cure perpetrators. There is no other revolutionary way to fight.

It's odd, for 10 years the words wage love have been tattooed on my cheeks. But only in the last day or so have I come to have that unfold more fully. We know that someone who wages violence, a good soldier, is nearly Unstoppable. If they're on an important Mission, they take a bullet to the leg, if their comrades are any danger, they will fight on. And if they take a second bullet, they will fight on until totally unable. This is what it means to wage war. Waging love it's exactly the same. I have just been massively Savaged by the state. Can I respond any less relentlessly than one Waging War? I wage loving. I am a loving revolutionary. I am a wager of loving. I cannot imagine that anything can stop me from doing that as long as I can take a breath.


Standing Rock update: I am not here for Native rights. I am not here.......

Standing Rock update: I am not here for Native rights. I am not here for treaty rights. That's far too little far too late. I'm here for human rights. Any of us that are fighting for anything other than human rights and maybe creation rights, but that's probably a strategic non-starter that is too esoteric, anyone that is not fighting for human rights in whatever arena is strategically wasting their time. Am I against native rights? Am I against treaty rights? Of course not! Am I against the right of children and current citizens to clean water? Of course I'm not. But for us to put these fragmented issues front and center is way too little way too late. Human rights is what we morally need to be fighting for and strategically if we did that paying a big enough price people might begin to understand that there is only one set of Human Rights and the people receiving the least are receiving what we all can expect in the future.

Standing Rock update: The battlefield, 100% of the battlefield, on which the future of humanity,  of creation,  will be finally lost or won, is 0% physical, 100% spiritual. This has always been true. We have always pretended......

Standing Rock update: The battlefield, 100% of the battlefield, on which the future of humanity,  of creation,  will be finally lost or won, is 0% physical, 100% spiritual. This has always been true. We have always pretended this was not true. The most powerful creatures known in the universe are the two legged humans. Where our individual and Collective spirit is, there we go. Only through a massive and sustained Global shift in the spirit of humanity is there any prayer for a decent future. I hope to remember this on today, February 22nd here at Standing Rock. If my body, my life limb and treasure, can be used so that the terminal savagery of our fascist greedy Antichrist satanic Collective spirit in this sick country and world, if my body can be used by Savage perpetrators, possessed by their evil spirit, if my body life limb and treasure can be used to sicken the spectators to the final destruction of their children's future, if I can use my body to help them become sick and at the evil of their passivity, and possibly to sicken even one or two of the perpetrators, immediate or distant, crushing us today, then I hope to be glad of that. I think I will be glad of that.

I have heard what I understand to be native story. A grandfather and a grandson are speaking, the grandfather says to the grandson, there are two wolves fighting each other within you,  a good wolf, and a bad wolf. The grandson thinks for moment and says to his grandfather, grandfather, which of the Wolves will win? Grandfather answers, the one that you feed. The story is broader than that in its implications. With each breath, with each action or omission of ours, we feed one of those two wolves in those who are impacted by our lives. Everything depends on which ones we choose to feed.

Even Napoleon saw this: 
"Do you know, Fontanes, what astonishes me most in this world? The inability of force to create anything. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the spirit."

Written as I am here here on self-assigned duty at the composting toilet complex taking out bags of s***, sweeping, feeling the sawdust bins, making certain there's enough toilet paper.... I like to serve. This is a nice way to to lovingly serve my sisters and brothers here, and there by the world, as best I can see to do at the moment.


Standing Rock update: If we keep retreating, if we always Retreat, if we usually Retreat, how.....

Standing Rock update: If we keep retreating, if we always Retreat, if we usually Retreat, how can we ever expect to win? If we always disengage when the ultimate price must be offered, how can we ever expect to win? If they will gladly destroy our lives and we refuse to have our lives destroyed, how can we ever win?

A mass permanent revolution of loving possessing the world's people is the only hope for a future worth living. This by any and every objective measure.......

A mass permanent revolution of loving possessing the world's people is the only hope for a future worth living. This by any and every objective measure that I know. The loving revolutionary in this world that is self-extinguishing due to vast oceans of evil, the loving revolutionary makes of their life as powerful an antidote, as powerful a cure as possible. Possibly being chemo drugs such as have held my cancer at Bay, possibly being chemo drugs is no picnic. Being the loving revolutionary is no picnic and if it is one is not a loving revolutionary. The loving revolutionary relentlessly places their life limb treasure such that the savagery, hatred, inhumanity, Godlessness, satanic nature of those people and institutions possessed by evil might become so sickening  at the site of their own evil that the all-important spectators cannot tolerate the sickness and begin to act, and even some of those most possessed by the evil become the so sickened by seeing their own evil so that they act to cure it. This is the best description I know of those throughout history that has been loving revolutionaries. I believe that this understanding just expressed advances the thought process of how to fight evil. It came to me as I slept. I believe that my soul is committed to being that type of chemo, to being that type of antidote, that type of cure and I expect it to be living hell. I will be glad when my life is over, when I have breathed my last breath. But I will not hasten that by my own action intentionally despite the relief that I would get from that. I have no belief in a life after this one for me or for anyone else. I never have near as I can recall. I have no interest in it. In part I have no interest in it because I can't imagine a heaven that would be a place I'd like to be. But yesterday I received a wonderful thought. I do find it morally clarifying to imagine such Concepts as heaven and hell and how you get to one or the other. Anyway what popped into my mind, I have no recollection why, what popped into my mind was that there are no angels in heaven. It was a wonderful thought. I was so glad for it. I am so glad for it. Of course there would be no angels in heaven. Why, you may ask? Well, an Angel would want to be here on Earth and would return here to try and lessen the suffering.