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Showing posts with label Kindness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindness. Show all posts


As good a place to die as any. Better than most. Sometimes Sol and I get really really really really lucky.

Click photo for detail.

 As near as I could tell from Google Maps there were no houses on this dirt road. About an hour after being here car drove by. Half an hour later a young woman with her three dogs appeared oh, Karen. If you need anything we are in a house a mile up the road, don't hesitate to come up. Oh my goodness what a nice Soul. Stay as long as you want! We had a lovely chat. I expect we'll be gone in the morning. Magnificent place. Extreme difficulty, pain, in walking, after being beaten to a pulp by Katahdin several days ago. But we can cycle. The mission goes on.


Ms Susan, the Truck Stop owner, had two wonderful stories.

 in addition to what's mentioned in the video here, at one point  Susan said have a happy journey, to which I replied, in this world of suffering I don't want to be happy. I want instead to be joyful by trying to make it better. She wasn't offended by what I said, at the time she didn't want to hear it, maybe she'll be able to think about it later.


My daughter in Hood River Oregon sent me over to say hello. Later she came back, we wanted you to have this.

As it turns out the daughter and I encountered a year or so ago when I was in that area briefly and she friended me on Facebook. Such a nice kindness.

Creator I see two places in the world, in nature, and there's much Beauty here in Warsaw, and in the rare kindness one person to another.


A deeply good soul out of the blue today made a substantial financial contribution to this mission. My reply. How did you know? In recent months the vehicle..... >>>

A deeply good soul out of the blue today made a substantial financial contribution to this mission. My reply. How did you know? In recent months the vehicle and I have developed a much more sustainable relationship. It has become really stable. But even for a stable vehicle things will go. And about 4 days ago a remaining huge vulnerability was discovered in the vehicle when the $400 transmission failed. Several nights later in the middle of the night I awoke understanding why it failed. And can take steps soon to be sure that the situation doesn't arise again. But today was spent installing that $400 object. And the weather the last 7 months has been so easy, so conducive to this solar vehicle and the journey. But not so starting 4 days ago when cold wind and rain and high wind descended. A harbinger of what I knew was coming but especially with the vehicle practically immobile I was not ready psychologically, logistically, although I was probably pretty well-equipped. So two nights at a wonderful hostel were also invested in. Your contribution came at a wonderful time. My spirits are good but as usual you lifted them higher. You are a wind under our wings. The day May Come, the day is likely to come, when I can provide such help to you. Hugs. James


It would be an honor to have you stay at my home, the individual, the cyclist, in Silicon Valley wrote to me tonight. I have been exploring every Avenue I can, especially a cycling Support Network, to try and secure legal places for the bicycle at night beginning mid next week. He has a business trip that may prevent but he clearly genuinely wants to help support this mission. This, one of maybe 30 contacts. Two others have shown some interest. I suspect the combination of scarcity of parking and political cowardice are the reasons. It's quite a concern that I may well wind up in the clutches of the police without that being my goal.

It would be an honor to have you stay at my home, the individual, the cyclist, in Silicon Valley wrote to me tonight. I have been exploring every Avenue I can, especially a cycling Support Network, to try and secure legal places for the bicycle at night beginning mid next week. He has a business trip that may prevent but he clearly genuinely wants to help support this mission. This, one of maybe 30 contacts. Two others have shown some interest. I suspect the combination of scarcity of parking and political cowardice are the reasons. It's quite a concern that I may well wind up in the clutches of the police without that being my goal.


***** I'm moved to tears. Are you hungry, the young African American city worker woman ask me? Her face looked.......

***** I'm moved to tears. Are you hungry, the young African American city worker woman ask me? Her face looked familiar, but just as though I must have glanced and seen her face sometime in the city area. Maybe today. Are you hungry, she asked, at about 2:30 or 3 o'clock this afternoon? She handed me a bag from Panera Bread as my face glowed in appreciation at the kindness of her offer. I took her hand and in reverence kissed the back of it. I'll guess she knew that I have been here in the cold and now drizzle since daybreak, in front of Center for American Progress where Netanyahu will speak tomorrow. This my pitiful, near hopeless attempt, to help encourage, help stiffen the spine of one or two souls in this building.


detail. Surgery was a success. 3 hour operation began at 11am, I was... (detail click link)

Surgery was a success.  3 hour operation  began at 11am, I was waking in Recovery by 4:30pm and in my room by 6pm.  Little pain when I am stationary, huge pain if I cough (rarely occurring), they've prescribed pain meds that seem to manage that well, too.
Great, kind, compassionate, attentive, responsive, highly trained medical team.  Thanks to Obamacare it is available to me.  
Had one of the six  or so nicest surprises of my life today, that I can remember (so profoundly and deeply sorry to any of you that have been so deeply kind to me whose extreme kindness I may be forgetting at this moment, but I'm particularly overwhelmed by this one).   Please blame it on the pain narcotics they are pumping into me.
The five others, in no particular order: 
* 55year old Gerry and early 20’s John, in their suburban neighborhood, running hugely loud power tools on the lawn, till 2am... cutting me a hugely heavy  Cross... for me to walk with 200 miles to DC... to raise action to Save Darfur;
* Beverly nearly 'ripping the throat' out of a pastor she saw should try and rescue me from an extreme hike, while on hunger strike, ‘the most ‘Christian thing she’d every seen’) for the criminally disadvantaged children of Chester PA;
*  Dave and Mary Rachel bringing their new young son X from PA (where they work 7 days per week) to see me when I was living on the streets of DC so I could devote myself to averting global warming;
*  Cathy driving from PA, just moments before hurricane Sandy was to hit DC where I was living on the streets fighting Global Warming... to rip me off of them, to safety, braving the leadinng edge of Sandy all the way back to PA for me, with me; 
* My dad... for the 28 years or so before his death... standing by me, giving me everything he had to give... despite the near total, embarrasing, zero of a person I objectively was at that time....
Oh, I could go on with another 5, or more.  Most people never see such Love even once in their Lives... I've been criminally, entirely, undeservedly over-privileged in this (and every other ) way.  

[Side note: It is important, crucial... to periodically reflect such instances of Pure Loving in one's life, and or, such instances one knows of, even if in literature... for THIS is where we've seen God, the Creator, the Divine... Loving... and they must be the Star we steer by to be, become, and do the same... with every breath.]

The potential of my physical death has never been a concern for me, except as a provider to physical dependents (offspring, woman I was married to), and now, as a possibly consequential fighter for my Family in Palestine.  But personally, hey, you go to sleep, don't wake up, the ride, your 'turn,' is over.  What is the big deal?  So the tiny but real risk of death from any substantial surgery, such as mine this morning, was no concern to me. 

Cathy, my sister in Pennsylvania, to whom I was married for decades, offered, weeks ago, to come down, and I knew she wanted to, and it was from her heart I was sure... but I said the idea was ridiculous... bus picks up and drops me off literally at the curb... of the hospital and my homeless shelter... no, I said... too much time, too much money... too much carbon... zero point or need. And that was the end of it.  Didn't hear from her since... our lives are in near totally different directions.  
Signing in at the hospital this morning I gave Cathy’s  name and my friend Jim from VA, authorization to retreaive my stuff, in the uunlikely event I croaked  (with prior instructions to them that what meager 'stuff' I have go to the world's greatest activist Diane Wilson for her work)  But to the question 'is anyone here with you?,’ and ‘who to call in case of a problem?,’ 'no one' was my reply, as always, with which I was 1000000000000% at peace.  I hate resouces going in my direction… the purpose of my life is to get Loving resources flowing to my Neediest Family for Chists sak!  I was asked the same questions, and gave the same reply when I was in final prep, just seconds  before being sedated and put under for this 3 hour operation.  'No one,' and 'no,’ answers that are such a non issue to me, so habitual for so many years now… I gave them no thought whatsoever.
Three hours later, after what seemed like 30 minutes tops to me, I was in recovery waking up, "Your ex-wife (I hate the term) Cathy is here when you are up to see her."  I'm having trouble seeing the screen, and typing, as the sobs of wonder, Joy, amazement, warmth... come back to me, many hours later, as I type this to you.  I don't recall ever, ever, ever being so overwhelmed with such a Loving act, incomprehensible… Divine.

'I wasn't sure you would be 'ok' with me coming, she said, but I needed to be here, and if upon seeing you you wanted me to leave... I was 100% prepared for that... but I needed to be here.'(and return on the six hour round trip drive).


nd. The black man got on the bus at my homeless shelter stop. I was on the way to learn of the Tumor in my lung at the Hospital. He arrived at the stop, as I did, after, the materially poor-looking older woman with the rolling suitcase. When the bus arrived, not she, but he... got on first, then she. I saw that she was talking to the driver, blocking the way for me to get on. I presumed she was asking directions, was this the right bus, or something. While I stood there I thought of how rude, how thoughtless, how inconsiderate the man was who got on first rather than letting the woman, who was there before him, to get on before he. Next thing I saw was this same man's hand appear... with all the change he could find in his pocket, I am sure. He had heard what I had not... the lady was asking the driver if she could ride even though she did not have the fare. Once we were seated, to my gladness, he accepted; the $1 I put in his hand, and she the $1 I put in hers.

nd. The black man got on the bus at my homeless shelter stop. I was on the way to learn of the Tumor in my lung at the Hospital. He arrived at the stop, as I did, after, the materially poor-looking older woman with the rolling suitcase.  When the bus arrived, not she, but he... got on first, then she.  I saw that she was talking to the driver, blocking the way for me to get on. I presumed she was asking directions, was this the right bus, or something.  While I stood there I thought of how rude, how thoughtless, how inconsiderate the man was who got on first rather than letting the woman, who was there before him, to get on before he.  Next thing I saw was this same man's hand appear... with all the change he could find in his pocket, I am sure.  He had heard what I had not... the lady was asking the driver if she could ride even though she did not have the fare.  Once we were seated, to my gladness, he accepted; the $1 I put in his hand, and she the $1 I put in hers.


This good young woman, Intern from Alabama, turning do-gooder living in Dom Repub, reporting on her Socktober for we poor.

Socktober! Thanks for all the donations so far! Last week of sock acquisition! Message me for details if you have some socks to donate.
Look at all the socks for our homeless friends downtown! #socktober #leastofthesedc



Traveling across town to chemo last week, walking from the homeless 'clubhouse' in Georgetown for my 2wice yearly shower and laundary toward the hospital, I took a different route, and saw a North Face store. I didn't know there were North Face stores.

Some very Kind folks, 1.5 years ago, took me to REI in Alexandria, to get some life and death essentials, including a replacement for the 8 year old, worn-out backpack that I live out of.  The REI replacement was a North Face, and has been wonderful, but a tear occurred near one of the shoulder straps, and, having taught myself to sew, I'd repaired it, but it is in a difficult spot, and I've been worried, trying to nurse it, having no funds to replace it.

So, I went in the store, "Do you have a repair kit?  I've sewn it, but I don't think it is going to hold much longer."

"Oh, too bad you sewed it.  North Face has a lifetime guarantee. (I had zero idea. I HAD called REI and was told, not unkindly, 'well, we might be able to do something for you, if you really think that is fair, but if you've used it every day for 1.5 years...." So, I didn't pursue that.) "We have a lifetime warranty, but because you sewed it, I don't think the home office well honor it..."

"...So, we will give you a full credit for what you payed REI and let you use it in the store,' interrupted the young store manager, overhearing the conversation.  I was dumbfounded. I remain dumbfounded.

This may have been a kind exception - I mean, I bought from REI - maybe he correctly guessed I was homeless, penniless, and went beyond the rules. 

Do not use this story to gouge them, ok?  PATRONIZE THEM!!!!

"So shines a good deed in a weary world," Willy Wonka