The racist worldview of Arthur Balfour. Link
Speaking about israel-palestine is really pretty simple. We need to put our faith in responsibly seeing the truth as clearly as possible and speaking the truth is clearly as possible. And we need to accept that not one in a million people want to know the truth. To those who do it is enough to clearly distinguish between the zionists, the equivalent of the KKK, and the Jews, the ones heroically fighting for justice for Palestine. It's really pretty simple. We just need to accept that almost no one wants to know the truth.
Speaking about israel-palestine is really pretty simple. We need to put our faith in responsibly seeing the truth as clearly as possible and speaking the truth is clearly as possible. And we need to accept that not one in a million people want to know the truth. To those who do it is enough to clearly distinguish between the zionists, the equivalent of the KKK, and the Jews, the ones heroically fighting for justice for Palestine. It's really pretty simple. We just need to accept that almost no one wants to know the truth.
No sir, just one, human rights, starting with those most violated. This in response to the man, wow, he said, you're involved with a lot of issues, obviously disturbed, who......
No sir, just one, human rights, starting with those most violated. This in response to the man, wow, he said, you're involved with a lot of issues, obviously disturbed, who....... kept clutched in his hand the money he had thought to donate as he asked me to stop on the side of the road to talk with he and his friend. When he saw the free Palestine on the left front tire, he changed his mind. It was wonderfully awkward.
Nearly half of Israeli Jews support extrajudicial killings of Palestinians
EFLIUS: We're lost, the future is lost, I can't just sit and watch, not as long as I have breath. I'm exploring US for others that are the same.
EFLIUS: We're lost, the future is lost, I can't just sit and watch, not as long as I have breath. I'm exploring US for others that are the same.
### Early September I depart possibly the day after my consult with my cancer doctor. And if she can't meet with me soon enough.....
### Early September I depart possibly the day after my consult with my cancer doctor. And if she can't meet with me soon enough I'll just leave anyway. My current guess is soon as September 2nd. In the meantime I'll be occupying the campuses in the Washington DC Region as folks return to college. I'll occupy with free Palestine Fusion Bikar.
I had a criminally over privileged upbringing, as continued most of my adulthood. In my youth I did nothing besides watch television. I read almost nothing. But I remember reading The Diary of Anne Frank and what I value in myself today, and in my life as I live it now, might not be there had I not read that book. Unlike my Zionist sisters and brothers that took the lesson, never again to us, the lesson seared into my soul forever I took from it was, never again to anyone.
I had a criminally over privileged upbringing, as continued most of my adulthood. In my youth I did nothing besides watch television. I read almost nothing. But I remember reading The Diary of Anne Frank and what I value in myself today, and in my life as I live it now, might not be there had I not read that book. Unlike my Zionist sisters and brothers that took the lesson, never again to us, the lesson seared into my soul forever I took from it was, never again to anyone.
Neocons pushed America into Iraq War for the benefit of Israel.
Manic depression? Metamorphosis? Both I suspect. Inseparable I suspect. Tho I can't cite the studies off hand I think there's a high correlation......
Manic depression? Metamorphosis? Both I suspect. Inseparable I suspect.
Tho I can't cite the studies off hand I think there's a high correlation between the highly creative, high contributors, and some form of manic depression. I don't think it's much different than how I was as a world-class skier. You give your last drop of self to the downhill run, then you sit totally spent on the chair lift for a long time. Then repeat, repeat, repeat... gradually but surely becoming stronger, more competent, even more filled with joy and pain.
This morning here at the DNC after receiving a lovely smile and loving comment from a young Palestinian woman, and then thinking for the very first time to order some Palestinian fair trade olive oil https://www.canaanusa.com/shop/community-support/ bringing me in closer personal contact with the part of my family I've been so devoted to for so long now, I'm overwhelmed with emotion. Sobbing.
So much accumulated grief.
Partly exhaustion. For the last 2 days my mind has been unwilling to shut down, little to no sleep, an Unstoppable torrent of thoughts... a yearning and now detailed planning to undertake a cross-country trip to try and encounter and ignite Souls able to rekindle human spirit should any there still be, a Cascade of breakthroughs regarding the free Palestine solar vehicle on issues I've been pondering enhancements I've been looking to along a myriad of dimensions, major major breakthroughs in my understanding of the physics and mechanics of this solar vehicle as to how much energy it takes from me the Sun climbing descents energy generation and output... absolute explosion of and leaps in understanding.
This after after weeks of high productivity coupled with despondency over the world and the utterly disgusting DNC et cetera. The journey continues. James
August priorities for James. Issues: 1. Interfere with the American Israeli extermination of Palestinians. 2. Stand for the Human rights of Americans who are black, especially in Washington DC where I reside. (Although.....
August priorities for James.
1. Interfere with the American Israeli extermination of Palestinians.
2. Stand for the Human rights of Americans who are black, especially in Washington DC where I reside. (Although this has been, is, and will always be a major priority of mine, I'm disappointed to find that rarely can I stand with organized actions as I find them little more than Tantrums which can only hurt the cause.)
3. Maintain currency on strategic Global issues.
Expectations of James for August:
1. Research and outline the housing, income and job situation and Prospects for Americans who are black and or poor in the Washington DC region, to inform my ongoing advocacy work and possibly to inform the work of others.
1b. Provide written input on Washington's Consolidated plan.
2. Keep visible the violation of Palestinian human rights around Washington DC primarily by positioning the free Palestine vehicle in the public eye in strategic locations, and secondarily by a low level of republishing informed articles and such..
3. Maintain and upgrade the free Palestine vehicle.
4. Re-establish personally living fully in solidarity with the global neediest. Improve my ability to maintain longer work hours and reduce physical and psychological fatigue.
5. Basic but substantially reduced currency in strategic Global moral issues utilizing Facebook, Google Alert, and blogger.
### " you have arrived!" If you have ever let Google guide your trip with voice prompts you know what I'm referring to. So far, I'm easily amused, I laugh..........
### " you have arrived!" If you have ever let Google guide your trip with voice prompts you know what I'm referring to. So far, I'm easily amused, I laugh every time. As I pull up to this flea-bitten Motel, you have arrived, as though I've just driven up to the Trump Towers. Hysterical. Yes, indeed, I have arrived. I'm getting smarter, less stupid, about the free Palestine vehicle. More expert in terms of managing my speed for efficiency and Aesthetics and stamina. I'm finally getting quite good at it which is satisfying. Also good at managing my panels. There's really quite a lot to it. I have two panels. If one is in the shade either from my caution Flags or because the vehicle is shadowing it on the trailer from the Sun it drops the other panel to the same level all the way down to zero. But if I detatch that panel that's in the shades and I no longer lose the panel in the Sun. Boring I know but I find it quite interesting and satisfying to optimize the vehicle. I had a rude surprise, a battery failed much earlier than I thought it would to zero power. I later discovered to my satisfaction that it was in fact a broken cable which I have at least temporarily repaired. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock the graphics place in Columbia Maryland will replace the solar signage on the left hand side of the vehicle with the loving is Jesus religion, wagers of loving the only Revolutionaries, motif that is my primary offering to the world. And then barring any disasters back to DC by tomorrow night. Listened to dozens of articles on my way here today. And will spend several hours now stocking up on more articles to listen to in the six hours or so of travel that I have left. Aside from quite a bit of solar power despite the clouds, my fuel was about a gallon of chocolate milk and a gallon of sweet tea. Dinner will probably be some similar combination. Being tired and with goals to meet in terms of time my patience was pretty low with a, is it pedal-powered, does it have a motor, how fast does it go, does it have doors????? I'm not proud of it but my patience was pretty short. The world is on fire and all we have is meaningless questions. It surprises me, and I think it is something quite new, it surprises me the number of folks that say, good job for free Palestine. When I get comments it's that. Virtually no negative comments. Two years ago it would have been quite different. Midday beautiful gaggle of kids in a family we're getting out of their vehicle as I pulled up in the space next to it at a convenience store to get some chocolate milk. They were so appropriately thrilled with the vehicle the dad had on his yarmulke as did one or two of the older young boys. It seems unlikely that they did not notice the freeze Palestine on my hat and on the vehicle. I certainly didn't direct attention to it and they didn't bring it up. They parents were relaxed and the kids just enjoyed the heck out of the vehicle and of course I enjoyed finding their enthusiasm. Inside I mention to the mom who was quite tiny herself what a beautiful family she had such a life children. She said, alive, what a perfect word. Thank you. Early this morning in the Magnificent Brandywine Valley back roads, an hour and a half after I departed, before the sun had really risen in the sky, my first battery died on schedule. I pulled in at the top of an opulent driveway to change the battery. Within moments of fella in shorts and a t-shirt came out from his yard across the road, hi, what a wonderful vehicle, can I ask you about it. I stifled my inclination to say, bud, I've got a 90 Mile Drive ahead of me, and smiled sincerely and warmly and we spoke for probably half an hour. He's a scientist probably at Dupont or someplace. Made it known quickly that he's Jewish after seeing the free Palestine signage which he was very happy with. Said, boy the Holocaust really screwed up the Jews. I immediately corrected him, some Jews, and others it has brought out their incredible godliness. He readily agreed. We spoke for some time and he was very interested in My Views. He made it clear that his relatives are Jewish and his stance for Palestinian human rights has cost him significantly for which he has no regrets. James
### "As recently as two years ago, Wiesel called Israel’s attacks on Gaza, which killed hundreds of children, entirely the fault of Hamas, who were practising “child sacrifice” and “barbarism.” His inevitably lofty moral justifications for these actions rang ... dubiously... It’s interesting that pro-Israel (or at least not anti-Israel) critics of Israel, such as American Jews Peter Beinart or Max Blumenthal, didn’t hesitate to critique........
### "As recently as two years ago, Wiesel called Israel’s attacks on Gaza, which killed hundreds of children, entirely the fault of Hamas, who were practising “child sacrifice” and “barbarism.” His inevitably lofty moral justifications for these actions rang ... dubiously... It’s interesting that pro-Israel (or at least not anti-Israel) critics of Israel, such as American Jews Peter Beinart or Max Blumenthal, didn’t hesitate to critique Wiesel even moments after his death. They objected to his refusal to raise questions about anything done by Israel’s governments (“I must identify with whatever Israel does — even with her errors”) and about his full-throated support for U.S. wars endorsed by Israel against Iraq or Libya, and his opposition to a U.S. peace with Iran." https://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2016/07/15/elie-wiesel-was-the-beacon-who-lost-his-way-salutin.html
Zionists infiltrate, pervert, Egyptian government. Israel and Egypt enjoying 'Best Times Ever'
Jewish Settlers, Attacked, Needed Help. A Palestinian Doctor Didn’t Hesitate.
‘I was wrong in my presumption that Israel desired peace’ – US ambassador Chas Freeman
### A friend asked me... The Israeli apartheid state is one of your core issues, and I was wondering if you might be able to recommend any pertinent literature on the subject?........ 😃 correction, human rights is my only issue, and therefore the u.s. Israel decimation of Palestinian human rights, a genocide executed by my country, the world's sole superpower, is my top agenda item and with respect I believe it is the top agenda item of every individual on Earth that has retained a large portion of their soul. Indeed, genocide is rightly the red line for every such person. The ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Ilan pappe is the definitive work on the subject. Like everyone who speaks for Israel he has paid an immense price for..........
### A friend asked me... The Israeli apartheid state is one of your core issues, and I was wondering if you might be able to recommend any pertinent literature on the subject?........
😃 correction, human rights is my only issue, and therefore the u.s. Israel decimation of Palestinian human rights, a genocide executed by my country, the world's sole superpower, is my top agenda item and with respect I believe it is the top agenda item of every individual on Earth that has retained a large portion of their soul. Indeed, genocide is rightly the red line for every such person.
The ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Ilan pappe is the definitive work on the subject. Like everyone who speaks for Israel he has paid an immense price for speaking the truth and in his case being self-exiled from Israel to secure a position in teaching in England. As with the others I mentioned below there are our long talks by him on YouTube that are an excellent way of getting up to speed.
As I usually say to those that ask me to direct them to sources on this viciously disputed topic, I recommend that they review the sources that I provide and the first thing they should ask themselves, well, James said that his view is based on scholarly sources, are the sources he is pointing to me to scholarly? I recommend that same question to you. For myself, I don't have the time or interest to build my activism in life on quicksand, on trash from the left, or trash from the right. I'm interested in the truth, and I'll pay near any personal price to find it and then stand on it.
Miko Peled is an Israeli whose father was a famous General in the '67 and '47 Colonial assaults, rapes, plunders, lootings of Palestine. His book, The General's son, is immensely credible and you will easily find numerous hour-long Talks by him on YouTube as he wages a Truth campaign around the country.
If Americans knew, Alison Weir. She has been a truth Warrior since the early 2000s. Her book by that title is a fairly fast read. Roughly half of it is scholarly citations as I recall. And as with Miko, on YouTube you can and should find roughly our long talks as she goes around the country.
Mondoweiss and electronic intifada are absolutely rigorous, truth based, very scholarly, high integrity data sources daily for what's going on.
An age of fools, William Cook. I came across this long synopsis of this book only last week. Had I come across it several years ago before I go so deep into the scholarly inquiry of what the hell was going on between Israel and Palestine, I probably would have quickly discarded it as not believable, not credible, not fact-based. But instead I read it last week and from the perspective of years of rigorous study I found it the most truthful, courageous, important summary of what's going on and has been going on that I can think of. I'm glad I have the years of study to be able to spot the several areas that I still think are questionable in this article. But 98% of it is absolute truth. http://www.countercurrents.org/polya031215.htm
I stopped adding to the following page a year or so ago because the story just doesn't change, it just keeps getting more Savage, more brutal, more cruel , more damning of we Americans that fund it and allow it, and longer. These were the sources that I had built my understanding on which was sufficiently strong that my last Hunger Strike , 52 days, requiring Georgetown University Hospital 8 days to enable me to survive it at the end, was built by that time on sources including these. http://jesusgodgoodetcnjay.blogspot.com/2015/08/scholarly-links-on-israel-palestine.html And https://picasaweb.google.com/105834340090771270335/ZioniHolocaust
I am heartbroken by and therefore scathing of the cruel mockery that United States activism has made of the term peace activist for all the decades since Martin Luther King was assassinated. There are some exceptions, and they thereby prove the rule. The glaring exception that I see, the large and growing exception that I see, are the Jews in the United States and Israel that fight with their very lives, their careers, their intellect, their souls, their time, their money, their deep morality, relentlessly for human rights for Palestine. If one ever wondered whether campaigning for human rights for Palestine is anti-Semitic one only need to look at the work of Jewish voice for peace, breaking the silence, if not now, students for justice in Palestine, open Hillel....
Oh, and Haaretz, the paper of Record in Israel of all places! They are for Israel what the New York Times is supposed to be in the United States, the paper of National Record. But the New York Times is the most disgusting, blood-drenched, propaganda arm of Netanyahu's Israeli Nazi Genocide machine.
The UK Guardian also is quite consistently truthful.
99% of the UK and u.s. press act as propaganda arms for Israel, largely because they know that their careers will be assassinated on the spot should they Mumble the truth. The history is clear. Regardless of how senior a reporter may be, within a week or two of mentioning the truth their career is destroyed, they are made an example of, and no one else Ventures there. The same has been done to the US House and Senate. Our American value system is such that we will assassinate other people's children to protect the financial interests of our own.
***** Oddly enough I identify more as a Jew, with Jews, than than any other group I can think of at the moment. Intellectually driven, of immense conscience, almost unable to not follow conscience. The group I next most identify with are Muslims. Modest, humble, nearly unable to not be generous. Least with the billion + terrorist group, pathologically supremacist, cancerously acquisitive and domineering and raping and plundering... Christians.
***** Oddly enough I identify more as a Jew, with Jews, than than any other group I can think of at the moment. Intellectually driven, of immense conscience, almost unable to not follow conscience. The group I next most identify with are Muslims. Modest, humble, nearly unable to not be generous. Least with the billion + terrorist group, pathologically supremacist, cancerously acquisitive and domineering and raping and plundering, psychotically delusional, willfully out of touch with reality , murderously selfish... Christians. I identify with Jesus. Jesus was a Jew. Jesus was never a Christian. Jesus would never have been a Christian.