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Showing posts with label Christlikeness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christlikeness. Show all posts


The real damage is done by those millions who want to 'survive.' The honest....

The real damage is done by those millions who want to 'survive.' The honest... men who just want to be left in peace. Those who don’t want their little lives disturbed by anything bigger than themselves. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won’t take measure of their own strength, for fear of antagonizing their own weakness. Those who don’t like to make waves—or enemies. Those for whom freedom, honour, truth, and principles are only literature. Those who live small, mate small, die small. It’s the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it small, you’ll keep it under control. If you don’t make any noise, the bogeyman won’t find you. But it’s all an illusion, because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn.


Extremely serious, honest, question: Do you think it coincidence that by following my teachings you would increase the loving, decrease the hating, in the world? Jesus

James here. How is it in the middle of the night last night Awakening to the thought, how is it that after 68 years, most adoring the man Jesus what he stood for and what I thought he taught, how am I just now understanding this? Above? I mean, has it been articulated to me any place? Did Tolstoy say it? Did King and Gandhi say it? Did the gospels say it  clearly? Does any church say it?  Do any Advocates of so-called nonviolent action articulate it, understand it? I am not challenging you. I am feeling challenged. As of this moment James is thinking that if he has helped birth contribution into the the world it is this.

 Turn the other cheek, give your cloak also.... I only Now understand.


"... the doctrine of Christ is based on the metaphysical principle of love, the supreme law, that should guide us in our daily life and which admits of no exception." L Tolstoy

... Christ's teaching should not be considered as
entirely new, standing out distinctly from former beliefs, it is only the clearer and more precise expression of the principle that previous religions divined and taught instinctively. Thus it is that instead of love being merely one of the virtues, as it was for



This book created the three greatest souls of the last 150 years, Tolstoy, MLK Jr, Gandhi, and fed Walter Rauschenbush, and countless others, directly and indirectly.




THIS FOLDER HAS THE NOW COMPLETE AND CLEAN WORKS.  ADDITIONAL FORMATS WILL BE ADDED.  The word  documents in particular can be cleanly READ TO YOU while you  are otherwise occupied with mindless tasks with @voice (smartphone) or similar apps.

I find error in this work, if that is the correct word.  And I think it is not error, but strategic calculation on the part of Tolstoy.  I'm quite sure, strategic decision.

What is that? It is entirely Jesus teaching's centric. But as clarified in the final 2 chapters of his The Kingdom of God is Within You, the book that created Gandhi, he was deeply aware of how many millions, now billions, knew of Jesus, and thereby the potential of shocking out of the dogma into Jesus human teachings. 

Point being, I do not believe that Tolstoy preferred the truths of Jesus vs the truths of Confucious, Buddha, Hillel, Amos, Muhammad... where they overlap with those of Jesus.  Truth is Truth, Math is Math.


Profoundly Rich few sentences. Must read. The Paradise in this life of loving community, worth even dying for.

Early Christians did not regard martyrs as victims, but as people who
manifested the power of God. When faced with Rome's coercive threats, the martyrs held fast to their freedom and their relationships within their Christian community. They would not surrender these to an oppressive power. Rome chose to kill them, but they chose to preserve life in paradise. They had already experienced paradise in their earthly life,
and they knew death would not take that from them. Their
witness encouraged others to trust that violence in the worst forms imaginable could not separate them from their beloved community or cut them off from their source of life
and power. A martyr's death was a
paradox; in refusing to submit to unjust power, the martyr witnessed to the true power that generated paradise on earth.


Saving Paradise, nuggets of immense wealth and piles of manure. Here is a nugget.....

Rev. William Ellery Channing (1780-1842), preached that the human capacities for reason, affection, imagination, will, creativity, aesthetic sensitivity, and moral conscience reflected the imago dei. He said that Christ came to restore the obscured image of God in humanity, the "impulse to what is divine within us." The divine likeness in humanity was found not in supernatural or miraculous gifts but in the human faculties of "understanding, conscience, love, and the moral will." 42 Channing's parishioners applied his imago dei preaching to a range of issues. Margaret Fuller advocated for women's rights. Elizabeth Palmer Peabody started a movement for early childhood education that treated children with reverence. Horace Mann labored to establish free public education for all children, who without it would be inhibited from growing their souls. Lydia Maria Child protested Indian removal and agitated for an end to slavery. She pushed Channing to see that his theology required him to support the antislavery cause. However, Channing's elite Boston congregation was full of merchants whose wealth was built on the labor of slaves, and he was reluctant to call for abolition. For most of his ministry, he protected the comfortable life of his congregants and his affectionate relationships with them. When he finally took a strong, public antislavery stand in 1841, near the end of his life, it cost him his pulpit in a congregation he had served for nearly forty years. 43 Though Channing eventually took a costly stand, his caution in publicly supporting abolition was typical of elite white Christians, who advocated some social reforms but balked at those that would disrupt their privileged identity as "true Americans." That identity, forged by genocide and slavery, maintained Anglo-Saxon economic, social, and political superiority in relationship to African Americans and Native Americans. Many, though morally troubled by slavery, were reluctant jg6 Saving Paradise to relinquish its economic advantages. Slaveholding Quaker families in Maryland and Pennsylvania enjoyed wealth and prominence. 44 White women werejust as inclined as white men to advocate for the end of slavery while also wishing to preserve racial hierarchies. Though many white women labored...  


Extremely important update. Joy is the answer, LSGIABeing is the way.

What if there might be a cure for cancer? What if you see what might be a cure for cancer? You go for it? I mean do you try and develop it? What if it turns out you were a fool? What if you have almost zero chance, one in a trillion?

Ever since the birth of my two biological offspring I have been operating on a theory that joy is the answer.  

As a young, socially crippled, socially unable, socially repugnant young executive in high-tech, I have operated on the theory that Joy is the answer. That human beings as the most powerful creatures known in the universe, that their output and the Purity, goodness, creativity, brilliance, of their output could only be maximized when they were aligned with the pursuit of joy, not pleasure, not happiness, not Comfort,  not wealth, not even personal survival, etc etc etc,  but only when aligned with the opportunity for joy. And in Industry despite how incredibly unpalatable I am personally, the results were impossibly astonishing.

And where is the opportunity for joy? Probably unlike anything else in the Human Experience there is a sure and certain answer. Totally within the control of each individual regardless of circumstances. So it can be extremely difficult and seem impossible, it is never beyond the grasp of any individual.

I believe that a man like Jesus referred to it as Soul, having the soul in charge, living out of the Soul. Serving from the soul in solidarity with the neediest. Living out of our capacity to be, by whatever words or none. But our language has been so corrupted over the centuries that I suggest that this cumbersome assembly of words, loving soul of goodness in action being is necessary. 

Nothing blindly is done by me, to a fault, and each step along the way this Theory, that joy is the answer, has been studied by me, challenged by me, practiced by me, refined by me, at each step of the way I remain willing to throw it out. But instead every day week month year decade teaches me that it could be the cure to everything important to the human species and now to all species that we are Exterminating.

It is too late to save the human species and the rest of the species were destroying. The cancer caused by not pursuing joy as a species, except the one in a million, is far too advanced.

But there is still you, there is me, and there is the one in a million that we might  impact,  to help resurrect  their joy, to save them from the prevailing joylessness, to resurrect their LSGIA Being. 

I had no idea that not only be human giant Jesus, the colored guy, not the white fiction, but not only Jesus but all of the Giants of humanity, Confucius, Buddha, Etc were pointing in this direction if not grasping it fully. In fact Jesus the colored guy, the real one, maybe the one that did grasp it. Fight every historical measure he had zero interest in a life after this one if he believed there was one. By all reliable scholarship he was convinced that each individual could find and live a life of Joy, Heaven if you will, in this one.

The other giants like Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, it seems that it was more instrumental for them although my study is far from complete. They saw it as a way, what I call loving soul of goodness in action being, they saw this as a way of ending the Carnage that each of them were living in culturally. Jesus did forsee the Jews were going to be destroyed but it seems that he was not seeing that that could be stopped, but that each individual despite the oppression and impending destruction by the Romans, that each individual could live in joy, Heaven, every breath, despite their impossible circumstances.

To me this is way more than the equivalent of curing cancer. And I expect to be redoubling my pitiful inadequate efforts to try and work on Bridging the Gap.
Much of it for the coming weeks will be online, trying to improve what has already been created by me, my blog, and, as a more effective cure, in the unlikely event of the one-in-a-million susceptible to cure wanders into them.

All thoughtful , constructive, serious comments, contributions, insights from you are welcome.


Vaillant.... The “Way” of Confucius led neither to Heaven nor to Yahweh’s favor,but rather to a “condition of transcendent goodness.>>>

In a China torn to pieces by tribal
strife, Kong Qiu (551–479 BCE)—whose name in the West is Confucius—worked out the moral principles of the New Testament 500 years before Christ and 2,500 years before Schweitzer and Gandhi. The “Way” of Confucius led neither to Heaven nor to Yahweh’s favor,but rather to a “condition of transcendent


Dear friends, notice: I see this very very infrequently among my small circle, but those few that Express themselves, that experience themselves, as quote against the other side, unquote it's time for this to stop or for us to unfriend each other. I have hope in, and........

Dear friends, notice: I see this very very infrequently among my small circle, but those few that Express themselves, that experience themselves, as quote against the other side, unquote it's time for this to stop or for us to unfriend each other. I have hope in, and I only have time to affiliate with, those who are for every creature unconditionally, and against every Injustice unconditionally. No exceptions.  Never against another creature, including another human being. Never. Never. Never against another group, not for any breath, ever. Against Injustice? With all our might. Against bigotry? With all our might. Against oppression, violence? With every fiber of our being. Never ever us against them. Don't do it, or we need to stop wasting each other's time. Militants,  passionately, VA, forcefully, relentlessly , unequivocally for the dignity, sanity, rights, good, fundamental needs of every creature, especially every human being, or we need to stop wasting each other's time. No exceptions. No exceptions for even a moment. It's too little too late for that. Whenever you see me doing it please call me out.


***** To the core of 6 or so individuals in DC government and nonprofits that I see working so honestly, courageously, humanely , intelligently, selflessly, in solidarity with the homeless and or poor in the DC region: I remain with you in spirit and gratitude, but my body, not so much. I'm called to Explorer For Life, Spirit, Humanity, reverence for life, Wonder, awe, willingness to stand for the next Generations... I'm called to explore and see if this exists in sufficient quantity in US to give........

To the core of 6 or so individuals in DC government and nonprofits that  I see working so honestly,  courageously, humanely , intelligently, selflessly, in solidarity with the homeless and or poor in the  DC region: I remain with you in spirit and gratitude, but my body, not so much.

I'm called to Explorer For Life, Spirit, Humanity, reverence for life, Wonder, awe, willingness to stand for the next Generations...  I'm called to explore and see if this exists in sufficient quantity in  US to give the next Generations a future. Sadly it is clear to me that it absolutely is not available in sufficient quantity in Washington DC, present company I hope, excepted.

I really have no hope that it's out there but it's the only thing that can save us if kindled or rekindled and I need to go give it a shot. My primary Mentor, the man Jesus, said, love as I have loved, and I shall continue to try to do just that,  for the nowhere else to be found joy of it. For the nowhere else to be found piece of heart of it. For the nowhere else to be found Hope of it.

It has totally absorbed me these recent weeks preparation including technical leading-edge enhancements to the Free Palestine Solar Fusion Bike Car Sailer. Hence my absence from the otherwise very important meetings.

Tomorrow morning as early as 3 a.m. to avoid the murderous DC traffic I expect to be pedaling My Way South. Plan A currently within me is to return by mid-november from the most southern portions of Florida before the weather gets too bad up here, for a few months rest, to briefly rejoin you, and to prepare for a year or so Journey.. But Plan B also seems to be quite active and that is to continue around the country for a year or several years doing what I can.

Again, as I reflect on this call with in my chest, the words of my brother Jesus come to mind, I came to bring a fire and oh how I wish it were raging. That's how I feel. I've got to continue to try. LOL. Yes, it is absolutely ridiculous. But I cannot not try.

It has been a privilege to work with each of you. You might think that I'm abandoning ship, or was never serious to begin with. I've never been more serious than in the work that I attempted to do alongside of you and it is exactly because of how important that work is that I am called to go do what I'm called to do.

I have come to think of what you  do as sort of the mash unit in the middle of the war. Unless some folks cause the war to stop the mash unit cannot succeed.

And stopping the war, stopping the war of soon terminal to all life on Earth mindless greed that we all in this culture consider virtue, will require an anti-violent army. I must go see if one can be raised.







### Everything I value in myself came from my dad. Most......

### Everything I value in myself came from my dad. Most amazing person, most Godly, most loving, I've ever encountered personally. Incredible blessing to me. Immense over-privilege mine, and responsibility. Just the other day I was wondering what he would think if he saw me now. Lol. The last he knew me he was in his two-million-dollar house which he had created for us, not for himself, in one of the wealthiest towns in the world. He was born into poverty. Material property. I think he would be very surprised to see me, but I think he would smile, shake his head, and not be displeased. Yeah, I can hear a warm laugh. He's been physically gone from me for about 30 years now. He and my mom were both on their second marriage and had me very late in life. Some apples fall close to the tree, some fall very far away as did my two female siblings.