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Showing posts with label CONSCIENCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CONSCIENCE. Show all posts


My teaching consists in doing the will of the spirit, which gives me life. He who does this will know that it is the truth, for he will not do what seems good to him,.....

My teaching consists in doing the will of the spirit, which gives me life. He who does this will know that it is the truth, for he will not do what seems good to him, but what seems good to the spirit which lives within him. Your law of Moses is not the eternal law, and so those who follow it do not execute the eternal law, and do wro


My new jury, advisory board, my new compass.

At earlier times these last 20 years it has been instrumental to my work, Focus, Insight, accountability, discipline to live in front of a jury, a clientele. Come to think of it, that was completely instrumental to 25 years as an executive in high-tech.

In recent months or maybe years that has been missing.

Recent days or weeks there have been troubling moments when oh, James, why are you obsessing over this trivial concern? Why are you so indecisive on various things? Why are you spending so much time on Facebook? Why are you not devoting more time to the study that you understand is so crucial?

This in the last day or so has reminded me of this earlier practice. And summoning has been begun to my imagination of the jury again, The Advisory Board, all of the figures at [] but especially now, not only the man Jesus, but Buddha, Confucius as I am coming to know them through the invaluable book by Karen Armstrong, the great transformation.

Oh, and my clients, the one in a million that can be saved, their soul can be put back in charge, among the survivors decades or centuries in the future, and maybe one or two today.

This feels quite promising. Grounding. A necessary means of keeping my limbic system, the seat of my conscience and vision and wisdom, in charge.


Loevinger asks us to focus on three sequential adult stages: the conformist, the conscientious, and the autonomous. In Loevinger’s... >>>

Loevinger asks us to focus on three sequential adult stages: the conformist, the conscientious, and the autonomous. In Loevinger’s conformist stages, morality is evaluated in terms of concrete externals rather than in terms of emotions. You love a woman if you give her an engagement ring. You can be trusted to have a child when you have a valid marriage license. You were admirable if you enlisted in the United States Marines in January 1942. Russiais “the Evil Empire,” and the American
flag is emblazoned with colors that don’t
run. Most laws and most religious
dogma work at this level. So do the
minds of a lot of devout patriots in all of
the world’s nations. If you are not with
us, you are against us.
As individuals mature, they reach
Loevinger’s conscientious stage. Love
means you put your mate’s needs above
your own lust. You can be trusted to
have children when you are able to care
for them properly. You learn to entertain
the possibility that a man might still have
been admirable if in 1942 he preferred
jail as a conscientious objector to killing
other human beings. You value
ecumenical religious services, andsometimes you support the United Nations over your own country’s interests. You learn to differentiate your emotions and master Piagetian formal operations. Loevinger believes, and I agree, that
some, but not most, adults evolve further into what she calls the autonomous stage. By autonomous she means trusting others to be autonomous. Rather than giving the hungry a fish, you teach them how to catch fish themselves. Defining love becomes more difficult than just the


***** I am alone, isolated, fighting alone, ( and every breath filled with joy and peace ) because 15 years ago I did what terrifies Americans, what terrifies westerners, what terrifies we over-privileged, what terrifies liberals, what terrifies activist-inos... more than anything else in the world. I gave up. I surrendered. I refused to......

***** I am alone, isolated, fighting alone, ( and every breath filled with joy and peace ) because 15 years ago I did what terrifies Americans, what terrifies westerners, what terrifies we over-privileged, what terrifies liberals, what terrifies activist-inos... more than anything else in the world. I gave up. I surrendered. I refused to fight anymore... I refused any longer to fight my heart. I refused any longer to fight my conscience. They had been nagging at me my entire disgustingly over privileged life. I at long last caved, I gave in. I found within me a vow that I have adhered to ever since. I didn't make a vow,  as I find doing such things terribly counterproductive. I found the vow in my heart and I surrender to it for the greedy Joy of it. That vow that I found there and surrender to was that I would give my life to my human and nonhuman family on Earth as best I could with every breath. That I would never again prostitute myself to the values, machines, organizations, systems of Our Sick culture for one second, not for 1 cent, regardless of the personal consequences, that I would give my life and not divert one second to earning a life for myself. If my sisters and brothers were happy to let me expire, that wasn't my business, that wasn't my concern, and I would not  divert a second to that. And with never a second thought because of the overwhelming peace and joy of that path, and because of the singular hope that that path gives, I have never looked back, only forward to the absolute joy and peace and hope of that decision, that direction, of that path. That is,  I finally said yes to what we westerners have been taught to avoid with our last breath, I said yes to heart in charge ( not to be confused with self-indulgent sentimentality ) and thereby I allowed the material world that I had been taught to Crave as a Westerner to totally disintegrate, to totally turn against me because of the path that I walk. Again, never for one breath have I looked back because of the overwhelming joy and peace, every breath, and extreme pain of the suffering world that is my fuel, of that path. I gave into truth Force. I gave in to soulforce. I surrendered to my heart. I have worked assiduously to keep my heart in charge ever since and with very very very few moments of error, I have succeeded. It is heaven, the heaven that has always been written of, and the heaven not one in a million find. But it is the heaven that every true activist lives in by whatever words, or no words at all. The one in a Million. Obviously I use every neuron in my head, infinitely more than most. Obviously I find physical strength despite my stage 4 cancer and age that many people can't imagine. That's what the heart in charge does. I use my head. I use my flesh. More particularly my heart, that I deliberately and scrupulously keep in charge, uses  both my head and my flesh to the fullest. But I never make the mistake of letting them,  my head or flesh, be in charge, only my heart, with no credit to me. Finally, after 45 years of having my head and flesh in charge, I surrendered, I gave up, to my heart, my soul, my conscience. My heart has been my loving, immensely harsh, unimaginably wise master ever since. And so I am physically alone, and certainly will remain physically alone, and relatively materially impoverished, as a consequence, a price that I pay every day without a shred of regret, for the greedy, infinite,  joy and peace of Heart of it.


***** 127 Student's Expulsion over Conscientious Refusal to Sing National Anthem... OVERTURNED.

A courtroom

Tanzania’s Highest Court Upholds Human Rights of Witness Students

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania—The Court of Appeal of Tanzania, the country’s highest court, unanimously ruled on July 12, 2013, that schools in the Mbeya region violated the religious freedom of 127 students who were either expelled from school or disciplined after their conscientious refusal to sing the national anthem.
In 2007, the Shikula School Board expelled five Witness youths after they refused to sing the national anthem. Additionally, primary and secondary schools in the region disciplined 122 other Witness youths for the same reason. After appealing unsuccessfully to national education officials and the prime minister, the 127 students sought legal redress in the High Court of Tanzania, the second highest court in the country. The High Court supported the expulsion, though their decision was not unanimous. Subsequently, on December 2, 2010, the students applied to the Court of Appeal. According to court documents, the ruling by the Court of Appeal “quash[es] and set[s] aside” the decision of the High Court and nullifies any of its consequences.
Zadok Mwaipwisi, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tanzania, states: “We are happy with the court’s decision and the support it has shown for the conscientious stand of these young people. This victory confirms the constitutional right of freedom of religion not only for Jehovah’s Witnesses but for all citizens of Tanzania.”
Media Contact(s):
International: J. R. Brown, Office of Public Information, tel. +1 718 560 5000
Tanzania: Zadok Mwaipwisi, tel. +255 22 2650592



TIME: Snowden claims legal duty based on Nazi-Nuremberg international law

TIME: Snowden claims legal duty based on Nazi-Nuremberg international law

Oh, and my comment on the article: 

Article concludes:  And if an implicit comparison between modern America and the Third Reich seems like a desperate measure, well, he’s a desperate man.

My comment:  

Hmmmmm.  Desperate you say?  Maybe YOU are desperately drone, or blind, or zombie, or Tory, or coward. Snowden is not desperate, except to see if maybe there is some shred of humanity, life, courage, vision, patriotism... still alive in any Americans.  May we pray that you are not the answer, dear auth-wh re for the status quo.