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Showing posts with label SANITY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SANITY. Show all posts


"The radical Christian Right calls for exclusion, cruelty and intolerance in the name of God. Its members do not commit evil for evil's sake. They commit evil to make a better world. To attain this better world, they believe, some must suffer and be silenced, and at the end of time all those who oppose them must be destroyed. The worst suffering in human history has been carried out by those who preach such grand, utopian visions, those who seek...

"The radical Christian Right calls for exclusion, cruelty and intolerance in the name of God. Its members do not commit evil for evil's sake. They commit evil to make a better world. To attain this better world, they believe, some must suffer and be silenced, and at the end of time all those who oppose them must be destroyed. The worst suffering in human history has been carried out by those who preach such grand, utopian visions, those who seek to... implant by force their narrow, particular version of goodness. This is true for all doctrines of personal salvation, from Christianity to


Depending on the culture, the poet, the dreamer, the shaman, or the religious mystic sometimes retains the capacity to regressto the mind of the three-year-old and thus retrieve early nonverbal creative powers from domination by the leftbrain rational prose. These literally visionary individuals help us to understand more fully our tenuous place in the universe.... Vaillant.

Depending on the culture, the poet, the dreamer, the shaman, or the religious mystic sometimes retains the capacity to regressto the mind of the three-year-old and thus retrieve early nonverbal creative powers from domination by the leftbrain rational prose. These literally visionary individuals help us to understand more fully our tenuous place in the universe.



If you knew that there is no heaven outside of this life ( it's true ) , and you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you be doing today? Why aren't you doing that???

If you knew that there is no heaven outside of this life ( it's true ) , and you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you be doing today? Why aren't you doing that???




### There's really only one obstacle to Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. We as a culture quite broadly want every Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. Every Justice except for the only one that matters, economic Justice, because economic Justice requires the redistribution of wealth, and the best Among Us are unwilling to have more than a penny or two Avail wealth go to those in need. I'm not condemning us. Although I think we are condemning ourselves.

### There's really only one obstacle to Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. The obstacle is not greedy corporations. The obstacle is not the government. We as a culture quite broadly want every Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. Every Justice except for the only one that matters, economic Justice, because economic Justice requires the redistribution of wealth, and the best Among Us are unwilling to have more than a penny or two of our wealth go to those in need, let alone the substantial if not massively distribution that conscience, that Humanity, that heart requires. I'm not condemning us. Although I think we are condemning ourselves. Personally my life is devoted to restructuring this value system Within Myself, and I recognize that in doing so I fashion of my life my only possibility for so influencing others in the same direction. And I do so not for any Noble goal. I do so because there in lies the only life of joy and true meaning. I do what I do for the ultimate greed of it.


I'm quite sure that 9 months from now I will be moving out of this apartment either onto the streets or back into a homeless shelter. This has been a terrific expenditure , the rent I pay every......

I'm quite sure that 9 months from now I will be moving out of this apartment either onto the streets or back into a homeless shelter. This has been a terrific expenditure , the rent I pay every month, to give me a firm footing to launch into my advocacy for the underclass in Washington DC which is taking roughly half of my time now. As I knew, there were nonprofits that would not work with me constructively as a homeless person, that allow me to gain entry now to get a foothold as someone with an address. But when this lease is up, which I cannot break without forfeiting the monies due during the 12 months , I will move out on the basis that I have less right given my lifelong disgusting over privileged, that I have less right to this property than do thousands of people on waiting lists in this city. And on the basis that I want and need the money that goes into the rent every month for more for my sisters, brothers, children around the world and in DC far more than I need it for me.

I make any and every penny that I have scream as I pinch it. Every penny that I spend on me is a penny that I do not have to spend on those far needier than I. My current food situation , vegan now that.......

I make any and every penny that I have scream as I pinch it. Every penny that I spend on me is a penny that I do not have to spend on those far needier than I. My current food situation , vegan now that I control what I eat, is 95% vegan. Thank goodness, as I have wanted to be since my college days. Expense wise, I consume almost entirely the expiring food from a profoundly kind coffee shop... pasta, lentils, chickpeas, occasionally a healthy salad. They ask nothing in return. They never have. But I Delight in giving the staff a tip that I think they find fairly large every couple of months. Beyond that for fruit and vegetables I make modest expenditures two places. Farmers markets, I greatly Delight in the supporting their work. And coffee shops and restaurants where I use the restroom when I am doing my work in this vehicle around Washington DC. Whether or not they would ask I do not like taking resources where I don't make a contribution so I will buy typically a couple of oranges or a couple of bananas or cooked vegetables for a couple of dollars.


***** This is the immortality I know to be true, the only one. It is a blessing, and a curse. This is why it is so desperately important that we learn to live lives that are constructive of good for all creation. Our being will live on doing good, or doing bad, for.......

***** This is the immortality I know to be true, the only one. It is a blessing, and a curse. This is why it is so desperately important that we learn to live lives that are constructive of good for all creation. Our being will live on doing good, or doing bad, for as long as there are those who remember. '' This is how our minds may actually live on after death
A psychologist explains how memory gives the dead a second life. ''


***** I find that wonder and awe are the ultimate Hallmarks of Life, as odd as that may seem. I find virtually no wonder and awe among the humanoids here in Washington DC, my.......

***** I find that wonder and awe are the ultimate Hallmarks of Life, as odd as that may seem. I find virtually no wonder and awe among the humanoids here in Washington DC, my sisters and brothers all. Certainly not among the intellectually, academically, over privileged. I wish I were kidding. I wish I were being cynical. And I find very little of it among my fellow humans here in the United States.