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Showing posts with label PARENTING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PARENTING. Show all posts


A fellow I know mentioned that he is soon going to have a child....

 Some very thoughtful and well-intended individuals think that we can only become, or we are most likely to become, full human beings when we take responsibility for the life of the child. In my own case there's much truth to this oh, that is the things I'm glad of in my character probably would not have happened had I not had two biological offspring. In our horrible culture it is more likely that that responsibility will bring out the worst in us. But if we take great care it may do the former. It has always been true that the choice before us that we refuse to see but the choice before us each individual is to live a life of pleasure  safety material well-being, or, or, or, a life with joy which allows the former to be at riak and is willing to pay that price for Joy, forgetting self and serving others. What has not been true until now is that every child  virtually now faces material hell where the old choice of Happiness safety and comfort material wealth is no more. So it is only those children by luck and or good parenting that have their taste for loving service of others for joy nurtured that will have a life worth living. Hugs.


Parenting: do I have the right to deny my child life, in favor of survival?

With my biological Offspring so many decades ago, the best I knew was to try and provide both, and there was much limitation in my circumstances, and I chose to have it constrain what I otherwise might have done. I tried to do both, offer them life, and survival in The Wider culture.

But James has not selected that as the optimal course for himself. Quite radically no. He has chosen to devote almost


This childhood prayer Maybe profoundly instrumental in those things about myself that I like. Completely forgotten until just this day.

And every night from as early as I can remember on my knees it would end, God bless..... All of the people I knew and I had heard about who were suffering name after name after name....



A well-meaning acquaintance wrote: "You are a decent soul James. You always were. You don't need to wait for an arrest. Do you......

A well-meaning acquaintance wrote:  "You are a decent soul James. You always were. You don't need to wait for an arrest. Do you have a way to leave before the 22nd? Because if you do your time would be much more valuable building something that can make the future better for humanity."  My reply:  "The only thing that can save the future, the only thing needed, the only thing lacking, is adults that stand for their children's Future No Matter What. This is what I am building. How can you not see that? Albert Schweitzer was right, example is not the major thing in influencing people, it is the only thing."


***** The selfishness, the cruelty, of someone bringing a child into this 2016 World hell is just beyond me. When Gandhi couldn't fix things, when Jesus could not, when Martin Luther King could not, when The Godly one in a million that has always existed could not, why would I not see that the human species is a failed species? Shame on me.

***** The selfishness, the cruelty, of someone bringing a child into this 2016 World hell is just beyond me. When Gandhi couldn't fix things, when Jesus could not, when Martin Luther King could not, when The Godly one in a million that has always existed could not, why would I not see that the human species is a failed species? Shame on me.


Does anyone have children... for the CHILD'S Joy? Adults have children thinking about themselves, as I perceive it. How unspeakably selfish. 'Oh, I just think we have created such an incredibly wonderful, bright, joyful, future, in the year 2016, that I just really really really want to bring children into the future. It will be so wonderful for them!!!' WTF???????

Does anyone have children... for the CHILD'S Joy? Adults have children thinking about themselves, as I perceive it. How unspeakably selfish. 'Oh, I just think we have created such an incredibly wonderful, bright, joyful, future, in the year 2016, that I just really really really want to bring children into the future. It will be so wonderful for them!!!' WTF???????


***** Mothers Day 2016: In 2016, democracy disintegrating, life on Earth itself disintegrating probably unstoppably, the mother who loves her child the most is the mother who does not bring another child onto this Earth unless and until a livable future is secured. The loving mother in 2016 is she who adopts, not she who gives birth. Hate me if you will, I'd rather be hated for speaking the truth than have the suffering of future children on my conscience and on my heart.

### Mothers Day 2016: In 2016, democracy disintegrating, life on Earth itself disintegrating probably unstoppably, the mother who loves her child the most is the mother who does not bring another child onto this Earth unless and until a livable future is secured. The loving mother in 2016 is she who adopts, not she who gives birth. Hate me if you will, I'd rather be hated for speaking the truth than have the suffering of future children on my conscience and on my heart.



***** I don't recall ever feeling more hopeless than I do at the moment about the future for humankind and creation. During the 35 days on the road....

I don't recall ever feeling more hopeless than I do at the moment about the future for humankind and creation.  During the 35 days on the road I was forced to escape the many many hours a day looking at what is happening in the world, Palestine in particular, but Syria, United States, well, pretty much everywhere. In the last 3 weeks I have been able to devote many hours a day, as I have, looking at things square in the face.

Early on felt moments of elation with words from Francis on his current tour, but in the last several days I have seen him gravitating toward meaningless dogmatic doublespeak and there by diluting his earlier, crystal clear message, of living universal family.

Several days ago there was a physical attack on the vehicle where I store it at night stealing $200 worth of electronics that are useless to anyone but me. A grim reminder of what hideous creatures we've devolved to in this loveless, godless, lost... culture. Yes, this victimizer was undoubtedly poor, probably homeless. More deadly by far are the ultra wealthy vulturous creatures on Capitol Hill.

Yesterday I was subject to a withering verbal attack by a psycho in the shelter.

At the moment I can't think of a more sane, moral applicable tale than that of Don Quixote. The only hope is for personal salvation in this life from living the material and spiritual hell that is earth today. To do so by fighting the unwinnable fight, dreaming the impossible dream, fighting when the odds are impossible.... Yes, truly, with no hope of winning.


Cruelly, ignorantly, we raise children as though they are physical beings.....

Cruelly, ignorantly, we raise children as though they are physical beings when they are essentially spiritual beings. We raise them to be ignorant of what is important and obsessed with what is not.


***** My dad adored me above almost everyone. I wish he hadn't.....

***** My dad adored me above almost everyone. I wish he hadn't.....

My point isn't to dis my dad.  If I could select anyone in history to be my dad, it would be him.

My point is to learn from my experience of this near greatest of all people I've ever known of. 

He loved all of humanity, all of creation, unconditionally.

But he loved me nearly more than everything and everyone... and in that it was conditional love.

I wish he had loved me no more, and no less, than he loved every creature, all of creation.

I lost decades, my fault, on craving the supreme love he had for me.  There was never any joy in that, There could NEVER be Joy in that - conditional Loving.  Pleasure, yes. Lust, yes. Loving, no. Joy, no.

My life is now fully of his other side, Unconditional Loving - Immensely Painful with the pain of the world.  Infinitely Loving. Infinitely Joyful.  Every breath.