All out war is being waged on the rest of us by the Republican Taliban. No one has Soul enough to see it.
Kavanaugh is indeed a victim, of his own malignant immorality.
Sadly, importantly, I see I was correct. The right and the left are stupid, ignorant, with few exceptions. This is the problem.
Sadly, importantly, I see I was correct. The right and the left are stupid, ignorant, with few exceptions. This is the problem.
Cheap, shallow, dishonest self-righteousness fixes, anti-abortion on the right, driving a Prius on the left.
Cheap, shallow, dishonest self-righteousness fixes, anti-abortion on the right, driving a Prius on the left.
### Is the AWOL faith community in Philadelphia on the Democratic payroll? My reply: They are not on the Democratic payroll. I spent a year, including my first Hunger Strike, to try to get them to cross the line from talking about helping the children in Chester Pennsylvania, to actually doing it. It's not about the Democrats. It's about the American disease of worshipping money, viewing money as life itself, Above All Else. They care about the poor, they are just........
### Is the AWOL faith community in Philadelphia on the Democratic payroll? My reply: They are not on the Democratic payroll. I spent a year, including my first Hunger Strike, to try to get them to cross the line from talking about helping the children in Chester Pennsylvania, to actually doing it. It's not about the Democrats. It's about the American disease of worshipping money, viewing money as life itself, Above All Else. They care about the poor, they are just unwilling to allow anything that will cause Financial Justice for the poor because that will cause them to pay a personal price and they're unwilling to do that. They'll allow anyone and everyone else to suffer and die before they'll allow that. We will allow everyone else to suffer and die before we will allow that, paying the personal price for economic Justice for the poor. It is a liberal disease and a conservative disease. It is not about the political parties, they just manifest in different ways. And it's not just Martin Luther King that we haven't seen since the late sixties, it is large groups of people with the same level of sanity, Humanity, that fought alongside of him. All that died a long long time ago. That's the problem.
Netanyahu Goes Full Trump: Surround Israel With Barrier ‘To Defend Ourselves Against Wild Beasts’ GettyImages-51037982
***** Some of us crave social power, social significance, the way a crack addict craves the drug, and or fears the lack of these things the way some people are terrified of torture and death.......
***** Some of us crave social power, social significance, the way a crack addict craves the drug, and or fears the lack of these things the way some people are terrified of torture and death.
Now Democrats, you educationally intellectually emotionally advantaged... what is it that you still don't understand about white male Republican's bullying, guns, hatred of human rights, women's rights, and minorities?
Till they recognize a better way to achieve social power, social significance, or a preferable substitute for these, they are not going to change their ways. They prefer death over feeling weak (preferably your death... but even their own.)
***** video. Newsroom: why today's Republicans are the American Taliban
***** Using deadly force — as a first resort
Dire warning to those that think that the right-wing reactionary reversals we are seeing today.....
Dire warning to those that think that the right-wing reactionary reversals we are seeing today, like that mentioned below, those who think this is an aberration, please heed the following: I too was clueless that we could go so radically backward. Look up United States reconstruction after the Civil War. His name escapes me at the moment, Columbia University I think, a professor that is a world noted authority on the subject. That is, if you are not as clueless on the subject as almost all of us are. I am learning recently that reconstruction was a breathtaking time radical social justice. And within 20 years the counter revolutionary forces had virtually completely reverse the good that had been done and that was intended. That is exactly what we see repeating itself now and the evil is just as likely to prevail now as it did then.
***** SPDF Day 51: STOP. WATCH. 3 MIN. Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media in US to Nazi, Weimar Germany. 2009
***** SPDF Day 39: why did we go war Iraq? "The Israel lobby and [former Deputy Secretary of Defense] Paul Wolfowitz wanted to get rid of Saddam....." "We wantto Iran because... We have come to the point where we blindly follow Israel. Congress gave multiple standing ovations to Benjamin Netanyahu. If Middle Eastern countries are in chaos, they can’t unify against Israel."
SPDF Day 38: When conservatives want something badly they pay the price or make others pay the price for it. When liberals want something...
Robert Reich: " Republicans and neocons have no foreign policy, and never have had one. They have only intransigence and belligerence....
Have we forgotten that the Republican right and its neocon brain-trust were behind the invasion of Iraq -- the single stupidest foreign policy decision since the Vietnam War? They have never been held accountable. Yet many of the same Republicans and neocons who smugly asserted then that we had no choice but to take out Saddam Hussein, including William Kristol and John Bolton, are now refusing the deal with Iran.
Republicans and neocons have no foreign policy, and never have had one. They have only intransigence and belligerence