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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
Survival and struggle in 'the other Israel'
Meet the Muslims who sacrificed themselves to save Jews and fight Nazis in World War II
Take Action: Palestinian former prisoner Jaafar Awad, 22, dies as result of Israeli medical neglect
SPDF Day 40: 'The people we call the prophets I think are the earliest dissident intellectuals, and they’re treated like most dissident intellectuals—very badly.....' Noam Chomsky
SPDF Day 40: Massively ill today.....
Arrived at the White House at 830 this morning but was massively ill halfway on the 18 block walk to get here so it was another half hour in the bathroom trying to clean up my pants and legs enough that I could spend the day here at the White House demonstrating to free Palestine and not stink so bad that my rain pants couldn't protect the visitors. Thanks to the creator I think it will work. I have advised my friends in the Secret Service that I am extremely weak and ill today so that if there is a park closing and I am a little slow and moving my stuff out of the park they will understand. With few exceptions they are a stunningly decent group of human beings, way way way above the norm.
SPDF Day 39: so tired it took me more than an hour just to get into bed tonight.....
Was at npr beginning 7 this morning until 130 p_m. Then library of congress, and picking up some depends that my doctor prescribed for me for when I am on capitol hill all day where sometimes they make using their restroom impossible.
***** SPDF Day 39: Is No One COMMITTED to Palestine? Outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens....
SPDF Day 39: outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens. I am not sure that I see any that are committed. There is no hope, there has never been any hope, except when citizens were committed. 'The chicken is involved, the pig is committed.'
Americans have yet to grasp the horrific magnitude of the ‘war on terror'
appalling ways America leads the world Welcome to the new American exceptionalism: Number one in obesity, guns, prisoners, anxiety and more ...
***** SPDF Day 39: why did we go war Iraq? "The Israel lobby and [former Deputy Secretary of Defense] Paul Wolfowitz wanted to get rid of Saddam....." "We wantto Iran because... We have come to the point where we blindly follow Israel. Congress gave multiple standing ovations to Benjamin Netanyahu. If Middle Eastern countries are in chaos, they can’t unify against Israel."
SPDF Day 39: Gazan Fisherman Builds Reef So His People Won’t Starve, Israeli Navy Shoots Him Dead (VIDEO)
SPDF Day 38: A note from a fellow who was very kind to me several years ago, and my reply...
"My friend you have been in my thoughts lately. I want to bring you some lunch when your fast is complete, if it is ever complete?"
My Reply: "What a kind note, brother. Yes, this is Day 38. Creator only knows how it will end. I WANT it to end with the price of my life, because only when enough of us pay that will things change for Palestine. But, if I can see a better way before the end, or if it appears that going to death's door, but not thru, is the maximum constructive impact of this campaign, then so be it. I won't know for 2-6 more weeks, I expect.
I almost never post on FB anymore, but I post a lot at my blog: "
My Reply: "What a kind note, brother. Yes, this is Day 38. Creator only knows how it will end. I WANT it to end with the price of my life, because only when enough of us pay that will things change for Palestine. But, if I can see a better way before the end, or if it appears that going to death's door, but not thru, is the maximum constructive impact of this campaign, then so be it. I won't know for 2-6 more weeks, I expect.
I almost never post on FB anymore, but I post a lot at my blog: "
***** SPDF Day 38: My email to
I'm on Day 38 of the Stop Palestines Death Fast here in
Washington DC.
Given that, maybe you can take the moment
or two it will take to read the following. I don't ask for a reply.
I ask that you think. Deeply deeply think.
"Never Again" suggests, implies, states, pretty explicitly, that
humanity should stop, and pay any personal price necessary,
to stop another Holocaust, and although the scale is different,
Palestine is another Holocaust.
You all do some good stuff. Do you care enough about the
Palestinians to ask the question - given what we and others
will do, what is the likely hood that we will EVER bring them
the mass Human Rights they deserve? Do you care enough
about them to ask that question? If you do, the answer you will
see is - NO. Given all current efforts not in 10, 20, or 50 years
is it LIKELY that full human rights will come to the Palestinians.
Is that acceptable to you?
If not, will you escalate? How? What price will you individually
be willing to pay?
I suggest that this is the Law of Social Change that must be satisfied to make
it LIKELY that Palestines will be saved:
I suggest that this is the only (nonviolent) weapon (I can think of after decades
of practice and study) that they can be saved, or something
***** SPDF Day 38: Einstein NYT Letter (images, Deir Yassin, and text) - "Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our time is the emer¬gence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvini«t or- ganization in Palestine. The current visit of Menachen Begin, leader of this .party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support ..."
Visit of Menachen
Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed

To the Editor or The New
York Times :
Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our time
is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party"
(Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods,
political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It
was formed out of the membership and following
of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvini«t or-
ganization in Palestine.
The current visit of Menachen Begin, leader of this
.party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression
of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement
political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States.
Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his
visit It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the
world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and
perspectives, could add their names and support to the move- ment he
Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial
contributions, pub- lic manifestations in Begin’s behalf, and the creation in
Palestine of the impression that a large ' segment 'of America supports
Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be Informed as to the
record and objec- tives of Mr. Begin and his movement.
The public avowals of Begin’s party are no guide whatever
to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and
anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of
the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the ter- rorist party betrays
its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be
expected to do in the future.

Attack on Arab Village
A shocking- example was their be- havior in
the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and
surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought
off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (The New York Times), terrorist bands attacked
this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting,
Killed most of its inhabi- tants—240 men, women and children— and kept a few
of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of
the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a
telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans- Jordan. But the terrorists,
far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized
it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country
to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.
The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and
actions of the Freedom Party.
Within the Jewish community they have preached an
admixture of ultra- nationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority.
Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have
themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead
they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.
During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence,
the 1ZL and Stem groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the
Palestine Jewish community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against
them, adults were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster
methods, beatings, window- smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the
terrorists intimidated the popula- tion and exacted a heavy tribute.
The people of the Freedom Party have had no part in the
constructive achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no
settlements, and only detracted from the Jewish defense activity. Their
much-publicized immigration endeavors were minute, and devoted mainly to
bringing in Fascist compatriots.

The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made
by Begin and his party, and their record of past per- formance in Palestine
bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable
stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British
alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a “Leader
State" is the goal.
In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is
imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American
Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin's efforts, o» even to expose to
its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.
The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly,
presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging
all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism.
Isidore abramowitz, Hannah arendt, abraham Brick,
Rabbi jessurun CARDOZO, (’albert ElNSTEINTI HERMAN Eisen, M. d., Hayim Fine- MAN, M. GALLEN, M. D., H.
H. HAB*.
Ris, Zeliq S. Harris,
Sidney Hook, FRED KaRUSH, BRURIA KAUFMAN, IRMA L. LlNDHElM, NACHMAK Majsel, Seymour Melman, m:yer D. Mendelson, M. D.,
harry m. Orunsky, Samuel Pitlick, frit* Rohruch, Louis P. Rocker, ruth Sager,
Itzhak Sankowsky, I. J.
SAMUEL. SHU MAN, M. Znger, Irma Wolpb, stkfajt WOLfB. “ 'vjL: ^
New York. Deo. %
SPDF Day 38: My email to Ali Abunimah, the Great writer at
This is day 38 of my Stop Palestines Death Fast.
If 1000 ever undertook paying, or atleast offering to pay, this price, Palestine might have a prayer.
Ali, your work has been instrumental to getting us this far. But if you lack the courage and the humanity to see no one else will see... that some of us have to pay, or at least offer, the price of our own lives, so that not ALL the Palestinians have to... well, then it is OVER. This is the immutable Law of Social Change, the Law of Personal Sacrifice, the Law of Paying the Price.
BDS is like wings on a rocket ship. But without sufficient Rocket FUEL the rocket never reaches orbit, and all the passengers, Palestinians, DIE. For God's sake man, can't even you face this?
This is day 38 of my Stop Palestines Death Fast.
If 1000 ever undertook paying, or atleast offering to pay, this price, Palestine might have a prayer.
Ali, your work has been instrumental to getting us this far. But if you lack the courage and the humanity to see no one else will see... that some of us have to pay, or at least offer, the price of our own lives, so that not ALL the Palestinians have to... well, then it is OVER. This is the immutable Law of Social Change, the Law of Personal Sacrifice, the Law of Paying the Price.
BDS is like wings on a rocket ship. But without sufficient Rocket FUEL the rocket never reaches orbit, and all the passengers, Palestinians, DIE. For God's sake man, can't even you face this?
SPDF Day 38: When conservatives want something badly they pay the price or make others pay the price for it. When liberals want something...
When conservatives want something badly they pay the price or make others pay the price for it. When liberals want something they find excuses for themselves, don't pay, and don't make anyone else really pay either.
***** SPDF Day 38: A liberal on FB complaining about, Schumer, the Israeli, fighting to bomb Iran: "When will they ever learn?" My reply: ""THEY" HAVE learned.....
A liberal on FB complaining about, Schumer, the Israeli, fighting to bomb Iran: "When will they ever learn?" My reply: ""THEY" HAVE learned. Each day of the last 50 years they've learned that the liberals are all talk, whiners, blamers, complainers, FaceBookers... and will NEVER pay the price for what they want, even if it means the end of creation. Learning is not the problem of the hawks. It is the problem of the lip-service liberals... cept they want NOT to learn, cuz then they'd have to pay. Yes, creation will not end from denial on the right of the science, but from denial of the left of what price they have to pay now, to save Creation. This is so obvious to all but the pathologically in denial."
SPDF Day 37: Pope Francis: "EEach child who begs for money on the street and who is denied medical care and education is “a painful cry that goes directly to the heart of the Father, and accuses the system that we adults have built.... Children are the responsibility not just of their parents, but of everyone....”
Each child who begs for money on the street and who is denied medical
care and education is “a painful cry that goes directly to the heart of
the Father, and accuses the system that we adults have built.... Children are the responsibility not just of their parents, but of everyone....”
vid. "Don't console yourself that you are the 99 percent," he says. "If you live near a Whole Foods; if no one in your family serves in the military; if you are paid by the year, not the hour; if most people you know finished college; if no one you know uses meth; if you married once and remain married; if you're not one of 65 million Americans with a criminal record — if any or all of these things describe you, then accept the possibility that actually, you may not know what's going on, and you may be part of the problem."
SPDF Day 37: War Crime Happening NOW: Israeli Occupation Illegally Seizes Over 1,000 Dunums Of Palestinian Land for Settlement
SPDF Day 37: A new set of racist anti-Arab laws is before the Knesset
***** SPDF Day 37: Chris Matthews: the neocons continue to fight to destroy the Middle East and remake it as pro Israel
vid 4min. Activists on the high seas climbing the Shell Oil Rig headed to the Arctic. This is what paying a price, this is what activism, looks like.
SPDF Day 37: vid 2 min. Israeli sadism in Jerusalem. Statistics. Facts. Slaughter.
SPDF Day 37: NBC, you murdering, savage, Israeli bastards. 1 Palestinian is murdered by Israel every 4 days and you report this? Palestinian Stabs Two Israeli Soldiers in West Bank Attack
SPDF Day 37: The Rising Tide of Suicide in Gaza : The Suffering of a People Manifest
‘Passover siege’ in Hebron: Palestinians endure military lockdown so Israelis can enjoy holiday in occupied West Bank
Some called it resumption of violence by Palestine, some called it mass murder by Israel. George Galloway
Hamas, Arab-Israeli MPs: attack on Yarmouk only serves Israel
SPDF Day 37: Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks
SPDF Day 36. vlog. Doctors visit, blood work, psych eval, etc.
This morning was a review with my Sainted Doctor, about the results of yesterday's bloodwork. She said everything looks fine. She has me on a regimen of two, horse pills, of potassium every day. She also has me on a multi vitamin. They are both seemingly doing their jobs.
My eyes have gone blurry as has happened on prior fasts. To read anything on computer or my tablet it must be held very close to my face, but thankfully that seems to work ok.
I had a candid conversation with my Doctor about my concern regarding her concern as to my mental health. I told her it was nothing I needed her to resolve, that I am capable of surviving the situation; but that I could not assume she understood how important she is in my life and work, so I told her briefly, that she is one of the only people I know whose life , and work path, I respect; this Georgetown grad that has devoted her life to we homeless. And that I wondered if she could imagine if one of the people in her life that she most respects raised the question about her mental health, particularly as it relate to using her greatest skills in the direction that they found questionable, such as ministering to the poor. I asked her if she could image how troubling she might find that, especially if this individual she highly respected was entirely wrong.
I expounded a little bit, but she understood my point and as I stressed what I wrote about last week after seeing her and a psychologist that she asked me to speak to, I made no assumption that she was questioning my sanity, this wonderful Doctor. I took her at her word that she was just trying to be extremely cautions, and today she only emphasized that and explained that she wanted to be extremely sure that the medical work that has gone on with me over the last two years, major operations, had not had some impact my psychology. She indicated that although she didn't see it, at all, she wanted to be extremely careful with another opinion. I made it clear that I was not second guessing her, but that it is an issue of importance to me, and I feel that it was entirely resolved this morning.
I told her prior to creating an opening for her to provide a response to me, that I just outlined, that my campaign is entirely about sanity. That no credit to me I have worked my way to a position of sanity and exactly I am trying to address the mass insanity in our culture which has lost any all notion of an adult sacrificing their own life constructively so that the young can have a future, whether it is a habitable planet to live on, one with some shreds of democracy left in America, or one without the methodology of police state being perfected on an indigenous population in Palestine, and that technology being exported and brought to oppressed peoples worldwide including in the United States.
My assessment is that it was a very comfortable, brief, conversation, and my sense is that this person in my life in whom I have a great respect, although I would not put her in the postition of stating so exactly, does not have a concern about my mental health and understands and respects the work I am doing. So that was quite nice.
Rain is expected on and off today, tomorrow and the next day. I expect to be here in front of Narcotic Paralyzing Rubbish Radio through lunch time and to leave and hopefully get back to the shelter prior to when at 3pm rain becomes more likely. And tomorrow and the next day I anticipate coming back here during those parts of the day where rain is less likely.
I am feeling particularly weak today, but it turns out I had enough strength to change the tire of a young lady whose car I passed, an African American woman, in front of the Union Station area, a fairly posh bakery and lunch spot. She was holding what I recognized to be a jack in her hand, and looking rather dazed, like she didn't know what to do with it. I don't think she did know what to do with it. She was surely intelligent, but it was folded in such a way that it took me several minutes how to take it apart. So I had the strength to do that.
To her credit afterwords she offered me $20 which of course I refused. I did tell her she could help me by watching my belongings for a few moments and by giving me a $1 to offer to the restaurant manager so he would allow me to wash of my hands, the grime off my hands, from changing her tire. Happily she agreed, the restaurant did not require the $1 which I happily returned to her; and I think she experienced this as an event that she will probably remember for some time; and when kindness is so remembered, sometimes they propagate themselves.
SPPDF Day 36: Business of backlash: GOP cashes in on Koch/Adelson anti-BDS donations
SPDF Day 36: Robert Reich: Colleges, Churches and Non-Profits Doing the Wealthy's Dirty Work It's bad enough that they've bought our politicians. Now the wealthy have bought off the only institutions that can counter their influence.
SPDF Day 36: Israel firing experimental weapons at Gaza’s civilians, say doctors
'Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA spies to recruit terrorists to fight against Iran'
This time the Nazis control the US gov. .... Israel pushing Congress for legislation to block peace with Iran
nd. Reform Islam? REFORM CHRISTIANITY! For every person killed, terrorized or oppressed by Islam there are objectively 10,000 by christianity. Fact. Don't leave this Islamophobia by the christian state terrorists crap go un-opposed.
Reform Islam? REFORM CHRISTIANITY! For every person killed, terrorized or oppressed by Islam there are objectively 10,000 by christianity. Fact. Don't leave this Islamophobia by the christian state terrorists crap go un-opposed.
SPDF Day 35: LIVE: Six Greenpeace climbers scale Shell’s Arctic-bound oil rig
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has revealed himself to be something most politicians are not: a terrible bullshitter.
Slomo sand from his book why I am no longer a Jew: “I have the increasing impression that, in certain respects, Hitler was the victor the Second World War…his perverted ideology infiltrated itself and resurfaced."
Shlomo Sand and his book, why I am so long for a jew : “If the United States of America decided tomorrow that it was not the state of all American citizens but rather the state of those persons around the whole world who identify as Anglo-Saxon Protestants, it would bear a striking resemblance to the Jewish State of Israel.”
WATCH: The feminist struggle for peace in Israel-Palestine
***** SPDF Day 35: "The reason behind US support for Israel becomes clear...." MUST READ.
The reason behind US support for Israel becomes clear if you consider
what would likely happen if Palestinians became autonomous or if they
became the majority in a democratic, multi-ethnic state. Either
development would upend American-enforced “stability.”
Palestinians in Jordan and elsewhere would attempt to exercise their right of return. Repressed peoples across the Middle East would rise up to demand the kind of freedom from dictators that the Palestinians secured from Israel. Palestinian liberation would trigger a chain of events that could entirely free the region from the American grip as people demand that they — not monarchs and not Western corporations — benefit from their oil.
That’s why the US government’s proclaimed support for Palestinian liberation is as unbelievable as Netanyahu’s. Anything more than a severely attenuated Palestinian state would jeopardize America’s seventy-year old — never-altered — priority. And that prospect, not The Lobby, is the primary reason that the United States stands virtually alone against the rest of the world in unconditionally supporting Israel’s violence against Palestinians.
Palestinians in Jordan and elsewhere would attempt to exercise their right of return. Repressed peoples across the Middle East would rise up to demand the kind of freedom from dictators that the Palestinians secured from Israel. Palestinian liberation would trigger a chain of events that could entirely free the region from the American grip as people demand that they — not monarchs and not Western corporations — benefit from their oil.
That’s why the US government’s proclaimed support for Palestinian liberation is as unbelievable as Netanyahu’s. Anything more than a severely attenuated Palestinian state would jeopardize America’s seventy-year old — never-altered — priority. And that prospect, not The Lobby, is the primary reason that the United States stands virtually alone against the rest of the world in unconditionally supporting Israel’s violence against Palestinians.
Robert Reich: " Republicans and neocons have no foreign policy, and never have had one. They have only intransigence and belligerence....
The alliance of right-wing Republicans, neoconservatives, Jewish
billionaires like Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, and Benjamin
Netanyahu and right-wing Israelis, is an axis of no compromise that
feeds and feeds off of hardliners in Iran.
Have we forgotten that the Republican right and its neocon brain-trust were behind the invasion of Iraq -- the single stupidest foreign policy decision since the Vietnam War? They have never been held accountable. Yet many of the same Republicans and neocons who smugly asserted then that we had no choice but to take out Saddam Hussein, including William Kristol and John Bolton, are now refusing the deal with Iran.
Republicans and neocons have no foreign policy, and never have had one. They have only intransigence and belligerence
Have we forgotten that the Republican right and its neocon brain-trust were behind the invasion of Iraq -- the single stupidest foreign policy decision since the Vietnam War? They have never been held accountable. Yet many of the same Republicans and neocons who smugly asserted then that we had no choice but to take out Saddam Hussein, including William Kristol and John Bolton, are now refusing the deal with Iran.
Republicans and neocons have no foreign policy, and never have had one. They have only intransigence and belligerence
Corporations currently exploiting prison labor include Abbott Laboratories, AT&T, AutoZone, Bank of America, Bayer, Berkshire Hathaway, Cargill, Caterpillar, Chevron, the former Chrysler Group, Costco Wholesale, John Deere, Eddie Bauer, Eli Lilly, ExxonMobil, Fruit of the Loom, GEICO, GlaxoSmithKline, Glaxo Wellcome, Hoffmann-La Roche, International Paper, JanSport, Johnson & Johnson, Kmart, Koch Industries, Mary Kay, McDonald’s, Merck, Microsoft, Motorola, Nintendo, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Quaker Oats, Sarah Lee, Sears, Shell, Sprint, Starbucks, State Farm Insurance, United Airlines, UPS, Verizon, Victoria’s Secret, Wal-Mart and Wendy’s.. Chris Hedges
nd. SPDF Day 35: Congress out one more week. Rain expected, but today, NPR - Numbing Paralyzing Rubbish. But first, blood work prior to another doc visit tomorrow.
nd. SPDF Day 35: Congress out one more week. Rain expected, but today, NPR - Numbing Paralyzing Rubbish. But first, blood work prior to another doc visit tomorrow.
SPDF Day 34: vlog. My unrecognized assumptions at the beginning of this death fast are not working out terribly well
1. That the, immediacy, the horror, the barbarity of the west's terrororization of Palestine yielded a situation that was concrete enough that we walking dead Americans would show a heightened response, any increased propensity to tap into our humanity and respond.
2. The other unrecognized assumption is that the Palestinians, both the Palestinians in Palestine that maybe somehow become aware of this death fast campaign, and the Palestinians in the United States Diaspora, would have a readiness greater than any other population I've seen thus far, to be drawn to an understanding of the necessity and unique power of the death fast.
All evidence that I have so far suggest that these were entirely false assumptions.
Today for example several different small groups of Palestinians stopped by an identified themselves during my 12 hour campaign at the White House. I found no more sense of urgency, no more sense of immediate family kinship between themselves and the Palestinians being tormented in Palestine, then I've experienced in other populations concerned with global warming, for example. This is very disturbing and somewhat shocking to me. It certainly was unanticipated by me, and as I reflect more broadly on observations I can make I do not find these reactions today to be abnormal or an exception. I've had significant contact with people concerned with Palestine through my face book interchange up until about a week ago, and it became ever more apparent that they were involved, as is the chicken, but not committed as is the pig.
This will factor into my thinking as to how far to take this death fast. If a tree felled in the wilderness does not make a sound does it make sense to finely chopped it down?
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