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***** spiritual Evolution, George vaillant. Fact, for all of my years I have been profoundly alone, isolated, unwelcome in society. Fact, what is written of in this book which has been up until now, and even now, ignored, ridiculed, belittled, overtly and covertly  suppressed.....

Fact, for all of my years I have been profoundly alone, isolated, unwelcome in society. Fact, what is written of in this book which has been up until now, and even now, ignored, ridiculed, belittled, overtly and covertly  suppressed punished and repressed in our culture is what has been the animating Force within me all of my years, no credit or discredit to me. A flawed book by a flawed writer but uniquely important of all that I have yet found. If granted one wish to try and heal this Dying World it might be that I would have everyone read, understand, and embrace this. If and when I see a 500 million-dollar lottery or higher I will buy a ticket and if I win the lottery all of that money will be spent on trying to bring the truth revealed in this work, which my soul has known and lived and profited by all of my years, then that is how I will spend the money.

What is required is that each of us move to a carbon, natural resource, negative life. How soon? How soon should we stop destroying the children?

What is required is that each of us move to a carbon, natural resource, negative life. How soon? How soon should we stop destroying the children?

Today's Democrats claim to fight for access to equal participation in the machine of consumption that is destroying everything. Hint, the road to final destruction.

Today's Democrats claim to fight for access to equal participation in the machine of consumption that is destroying everything. Hint, the road to final destruction.

No laws, parties, government, Technologies are needed to save creation. People individually stopping over consumption is the only answer.

No laws, parties, government, Technologies are needed to save creation. People individually stopping over consumption is the only answer.


Talk, Force, ridicule, and shame have constituted liberalism for decades. It has failed and drawn a vicious backlash. Lip service is contemptible.

Talk, Force, ridicule, and shame have constituted liberalism for decades. It has failed and drawn a vicious backlash. Lip service is contemptible.

If I have a religion Christlikeness is the best name I can put to it. Not saying I do it well, but joy, peace of heart, ability to go on it gives me.

If I have a religion Christlikeness is the best name I can put to it. Not saying I do it well, but joy, peace of heart, ability to go on it gives me.


Update: since the cancer of years ago I have only about 12 hours of productive capacity per day but those are quite productive and I suppose I should be grateful for that. And I suppose I am. Much of the last six.....

Update: since the cancer of years ago I have only about 12 hours of productive capacity per day but those are quite productive and I suppose I should be grateful for that. And I suppose I am. Much of the last six months has been spent in incremental steps of making this miraculous vehicle sustainable and stable and there is reason to think that that has been largely achieved which is a mercy. I continue to perceive that humanity is lost, has made excuses for avoiding curing the cancer of universal selfishness for many thousands of years and malignancy now is Unstoppable. But what of the few cells that could be saved? This remains my interest but the overall situation is profoundly depressing to me. Side note, I'm using all of my skills including alcohol in strong moderation each day, to enable me to fight with all of my strength. My personal experience, and my theory is, that aligning one's life to a dedication to goodness is the ultimate Human Experience and the ultimate hope for exit from the suicide collectively. The productive hours I have each day are spent on scholarly study of this issue. My perception is that to do this in natural beauty accentuates the hopefulness of this work so I do so and expect to continue to do so into the foreseeable future. So my days are spent traversing the natural beauty that is available. And to be listening to the most important scholarly works that I can find while doing so. It is agonizing to me that I cannot do more. It is severely depressing to me that I cannot do more. It is the joy that keeps me alive that I can do what I can do.


Liberals, conservatives, that your group approves what you say in no way is a measure of whether or not it is true. Truth is God, said Gandhi rightly.

Liberals, conservatives, that your group approves what you say in no way is a measure of whether or not it is true. Truth is God, said Gandhi rightly.