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Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts


Fundamentalist Christians, in love and truth I say, indeed you have a father, it is absolutely obviously clearly the father of Destruction, and Jesus had the other one. The father of creation. You are children of the devil. Repent. Return to your original father, creator. Article

Fundamentalist Christians, in love and truth I say, indeed you have a father, it is absolutely obviously clearly the father of Destruction, and Jesus had the other one. The father of creation. You are children of the devil. Repent. Return to your original father, creator.




article. "I won't move until I say goodbye to my mother." For speaking these words, Diyaa was knocked to the floor of his family home, kicked, and beaten by Israeli soldiers who, two weeks earlier, had done the same to his two friends. It was 3 am, and Diyaa's parents could only watch as their 16-year-old son was dragged to an army jeep, blindfolded, and—like thousands of Palestinian children before him—forced into a military detention center in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. What happened next, according to affidavits given by Diyaa and his friends, fits a pattern of Israeli abuse designed to coerce confessions from Palestinian children. Among the most troubling of their experiences were prolonged periods of solitary confinement, a correctional tactic usually reserved for adult prisoners—and, even then, only after they are convicted.

vid. "GO F YOURSELF,' the highly educated, highly articulate, white American mid-fifties man excreted into my face with all the contempt, disgust and hatred he could muster. This was Sunday. I was conducting the Free Palestine Vigil in front of the White House. I was turned to my right, speaking with someone who had stopped. "Well, it is a 'war,' if it is correct to say that it was a war between the Jews and the Nazis." There were two or three other back and forths like this, civil, reasonable, honest. The white man who had been listening, "WELL, WHAT ABOUT THE HAMAS ROCKETS!?!?!?" "Well, if it was wrong for the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto to kill Germans, then it is wrong for the Palestinians to fire rockets at their occupiers who murder them, in every possible way, almost daily, without stop, for 67 years now." "GO F YOURSELF," HE PUKED SLOWLY INTO MY FACE." "GO F YOURSELF." There is a point in the movie when the sheer Ugliness, Hatefulness, Evil, Putridity... of the Monster can't be hidden any more- the mask comes off. We are entering that part of this 67 year horror story. It may be too late. That depends on you.

"GO F YOURSELF,' the highly educated, highly articulate, white American mid-fifties man excreted into my face with all the contempt, disgust and hatred he could muster.  This was Sunday. I was conducting the Free Palestine Vigil in front of the White House.  I was turned to my right, speaking with someone who had stopped.  "Well, it is a 'war,' if it is correct to say that it was a war between the Jews and the Nazis."  There were two or three other back and forths like this, civil, reasonable, honest.  The white man who had been listening, "WELL, WHAT ABOUT THE HAMAS ROCKETS!?!?!?"  "Well, if it was wrong for the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto to kill Germans, then it is wrong for the Palestinians to fire rockets (that virtually never wound or kill anyone - fact) at their occupiers who murder them, in every possible way, almost daily, without stop, for 67 years now."  "GO F YOURSELF," HE PUKED SLOWLY INTO MY FACE."  "GO F YOURSELF."  There is a point in the movie when the sheer Ugliness, Hatefulness, Evil, Putridity... of the Monster can't be hidden any more- the mask comes off.  We are entering that part of this 67 year horror story.  It may be too late.  That depends on you.


***** "The last two years of his office may be his most momentous. This will come as a surprise to some." This immensely good man. How can almost no one on the left have seen, believed in, had faith in his deep goodness? Pathological fear of Personal Responsibility on the Left, and by staying on the fence with Pr. Obama... they could avoid FACING Personal Responsibility... but they can't avoid the FACT OF TURNING FROM PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AT THE LAST CHANCE THERE WOULD EVER BE TO SAVE AMERIKA... AND A FUTURE FOR LIFE ON EARTH. GOD DAMN THE LEFT. This man OBVIOUSLYYYYYYYYYYY is GOOD, BRAVE, LOVING... BRILLIANT... DETERMINED... AND OBVIOUSLYYYYYYYYYY PLAYS, AND HAS ALWAYS PLAYED... A LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG GAME.... PLANNING ALL 8 YEARS... FROM WELL BEFORE DAY 1. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN... THE LEFT'S WILLFUL BLINDNESS AND DENIAL OF PERSONAL DUTY.

***** "The last two years of his office may be his most momentous. This will come as a surprise to some." This immensely good man.  How can almost no one on the left have seen, believed in, had faith in his deep goodness?  Pathological fear of Personal Responsibility on the Left, and by staying on the fence with Pr. Obama... they could avoid FACING Personal Responsibility... but they can't avoid the FACT OF TURNING FROM PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AT THE LAST CHANCE THERE WOULD EVER BE TO SAVE AMERIKA... AND A FUTURE FOR LIFE ON EARTH.  GOD DAMN THE LEFT.  This man OBVIOUSLYYYYYYYYYYY is GOOD, BRAVE, LOVING... BRILLIANT... DETERMINED... AND OBVIOUSLYYYYYYYYYY PLAYS, AND HAS ALWAYS PLAYED... A LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG GAME.... PLANNING ALL 8 YEARS... FROM WELL BEFORE DAY 1.  DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN... THE LEFT'S WILLFUL BLINDNESS AND DENIAL OF PERSONAL DUTY.



***** Hmmm. Israel used extreme care to not kill civilians in Gaza. Wow, I'd have thought 'extreme care to not kill civilians' would have meant: 1. Not dropping one ton bombs on the most densely populated area on earth; 2. 'Protecting' Israel from tunnels as Egypt did, EASILY, shutting them down where the entered Israel; 3. NOT INSTIGATING THE ROCKETS BY VIOLATING THE CEASE FIRE HUNDREDS (HUNDREDS) OF TIMES, DOZENS OF WAYS (DOZENS) BEFORE HAMAS DID EVEN ONCE (FACT. FACT. FACT...); 4. NOT DESTROYING 80% OF THE BUSINESSES, FACTORIES, IN GAZA; 5. NOT DESTROYING HUGE AMOUNTS OF THE LITTLE AGRICULTURAL LAND THERE; 6. NOT SAVAGELY STEALING THE CRUMMY 22% OF PALESTINIAN'S ORIGINAL LAND, EVERY DAY, PIECE BY PIECE. 7. NOT 100%, CRUELLY, CYNICALLY, BLATANTLY FABRICATING THE 'PRETEXT' FOR BOMBING GAZA (fabricating, FABRICATING, the lie that A. 3 teens were missing (Israel knew day 1 they were dead), B. That Hamas organized it - knowing 100% certainly that Hamas did NOT).... ISRAEL WANTS PEACE: I. EVERY PIECE OF PALESTINIAN LAND THAT IS HABITABLE; II. EVERY PIECE OF PALESTINIAN METABOLISM THAT IS NOT YET SADISTICALLY CRUSHED, BRUTALIZED, INCINERATED, DESTROYED.... ISRAELS 'FATHER' IS THE 'FATHER OF LIES'... THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF THE FATHER OF TRUTH... AND THOSE WHOSE FATHER IS THE GOD OF LIES.

Hmmm. Israel used extreme care to not kill civilians in Gaza.   Wow, I'd have thought 'extreme care to not kill civilians' would have meant: 1. Not dropping one ton bombs on the most densely populated area on earth; 2. 'Protecting' Israel from tunnels as Egypt did, EASILY, shutting them down where the entered Israel; 3. NOT INSTIGATING THE ROCKETS BY VIOLATING THE CEASE FIRE HUNDREDS (HUNDREDS) OF TIMES, DOZENS OF WAYS (DOZENS) BEFORE HAMAS DID EVEN ONCE (FACT.  FACT. FACT...); 4. NOT DESTROYING 80% OF THE BUSINESSES, FACTORIES, IN GAZA; 5. NOT DESTROYING HUGE AMOUNTS OF THE LITTLE AGRICULTURAL LAND THERE; 6. NOT SAVAGELY STEALING THE CRUMMY 22% OF PALESTINIAN'S ORIGINAL LAND, EVERY DAY, PIECE BY PIECE. 7. NOT 100%, CRUELLY, CYNICALLY, BLATANTLY FABRICATING THE 'PRETEXT' FOR BOMBING GAZA (fabricating, FABRICATING, the lie that A. 3 teens were missing (Israel knew day 1 they were dead), B. That Hamas organized it - knowing 100% certainly that Hamas did NOT)....  ISRAEL WANTS PEACE: I. EVERY PIECE OF PALESTINIAN LAND THAT IS HABITABLE; II. EVERY PIECE OF PALESTINIAN METABOLISM THAT IS NOT YET SADISTICALLY CRUSHED, BRUTALIZED, INCINERATED, DESTROYED.... ISRAELS 'FATHER' IS THE 'FATHER OF LIES'... THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF THE FATHER OF TRUTH... AND THOSE WHOSE FATHER IS THE GOD OF LIES.