EVERYTHING STOLEN LAST EVENING. EVERYTHING: I had moments before moved everything out of the homeless shelter for my new life on the streets........
***** There are infinite intoxication, pleasures, available in life. There is only one Joy... From the Soul, in Solidarity, Serving... Loving, by whatever words, or no words at all.
Iran's Jews reject cash offer to move to Israel
A fellow on Facebook sent me an article that's encouraging people to accept their circumstances and to do good where they are . My reply: I passionately want my circumstances to be where I can serve better. The primary circumstance I keep trying to change.......
A fellow on Facebook sent me an article that's encouraging people to accept their circumstances and to do good where they are . My reply: I passionately want my circumstances to be where I can serve better. The primary circumstance I keep trying to change, and I'm having some limited success, the primary circumstance I try to change is me, what I am, Who I am, what level of wisdom I have, what level of compassion and humanity.... But with even greater passion I not only accept my circumstances, my conditions, I hold myself to the utmost responsibility to do what I can with what resources I have in the instant. Decades ago in business a very senior individual in the organization, a grudging admirer of mine, said, I have never seen anyone like you: you have one foot riveted in the clouds, that place where you want things to be much better, and you have the other foot riveted on the ground, implementing with every ounce of strength what can be implemented now, this instant. I think he was right then. I think it remains true today. I highly recommend it. Yes the tension is excruciating, but the joy and peace of heart are infinitely greater.
***** Understand the Israeli – Palestinian Apartheid In 11 Images
Snowden leak: Israeli commandos killed Syrian general at dinner party
***** My greatest lifelong failing maybe doing good, investing in good. 63 years of experience......n
***** My greatest lifelong failing maybe doing good, investing in good. 63 years of experience now tells me this was exactly the wrong thing for me to do, for anyone to do, for any of us to have done or to do now. It is absolutely too little, too late. Somehow, good is different than lived solidarity with the global neediest in creation. Someday maybe I will understand why this is so but it is unmistakable to my eyes that it is so. This notion has been with me for a number of weeks now and with this clarity I quite easily discern the difference and can act accordingly. My number one goal is to invest my life and any resources that I have in those living such solidarity with global neediest. I see almost none. I see none with sufficient clarity to do so. Why? I have only had these new eyes for weeks now. But for years I have been looking in the correct direction and even with these new eyes there is no one that I can see doing it, living in full solidarity, every breath. Well, of course I may see some but I can't recognize it with the little information that I have. Nevertheless, this is the work and this is the work that I am quite sure I will try and do. I do see that, no credit to me, my life, my DNA, has brought me to the point where all I want to do, and all that I do do, is live in such solidarity so I am at peace with investing what little resources I have in my low resource requirements work and saving any additional resources for such time as I see the opportunity I most want, the ability to invest in those living in such solidarity.
***** Absolute, total, lived solidarity with the neediest... Is the best, proper, correct definition of Loving. Loving has been my central value to the extreme for all of my 63 years and with scholarly devotion for the last 15 years and yet what I have just written is only now coming clear to me. If only I had known. There is no Loving that is not absolute solidarity with the neediest, only different forms of lusting, as well intended as they may be.
***** Absolute, total, lived solidarity with the neediest... Is the best, proper, correct definition of Loving. Loving has been my central value to the extreme for all of my 63 years and with scholarly devotion for the last 15 years and yet what I have just written is only now coming clear to me. If only I had known. There is no Loving that is not absolute solidarity with the neediest, only different forms of lusting, as well intended as they may be.
The only real failure is to not try what needs to be tried, to fail to attempt what needs to be attempted.
The only real failure is to try what needs to be tried, to fail to attempt what needs to be attempted.
A group of scientists has become infinitely more knowledgeable as to new species of life, newly found species of life, in the depths of the ocean, having plunged to never before reached, very dangerous depths that no one had yet explored. And so it is with me. Only when I leap to terrifying new spiritual and academic depths that I have never before had the courage or wisdom to dive into does my clarity, knowledge, understanding... increase. And how desperately I need these things to increase as I have been a total failure and precipitating meaningful social change thus far.
A group of scientists has become infinitely more knowledgeable as to new species of life, newly found species of life, in the depths of the ocean, having plunged to never before reached, very dangerous depths that no one had yet explored. And so it is with me. Only when I leap to terrifying new spiritual and academic depths that I have never before had the courage or wisdom to dive into does my clarity, knowledge, understanding... increase. And how desperately I need these things to increase as I have been a total failure and precipitating meaningful social change thus far.
PSYCHO-STATE ISRAEL...FOR REAL. Israeli parents show pictures of their children with signs they have made calling for the execution of terrorists.
20 million face starving to death due to US backed bombing of Yemen
Seen on Facebook: if you ever feel really stupid remember that there are people that believe that two Penguins walked all the way from the Antarctic to the Middle East to get on a boat.
Seen on Facebook: if you ever feel really stupid remember that there are people that believe that two Penguins walked all the way from the Antarctic to the Middle East to get on a boat.
***** Cancer, the most feared of killers, is simply a cell that has lost its compassion for, its solidarity with, the greater body.
***** Cancer, the most feared of killers, is simply a cell that has lost its absolute compassion for, its solidarity with, the greater body.
Nonviolent resistance in Palestine: steadfastness, creativity and hope
‘This Ends Now': Boston-area SJPs call for BDS in response to Israel’s obstruction of Freedom Flotilla
***** Halt! Stop! Read this: Time for a Jewish reformation? Mark Braverman, American Jew
nd. Denial: fighting to bury the truth that is within yourself.
Denial: fighting to bury the truth that is within yourself.
The most widely read, most beloved, most instrumental author to the American Revolution died friendless: Thomas....
The most widely read, most beloved, most instrumental author to the American Revolution died friendless: Thomas Paine, yes, that, Thomas Paine . Now, bring to your mind the magnitude of what he did that became the country known as America. Realize, that America never would have become without Thomas Paine. he was far and away the most widely read author pre revolution in the United States. Think about that. Now think about this: he died virtually friendless. 6 people came to his funeral and three of them were black as I recalled. Why? Because he was against the status quo of rule by the elites. For him the so-called American Revolution was simply I change from a British ruling elite to a domestic ruling elite. The masses remained subjugated. Blacks remained subjugated. Women regain remained subjugated... All by way of plan and intention from the ruling elites. Thomas Paine's very being was against this. This was known. So within moments of the Revolutionary War being won he became pariah, persona non grata, unwelcome, friendless. This is my understanding from an article I posted yesterday from the penultimate scholar Chris Hedges entitled, 'In extreme times liberals are a dead [ absolutely useless ]force.'
***** Sons of man have nowhere to lay their head. Loving without living in absolute solidarity is not Loving. That which is not Loving is exactly that which is at war against Creator, Creation.
Sons of man have nowhere to lay their head. Loving without living in absolute solidarity is not Loving. That which is not Loving is exactly that which is at war against Creator, Creation.
nd. I am my global family. We are dying. We are profoundly unsafe. I am working with every atom of my being to make me (my glogal neediest, all of us) more safe.
***** nd. Why would I want to live in the luxury of a homeless shelter, let alone a rent-subsidized efficiency by the White House... when billions of my family could never in 1000 years dream of such luxury? (I abhor the idea. Moving back onto the DC streets by this weekend, intensifying my fight for our neediest Family.) "The golden rule is to steadfastly refuse to have what [billions] cannot [have]." Gandhi. Indeed. "A son of man has nowhere to rest his head." In fact.
***** I hold contempt for the feeling of loving. I revere totally and absolutely Loving as a way of Being... being Christian, Christlike, Serving the Neediest from the Soul in Solidarity... by whatever words, or no words at all.
***** HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR: "Call the Zionists what they are: NAZI CRIMINALS....If we want to stay real human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals,” Meyer said. The hate of the Jews by the Germans “was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews,” he observed.