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Showing posts with label HEAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEAD. Show all posts



nd 'With the Miraculous Dream Team at MSNBC (see link) they take me to a Peak of, well, despair - that with the most impossibly competent 'parts,' these folks, the system will NEVER get where Humanity flourishes. This is very surprising to me. Jesus saw it. Don't reform, 'COME OUT...! Revolution of Heart, and Soul, or Doom, Hell, Ecocide. With democracy and decency we can't do what only Loving can do.' Loving

nd 'With the unprecedented Dream Team at MSNBC (see link) they take me to a Peak of, well, despair - that with the most impossibly competent 'parts,' these folks, the system will NEVER get where Humanity flourishes.  This is very surprising to me.  Jesus saw it. Don't reform, 'COME OUT...! Revolution of Heart, and Soul, or Doom, Hell, Ecocide.  With democracy and decency we can't do what only Loving can do.'  Loving


nd 'My beloved older sister, not unkindly, has written to say, for the umteenth time, that no matter that I'm dying, I remain sufficiently worthless to her, that I remain just a prop in her life, unworthy of understanding in my own right. It has ever been thus with her, and my mom before her; and thus she treats all. They don't, they won't, they refuse to know better. I don't take it personally. I Love her not one spec less due to this. So typical in our society. There are few exceptions.' Loving [uh, yes, she phrased it differently. Hypocrisy, a clinical condition, never is Honest, Truthful, Direct.] [LOL. Jesus had exactly the same experience; and still does today, with us all.]

nd 'My beloved older sister, not unkindly, has written to say, for the umteenth time, that no matter that I'm dying, I remain sufficiently worthless to her, that I remain just a prop in her life, unworthy of understanding in my own right.  It has ever been thus with her, and my mom before her; and thus she treats all.  They don't, they won't, they refuse to know better. I don't take it personally.  I Love her not one spec less due to this. So typical in our society.  There are few exceptions.'  Loving [uh, yes, she phrased it differently. Hypocrisy, a clinical condition, never is Honest, Truthful, Direct.] [LOL. Jesus had exactly the same experience; and still does today, with us all.]


***** nd 'The, church... February 17th DC folks - Proof of studies that we've destroyed in ourselves our capacity for Empathy, Moral Vision, Compassion, Humanity.... These are high intellect, Head, Flesh, near-zero Heart humanoids. ALL HOPE is in the middle, the Center, where some Humanity, Heart, is in evidence - Organizing for Action; alongside Pr. Obama.' Loving

[McKibben,, Joseph Romm, February 17 2013, Keystone XL, White House, Washington, DC, Tar Sands]   ***** nd 'The, church... February 17th DC folks - Proof of studies that we've destroyed in ourselves our capacity for Empathy, Moral Vision, Compassion, Humanity....  These are high intellect, Head, Flesh, near-zero Heart humanoids.  ALL HOPE is in the middle, the Center, where some Humanity, Heart, is in evidence - Organizing for Action; alongside Pr. Obama.' Loving


nd ' "Donkey Body" - Francis of Assisi thought of his, that way. Me too now, thank Goodness (God). My Avatar - nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. The Christ Spirit, Loving, knows nothing other than this, ever. We are here to Serve our Neediest, never to serve the avatar.' Loving

nd ' "Donkey Body" - Francis of Assisi thought of his, that way.  Me too now, thank Goodness (God). My Avatar - nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.  The Christ Spirit, Loving, knows nothing other than this, ever.  We are here to Serve our Neediest, never to serve the avatar.' Loving


***** nd 'Hypocrite - 'One acting a part, cultural role (r, c, lft).' From the Greek. 99.999999% of us all. 'True Being,' is the alternative.' Loving informed by Tolstoy.

***** nd 'Hypocrite - 'One acting a part, cultural role (r, c, lft).' From the Greek. 99.999999% of us all. 'True Being,' is the alternative.'  Loving informed by Tolstoy.

'The Scribe, the Pharisee, the Priest... asked themselves, 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me. The Good Samaritan asked himself a different question, 'If I do NOT stop to help this man, what will happen to Him.' MLK Jr. (MORE)

 TOTALLY UNREASONABLE what the Good Samaritan did on that dangerous road, but presumably, it was the stuff of Life, to the wounded man on the side of the road.  THE WAY YOU SWOOPED IN LIKE A BANSHEE, WHEN YOUR DEAREST FRIEND WAS IN DIRE NEED, WAS UNREASONABLE, by all measures. NO ONE ELSE LIFTED
A FINGER.  But your unreasonableness Saved them; possibly
their very life.  SHOULD YOU HAVE DONE WHAT YOU DID!!?!?!  Well, who
knows.  But you DID, and it was Life Giving, Saving, to them, of all that they are, and all that they could be.  That's a fact.


***** nd 'christianity - panders to the lusts satisfied by its cultish, Head and Flesh fantasy / nightmare -world of make-believe Acting - Hypocrisy. Opposite of the Heaven of Living the Truths of our Soul, Hearts, Consciences paid the ultimate Price to give us. Anti-Christ. Christ-ianity is what he died to give us. Christ - the Spirit of Loving.' Loving

***** nd 'christianity - panders to the lusts satisfied by its cultish, Head and Flesh fantasy / nightmare -world of make-believe Acting - Hypocrisy. Opposite of the Heaven of Living the Truths of our Soul, Hearts, Consciences paid the ultimate Price to give us. Anti-Christ. Christ-ianity is what he died to give us. Christ - the Spirit of Loving.' Loving