When does a Family member Relax while Loved one's Face Peril? Uh, NEVER. Right? RIGHT?
Here's my point. There is a glimmer of increased Hope with this Heatwave from Hell - Wash Post spoke of it this morning, how finally, not ice bergs in the arctic, but ice cubes destined for gin and tonics are melting in ruling class DC fridges that are still without power from this killer weather.
No question that Gaia is trying, still trying, to wake us in time.
When does a Family member Relax while Loved one's Face Peril? Uh, NEVER. Right?
When the legislation is assured, 1. TOTALLY Unhiding the Wreckage Costs, and B. Totally Redirecting Subsidies from Future Destroying to Future Restoring, will a loved one relax then? Well, for a moment or two. ONLY FOR A MOMENT OR TWO.
Why not relax longer? Remember how much true justice the war to free the slaves brought to the slaves? Uh. None, virtually none. Satan doesn't sleep, but we in our complacency sleep at every hint of improvement, don't we? Every hint. Wishful thinking paves the road to, well, Hell on earth. IF we drove, like we uh, 'fight' for what's Good, well, we'd never survive a trip to the grocery store.
As the founder of Intel, Grove subtitled his book, "Only the paranoid survive." True. In this case, 'Only the 'children' of the next 2000 generations survive, if we today are DULY Paranoid.'