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Showing posts with label CANCER vs HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CANCER vs HEALTH. Show all posts


Part 3. James shock at how few people in the world he is grateful for thankful for.

James is grateful he finds, thankful, for those one in a million people now and throughout history that he understands as living entirely to make the world a place that is more good. James is grateful he finds, thankful, for those one in a million people now and throughout history that he understands as living entirely to make the world a place that is more good. Explicitly or by accident they may


The best of us have been and remain cancer. The exceptions prove the rule. My dad, and to a....

The best of us have been and remain cancer. The exceptions prove the rule. My dad, and to a... degree my mom, are among the most good people I've ever known personally. My dad the most good. We were malignant cancer. We bore no malice toward the rest of creation, we had positive feelings. We religiously consumed thousands of times more than our share, thousands of times more than is sustainable. The body functions, the body is healthy, because every cell devotes each nano second to the well-being of the body. My god, we did the opposite with few exceptions. The exceptions prove the rule. America is based on this madness, Western civilization, capitalism, materialISM. Since it's inception but accelerating greatly in the last 70 years or so. America is based on this cancer. Of course it is dying. It is painful when cancer dies, but it is not necessarily bad. Somewhere in the future the surviving cells, the surviving humanoids, they have an opportunity to begin a new.


***** EFLIUS Day 18 ND. "You inspire others to do more. We can always do more. I so love you, brother!" I replied: What deeply touching and encouraging.........

"You inspire others to do more. We can always do more. I so love you, brother!"  I replied: What deeply touching and encouraging words. So very kind. You move me. I do what I do simply because it is where the joy is, serving from the soul in solidarity our neediest sisters and brothers. But it's also the only place that hope is, for any of us to find peace and joy in each moment of the attempt, and collectively as a species in all creation. If I understand anything it is simply that every healthy successful bit of tissue, in any plant or non-human creature,  any and every organ,  any and every individual member of a species,  does this from the instant of its creation until the instant it expires, Devotion to the neediest among it. Except for cancer, the form of existence that we westerners have embraced long ago and is now in the final stages of killing everything, unless one by one we learn to turn in a different direction. This is the entirety of what Gandhi intended when he said, be the change you wish to see in the world. We have no other responsibilities than this. And in exercising this responsibility, Breath by breath, one by one, we become a hope for the future. Each moment that we do not, we contribute to the now all but certain Doom of the future. James 


More on my Presidential election quandary: recently I concluded that we humans have lived the illusion that our selfishness somehow......

More on my Presidential election quandary: recently I concluded that we humans have lived the illusion that our selfishness somehow gets absorbed in a world of great tolerance and flexibility. My conclusion was that that is as incorrect as to say that one's heart has lots of latitude on when to beat, how fast, when to stop beating.... This delusion has brought the body of humanity and all creation to death's door. I see a vote for Hillary or a vote for Trump to be a vote for this delusion on steroids. Or, do I view a vote for Hillary as a vote against the more malignant Trump , buying us a little bit more time? I don't know how this will play out for me.


To a friend younger than I: Maybe you think I'm getting too philosophical, but my understanding of cancer is, not that it's a cell that decided to attack the body, but a cell that simply decided to stop devoting every second of its existence to the well-being of the body. It grows like crazy, robs all the cells around it of what they need to exist, and the body dies. My Generation, the Boomers, embraced cancer as.......

To a friend younger than I:  Maybe you think I'm getting too philosophical, but my understanding of cancer is, not that it's a cell that decided to attack the body, but a cell that simply decided to stop devoting every second of its existence to the well-being of the body. It grows like crazy, robs all the cells around it of what they need to exist, and the body dies. My Generation, the Boomers, embraced cancer as the ultimate Way of being. Selfishness as love, the ultimate perversion. You young folks are the recipients of five thousand or so years of humanoids in too-complex societies that has brought the human species and all species to the doorstep of death. Like cancer cells we were blind to the fact that we were killing the body, but unlike cancer cells, we were willfully blind.  Denial, our ultimate achievement. For the intoxications of it I did my part of bringing us to death's door. For the joy of it I'm trying to move us away from that door. Sorry. So sorry.


### in Desperate attempts to stop global warming I have gone literally to death's door, happy to go through if it would help, on 50 day plus water only hunger strike numerous times. I can no longer understand why I did that. I see nothing........

### in Desperate attempts to stop global warming I have gone literally to death's door, happy to go through if it would help, on 50 day plus water only hunger strike numerous times. I can no longer understand why I did that. I see nothing in humanity as a whole worth saving, not now, not through the last five thousand years. A few individuals? Yes. I don't have an allegiance to cancer. I don't have an allegiance to the plague. I would not have an allegiance to the Borg or the crystalline entity from Star Trek. I do not have an allegiance to the human race outside of the small Aboriginal tribes for which we were designed, and the handful of individuals that each generation somehow retain their Humanity in the viciously deadly cultures that we humans in large masses develop and promulgate. And I have a loyalty that will never die to do what I can to lessen the suffering of the most abused, neglected, persecuted such as  are Palestinian family  and our sisters and brothers  in the underclass here in the DC region. We are the weapons of mass destruction. God save the universe if we escape Earth.


***** I think I fairly dramatically evolved last night. I'm not sure how it will manifest in my life but I believe that it will. I thought that my loyalty to the human species died a year or so ago, but it seems not. I think that happened last night. I can't even.........

***** I think I fairly dramatically evolved last night. I'm not sure how it will manifest in my life but I believe that it will. I thought that my loyalty to the human species died a year or so ago, but it seems not. I think that happened last night. I can't even understand how I was so blind as to ever feel that loyalty. To individual humans? Yes. To the species? Am I loyal to cancer? Am I loyal to the plague? Would I be loyal to the crystalline entity from Star Trek? I am definitely loyal to the subspecies of human, loving, a miniscule tribe scattered around Earth. Minuscule. I am loyal to all nonhuman species but certainly not with the ferocity that I was to the human species. I am loyal to the universe enough to be opposed to the human species escaping out into it to wreak the same destruction that it has to Earth. How does it feel? Certainly more sane. More clear. More enlightened. More at peace. More clear.


***** What is the revolution? It is not the overthrow of the current regime or system. For that to be the end we continue to let the system dictate the terms. The only true Revolution is to leave the current system, to abandoned, to ignore, the current regime, the oligarchs, the fascists, the corporations, the materialism. Gandhi was........

***** What is the revolution? It is not the overthrow of the current regime or system. For that to be the end we continue to let the system dictate the terms. The only true Revolution is to leave the current system, to abandoned, to ignore, the current regime, the oligarchs, the fascists, the corporations, the materialism. Gandhi was profoundly and absolutely right, Earth has ''enough to satisfy everyone's need, but not everyone's greed.'' And he said rightly and profoundly and absolutely true, ''The golden rule is to steadfastly refuse what [billions] cannot have.'' To leave this current economy and to enter a different economy, the Economy of the principles and practices of the healthy biological family , service because it is needed , goods because they are needed. Is this not the revolution that Gandhi and those who followed him at the time waged? It is. Is this not the revolution that Jesus waged too? It is. There is none other. Everything else, everything less, everything other than this is simply a movement to change who exploits and who is exploded. By every objective measure every form of our materialistic value system is in the final stages of destroying everything decent, all decent life on planet Earth, and therefore destroying Itself by destroying its host. It is itself unsustainable. Our lives in this sickest of all cultures are fundamentally serving me and mine, wishing no ill to others, but placing them as somehow outside of our immediate family. This is cancer. This is death. It is killing. It will kill, until it is replaced. This is why despite my deep love and affection and respect for Sanders I am not jumping on the campaign. It is not the revolution. And everything that is not the revolution is too little too late, squandering the one resource we have almost nothing left of of, time. No one except for me can prevent me from waging the revolution, abandoning the current system to every degree I am able, and entering the new economy of pure Brotherhood regardless of the personal consequences to me and mine. To do so is insane. Thank creator, I found that Insanity about 15 years ago and I find no desire to abandon it, rather only to learn to enter it more deeply, seriously, passionately, intelligently, selflessly. For the infinite joy, peace of heart, and singular hope that it is, regardless of how apparently futile.


**** If nonviolence is a tactic, as near all of today's practitioners Proclaim, then it is not nonviolence. It is violence, manipulation, the attempt to get others to pay the price for what one wants. Nonviolence is loving, paying the price with one's own life.........

***** If nonviolence is a tactic, as near all of today's practitioners Proclaim, then it is not nonviolence. It is violence, manipulation, the attempt to get others to pay the price for what one wants. Nonviolence is loving, paying the price with one's own life for what one wants; it is not a tactic but a way of being, the way of non-cancerous life itself , the strategy of non-cancerous life itself. This is what we do for our children, largely, is it not? This is what we do when we want a house, or a car, or food? We don't go and try and cheat someone out of what is theirs. We don't go and try and force one to give it to us. We pay with the price of our lives, with the work of our lives, our bodies, and we seek to get what we want in that way, except in our worst moments, which may be Legion as we are taught in the sickest of all cultures. Non-violence better termed anti-violence, or better still, Loving) says that in matters of what is right and wrong, Justice, larger concerns of the human good, that we will go about securing those in the same way, paying the price with our own lives, not in the slightest trying to force others to pay for what we want. Nonviolence understood this way is The revolution, there is none other other, and it almost never has been tried. There is no other Revolution. Everything else is simply an attempt to reverse the roles of who is doing the violence and who is receiving it.


***** I think we need Armageddon, Global chemo, for any healthy cells to emerge alive. I don't like this thought. I did not seek this thought. I have worked to deny this thought. It is crashing down upon me. I was within moments.....

***** I think we need Armageddon, Global chemo, for any healthy cells to emerge alive. I don't like this thought. I did not seek this thought. I have worked to deny this thought. It is crashing down upon me. I was within moments of diving in with every second, and my every last cent, into the Sanders campaign. Strike one was the most extraordinary young lady from Philadelphia, brilliant, passionate, exploding with energy... that has had nothing but bad experience with the Sanders campaign organizers. Strike two was my 1 hour on a Sanders campaign new volunteers conference call at 9:30 night before last. I will never know if those conducting the call were actually computer droids. They were these insanely Pleasant, happy, vivacious, empty administrators. Strike three was going into the campaign office for Sanders in Washington DC and being greeted by an icy dead stare and voice from the Washington DC volunteer coordinator who made it explicit that I was interrupting her conference call simply by entering the office and she had absolutely no time for me. What fun if she knew that I had just transferred $2,000 into an account for a donation. Strike four was my experience with democracy spring. The most wonderful collection of people, not the least Disturbed at, vehemently denying of, the Discrimination shown the police in the two hour so-called nonviolence training, which was exactly violence training against the police, sanctioned, smug, sanctimonious , supremacist discrimination against our brothers and sisters in uniform. I'm sure that everyone wishes that taking a couple of aspirins would eradicate cancer cells from the body. But at least with current technology it took me months of near totally debilitating chemo including wearing a poison pump 2 days every two weeks to kill the stuff. I think it's going to take some number of years or Decades of a Trump or Cruz or Hillary Clinton in office, and a planet in unmistakable spiritual and physical hell, before even the best of my sisters and brothers realizes that the true Revolution is absolute lived solidarity, total 100% Brotherhood with everyone, especially our enemies, no matter the personal price to me and mine.


***** There are two basic ways of making a life for oneself: 1. Being lovable, adorable, desirable, pleasurable... for the purpose of consuming; 2. Lo........

***** There are two basic ways of making a life for oneself: 1. Being lovable, adorable, desirable, pleasurable... for the purpose of consuming; 2. Loving, Serving, Sustaining, providing, building, creating, being creator, being giver and sustainer of life... so that others less fortunate have the basics of decent living to consume. The first is what we idolize in Western influenced culture. We idolize taking, having, consuming, taking pleasure, being consumption. The second we flee with all of our might, in terror, in horror, in ridicule, in disdain. The first is literally the cancerous lifestyle, unsustainable, terminal 2 the environment and all but the most powerful. The second is sustainability itself, the life process embraced, lived, made manifest. Jesus literally died to lead us to the second and away from the first, as have all the saints of every religion and no religion at all, of the one true religion, Loving. I never understood the revered work, The Great Gatsby, until these epiphanies came flooding to me through the night. I hope to learn to better understand and articulate this.


**** If the body's healing systems worked only at the brink of death, what would be the result? Death, right? Yet only at the very brink of utter disaster do we devote our lives to making peace... if even then. How the hell can..........

***** If the body's healing systems worked only at the brink of death, what would be the result? Death, right? Yet only at the very brink of utter disaster do we devote our lives to making peace... if even then. How the hell can we wonder at the results? War after war after plunder after atrocity..... and soon, annihilation. The health of the body is the result of every breath, every second, every instant constant mobilisation, devotion, dedication, commitment ... toward health and away from evil. And so is the only path to justice and peace on earth. How can we keep doing this to our children? How can we keep doing this to anyone's children? Yes, just watch us, one last time.  Denial is wonderful, no? Being cancer... is sooooooo pleasurable!