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Showing posts with label Being Loving Propagating Loving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Being Loving Propagating Loving. Show all posts


"we have an exaggerated idea of the importance of laws. Our legislative bodies are the greatest law factories the world has ever seen. Our zest for legislation blinds us to the subtle forces behind and beyond the law. Those influences which really make and mar human happiness and greatness are beyond the reach of the law. The law can compel a man to support his wife, but it cannot compel him to love her, and what are ten dollars a week to a woman whose love lies in broken shards at her feet ? The law can compel a father to provide....

we have an exaggerated idea of the importance of laws. Our legislative bodies are the greatest law factories the world has ever seen. Our zest for legislation blinds us to the subtle forces behind and beyond the law. Those influences which really make and mar human happiness and greatness are beyond the reach of the law. The law can compel a man to support his wife, but it cannot compel him to love her, and what are ten dollars a week to a woman whose


The fundamental contribution of every man is the change of his own personality. We must repent of the sins of existing society, cast off the spell of the lies protecting our social wrongs, have faith in a higher social order, and realize in ourselves a new type of Christian manhood which seeks to....

The fundamental contribution of every man is the change of his own personality. We must repent of the sins of existing society, cast off the spell of the lies protecting our social wrongs, have faith in a higher social order, and realize in ourselves a new type of Christian manhood which seeks to...... overcome the evil in the present world, not by withdrawing from the world, but by revolutionizing it. If this new type of religious character multiplies among the young men and women, they will change the world when they come to hold the controlling positions of society in their maturer years. They will give a new force to righteous and enlightened public opinion, and will apply the religious sense of duty



THE MAIN TECHNIQUES OF ALTRUIZATION AND SOCIALIZATION Like many other instrumentalities, most of the techniques of modification of human behavior can be used for good as well as bad purposes, for


Tolstoy as quoted by Sorokin. "Christ founded no church, established no State, made no laws, imposed no government, or exterior authority; he simply set himself to write the law of God in the hearts of men in...

Christ founded no church, established no State, made no laws, imposed no government, or exterior authority; he simply set himself to write the law of God in the hearts of men in.... order that they might govern themselves. The doctrine of Christ is based on the metaphysical principle of love, the supreme law, that should guide us in our daily life and which admits of no exception. When you can say with entire truth and with a whole heart: “ Lord God, lead me wherever Thou desirest,” then, only, do you deliver yourself from servitude and become really free. Do what you have to do in life according to divine will, and in that way you will improve the lives of everybody.
Sorokin. The ways and Power of Love. Free download

Nonviolent political action, Ultimate Death Trap? The attempt to establish directly a more just world micro or macro. What?

 tragically this seems like a funny analogy. Herding cats is not a thing. It is anything but funny. It is the ultimate in tragedy. It could be the tombStone on civilization.
The tragic flaw for Martin Luther King Jr, Mandela, and Gandhi until the end when he woke up.
What? Herding cats is not a thing.
Groups of people are not a biological, real, thing. Don't be confused by their interrelatedness and mutual influence.
There is no one thing that a hospital can impose on each of the patients and cause help for any one of them. They are individuals. They can be made individually healthy or allowed to be unhealthy.

Although no one wants to face this the War on Drugs is another such situation .  Hundreds of billions of dollars  countless lives have been sacrificed on this. as long as people want those substances they will find a way to get them and people will find a way to supply them.
Jesus, the man, this mistake never made. Neither in word nor deed. It is the only hopeful thing which could ever result in Collective Justice. He works to heal the individual soul, the individual mammalian brain, the Supra conscious as Sorokin so brilliantly enumerates.
Everything else including well intended so called nonviolent political action is energy away from this only thing that could ever produce a Humanity that wanted peace over War, loving over hate.


My Religion? Being loving propagating loving in the world, for Joy. Same as Jesus. Propagating hating is the alternative.