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Showing posts with label cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cult. Show all posts


Fundamentalist Christians, in love and truth I say, indeed you have a father, it is absolutely obviously clearly the father of Destruction, and Jesus had the other one. The father of creation. You are children of the devil. Repent. Return to your original father, creator. Article

Fundamentalist Christians, in love and truth I say, indeed you have a father, it is absolutely obviously clearly the father of Destruction, and Jesus had the other one. The father of creation. You are children of the devil. Repent. Return to your original father, creator.


I believe it was Gandhi that said, I don't care what your religion is, what I care is that you practice it well. I agree with Gandhi and the problem with the world is that it is far too complex , and not one in a million people do.

I believe it was Gandhi that said, I don't care what your religion is, what I care is that you practice it well. I agree with Gandhi and the problem with the world is that it is far too complex , and not one in a million people do.


Standing Rock update: alert, this is not some news flash. It's something that I've been aware of a long time and I'm just now sharing. Never again would I attend a nationalistic, racist, event. Not to say.......

Standing Rock update: alert, this is not some news flash. It's something that I've been aware of a long time and I'm just now sharing.

Never again would I attend a nationalistic, racist, event. Not to say that all of the natives here are nationalistic or racist, some are absolutely opposed to that. But too many are and they are not called out. How is racism and nationalism the revolution? It is unconditional surrender to nationalism and racism, hierarchy no matter how much it is denied.

Dr. King said something like, I have a dream that one day people will be recognized by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, their nationality, their history of Oppression, ethnicity,  spiritual tradition,  etcetera etcetera etcetera.

I do not deny the right of people who have been oppressed to act that out in many ways.

What I do deny is that anything other than recognizing and valuing people by the content of their character, nothing less than that is any sort of revolution. And far too much of Standing Rock has been all about nationalism, race, Etc.

It is Revolution that is Dead on Arrival.

So is there no hope here? There is hope here. Why? Because many people here simply operate on the basis of character, kindness, loving, service, and it seems to be impossible for them to do anything other than this. This includes native and non-native people alike.

This small collection that operate in this way, they are whatever hope there may be, they are the evidence of what Revolution there can be. The only thing that can be called revolution, in truth. Universal family, Universal Brotherhood, Universal unconditional loving, by whatever name or none.

Oh, and what utter insanity, Madness, stupidity has been the efforts to make the Lakota way displacing of,  super ordinate over,  supremely respected versus, the spiritual Traditions that brought this amazing Rainbow Coalition of people together. How can there be such a stupidity where on the one hand the disparate spiritual Traditions, the Myriad spiritual Traditions that brought people here, That there would then be an effort to subordinate them under something different,  some other tradition? What could be more f****** stupid,  self-defeating, self-destructive, than that? If it is no a Dapl plot  they must be all the more delighted at us doing it to ourselves.


### Had an absolutely horrible experience yesterday. Attended a gigantic meeting at Washington National Cathedral, on the topic of what the white church needs to do for black lives matter. There were hundreds........

### Had an absolutely horrible experience yesterday. Attended a gigantic meeting at  Washington National Cathedral, on the topic of what the white church needs to do for black lives matter. There were hundreds of people there including many clergy who had been invited. Everyone loved it, I walked out after 45 minutes being unable to stand it. The five people on stage were just revolting examples of white  privilege even though two of them were of color. They will do whatever it takes for justice for people of color as long as it doesn't cost them one dime, one bit of personal risk, one second of their time, one drop of sweat .  Their words were of solidarity, their behavior was a complete and utter divorce. It was a horror. It was a nightmare. They were droids, they were zombies.


**** David Axelrod on PBS about Obama, and Israel. A much more correct and revealing title to this article would be, 'Obama identifies with the intellectual elite, privileged, well intended, ivory tower... segment of the Jewish community, from Chicago, and he and his team remain honestly and criminally blind to the Jewish and Christian Zionist cults.' Profoundly profoundly profoundly enlightening about Obama and Palestine and Israel. Assuming........

***** David Axelrod on PBS about Obama, and Israel. A much more correct and revealing title to this article would be,  'Obama  identifies with the intellectual elite,  privileged,  well intended,  ivory tower... segment of the Jewish community, from Chicago, and he and his team remain honestly and criminally blind to the Jewish and Christian Zionist cults.' Profoundly profoundly profoundly enlightening about Obama and Palestine and Israel. Assuming that Axelrod is speaking honestly, & I believe this to be the case, this makes it clear that Obama, his team including Axelrod, were and are profoundly blind to the evils of the Zionist cults and mafia. This is not really hard to believe or to understand. And this is not in the slightest what Axelrod says, but it is so evident from this huge blind spot in what he says, in him, as representative of the key Jewish advisors that Obama has. Obama and his team where from the Chicago Jewish community, &, the Ivy League Jewish community. That is a pretty godly, idealistic, well intended group. They are also very ivory tower, very removed from reality, and idealistic to a fault. One of the only times I ever saw Obama blindsided was in the first month of his administration with a top security candidate he proposed getting slammed back down his throat by AIPAC. He, his advisors, totally didn't see it coming. This also points to a parallel blindness that he and the administration had, and have. In the Ivy League World, the world of elite, removed, idealists, Obama has been able to be a bridge builder, but had never been confronted with the KKK, Zionist, Cults or anything like them. Neither Obama or his team has ever come to grips with this.


***** With almost no exceptions religious institutions are social, business, clubs with a thin veneer of religiosity, to paraphrase and expand Dr. King's idea. This article was a huge awakening for me. How blind I have been.

***** With almost no exceptions religious institutions are social, business, clubs with a thin veneer of religiosity, to paraphrase and expand Dr. King's idea. This article was a huge awakening for me. How blind I have been.


***** "James, please backup your bold statement that you find Muslims infinitely more Christlike than you find Christians to be." My reply: " I .........

***** "James, please backup your bold statement that you find Muslims infinitely more Christlike than you find Christians to be." My reply:  " I don't make "bold statements," that is, I do not make the mistake of minding the business of others, what they think. I sometimes share what I have come to understand. You said please, so I will take a moment and share some additional thoughts.  Until several years ago I never thought about Muslims, which means, that I took the Hollywood line, the media of line, which simply replaced what it did to Native Americans and about 60, 70, years ago started doing the same thing to Muslims, demonising them, making them subhuman targets. When I began researching, thinking, observing, and paying attention to my own personal encounters, I arrived in summary at what I shared above. Probably every day I personally encounter a new, for me, Muslim. Regarding this, and the other things I'll share here, I'll share what I understand to be Christ-like characteristics. You are welcome to agree or disagree. This is not a topic on which I intend to debate with you or anyone. Out of courtesy, I am simply replying to your question. In the Muslims I encounter I encounter profound modesty, and humility. Where I would expect to find Western Christian rage at being so savagely terrorized, raped, pillaged, exploited, humiliated, subjugated, raided, looted, destroyed... by the West these decades, I find deep generosity, hurt, peacefulness, acceptance, hurt and forgiveness. When I reflect on history it becomes much more striking to me. It is the Western so called Christians that perpetrated slavery in the Americas, that waged two world wars, that firebombed Dresden, and Tokyo, that delivered colonial terrorism to the Congo, to Vietnam, to Algiers, to Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Yemen, to India, that note to civilian cities in Japan unnecessarily.... It is the West that lives by the sword by any and every objective measure by many many many orders of magnitude. I could go on. Be well friend. One of my heroes is Gandhi and he arrived at the similar conclusion, I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."
