The work, the need, is to resurrect Souls, Hearts, from the dead. Jesus died exhorting us to this work. We couldn't, wouldn't, and don't see it even now. Especially now.
Regarding guns for personal protection: My biological dad was the most intensely and unfailingly loving individual that I have ever encountered on this Earth. Everything of value in myself I........
Regarding guns for personal protection: My biological dad was the most intensely and unfailingly loving individual that I have ever encountered on this Earth. Everything of value in myself I attribute to him being in my life as an example. Among the ways that he lived his love for us was to work literally 7 days a week 365 days a year at his lucrative profession of teaching piano to wealthy people and teachers from around the country who came to learn his methods. He worked himself to the Bone so that we could have an incredibly expensive idyllic house in a wealthy Northern New Jersey New York suburb , on the end of a cul-de-sac adjoining a massive Nature Preserve. But among other things it made us immensely vulnerable. It would have been a very attractive robbery Target and we could all have been murdered in our beds with the robber escaping never to be found. My dad was a person of little words. He was a person of immense Deeds. I don't remember any particular discussion other than when I was very young I became aware, I think he told me maybe he even showed me, that he had purchased a handgun which he put in the bedside table to protect us. And my recollection is that almost immediately he told me and showed me that he had gotten rid of the handgun because he considered having it a greater Danger than not having it. Obviously I've never forgotten that. In our desperately sick culture we think that life is pulse. Life is not pulse. It may in rare instances be enabled by pulse but life is not pulse. This was demonstrated, this was known and lived by all the people throughout history that are rightly Revere.
Little Girl's Only Wish For Christmas Is To Save A Turkey's Life
***** I'll write again that the last several months I sense that I have made a huge leap in my understanding of the essentials. I detest dogma, this should be well known. I detest following words without understanding deeply the underlying meaning. For me, this is the norm in the Catholic Church which was my early background. I have found the notion of, seeing Jesus in everyone, revolting. It makes no sense to me, it has never been explained to me in any way that makes any sense. But if there is any sense to be made of such things, it came to me on my 35k journey among the less affluent, the less educated, the less advantaged .... What occurred to me first was that I was seeing in people for the first time in many many years, occasionally, a sense of awe, a sense of wonder at important things in life. This quickly brought me to the notion that as newborn infants, and in our first months of life, this awe, this wonder, this profound humility... Is central to our nature. I further then realized that we all have that experience. That, now, is what I understand to be the correct meaning of Holy Spirit, the divine within us. And I can now see that in virtually everyone that in earliest childhood, that holy spirit existed, and still potentially exists if it is brought back to memory, and most importantly, if it is brought to reign within us.
***** I'll write again that the last several months I sense that I have made a huge leap in my understanding of the essentials. I detest dogma, this should be well known. I detest following words without understanding deeply the underlying meaning. For me, this is the norm in the Catholic Church which was my early background. I have found the notion of, seeing Jesus in everyone, revolting. It makes no sense to me, it has never been explained to me in any way that makes any sense. But if there is any sense to be made of such things, it came to me on my 35k journey among the less affluent, the less educated, the less advantaged .... What occurred to me first was that I was seeing in people for the first time in many many years, occasionally, a sense of awe, a sense of wonder at important things in life. This quickly brought me to the notion that as newborn infants, and in our first months of life, this awe, this wonder, this profound humility... Is central to our nature. I further then realized that we all have that experience. That, now, is what I understand to be the correct meaning of Holy Spirit, the divine within us. And I can now see that in virtually everyone that in earliest childhood, that holy spirit existed, and still potentially exists if it is brought back to memory, and most importantly, if it is brought to reign within us.
***** If I know anything of value, if I have anything of value to share, it all boils down to this.....
***** If I know anything of value, if I have anything of value to share, it all boils down to this:
1. We are virtually all born in what I will refer to as the Holy Spirit, the spirit of universal, unconditional Loving, what I think Schweitzer referred to as the reverence for life. I understand this as nothing more or less than one of the psychological states that is available to us.
2. Further, I perceive that six thousand years or so ago we moved out of the tiny tribes we were designed to be in, where all the stimulation was of the notion of universal family, and have since developed huge cultures that strip away from us virtually all of the natural stimulation of the Holy Spirit, that sense of universal Loving, reverence for life.
3. As a consequence, now, in 2015, in the United States and the Western world, within months or a few years we strip away from our children the Holy Spirit, unconditional Loving, reverence for life... and replace it with a religiously conditional Loving, a religious lusting for self, for me and mine.
4. What miniscule hope there is now for life worth living depends upon the individual and collective return to every breath submission to that spirit of reverence for life that I believe we were all born into, and that we can still, if we so choose, if we devote the immense time and effort, that we can find within ourselves and return reign over ourselves individually, to. We must find it within ourselves and bring it back to the rule of ourselves individually, and thereby, only thereby, provide encouragement to others to do the same.
5. My life is devoted, every breath, to this task, within myself and to foster it within others.
***** Day 26? Very important. 'You don't have to do that ma'am,' I said. 'I have to support a Godloving man doing Godly work,' said the middleclass white lady.......
***** Very important. 'You don't have to do that ma'am,' I said. 'I have to support a Godloving man doing Godly work,' said the middleclass white lady my age standing with her daughter in the IHop parking lot as she handed me a donation after reading my tattoos and hearing about the mission. Strange and wonderful for me to finally realize: I am hunting for people of the Godly spirit, of Creator's spirit. This is so unexpected. This is so absolutely correct. I was blind before. Now I see. It is all about the Spirit. Everything depends upon the Spirit. It will make little difference. Sodom was destroyed because there were not five people of Creator's Spirit. Now it is repeating itself on a planetary scale. But at least I know what I am looking for now. -- Sent from Fast notepad
Cruelly, ignorantly, we raise children as though they are physical beings.....
Cruelly, ignorantly, we raise children as though they are physical beings when they are essentially spiritual beings. We raise them to be ignorant of what is important and obsessed with what is not.
nd. SPDF Day 12: From a Dear Activist Brother, 'Thank you for your work.' My reply: ...
Watch this, thru tears: "I want less suffering in the world... by everything." Simpsons co-creator dying of cancer. ‘The Simpsons’ Co-Creator Sam Simon Donating Fortune After Terminal Cancer Diagnosis.
pic. Our Calling is our Life. We're not aLive till we find it, and the next one, and the next.... And a True Calling is ALWAYS that which is the best way we can serve the neediest of our Universal Family, in that moment. Loving
pic. You need to ask yourself: “If I am not pitting my very Being, my very Soul, each breath, against the eternal Ecocide that is all but certain now... am I alive, or Truly already Dead?”

“If I am not pitting my very Being, my very Soul, each breath, against the eternal Ecocide that is
all but certain now...
am I alive,
or Truly already Dead?”