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Showing posts with label Our Global Neediest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Global Neediest. Show all posts


To a friend that I just unfriended:. Friend, I have warm feelings toward you. I do not indulge, go with, follow, my warm feelings toward anyone. I am not here to be a friend with anyone. I am here to.......

To a friend that I just unfriended:. Friend, I have warm feelings toward you. I do not indulge, go with, follow, my warm feelings toward anyone. I am not here to be a friend with anyone. I am here to be a friend to those who are suffering the most on this planet. I never allow myself the luxury of making an idle comment, a casual comment, only slightly thought through comment. At least it is extremely rare. Maybe to a fault I am extremely deliberate, thorough, thoughtful, research-based, fact based, intellectually based, emotionally based, academically based. Why? Because that is all I find Hope in standing on, in me or others. I have no quarrel with others who live their lives in other ways. That's not my business. But it is absolutely my business how to manage my time and that includes managing my various web sites. If anyone is silly enough to find me an authoritative source , which has nothing to do with me always being agreeable to, or correct, or absolutely correct... but for those silly enough to find me an authoritative Source I welcome their presence. In significant part I live for their presence, and I benefit from their comments more than they know. They conduct themselves accordingly speaking with respect and deep thought before they comment. It is not important to me whether they agree or disagree, only that they are thoughtful, as in, thinking deeply thoroughly factually and honestly. Your way of being is much more normal than mine, and much more casual. As I've tried to indicate to you over the years I do not have time for that from me,  you or anyone. This is why I have again unfriended you. My feelings for you are positive. But I don't have time for anyone's casual opinions, non deep, non authoritative, starting with mine. If I don't have time for it from me I surely don't have time for it from anyone else. Your friend forever, no matter what, James


***** Cancer Update: The basic human decency of most of the staff in the Infirmary. Amazing.

This note is NOT about who is NOT Family to me. It is about the
unexpected, amazing, Gospel foretold insights I'm getting as to who
IS Family toward me.

A higher percentage of these otherwise homeless and penniless guys
that staff the Infirmary, and other parts of the shelter, in return
for a room, and maybe food, genuinely care about me and my
outcomes more than any other group, segment, classification... I can think
of in my life.

These are really rough dudes, with lifelong really TOUGH environments,
whose toughness, unfairness, cruelty of backgrounds I can't begin
to imagine.

"Blest are the poor."  In many cases it took a good 2-3 months for them
to warm up to me - an obviously grotesquely overprivileged (ok, not in the
$$$ dept - that's gone) in education, childhood home life, elite adult

Of course I made no attempts toward this warming of relationship - I just
attempted to be the Loving Brother, harsh, austere, hermitish... Brother
I attempt to be with every breath, to every one, as the need presents
itself. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

But unlike school classmates, hospital staffs, prior suburban community
acquantances... it is among the poor that I find the closest to a Family
relationship, in how  they react to me - the staff here, the 1 or two other
inmates here, and my sisters and brothers on the street... as a class.

Why?  Why does someone raised in a drug den behave differently than
one not?  What these brothers may see as deprivation in their lives, is exactly analogous
to the 'deprivation' of the child NOT born, raised, living in the drug den.
They are deprived of affloholism, leaving much more of their humanity
in tact, than we over-privileged as a group.


SL here. Friends, you are all family of mine, but only those of you whose Hearts are totally committed to Our Global Neediest are Family TO US, and only these will receive my attention.

Friends, you are all family of mine, but only those of you
whose Hearts are totally committed to Our Global Neediest
are Family TO US, and only these will receive my attention.

Windows on SL's Hunger Strike:  Start Loving blog, FB StartLoving1, YT StartLoving4, Twitter StartLoving1 


"We are not to distance ourselves from Death, and thereby from Our Global Neediest." SL

"We are not to distance ourselves from Death,
and thereby from Our Global Neediest." SL

"There's virtually no Daily Bread - life-sustaining work of Meaning to Our Global Neediest." SL

"There's virtually no Daily Bread -
life-sustaining work of Meaning to Our Global Neediest."

"Daily Bread, a Full Day's Work of Meaning to Our Global Neediest: Civilization's STARVING TO DEATH for it." SL

"Daily Bread, a Full Day's Work of Meaning to Our Global Neediest:
Civilization's STARVING TO DEATH for it." SL
Windows on SL's Skunk-works:  Start Loving blog, FB StartLoving1, YT StartLoving4, Twitter StartLoving1  <<< GOING DARK MARCH 21 2011

"Universal Prescription for Salvation: Each of 100 waking hours Serve Our Global Neediest with something Meaningful." SL

"Universal Prescription for Salvation:
Each of 100 waking hours Serve Our Global Neediest
with something Meaningful." SL
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"'Start, accept shelter!' ROFL!!! I'll accept shelter when it is offered out of Love for Our Global Neediest I'm Devoted to. Not likely! THAT'S WHY WE HAVE GLOBAL NEEDIEST! ROFL!!! And sobs of grief." SL

"'Start, accept shelter!' ROFL!!!
I'll accept shelter when it is offered out of Love for
Our Global Neediest I'm Devoted to.  Not likely! 
And sobs of grief."  SL
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"'Start, you've given up so much!' Yes, Addictions (Sin, Error) - that which Separates me from God / Conscience / Love / Heart / Our Global Neediest; Addictions all, Gone. I'm Addiction Free now (pretty much)." SL

"'Start, you've given up so much!' Yes, Addictions (Sin, Error) -
that which Separates me from God / Conscience / Love / Heart / Our Global Neediest;
Addictions all, Gone. 
I'm Addiction Free now (pretty much)." SL
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"Jesus was homeless n today would be cuz: a. Even more Societally Dead, b. Same Refusal to Consume Our Global Neediest's Resources. Me too. 'The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head;' then; moreso now." SL

"Jesus was homeless n today would be cuz:
a. Even more Societally Dead,
b. Same Refusal to Consume Our Global Neediest's Resources. 
Me too.
'The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head;'
then; moreso now."  SL
Windows on SL's Skunk-works:  Start Loving blog, FB StartLoving1, YT StartLoving4, Twitter StartLoving1  <<< GOING DARK MARCH 10 2011


"As a pilot (which I am) I'm dead if just 1/32" ice DRAG is allowed. Same as your Brother if I allow any distractions from Our Global Neediest's needs." SL

"As a pilot (which I am) I'm dead if just 1/32" ice DRAG is allowed.
Same as your Brother if I allow any distractions from Our Global Neediest's needs." SL
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