Dear friends, notice: I see this very very infrequently among my small circle, but those few that Express themselves, that experience themselves, as quote against the other side, unquote it's time for this to stop or for us to unfriend each other. I have hope in, and I only have time to affiliate with, those who are for every creature unconditionally, and against every Injustice unconditionally. No exceptions. Never against another creature, including another human being. Never. Never. Never against another group, not for any breath, ever. Against Injustice? With all our might. Against bigotry? With all our might. Against oppression, violence? With every fiber of our being. Never ever us against them. Don't do it, or we need to stop wasting each other's time. Militants, passionately, VA, forcefully, relentlessly , unequivocally for the dignity, sanity, rights, good, fundamental needs of every creature, especially every human being, or we need to stop wasting each other's time. No exceptions. No exceptions for even a moment. It's too little too late for that. Whenever you see me doing it please call me out.
Bigotry and racism, even the slightest hint of bigotry and racism is precisely, exactly, completely, totally the perfect thing to do if one wants to be anti Christ. The exact center and the Heart of his.......
Bigotry and racism, even the slightest hint of bigotry and racism is precisely, exactly, completely, totally the perfect thing to do if one wants to be anti Christ. The exact center and the Heart of his ministry was embracing those that others had made Outcast, the Sinners, the sick, the weak, the poor, the neglected and abused, the unbelievers, the criminals, the government, those shamed and Damned by the religious of the day. How much more unforgivable, sinful, today when we have known of his example for two thousand years. Unforgivable. Soul killing. Desecration of Christ when done by those that claim to follow him. "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." "There would be no more Hindus if Christians would practice their faith." Gandhi. "I think the greatest obstacle to people becoming Christian is those who preach the gospel and do not follow it." Teresa of Calcutta "We need to preach the gospel, every day, all day long, and occasionally, use words, to do so." Francis of Assisi
***** vid. Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing. ***** profoundly wonderful on multiple levels. Please watch. Please share.
***** profoundly wonderful on multiple levels. Please watch. Please share.
***** My dad adored me above almost everyone. I wish he hadn't.....
My point isn't to dis my dad. If I could select anyone in history to be my dad, it would be him.
My point is to learn from my experience of this near greatest of all people I've ever known of.
He loved all of humanity, all of creation, unconditionally.
But he loved me nearly more than everything and everyone... and in that it was conditional love.
I wish he had loved me no more, and no less, than he loved every creature, all of creation.
I lost decades, my fault, on craving the supreme love he had for me. There was never any joy in that, There could NEVER be Joy in that - conditional Loving. Pleasure, yes. Lust, yes. Loving, no. Joy, no.
My life is now fully of his other side, Unconditional Loving - Immensely Painful with the pain of the world. Infinitely Loving. Infinitely Joyful. Every breath.
***** If you 'fell' into 'love' it is not Unconditional... that is not Love.
***** pic. Jesus: Hey, U.S. 99%: To Our Father’s Family YOU are the 1%. This, finally, is the end times. YOU will get it right, or you bring Hell-on-earth to YOUR next 1000 generations, and more. So far, even the best of you is getting it totally wrong. This last battle is NOT about the U.S. 99%! If YOU don’t make this last battle about YOUR entire Global Family, ALL CREATURES, YOU’VE ALREADY LOST. IF YOU LOVE; IF YOU LOVE ME; share this.

To Our Father’s Family YOU are the 1%.
This, finally, is the end times. YOU will get it right, or you bring Hell-on-earth to YOUR next 1000
generations, and more.
So far, even the best of you is getting it totally wrong. This last battle is NOT about the U.S. 99%!
If YOU don’t make this last battle about YOUR entire Global Family, ALL CREATURES, YOU’VE ALREADY LOST.
share this.
***** nd. I think I know what's been disturbing me so much about the otherwise unspeakably sheroic anti fracking, anti-tar sands activism, Arctic 30, Idle No More, anti-coal activism... around the world. The activists are standing against the enemy. They are not standing against Family, deranged Family. It is all the difference in the world. There is no longer time to win battles, which they may do. We need to win the war. We need to win the Revolution, and the Only Revolution is global conversion to Agape, Universal Family, Unconditional Loving, Godliness... by whatever name, or no name at all. This is the Fact. This is the Truth. Few show us the way - Malala, Aung San Suu Kyi, often Diane Wilson....
***** pic.As long as we will 'of course' do 'anything' for the good of our self or biological 'family,' there is no hope. ‘Me,’ ‘My family,’ at any cost, that IS Conditional loving. It is NOT Agape, Universal Family, Loving, Christ-ian. It IS the root Disease [with which I was ragingly infected most of my years. Not Malala, King, E. Roosevelt, Jesus, Gandhi....] Survival of Creation depends now on LIVING a higher allegiance: UNIVERSAL FAMILY, INCLUDING ALL CREATION Loving

‘Me,’ ‘My family,’ at any cost, that IS Conditional loving. It is NOT Agape, Universal Family, Loving, Christ-ian. It IS the root Disease [with which I was ragingly infected most of my years. Not Malala, King, E. Roosevelt, Jesus, Gandhi....]
Survival of Creation depends now on LIVING a higher allegiance:
also - Cancer, Depression Update
***** nd. "In a world where most have nothing, the Christ-ians (by whatever name) are the ones giving ALL they have." Loving
pic. The only way to prevent such unimaginable cruelty is never to wear any fur. Take PETA's pledge to be fur-free today!
***** Francis: "It is necessary to put into practice the commandments of love of God and love of neighbour." .article
Christian Post | - 3 hours ago |