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Tolstoy as quoted by Sorokin. "Christ founded no church, established no State, made no laws, imposed no government, or exterior authority; he simply set himself to write the law of God in the hearts of men in...

Christ founded no church, established no State, made no laws, imposed no government, or exterior authority; he simply set himself to write the law of God in the hearts of men in.... order that they might govern themselves. The doctrine of Christ is based on the metaphysical principle of love, the supreme law, that should guide us in our daily life and which admits of no exception. When you can say with entire truth and with a whole heart: “ Lord God, lead me wherever Thou desirest,” then, only, do you deliver yourself from servitude and become really free. Do what you have to do in life according to divine will, and in that way you will improve the lives of everybody.
Sorokin. The ways and Power of Love. Free download

Dramatically intensified has my coach, friend, trainer.

A random timer was downloaded and activated today that is to ring at random during waking hours each day. It has not yet today, so if it even works James not does not yet know, technically.
But it is already helping Michael E. James has been frustrated that his learning curve has been so shallow so far with this tool. But today he has then helped gigantic Lee knowing that at any moment he might be caused to go through the rating.
He does not feel this as oppressive or threatening or frightening but a wonderful intensity and acceleration of learning.
Attributed to the man Jesus are quite a few stories about people being ready not knowing when the master, the kingdom, whatever, will come. I think it is always presented and has the aura of a threat. But in a very constructive way my experience today is bringing those stories fondly to mind.

[Updated comments in post] The most hopeful book for any individual or group wanting to live joy in this material hell unfolding.

Free download
But even with this Divine book unless one can find in themselves the difference between Joy and pleasure, loving, and lusting, respectively, they are unlikely to make any progress. But if they can find this they are unlikely to be able to avoid progress.

Morning, and Sorokin, along with all the great Souls except for Jesus, did not understand this.

Loving to propagate for joy, being loving to propagate for joy, is the Supreme state of being and Sorokin seems to almost see this but not quite. If you don't hold on to this you will get lost in his analytical brilliance.

However, catastrophic this book is likely to be for the reader that does not take the step that Sorokin seems to never take. And he did not have the benefit of the last 20 years Neuroscience discoveries. The super-conscious is the mammalian brain, the limbic system, the soul. Loving is the essence of what it is, and what it does. It all comes down to as simple as learning that the joy that the soul in charge gives us is the Supreme Human Experience. And tragically the emotional intelligence of the human species gets lower with every year that goes by.

But if you can bring these two things, above, to the reading of this bo can transform you enter nabal you to transform others as maybe no other book can do. ok

Nonviolent political action, Ultimate Death Trap? The attempt to establish directly a more just world micro or macro. What?

 tragically this seems like a funny analogy. Herding cats is not a thing. It is anything but funny. It is the ultimate in tragedy. It could be the tombStone on civilization.
The tragic flaw for Martin Luther King Jr, Mandela, and Gandhi until the end when he woke up.
What? Herding cats is not a thing.
Groups of people are not a biological, real, thing. Don't be confused by their interrelatedness and mutual influence.
There is no one thing that a hospital can impose on each of the patients and cause help for any one of them. They are individuals. They can be made individually healthy or allowed to be unhealthy.

Although no one wants to face this the War on Drugs is another such situation .  Hundreds of billions of dollars  countless lives have been sacrificed on this. as long as people want those substances they will find a way to get them and people will find a way to supply them.
Jesus, the man, this mistake never made. Neither in word nor deed. It is the only hopeful thing which could ever result in Collective Justice. He works to heal the individual soul, the individual mammalian brain, the Supra conscious as Sorokin so brilliantly enumerates.
Everything else including well intended so called nonviolent political action is energy away from this only thing that could ever produce a Humanity that wanted peace over War, loving over hate.


James creates so much waste, every day.

Hes doing the best he knows. he is not sure if he can do better. It seems to him that his mission demands this. For the price of sufficient high quality food in $10 all you can eat buffets and for the price of a restroom for $2 in the morning 2 hours in the morning, he spends $2 for breakfast $10 for lunch. And $3 in Walmart at night, sometimes 5. That now is pretty much his total cost of living, so that includes housing. About 2/3 of the national poverty wage. Not a terrible example. But it's such a horrible cost. All this waste, all this plastic, all this paper. He yearns to live as he did back in Lone Pine Mount Whitney. Solar cooker, a fraction of the daily waste of material. and much lower food cost. But as best he can calculate at this point, this mission, is a demonstration of High quality of joy, poverty level finance Living, winning, Hi joy, low material cost. And so far he calculates that his best service is to continue that even with this horrible waste.

There are only so many musical notes. But every once in a while magically they are combined And it harpoons our soul. Words are that way with James. Sometimes the slightest change in order or introducing one new element and James as a being is transformed.

There are only so many musical notes. But every once in a while magically they are combined And it harpoons our soul. Words are that way with James. Sometimes the slightest change in order or introducing one new element and James as a being is transformed.

Jesus here. There are 2 of us, me, a flesh and blood Jew in Palestine 2000 years agon And my antithesis, a Frankenstein creation of White European male supremacist beginning Within years of my crucifixion. You cannot worship God and mammon. You are choosing, but maybe without understanding your choice.

Jesus here. There are 2 of us, me, a flesh and blood Jew in Palestine 2000 years agon And my antithesis, a Frankenstein creation of White European male supremacist beginning Within years of my crucifixion. You cannot worship God and mammon. You are choosing, but maybe without understanding your choice.

My Religion? Being loving propagating loving in the world, for Joy. Same as Jesus. Propagating hating is the alternative.


The new best rides ever. The cornerstone? Constant velocity roiling in the knees felt.

James carrying self Plus 370 lb, 30 miles, 8 miles an hour.

2 days ago, yesterday was A-day of rest, and again today, best rides ever on top of weeks of really good rides. 

New direction? No, continual evolution affirming the last week or so, 3 weeks or so, and standing on those shoulders. 

 There is a convergence of ideas bringing everything to bear or so. Felt circularity roiling at the knees constant velocity. It is difficult to not have the f

This childhood prayer Maybe profoundly instrumental in those things about myself that I like. Completely forgotten until just this day.

And every night from as early as I can remember on my knees it would end, God bless..... All of the people I knew and I had heard about who were suffering name after name after name....

Patriotism can't be both: Uphold the Constitution even with your life; Support the machine no matter what the atrocities.

Organizations are inherently evil. Why? They are for power, and power corrupts. People organized is different

A final chance for the species? If Trump can set the entire world against America it could be.

Changing the game for me, this is: "Joy asks: Serving the Poorest Souls in Solidarity you are, how?"

James, WTF? It has been written all over you for how long oh, half a year, a year? 20 years? Yes. But only yesterday did it form in a question paralleling dr. King's question which said life's most persistent question is what are you doing to help others? And his wonderful sentence doesn't do it for me but the above Has Lifted every aspect of my game. Time will tell if it persists. But every instance it's puts me where I need to be or at least much closer than anything else was. Every situation I can quickly call that question to mind and it immediately is informing whether it is when I wake up in the morning, when I find my mind wandering, when I feeling head or flesh trying to assert itself, when I have an encounter with a annoying individual, whatever. Game changer.

It is not instead of the 30 or so characteristics that at least once a day James is attempting to knit into his DNA, or rather, bring into prominence from his DNA because they are there already. They are the key aspects of the Soul.

But James has been hoping that he would find one of them in some form that would lift most or all of the others and this is doing that.

Click pic for a higher resolution. At this link is the live ongoing sheet.


Sorokin. Supraconscious / Soul /Mamalian brain... “ What, you ask, is my method in writing and elaborating my large and lumbering things? ” writes Mozart. “ I can, in fact, say nothing more about it than this: I do not know myself and can never find out. When I am in a particularly good condition . . . then the thoughts come to me in a rush, and best of all. Whence and how, I do not know and cannot learn.” Further on he describes how “ the crumbs ” spontaneously combine with one another until they assume a finished form in his head. “ All the finding and making goes on in me as in a vivid dream.” Finally, he starts to write and since it is ready in his mind “ it goes pretty quickly on to paper.”...

“ What, you ask, is my method in writing and elaborating my large and lumbering things? ” writes Mozart. “ I can, in fact, say nothing more about it than this: I do not know myself and can never find out. When I am in a particularly good condition . . . then the thoughts come to me in a rush, and best of all. Whence and how, I do not know and cannot learn.” Further on he describes how “ the crumbs ” spontaneously combine with one another until they assume a finished form in his head. “ All the finding and making goes on in me as in a vivid dream.” Finally, he starts to write and since it is ready in his mind “ it goes pretty quickly on to paper.”...

.... Tchaikovsky... "Perhaps such moments are responsible, in the works of the Great Masters, for those places where the organic coherence fails, and where one can trace artificial coherence, seams and patches. But this is unavoidable. If that spiritual condition of the artist called inspiration . . . should continue uninterrupted, the artist could not survive a single day. . . . The strings would snap and the instrument would fly to pieces. One thing, however, is indispensable: the main idea of the piece, together with a general outline of the separate parts, must not be found through searching, but must simply appear as a result of that supernatural, incomprehensible and never-analyzed power called inspiration.... "

The ways and Power of Love. Sorokin. free download

James recommended readings

To the whites that would have others "go back where you came from...," Europe awaits you. After you.

It may take thousands of years to purify humans of hating, war-making. Will we ever start the work?

Now that we have committed a war crime against Iran of course we need to punish them if they retaliate.

It doesn't make you strategic. It makes you a monster. AOC

Joy's question: What are you doing for the neediest souls?

Thanks, Mel. Why I wake early by Mary Oliver.

Hello, sun in my face.
Hello, you who make the morning
and spread it over the fields
and into the faces of the tulips
and the nodding morning glories,
and into the windows of, even, the
miserable and crotchety–
best preacher that ever was,
dear star, that just happens
to be where you are in the universe
to keep us from ever-darkness,
to ease us with warm touching,
to hold us in the great hands of light–
good morning, good morning, good morning.
Watch, now, how I start the day
in happiness, in kindness.

Why I Wake Early
by Mary Oliver


God bless America

A good 20% of the families I see in the South or mixed-race. Every place that I go the employees are mixed black and white. I'm amazed at how interracial things are down here. And they seem very comfortable. I suspect this is what outrages the supremacists.

A good 20% of the families I see in the South are mixed-race. Every place that I go the employees are  black and white seamlessly working together. I'm amazed at how interracial things are down here. And they seem very comfortable. I suspect this is what outrages the supremacists.

Sorokin, Ways Power of Love, the book that could have saved the species, and still might save an individual or group.

Only a notable infusion of the love relationship into this society can save it from its further degeneration into either compulsory totalitarian society or chaotic human flotsam. To sum up.....

Only a notable infusion of the love relationship into this society can save it from its further degeneration into either compulsory totalitarian society or chaotic human flotsam. To sum up.... : the love relationship is not only the supreme form of social relations, but it is an absolute necessity for the harmonious existence and survival of any social group. Without it no good social life is possible. Plato and Aristotle were quite right in their statement that the true friendship or love is the most vital stuff of all true social relationships. Often overlooked, this function of love shows its unique power in social life and in man’s historical process. 8

Sorokin. Ways and Power of Love. Free download