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Christlikeness posts.

Constant velocity friction disk change the game. And the minor improvements keep coming. Yes, the knees.

 Constant velocity friction disk which emerged 4 or 5 days ago is the game changer. There is much to learn about it and this post share some of what is being learned. 

Item. It works wonderfully when the buttocks balls are the location of the friction disk. But even better at the knees. The knees, switching there is not a

Christmas holiday traffic. Secondary artery . No shoulder. This is difficult.

The pleasure based economy these last 7000 years, the head and Flesh raining, are the problem. The soul raining, the Joy based economy, is the only solution. The hhead and Flash can play a role and this one hour talk is cerebrally brilliance oh, must watch.

The pleasure based economy these last 7000 years, the head and Flsh raining, are the problem. The soul raining, iJoy based economy, is the only solution. The ead and Flesh can play a role and this one hour talk is cerebrally brilliance oh, must watch.
What can you do? Moves to a Joy Based life away from the pleasure base life. Everything else that you do is to contribute to the problem.

Living Joy in material hell, that Jesus was dying to solve, is just what we are entering in 2020.

A pleasure based life can never ever be sustainable. A joy based life can never be unsustainable. Impossible.

James, what is the level of global sustainability resource wise? That's where you need to live. That's where your full life can happen.

Study of Sorokin and this book resume yesterday after many years. Invaluable. Although the world is lost the individual across from you might not be.


“It is amazing how little the empirical sciences have to offer on the subject of love,” correctly says A. H. Maslow. “Particularly strange is the silence of the psychologists. Sometimes...

“It is amazing how little the empirical sciences have to offer on the subject of love,” correctly says A. H. Maslow. “Particularly strange is the silence of the psychologists. Sometimes... this is merely sad or irritating, as

Hate begets hate, violence engenders violence, hypocrisy is answered by hypocrisy, war generates war, and love creates love. Sorokin. The ways and Power of Love.

Unselfish love has enormous creative and therapeutic potentialities, far greater than
most people think. Love is a life-giving force, necessary for physical, mental, and moral health.

Love is the most powerful antidote against criminal, morbid, and suicidal
tendencies; against hate, fear, and psychoneuroses. It is an indispensable condition for deep and lasting happiness. It is goodness and freedom at their loftiest. It is the finest and most powerful educational force for the ennoblement of
humanity. Finally, only the power of unbounded love practiced in regard to all human beings can
defeat the forces of interhuman strife, and can prevent the pending extermination of man by man on this planet. Without love, no armament, no war, no diplomatic machinations, no coercive police force, no school education, no economic or political measures, not even hydrogen bombs can prevent the pending catastrophe. Only love can accomplish this miracle, providing, however, we know well the nature of love and the efficient ways of its production, accumulation, and use.

Cycling revelation. Quite possibly? 2 days ago post Was correct as verified all day yesterday.

The central notion is that constant roiling such that constant speed, constant velocity roiling 2 days ago and yesterday in the pelvic area Connecting to rubber legs, Where the Exact purpose is to establish a speed that is in harmony with what's going on with saul but 0 direct linkages, a friction interface. . What

Which of the Great religions promotes loving? Which one owns loving?

I don't use toilet paper. These napkins were lying on a table in this restaurant. Every place you go unused paper napkins are on tables like ready to be thrown out or the paper napkin you use?


Extremely serious, honest, question: Do you think it coincidence that by following my teachings you would increase the loving, decrease the hating, in the world? Jesus

James here. How is it in the middle of the night last night Awakening to the thought, how is it that after 68 years, most adoring the man Jesus what he stood for and what I thought he taught, how am I just now understanding this? Above? I mean, has it been articulated to me any place? Did Tolstoy say it? Did King and Gandhi say it? Did the gospels say it  clearly? Does any church say it?  Do any Advocates of so-called nonviolent action articulate it, understand it? I am not challenging you. I am feeling challenged. As of this moment James is thinking that if he has helped birth contribution into the the world it is this.

 Turn the other cheek, give your cloak also.... I only Now understand.

Neutral metabolism: Head & Flesh Lust for Pleasure. Soul Loves for Joy.

Never am I so joyful as when I'm trying to generate more loving in the world. James

James Evolving navigation instrument panel

Click for high-resolution image

Generating more Loving in the world. All that makes sense.

Stirring Souls. Vlog


My best current guess is that Tolstoy and Jesus were entirely and profoundly correct. And that therefore king and Gandhi were horribly mis directed bless their souls. Man is incapable of living joyfully with in the violence sustained state.

Even a week or so ago these words spoken just now by James would have struck James as ridiculous Li idealistic, dogmatic, cerebral. 

 But when in history has the state been the servant of the masses? It has been the servant of the handful elite. 

James thinks it only cowardice within himself to speculate that maybe hes incorrect in this . And it

Turbine more correctly understood.

 An attempt this morning has been to implement speed of roiling To a level of persition That eliminated lopsided thrusting and etc. 

 What has just emerged is that This maybe a combination of several factors when achieved. 

Item. The actual circularity of this closed mechanical system everything from feet locked in

All I find in Christmas is Anti-Christ.

My addictions swoop in to fill the void when I allow space by not living a extremely meaningful life, for joy.

Live as though you would die tomorrow. Learn as though you would have live forever. Gandhi

They need us in the simulator Now. Video log.

Live as though the entire world depended upon what you do. Realize that it actually does.


Israeli Jews: If you are Godly we will crucify you. Jesus then. Palestinians now.

Kind Souls.

Not much traffic on this Christmas Day four-lane secondary Highway. Nice wide shoulder. Moments ago a large pickup truck coasted slowly past us and respectfully pulled off on the grass ahead of us not blocking. A large white gentleman maybe my age stepped out and graciously said, would you like some Thanksgiving, he did say Thanksgiving, leftovers? Seeing as I burn about 5000 calories a day yes that would be very nice. Bless Your souls James said to he and his wife. He asked, do you know of anyone else? I don't, obviously they have more to distribute kind folks.

To sole encounters, video log.

We did not fight back, but we did not turn back. We did not give way to bitterness. Some few spectators, who had not been trained in the discipline of nonviolence, reacted to the brutality of the policemen by throwing rocks and bottles. But the demonstrators remained nonviolent In the face of this resolution and bravery, the moral conscience of the nation was deeply stirred and, all over the country, our fight became the fight of decent Americans of all races and creeds.

We did not fight back, but we did not turn back. We did not give way to bitterness. Some few spectators, who had not been trained in the discipline of nonviolence, reacted to the brutality of the policemen by throwing rocks and bottles. But the demonstrators remained nonviolent In the face of this resolution and bravery, the moral conscience of the nation was deeply stirred and, all over the country, our fight became the fight of decent Americans of all races and creeds. MLK Jr. Why we can't wait.