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Dr. Norman Finkelstein: vid. 100min. Gaza's Martyrdom and the Future of Palestine

SPDF Day 33. vid 9 min. US tortured less than 50. Israel SIMILARLY TORTURED... 10'S OF THOUSANDS. Norman Finkelstein

SPDF vid Day 33: Miko Peled and Rabbi Weiss Expose the Truth about Israel. 5 min

Half Of Americans Think The Nation's Relationship With Israel Has Weakened. IF DEMS ONLY HAD A SPINE...

SPDF Day 33: The lie Israel sold the world — settlement 'outposts'

SPDF Day 33: Palestinian child Zakariya al-Julani wounded in Israeli gunfire loses eye

SPDF Day 33: Chris Hedges on Our Moral Collapse. 9 min. 2009

pic. SPDF Day 33: Dr. Jane Goodall: "We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources."

Dr. Jane Goodall: "We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources."


nd. SPDF Day 33: :-( Too windy, gusts to 40mph, to be out with my light posters today. Working indoors online.

nd. SPDF Day 33:  :-(  Too windy, gusts to 40mph, to be out with my light posters today.  Working indoors online.


SPDF vlog Day 32: Physically, today is starting to be different, tougher...

Over all I've been amazed at the strength that my body has had.  Today it is starting to be different.  My eyes are quite blurry.  I had an errand to do today, it was raining so being out witht the posters was precluded.  When I tried to walk up the steps into the shelter my legs felt dead as I don't recall my legs ever feeling before.  About half an hour ago I was studying a video of Malcom X and the next thing I knew a fellow came by and gently shook my shoulder, I had sort of passed out.  At only 6:00 today I want to be crawled into bed.  It'll be extinct and see how this plays out.

***** SPDF vlog Day 32: This could change things... Is his handling of Iran central to to President Obama's handling of Israel Palestine, or has president Obama been AWOL on Palestine as I have thought?

This could change things.  I had not been considering the impact of the Iran negotiations on the response of president Obama to Israel and Netanyahu.  And this may have been a major oversight on my part.  I don't know how long it will take to see whether or not that is the case. 

Netanyahu is furious about the Iran deal not for his stated reason of Iran being an existential threat to Israel, but because it is an absolute threat to the hegemony that Israel has been allowed in the Middle East, tyranical reign over countries in that area. 

If the deal goes through, and certainly it looks as though it will, what does that do to the prospect of full human rights for the Palestinians?  How conservative has President Obama needed to be to get this far in the negotiations with Iran?  How much of the inaction on his part was due to this? 

Although I had lost confidence that president Obama, I had previously been certain that Pr. Obama detests Israel's barbarity as much as I do.  I concluded that I was mistaken.   Maybe my mistake was in not understanding that these Iran negotiations are his most effective means of boxing Israel in and getting a just resolution for the Palestinians,

SPDF vlog Day 32: I knew how to recognize and pick business associates. I should've seen that picking 'frieneds' is the same, for me.

I was good if not extremely good at identifying associates, partners, team members in business that were up to the Herculean tasks that were always my focus and responsibility in business.  I can see who could do the work, quite clearly, I could see who was not up to the task, quite clearly, I could see when they were attracted to the mission, and I can see when they were not capable of that. 

These skills of mine for which I take no personal credit were instrumental to the business success that I had.  I always had an important, ultimately important, role to fulfill on the team, but never did I achieve any substantial results except as part of a maniachally committed, massively focused, heroically motivated team of individuals.

It has only just occured to me in the last couple of days that in my personal life, and in my activist life these last 10 years , I've been as unsuccessful at my associations as I was successful in business. 

It is occurring to me now that I was using an entirely different mindset in the two different situations and that this was a tremendous mistake. 

I believe that the healthy individual lives to achieve important human missions and that everything else is to be subservient to that in the healthy person, and I mean physiologically, psychologically healthy.  Therefore one should not use different considerations in whom they associate with in a any aspect of their life , certainly not in the most sacred of pursuits, activism.  But I have viewed it entirely differently and thereby wasted a tremendous amount of time of other people and of myself. 

It's not a matter of blaming myself, or of absolving myself blame.  I've done and will always do the best that I can but I think I've just gained a massive new insight.  I need to consider each and any association from the perspective of the entirely mission oriented individual that I am.  This is a very optimistic consideration for me.

SPDF vlog Day 32: For a decade have I misungerstood the problem: Is it a 'follower problem,' not a 'leadership' problem?

Am I guilty of the proverbial seeing every problem as a nail because my only tool is a hammer? 

I don't think so but thinking along this line has occurred to me for the first time in any of my campaigns.  

By training was in leadership in graduate school back in the mid seventies.  My avocation and vocation have been leadership ever since.  I learned fairly quickly in industry that my only interest was in urgent situations that required a dramatic turnaround to avoid disaster, and that by my only skill was in such urgent situations, rather, the skill that aligned with my greatest strengths, and with my interests, passions.  I learned that I have no interest in, and no apparent talents, in normal situations.

More specifically what occured to me is that relative to Palestine,, saving the last remnants of democracy in America, stopping ecocide, it is not a leadership problem but a follower problem that we have.  That is, the denial among the American people is so catatonic, so sick, so deep, so all powerful that leadership may not be the problem,

But I think leadership is the only solution.  Leadership,, being among the first to do what a healthy, loving, sane, not catatonically delustional personl person does in the face of a 68 year torture and torment of another people, the Palestinians, by one's own government. 

It is so much lonelier than what I ever had to do in industry.  The motivators for the groups involved were so much clearer, losing their job, going out of business, losing their income....  So the followers were, if not always, often, ready to do their part.  There is no evidence of that in any of the three problems that I've mentioned.  Quite the opposite.  It appears that the followers will avoid taking personal responsibility no matter what.

So I think I was mistaken to have this doubt.  I'll continue to consider it, but maybe more than ever it is a leadership problem.  Being among the first to act as a human being should act in the face of such horror.

vid. 'Love is the only God!' Music producer & activist cries on air talking about Palestinian kids

***** SPDF Day 32: vid. YES. A child's future is worth EVERY sacrifice. EVERY CHILD

vid. Chris Hedges: Americans Are Living a Fantasy - The Illusion of Love, Wisdom, Happiness

SPDF Day 32: Palestinians condemn Israel’s arrest of prominent leftist lawmaker Khalida Jarrar

vid. Reza Aslan: If Isis is Islam, 10's of thousands of Isis victims are Islam, and 10's of thousands fighting Isis are Islam, what does this say about Islam.

SPDF Day 32: Americans for Peace Now calls settlements a ‘plague’

***** vid must watch PBS: Scientific Studies Prove Rich People Really tend to be Psychopaths. Power does corrupt. Keltner. Berkeley

nd. SPDF Day 32: My left eye has gone near totally useless all of a sudden.

nd. SPDF Day 32: My left eye has gone near totally useless all of a sudden.




***** SPDF Day 31: 1st Kenyan to stand up to the Dictator, by himself, beaten, threatened... never looked back...never stopped.... Still alive, so far.

SPDF Day 31: Massively sick today... this afternoon... while in front of NPR - Numbing Paralyzing Rubbish.

My large intestine has been shut down since the first week. That's what they do when they have no food.  But I guess, and not dissimilar to prior fasts I've been on, dead cells of my flesh I am consuming to stay alive... accumulate and at some point get expelled. But never like today.  There was no way I could stop the torrent.  Thank God I've been 'wearing' a large hand towel just in case.  Thank God I had on rain-pants for warmth against the 25mph gusts today, or otherwise with the stench, I'd not have been allowed into Union Station for the 30 minute clean-up. Fell into my cot on return.  Very weak now, taking liquids.  Must see if my doc can prescribe some rubber pants for me.

'We Palestinian Christians say Allahu Akbar'

Really Muslims, really???? You are just as savage, hatefilled, ignorant, Satanic, UnGodly as the Christians??? REALLY???? .... Identical twin studies show homosexuality not genetic

Dozens of Immigrant Women Stage Hunger Strike at Texas Facility

***** Day 31: SPDF... the book. MAJOR UPDATE.

SPDF Day 31: Netanyahu - "No, I do not think the Palestinians have a right to an independant state."

Ben Nitay aka Bibi Netanyahu feat. Fouad Ajami from arabist on Vimeo.
A 28-year old Benyamin Netanyahu, calling himself Ben Nitay, debates on the 1978 US TV show "The Advocate" against Palestinian self-determination and intriguingly suggests West Bank and Gaza Palestinians could have Israeli citizenship. He is debated (or rather questioned) by Fouad Ajami, now professor at Johns Hopkins University's SAIS. Note that Bibi says that while he opposes a Palestinian state, he thinks Palestinians could vote and have full rights in either Jordan or Israel - essentially endorsing a one-state solution.

***** SPDF Day 31: Netanyahu’s never-ending excuse for opposing a two-state solution His argument has been the same for over 20 years: you can’t trust the Palestinians to act peacefully.


SPDF vlog Day 31: Paragons of mental health, who are they? Martin Luther Kin Jr., Malala, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Malcom X, Oscar Romero.....

Paragons of mental health, who are they?  Martin Luther Kin Jr., Malala, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Malcom X, Oscar Romero, the young people in Tahrir Square several years ago, some of the soldiers who have stood against war such as the Vietnam War war or the war on Iraq and Afghanistan and surely the soldiers in Israel that are standing against israel's barbarity on the Palestinians. 

The greatest of all of the formal psychologists Alford Adler said that health, the healthy choice, tends to lie in the direction of courage.  For him the hallmark of health was a social interest.

The greatest psychologist of all in that the truth of his insights have had a greater impact on humanity than the insights of anyone else, I'm referring to Jesus, his core notion was universal family, one Father making us all brothers, and his life and words commanded us to go and live our lives accordingly.  Lay down your life for your brother.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the flock.  As you do unto the least of these you do unto me.  Whoever would hold onto his life shall lose it, whoever would lose his life shall gain it.  Love as I have loved, and of course he ran into the arms of death.  King ran into the arms of death, as did Malala as did Gandhi, as did Malcom X. 

Only the most twisted would perceive that they had a death wish, that they wanted to die, that they wanted to be Martyrs, whatever that means.  And today it means some sort of twisted slender.  They wanted to ransom and redeem their suffering brothers and sisters.

For all intents and purposes there is only one way for the human being to get what they want and that is to pay the price for it.  The ultimate price that anyone can pay, and therefore the ultimate power that any individual has to affect what they want to affect.  Is their life, paying their life is the ultimate price they can pay for the ultimate value that they want. 

As Dr. King said so often and so many different ways, the person who does not know what they would die for is not equipped to live.

Whoever thinks that their own life is their ultimate value is already dead.  All of the individuals I mentioned lived, live, accordingly by whatever belief they might have.  They live accordingly because this is the law of our DNA, it is what is written in our DNA because it was ultimately addaptive for having our species produce generation after generation of human beings. 

This healthy nature is rarely seen in our sick culture, our western culture which is more and more the world's culture which has embraced a lower side of human nature, the capacity for morbid and suicidal self centeredness.  But this is not what we see in aboriginal cultures, human beings in an environment like that which we were designed for. This is not seen in other species, this morbid and suicidal self-centeredness.  It is not seen in any species except for cells that become cancerous which no longer devote themselves to the well being of the group but only to their own selfish interests.

SPDF Day 31: Jose Rosario, Retired NYPD Detective, Dies Saving Boy From Drowning

SPDF vlog Day 31: Zionists are the Satanic in the guise of the Godly. ...

Zionists are the Satanic in the guise of the Godly.  That's not slander by me.  It is a statement within the bounds of our limited language to state as clearly and factually what they are as I am able.

One can disagree with the statement or agree.  But it is not slender.  It is an attempt to express a monstrously important truth, a life and death truth, for the physical life of the Palestinians, and the spiritual life of the Zionists who are my brothers and sisters.

If I am slandering, if I am wrong to say what I'm saying, then Martin Luther King Jr. was wrong.  "Nothing in all the world is so dangerous as evil in the garb of virtue."

Wisdom of the ages is captured in the notion that Satan is the great deceiver.  Satan is consummate deception.  And that can be, and maybe usually is, self deceptions first..

The point is not that the Zionists know that they are making of themselves creatures of consummate evil, surely some are certain they are creatures of good. 

But by any measure of Judaism, by any measure of the life of the man Jesus, they have made of themselves consummate evil. The Ku Klux Klan were not Christians.  The Christian Zionists are the spiritual descendants of these crazed evil embracing, people.  The Zionists of Jewish background are the equivalent of the KKK.  They are the antithesis of the historical Jewish values of justice and righteousness preached by the prophets and practiced by the profits and practiced by great and godly individuals of history like Abraham Heschel and contemporary figure's like Henry Siegman, past head of the American Jewish Council and the Jewish Congress of Rabbis, and the Jews who are speaking out in Israel itself against the barbarity of Zionist behavior and who are paying, and are risking, ungodly social and potentially physical costs.


“I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime,” Chomsky added. “I am old enough to remember the 1930s. My whole family was unemployed. There were far more desperate conditions than today. But it was hopeful. People had hope.

“I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime,” Chomsky added. “I am old enough to remember the 1930s. My whole family was unemployed. There were far more desperate conditions than today. But it was hopeful. People had hope.

SPDF Day 30: GOD...DAMN A MER I CANS... "Just 11 percent sympathize a great deal with the Palestinians and 35 percent have some sympathy for the Palestinians."

SPDF Day 30: No Hope: Obama admin unwilling to meaningfully pressure Israel...

SPDF Day 30: No Hope: "Adopting a UN resolution before any agreement is reached between the two parties would be useless unless the administration is ready to try to force Israel to accept a two-state solution by cutting U.S. aid to Israel, recognizing Palestine or pushing the Europeans to sanction Israel and reduce trade, Miller said.  “But I see no indication whatsoever that this administration is ready to do that,” he said. "

SPDF Day 30: "The "true martyrs" of today, men and women who "offer their lives with Jesus" for their Christian faith. Their witness, in imitation of Christ's sacrifice, "reflects a ray of this perfect, full and pure love [of Christ]," he said. Theirs, he added, "is a service of Christian witness to the point of bloodshed. It is the service Christ did for us, he redeemed us."... " example of a man of our times, and many others, strengthens us in offering our lives as gifts of love to our brothers in imitation of Jesus," he said.

SPDF Day 30:  "The "true martyrs" of today, men and women who "offer their lives with Jesus" for their Christian faith. Their witness, in imitation of Christ's sacrifice, "reflects a ray of this perfect, full and pure love [of Christ]," he said. Theirs, he added, "is a service of Christian witness to the point of bloodshed. It is the service Christ did for us, he redeemed us."... " example of a man of our times, and many others, strengthens us in offering our lives as gifts of love to our brothers in imitation of Jesus," he said.

George Soros: "There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that," Soros said. "It's not specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself in anti-Semitism as well. I'm critical of those policies."

"There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that," Soros said. "It's not specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself in anti-Semitism as well. I'm critical of those policies." 

vid. Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal warns of Israeli 'extremism' after elections

***** “You don’t solve Afghanistan, you don’t solve Pakistan ultimately, you don’t solve the increasingly dictatorial ErdoÄŸan in Turkey, you don’t solve Egypt, you don’t solve Syria, you don’t solve Iraq — and by ‘solve’ I mean bring some sort of stability and potential for the future – without Iran’s help,” he asserted. “It’s not really Iran’s nuclear weapon that Bibi fears, it’s what we just described.”

“You don’t solve Afghanistan, you don’t solve Pakistan ultimately, you don’t solve the increasingly dictatorial ErdoÄŸan in Turkey, you don’t solve Egypt, you don’t solve Syria, you don’t solve Iraq — and by ‘solve’ I mean bring some sort of stability and potential for the future – without Iran’s help,” he asserted.
“It’s not really Iran’s nuclear weapon that Bibi fears, it’s what we just described.”

nd. SPDF Day 30: NPR Narcotic Paralyzing Radio 7:15am until 6:30pm estimated

SPDF Day 30:  NPR Narcotic Paralyzing Radio 7:15am until 6:30pm estimated

SPDF Day 30 vlog: On Sanity, and Insanity

I consider it insane to value our own survival over a decent quality of life for our fellow human beings.  I consider it sane to be glad to give our life if it might save even one other human being.

I consider the desire to control the lives of others is insane, pathological, and that sanity is the willingness to pay joyfully with one's life if necessary that others can be free of the control of any one beside themselves.

I consider it insane to choose a life of pleasure over a life of service, and that sanity is exactly choosing the life of service over a life of pleasure.

I deem that our American culture is profoundly insane.

It seems to me that the only sane cultures that I see today are the indigenous Palestinians, although I can't yet reconcile how they keep having children in such a hellish environment, seems cruel and selfish; some of the indigenous of America and Canada  that are putting their lives in the way of the destruction of their/ our world. 

Among so called activists I see only the International Solidarity Movement as probably very sane; along with, possibly, Sea Shepherds.  The rest I see as wallowing in a self-gratifying lifestyle choice of doing what is safe and convenient, or even more so, but by not being willing and eager to pay the ultimate price for our fellow humans, as I said at the top, insane.

SPDF Day 30: Israel Is Only Going to Change Its Horrific Behavior If Outsiders Force It to

The right’s made-up God: How bigots invented a white supremacist Jesus

SPDF Day 30 vlog: It is not inconceivable that in 2-4 weeks time that I'll conclude that I have wielded the Death Fast for as is long as is constructive, this time....

SPDF Day 30:  It is not inconceivable that in 2-4 weeks time that I'll conclude that I have wielded the Death Fast for as is long as  is constructive, this time....

I am unable to put my finger exactly on what it is that I am sensing this morning.  But I suspect that it is at least possible that by 2-4 weeks from now I will conclude that this death fast has provided as much benefit as it can provide at this time in 2015 and that I will be better able to serve Palestine by terminating this death fast rather than to let it run its full course.

There are a number of factors that I did not expect that have raised this prospect in my mind.  I believe my  expectations at the beginning of this I stated fairly clearly, I expected this death fast to have no impact until after it terminated me.  That's how sick I thought we were.  But I did not anticipate the aggressive , extreme , distancing that I have experience from the few people who had remained at all close to me in my life, with maybe two, possibly three exceptions .  I take this as a sign that we are even more morbidly willing to amputate anything and everything close to us or far away so we can maintain our self centered , cancerous , world killing individual, self-centered existences .

Also I must conclude that it is possible that by now whatever Palestinian Diaspora in Washington, DC has some slight idea of what I have been doing in front of the capital and now up in front of NPR until Congress gets back next week .  I must conclude that there is some slight awareness and that I must attribute some significance to the fact that there has been zero out-reach , zero support , zero encouragement , zero dialog .  Zero visibility.

I wasn't  smart enough , or maybe I realized it just wasn't my job , to take the time to anticipate how this community would react , but I do consider it now .  And I consider that this is evidence of a soul-dead Palestinian Diaspora which I did not anticipate.  It seems that they have been so infected with the western culture that they too feel that there is nothing that they would  sacrifice , gladly, their own personal well being for .

This is a level of spiritual death in relevant communities beyond what I had anticipated .

If these perceptions hold and or develop within me then they place me where I wound up in the late or middle of my prior death fast , perceiving that I was conducting the death fast in a graveyard .  Surely conducting any kind of action to inspire the action of others in a graveyard is not a good use of time .

This analogy does not hold in that there may well be an online of record of this death fast ,, which I am working diligently to provide, that could serve people in the future .  But nevertheless I am seeing indications that it is absolutely a graveyard I am conducting this in beyond even what I had understood .  And if these perceptions old within me then I may conclude that I can better serve Palestine by terminating the death fast before it terminates me , or,  maybe not ,

I could terminate the death fast today based on these perceptions but I think that would be premature .  My confidence that death fast is the only weapon to save Palestine , save any last remnants of democracy in America , stop ecocide ...  are only strengthened by these perceptions .,honor an hour.  But that my termination at this moment or 2 to 4 weeks from now would add any value to this current demonstration of the weapon has this morning arisen as a question in my mind.

SPDF Day 30: With Netanyahu's reelection, the peace process is over and the pressure process must begin

With Netanyahu's reelection, the peace process is over and the pressure process must begin

If Israelis have the right to vote for permanent occupation, we in the Diaspora have the right to resist it. 


***** SPDF Day 29: From what I can see this Death Fast has cost me most of the few left who were close to me...

SPDF Day 29:  From what I can see this Death Fast has cost me at least 4 of the last 6 folks that were remotely friends to me.  As I posted earlier today there is a potential threat of me receiving a fate far worse than death - institutionalization.  Neither of these things do I want.  But they are way way way way down the list from my top priority, to give my life that maybe one Palestinian in the next 20 years might HAVE a life.

SPDF Day 29: UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights

***** SPDF Day 29: The Jewish establishment has banned these four valiant Jews. Why?

The Jewish establishment has banned these four valiant Jews. Why? - See more at:

SPDF Day 29: Obama’s next earthquake... WashPo... TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, BUT SOMETHING, MAYBE.

SPDF Day 29: Noam Chomsky on the Republican Party - "REPUBLICAN PARTY IS NOW A RADICAL INSURGENCY..."

***** SPDF Day 29: MUST READ. 3 60's Jewish Activists discuss Israel Palesine... "...she sobbed for hours when she saw the daunting wall with the Israeli flag on it, and compared the wall around Bethlehem to the walls of concentration camps during the Holocaust...."

He said one of the most shocking scenes from his trip was when he visited Bethlehem and saw the 26-foot-high guarded wall that is topped with barbed wire and surrounds the city. Zellner said she sobbed for hours when she saw the daunting wall with the Israeli flag on it, and compared the wall around Bethlehem to the walls of concentration camps during the Holocaust.

Link to article click here.

Last summer’s Israeli aggression is sending Gaza back to the Middle Ages

The situation in Gaza is so desperate that some are predicting another war (SLAUGHTER. Everyone watching EXPECTS IT.)

Former Tunisian president to sail on new Gaza 'Freedom Flotilla'

***** SPDF Day 29. URGENT - A fate infintely worse than death by Death Fast... Institutionalization... (detail)

I saw my Dr. this morning to review blood work that was done yesterday.  She was happy to report that after two weeks of taking the potassium bills that she had prescribed my blood is now normal.

She has been my Dr. for three or four years.  She is a graduate of Georgetown University, an elite university, and I have gained huge respect for her technical ability for her character and interpersonal skills.  After she explained the results of my blood tests she expressed a concern with the fact that I was on day 29 of a death fast and willing to take it to the stand.  I take her at her word which was that she was not questioning my mental health.  But she was looking at the gravity of mine stamps and asked if I would be willing on her account to allow a professional associate of hers to evaluate my psychological health so that my Dr. Could have the confidence that she is not overlooking something.  Again, I take her at her word.

The following is my follow-up letter to her.  It should be obvious from the letter that it is clear to me that this evaluation did not go well and that the system, and even this beloved Dr., Are in a position to have a very adverse impact on my work and my life.  This goes with the territory.  It would be a much more horrible and to my life than a simple death from starvation in another month or two.  But it would fulfill, that is, institutionalization, what fulfill the purpose of the death fast which has to sacrifice my life that a Palestinian, even one, might have life in the next 20 years.  This, according to the law of social change, the law of sacrifice, the law of paying the price.


Dear Doc,

FYI. No reply needed or expected.

I wonder if your kind and instrumental help with my cancer that has enabled me to be functional for so much longer than would otherwise have been possible, I wonder if all your help will just keep me alive for a long time in some institution?  I'm sure that was not your intent but unless care is taken that could theoretically be the result.

You will recall that I left Howard U Hospital after initial treatment because, despite finding the staff there very kind and congenial, I did not find them competent.  You did not disagree, you helped me get to Georgetown, and they seemed to be immensely more competent.

When I come across folks that seem to need expert Medical Care I directs them not to your clinic, but to you personally.  I have experienced some of the other staff, they are very pleasant, for basic medicine I would have no qualms, but for expert care I find you infinitely more competent. I don't know all the staff, Doc X may be to your level, maybe others. 

When you asked me today about mental health issues I found you very competent and your listening very competent. As I told an intern you had me speak to, once, when he asked me what one thing I found most important about your care I said, 'Her listening, her hearing, she deeply hears the entire patient."

Three years ago when I was on a death fast I was hospitalized at G.W.for severe dehydration.  And they administered a psych eval when they heard of my fast.  It went on for probably 45 minutes and I found the psychologist basically competent.  I did not say agreeable, I said competent.  She was substantially listening to, and hearing, what I had to say.

I found the psychologist today surprisingly pleasant throughout, genuinely pleasant at the beginning, very intelligent, and quite incompetent in what is the basis of any useful therapeutic encounter, empathic listening.  Several times she asked me questions that were either intended to be disrespectful, and I do not think this was her intent, but were very disrespectful in that they indicated that she was not at all listening to, hearing, what I said.  I did not say she wasn't agreeing with what I said, as that it's not the point.  She was asking questions but she was not listening to what I said, superficial, shallow, ignoring things that I said, dismissing what I said.  I was pleasant and respectful throughout, but there reached a point, after 20 minutes or so, where I explained to her that it seemed she was not hearing what I said, that if she had so little respect for me and what I had said to that point that I felt we were not using our time well.  And she indicated calmly that it was therefore appropriate to end our session.

I do not need psychological help, I do not want psychological help, I was willing, I remain willing, for your benefit and your benefit alone, to talk to a psychologist, but one that is competent.

FYI, were you to have someone that wanted to evaluate me, I, all of me, is here at these two locations, truly:

Fact, the psychologists of today's America would have infinitely less trouble diagnosing me as insane than they would Abe Lincoln.  Their job is to adjust people to this sick society.  Mine is to change a fundamentally, pathologically, suicidally sick society. I pray you do not help them do this to me, and unless you are careful, it could happen all to easily.

I'm so grateful for all the good you have done me.

I am on your calendar for 8:00 AM on Tuesday for next weeks blood test results.

Your appreciative brother forever, no matter what.  James

SPDF Day 29: I expect to reduce or eliminate all together posting on Facebook. As I have always found....

SPDF Day 29:  I expect to reduce or eliminate all together posting on Facebook. As I have always found, and have found again, all on Facebook are passionately committed to unending lip service, and profoundly terrified of, and hostile, truly committed life service.  I haven't the time to waste, and it is my duty to not enable such grotesque hypocrisy and cowardice. There is a horrible, wonderful, old saying - the chicken is involved, the pig is committed. There is no activist, never has been, ever will be, of any consequence what so ever, that is not committed exactly in this way.  And all on Facebook are committed with every fiber of their being to not be committed to life service in this way.


***** SPDF Day 28: The Liberal's Denial of duty, personal responsibility, the cowardice, that is destroying the world can best be seen.... ...

***** SPDF Day 28: The Liberal's Denial of duty, personal responsibility, the cowardice, that is destroying the world can best be these two works of fiction:

The wife in A Dry White Season, the wife of the lone white man of privilege that paid everything for Justice in South Africa.

The towns-folk in the Garry Cooper version of High Noon.

nd. SPDF Day 28: NPR Nauseating Pablum (Poison) Radio since noon. It is now 6pm, and too windy to hike back to my shelter. Soon I trust.

nd. SPDF Day 28:  NPR Nauseating Pablum (Poison) Radio since noon.  It is now 6pm, and too windy to hike back to my shelter.  Soon I trust.

SPDF Day 28: vid. Matt Damon, 'Not selling out to Amerikkka'

SPDF Day 28: VERY BAD NEWS - Hillary Clinton giving bl*w j*bs to Right Wing Israel ...

SPDF Day 28: VERY BAD - Hillary Clinton giving bl*w j*bs to Right Wing Israel opposing Obama's moves to hold them to law, protecting Palestine.....

SPDF Day 28: "My god, what's wrong with your legs?...

SPDF Day 28: "My god, what's wrong with your legs? They shouldn't look like that, " said the medical technician at the pharmacy to which I had been sent .  Presumably she has measured people , hundreds or thousands of people, for the support stockings that I was sent in to secure.  See was horrified by what I saw.  " I have not eaten for 28 days, I am fighting for the life of people in Palestine." "Bless your heart ," she said.  I explained to her that my Dr. was fully aware and when one is not eating the blood protein content bottoms out and fluid is no longer effectively be held within the system, and pools in the lower legs and thighs.

I am now wearing the stockings as prescribed, during the day, and it should make walking a bit easier - swinging those extra pounds of fluid in the lower legs is tiring, and it is less distressing just due to the body distortion that is pretty weird. . 

Abbas is a traitor to Palestine, a traitor to humanity. Mahmoud Abbas calls for Arab military intervention against Hamas in Gaza

nd. "You've got to learn to leave the table once love is no longer being served." Nina Simone

"You've got to learn to leave the table once love is no longer being served." Nina Simone

SPDF Day 28: Abbas is traitor, a Tory in the early Americas. Exclusive: In exchange for freed tax funds, PA won’t pursue Israel over settlements at ICC



SPDF Day 27: White House since 9am...

SPDF Day 27:  White House since 9am, until 5:30, to Free Palestine.  If the weather, and my strength, hold, then most of Mon thru Fri I'll be in front of National Pablum Radio or the Washrag Propaganda 'news' organizations.

SPDF Day 27: “We are dying, and no one considers us worth their very lives to save...

On FB:  "can I ask how are you doing old man"
My reply:  "We are dying, and no one considers us worth their very lives to save."

FB: "James, if you die, we all lose.  you better stay alive and make them suffer by looking at your tent everyday." 
 My reply: Until enough of us die, or offer that price, the slaughter in Palestine will continue. This is fact. This is the law of unviolent change. Until the huge personal price to stop this is paid, or at least offered, it will not stop.  This is how social change has always worked and will always work.  I've just uploaded this post - . I will not have open debates on what I've written of extensively.  If someone has enough interest and respect to state deep disagreements with my understanding of history and social change I'll be only too grateful. But views and opinions of such disinterest that they don't bother to hold themeselves to the standards of history and unviolent theory I have zero time nor patience for. I don't guide my own life by 'nothing,' 'opinion,' idle platitudes, and I'll not help enable others to do so, either.


Notice:  Transcript is always slightly enhanced over the live video. 

SPDF Day 27: A person is neither aLive, nor an Activst... who would not eagerly give their life for the justice of their fellow human beings. This is history.  This is the history of social change.

(If the shoe does not fit, don't wear it.)  There is very very very good news.  I mean that from the bottom of my heart.  You are not activists.

Alice Paul and the suffragists alongside her that would pay any price, were activists.  There was no personal price that they would not pay to achieve their goal.  They did not do what was convenient, they calculated what was necessary, and they paid the price.

That is anathema to todays so called activists. Utterly, explicitly, forecefully forbidden. Literally incomprehensible, today, in the US outside of the few fighting global warming by placing and keeping their very lives in the way of Ecocide.  These exceptions prove the rule.

There are no activists today.

There were activists in Tahrir Square several years ago.  There was no personal price they would not pay to achieve their goal.  They expected it would cost their very lives these young people.  Exactly because they were willing to pay that price the onlookers of the world could not stand to see that price exacted and rose and demanded of the leaders of the world that their lives be saved by meeting their demands.  And they were.

 There was only one group for whom Gandhi had utter contempt and that was those who would not happily risk or give their own lives when justice demanded it.  I've written weeks ago of the law of social change which is the law of paying the price, the law of suffering.  This is an immutable law.  And yet for the last 40 or 50 years those that call themselves activists, the most educated in our society, almost always from affluent or relatively affluent backgrounds, are in ferocious, catatonic, psychotic, clinical denial of this law.

It is said that patriotism is the refuge of scoundrels.  No, activism in the United States since the late sixties is the refuge of scoundrels.  It is where one goes for zero personal accountability, the approval of one's peers in excoriating anyone and everyone except those in the same group, holding oneself and ones group to 0 standards, certainly not the historical standards of true activism, and certainly not the standards of results.

The Washington DC not many years ago there was Ngo after Ngo, activist after activist, rapturously involved in historically doomed,, tepid, comfortable, self serving 'activism' to supposedly Save Darfur.
Fact, the leading such group, "Save Darfur," was headed by a pleasant fellow.  At times that I deemed it constructive and appropriate I clearly, honestly, forthrightly and vehimintly confronted the total hopelessness, the total inadequacy, of the strategies and tactics that were being attempted by this group.And indeed, as was patently obvious to anyone that WANTED to see the truth... they saved not one Darfuri, but they had a nice time, got lots of press, had nice confortable jobs for years, added to their resumes, got credit on their college degrees....

Several years later I saw the head of this preeminent Save Darfur group outside a supermarket. Actually, he saw me and wanted to speak.  To his credit he said to me, why were you so hard on us?  I said, just as when a Dr. hangs out a shingle proclaiming that they are a Dr., thereby setting life and death expectations for those who choose to enter, you did the same by calling your group Save Darfur.  You set an expectation that impacted millions of people and yet you planned and attempted nothing that would ever come close to saving those people.  This is a moral problem that I had a duty to those brothers and sisters in Darfur to attempt to confront.  This is a moral failing I had a duty to you to try and bring to your clear attention, and I felt that you were not seeing it, as a result of active denial or otherwise.

Again, to his credit, he replied with astonishing candor, James, he said, I had no idea how to save the people in Darfur.  I give him credit for the candor, but he still had no idea the horror of what he was saying.  And I find him completely representative of the activism in the United States, or what considers itself activism, be it for stopping global warming, preserving some shred of democracy, or freeing the Palestinians while there is still a living Palestinian left.

The left in the United States adores excoriating the right in this country for their denial, especially in the subject area of global warming.  The denial on the right is nothing compared to the denial on the left of their own irresponsibility, non-solidarity with those they purport to be fighting for, lip service, self serving efforts that have the certainty of not achieving the stated goals but only of serving the egos and other gratifications of the so called activists.

The left's denial near incomprehensible.  This is not slender from me.  This is not condemnation.  It is an opportunity to seriously consider it, thereby it is an offer of liberation.

King, Gandhi, any and all of the true activists, in their own way lived, believed, and articulated that someone that would not risk their very life, happily, in the service of justice for their fellow human being, was already Dead.  None of the 2015 activists that I see are anything of the sort.

None or few are hypocrites on purpose.  They've been taught and learned well a lie.  They've been taught a means of behavior that is not activism, but they've been told in word and deed for 40 or 50 years that it is.

If King, Gandhi, Jesus, and the like are correct that cowardice is living death, and by my life and words I believe that they are, then I am not slandering, I'm attempting as they did, to offer Life, to the activist, and to those they think they are serving..

A person is not living who is not ready to give their life for the justice of their fellow human beings, to paraphrase Dr. King.

SPDF Day 27 vid: "I think that anyone that is a moderate in the face of violated liberty… is a sinner.” Malcom X.....

SPDF Day 27: "I think that anyone that is a moderate in face of violated liberty... is a sinner."  Malcom X.  Me too. 

Norman Finkelstein: If Hamas is the problem why didn't Israel settle for peace before Hamas in 2006.

Norman Finkelstein to Jewish journalist in... by JessikaWhitehurst

Norman Finkelstein: "Supporters of Israel are supporting Israel's Destruction." vid 8min

Norman Finkelstein SLAMS Canada's Prime... by FernandeManson


SPDF Day 26: Hunger pangs, weakness...

SPDF Day 26:  Hunger pangs, weakness, fatigue... are driving me mildly insane. The craving of taste. The craving of consumption.  The craving of a strong body and full eyesight and mental faculties. The craving of life. LOL.  But I crave the Life of Palestines, more.

SPDF Day 26 - Seen on FB: " Those who are not killing the beast, deserves to be eaten by it." pic.

SPDF Day 26: VERY VERY VERY BAD. 'UNCLE TOM" ABBAS, US / ISRAELI WHORE. Abbas: Yemen policy should extend to Palestine,7340,L-4641882,00.html

SPDF Day 26: This would be a substantial change - WSJ: U.S. Raises Pressure on Israel...

SPDF Day 26: This would be a substantial change - WSJ: U.S. Raises Pressure on Israel Over Palestinians White House leaves open the possibility of letting the United Nations set a deadline for a Palestinian state

***** 47 min. Rabbi Josef Antebi exposing Zionists, even after being tortured by them!

nd. Seen on FB: "Never chase love, attention, or affection. If it isn't given freely by another person it isn't worth having."

nd.  Seen on FB:  "Never chase love, attention, or affection. If it isn't given freely by another person it isn't worth having."

SPDF Day 26: Bad sign. Same old Vile Corruption - EU keeps Hamas blacklisted despite court ruling


SPDF Day 26: "If you have come to help me then you are wasting your time.  If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."  Aboriginal Activists

SPDF Day 26: A FB acquaintance #1 commented: "I think it would be pointless to die...

A FB acquaintance #1 commented:  "I think it would be pointless to die given the realization that only Soldiers are willing to sacrifice themselvesunless certain members of Congress were engaged in sustained relationship and dialogue with you."

My reply:  "So that mistakenly I don't dismiss your comment as pointless, cowardly, delusional, denialist, and idiotic, please share with me so me of the history of unviolent change and unviolent change theory that supports your comment. Thanks."

FB party #2 commented:  "I'll just throw in here that FB #1 has spent the last couple years of his life full time engaged in nonviolent action, mostly in the form of offering communication with the evil ones (to put it bluntly)."

My reply:  "I made no comment on #1. Why do you suggest I did? I asked a question about his comment. Address yourself to that."

SPDF Day 26: An acquaintance on FB wrote: 'Our beloved Palestine." My reply: "Beloved" Palestine? ...

SPDF Day 26:  An acquaintance on FB wrote: 'Our beloved Palestine."  My reply:  "Beloved" Palestine? No. Not by the behavior of anyone in the United States. No one in the US, and few if any outside Palestine behave as tho it was their 'beloved.' What a shameful thing to say."

Homeless Man Stops Rape Attempt in Northwest D.C.

***** vid. Must Watch. Palestinian Professor Rania Masri: "OUR MEN WHO RESIST ISRAEL ARE THE FINEST, THE BRAVEST, OF OUR MEN..."

nd. Thomas Jefferson: If a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.

nd. Thomas Jefferson: If a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.

British Hero cabbie Azhar Shah honoured for saving baby from burning car

vid. George Carlin - THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU... AT ALL

From the Israeli declaration of independence -

THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

SPDF Day 26: Chris Hedges - State of Extraction - The fight for our lives

Begins at min 10:30

***** SPDF Day 26: ***** DYING IS NOT MY GOAL… life for at least one more Palestinian… is......

[Note: My brain is getting quite fuzzy, along with my eyesight. That coupled with deep fatigue... are resulting, I'm sure, in a higher rate of typos, and other errors, that I'm sure we both wish were not there.]

SPDF Day 26:  My goal is not to die.  My goal is that Palestinians not die, and I'll GLADLY pay any personal price for that goal.  I'm happy if that price is the ultimate price for me.

As I wrote several weeks ago, this Death Fast is correct for me in this time of complete and utter hopelessness for my Palestine Family.  In such complete darkness, complete hopelessness, objectively, based on all the self-serving, self-gratifying, hopeless, meaningless US 'activist' Free Palestine efforts... this Death Fast against such utter bleakness 'could' be seen at some time after my death, and awaken a few, to the only action that could be CERTAIN to Free Palestine, in sufficient numbers, and then to stop the descent of US into Fascism, and Ecocide.

If that utter bleakness dissipates beyond a point, this Death Fast by just one, me, would be throwing away life to no purpose. In a completely dark room, even a huge one, a tiny candle can be seen from anywhere in the room.  But if the darkness is dispelled, it cannot.

I'd be GLAD to have this Death Fast terminate my life.

I'd be GLAD to find out that a Real Dawn, aggressive, determined, committed, urgent Obama  Admin efforts... was breaking for Palestine.

I'd NOT be GLAD, but I'd recognize and possibly respond to... a 'possible,' 'perceived,' 'uncertain' dawn... such as the news that France is planning to reintroduce a 'Palestinian State' resolution in the UN, and that the US is 'planning' to go after AIPAC, and support a UN resolution.

If these dispel, for good or ill, the utter darkness of the moment, I'll be forced to consider terminating this Death Fast to avoid throwing away one of the only True US Activists that my Palestine has.

The potential harbingers of such 'light pollution,' if not true Light, that I see, the potentially Strategically important news, I' post on this site.

NOTE: If, as there would be, if there were Real Activists in the US, there were 100, or 1000 of us doing what I am, Death Fast... first to Free Palestine, then to save Democracy by getting the money out, then to stop Ecocide... then the above would be less of a factor, if any at all.  100 candles can be seen even in a semi-lighted room.  But one cannot.

SPDF Day 26: This could be a SIGNIFICANT CHANGE - The White House will go after AIPAC next

SPDF Day 26: Albert Einstein declines to join Zionist Party

SPDF Day 26: Too cold and windy for what strength I now have...

SPDF Day 26:  Too cold and windy for what strength I now have.  Will work indoors today conserving strength for tomorrow.  With luck, by tonight, the first version of the Stop Palestines Death Fast book will be completed, a compilation of the SPDF posts.

SPDF Day 26: Even without opposition in the US Congress BDS cannot stop the slaughter of Palestine...

nd. SPDF Day 26: Even without opposition in the US Congress BDS cannot stop the slaughter of Palestine, but everyone is acting as though it could. It has a minor role to play. Most of Israel's economy is weapons and high technology that cannot be touched by boycott. They have Adelson and other billionaires willing to pay the companies that would otherwise be hurt by BDS.  It is criminal denial that  the free Palestine activists pretend that BDS  is the answer rather than a tiny part of the solution.


The Incredible Moment A Massive Bull Rhino Came To The Rescue Of A Zebra Foal

nd. SPDF Day 25: For Gandhi there was an Ultimate, Unforgivable Sin… reticence to give ones life for others...

nd. SPDF Day 25:  For Gandhi there was an Ultimate, Unforgivable Sin - COWARDICE - BEING UNWILLING TO GIVE YOUR LIFE FOR WHAT IS RIGHT.  Nonviolence was his preferred choice, but violence was infinitely superior to not butting your very life in the way of evil.

CUFI Leader John Hagee confirms Christian Zionism is anti-Semitic - See more at:

CUFI Leader John Hagee confirms Christian Zionism is anti-Semitic - See more at:

SPDF Day 25: Israel killed more Palestinians in 2014 than in any other year since 1967. More than 2,300 Palestinians killed and more than 17,000 injured, according to annual report by UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs