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The church exists by getting you to pay them to be your conscience. This by killing yours, your soul, for which Christ died.

I have seen the Paradox that if I love until I it hurts there is no more hurt, only more love. Teresa

Trump is not talking to you. He is directing his Nazi army. You understand that, correct? He's giving marching orders.

I've been thinking this. Only now did I come to know of the quote. Happiness is the most Insidious prison of all.

 Regularly when people asked about the mission along the way I will mention that's how I spent a lifetime pursuing happiness and pleasure. They don't do it for me. Joy is what satisfies me and I gladly sacrifice any and all happiness and pleasure for more of it.

Do I justify with my contributions the Earth Resources that I take from future Generations? I do not yet know.

To those that consider themselves right to life

Change the world? You can't avoid it. The only variables for you are direction and degree.


Biding time in Pensacola until the rain passes. Low visibility no wipers. Heading West toward New Orleans Monday.

James recently developing navigation, exercise, tool. He has infinitely far to grow, but he knows the direction now.

10 is success, 0, low. Except the last two items where it is reversed.

The first numbers column is the most recent. Roughly one column per day.

Click to see higher resolution image.

Resurrection of the Soul, I think. One of the few great scenes in cinema.

Important note. After the clips do not miss the quotations written Below on this post.

But, Three:

"... My mother said I broke her heart...but it was my integrity that was important. Is thatso selfish? It sells for so little, but it's all we have left in this place. It is the very last inch of us...but within that inch we are free...."

"Happiness is the most insidious prison of all."

"I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish . Except one. An inch. It's small and it's fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having. we must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us."

"Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility

James is likely to continue studying the law of love, the law of violence (Tolstoy) for days or weeks. And then expects to move on to the child of that, Martin Luther King Junior, who may have taken things further.

Extremely important article on many levels.

... the one million EVs that hit the roads in 2017 will eventually result in around 250,000 tons of toxic battery waste; the tens of millions of cars built in the 2020s will produce far more...

... Lundgren was arrested and sent to jail in June 2018 following an intense legal battle with Microsoft over thousands of Windows restore disks he had manufactured for computer refurbishers back in 2012. (Lundgren claims the disks had no value; Microsoft claimed Lundgren violated its copyright to the tune of $700,000. Ultimately, the courts decided Lundgren’s actions qualified him for a $50,000 fine and a 15-month prison sentence.) Determined to stay busy while serving that sentence, before heading to jail Lundgren hired...

Click for article


Love as I have loved, that is, Do unto others all things whatsoever that you would have them do unto others. Jesus

💚💚💚 to me this Clarity is so extraordinarily empowering. I find that potential meaning of my life and therefore my potential Joy is increased by some substantial multiple by understanding this. It's like the gates to a prison have opened.

If James has ever made a contribution then it would probably be realizing the error of this last word this thousands of years. Possibly Jesus misspoke, most likely he was misquoted. As you would have them do unto

Yes yes yes. Spaghetti legs, accelerate cadence for power. Repeat….

Yes yes yes. Spaghetti legs, accelerate cadence for power. Repeat…. 

A good voyage today confirming the rather ecstatic reports of yesterday. 2 days is not proof but it is very encouraging. 

Make no mistake this comes on quite a few days

The reason capitalism's sacred, allowing suffering & death when they can't pay, is 'cus it is best for the most people. Oh, wait.

Viciously they vomited all over us. Video

Brief video. God bless you.

Actually, friend, I'm living the nightmare. Video log.

No point in sharing the following it's just resonating in me quite a bit the last day or so. The scenes from the movie V where Evie is in prison. My...

No point in sharing the following it's just resonating in me quite a bit the last day or so. The scenes from the movie V where Evie is in prison. My...  recent epiphanies regarding dwelling in the world of the Soul not the material world I think created the fertile ground for that group of scenes to come to my mind. I only saw the movie once and maybe if I saw it again it would not resonate at all but there was something extraordinary about how she came to realize the meaning, the essence, the substance of life.

The Law of Life: whoever achieved the most intense Joy with the least stuff is the winner.


Rich folks do crime because they can't lose. Poor folks do Crime because they have nothing to lose.

Cycle, roll, roil the buttocks balls James. Just that. Repeat....

Feel them rolling, cause them to freely and gently roll totally independent of the cranks and whatever resistance it provides. 

 In clarity this strikes James as a totally new thing. It is a extremely close relative of the checking in that he realized was so important and then forgot, realized several months ago and practiced for quite a while. Checking in for a while anyway achieve the

My kingdom is not of this world, said Jesus. I understand now. So it is becoming with James.

Don't worry, hang in there, you will be rid of us soon. On those rare occasions that I see wildlife, sometimes I tell them this, with gladness.

Update. If I said nothing else to you.... The complete, law of Love, law of violence. L Tolstoy.

I do know that about Tolstoy. No life and writings of Tolstoy, then, no Gandhi (Tolstoy's, the kingdom of God is within you) and quite possibly no Martin Luther King jr. ( the law of love and the law of violence L Tolstoy) 

Important correction, update. Where's the document now in front of me visually everything from chapter 12 or 13 on word has a very high percentage of correctness. The entire book is worth reading. And also the appendix is extremely helpful.

This is just a JPEG. The video is below. 

[Those that] realize the true sense of Christ's doctrine can no longer seri ously believe that man's mission here below is to employ the short period between his birth and death in making speeches to legislative assemblies, in judging.....

The law of love and the law of violence. Leo Tolstoy is writing two years before he died approaching 100. Download free at It is the last two chapters that contain mostly truth although not near clearly that Joy is the motive.

[Those that] realize the true sense of Christ's doctrine can no longer seri ously believe that man's mission here below is to employ the short period between his birth and death in making speeches to legislative assemblies, in judging.... his brothers in the courts, in capturing them, in locking them up and assassinating them, or throwing bombs at them, in taking away their property; or to bother as to whether Finland, India, Poland, Korea, are annexed to what is called Russia, England, Prussia or Japan; or to seek to liberate these annexed countries by force and to be prepared to kill each other in quantities for that purpose. It is impossible for a man of our time to be ignorant in his inner consciousness of the madness of such acts.

Never in human history has so much naked evil been so inescapably visible. If humans were capable of Awakening this would do it.

Gandhi was horribly flawed, honestly. And he Learned and taught extraordinary good. James, resume your study. Pioneered sustainable living.

You'll never ever encounter an individual. Only the group that they influence. How you treat them matters.

This could save me. 

We are created a force of nature, God, no? Loving.