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Truth cannot be given one to another, at best it can only be made more likely of being discovered. This lesson is not one I have wanted to learn and have resisted learning it all these decades. But there it is. When one tries........

Truth cannot be given one to another, at best it can only be made more likely of being discovered. This lesson is not one I have wanted to learn and have resisted learning it all these decades. But there it is. When one tries........ to give the truth as best one knows it almost invariably it renders it invisible. The intended receiver may well think that they have received the truth, but again, almost invariably they have received at best a mere Shadow and lost the inclination to dig deeper for the essentials. I must stop doing this disservice to people. In this light I better understand why our great human beings have had so little impact on the world, Martin Luther King Junior, Gandhi, and they are like. We quickly here platitudes, decide we now grasp what they had two teachers, move on, and never Advanced our core understanding.

I replied, that's odd, I can't think of anything that anyone could say or do that would make me stop fighting for the well-being of folks I care about as best I could. This to the nice person on Facebook that had just posted about how the folks they were finding in the free Palestine movement, some of them were nasty. And that therefore the person wouldn't be fighting to free Palestine anymore. We are brilliant at finding excuses for ourselves, pathologically brilliant.

I replied, that's odd, I can't think of anything that anyone could say or do that would make me stop fighting for the well-being of folks I care about as best I could. This to the nice person on Facebook that had just posted about how the folks they were finding in the free Palestine movement, some of them were nasty. And that therefore the person wouldn't be fighting to free Palestine anymore. We are brilliant at finding excuses for ourselves, pathologically brilliant.

Repairs and upgrades are expected to be completed here in Grants Pass today. If so the journey can resume early tomorrow morning. If all.......

Repairs and upgrades are expected to be completed here in Grants Pass today. If so the journey can resume early tomorrow morning. If all........ goes well then Silicon Valley should be about 11 days away. There is a critical need for housing in Silicon Valley, a place to park the vehicle or it can legally provide sleep for the night, for funds to repay some of the credit card debt for these repairs and upgrades, and for someone to take the videos from this blog and get them up on YouTube.

No one without a sheathing rage at what we are doing to the Childrens planet, country, to all of creation, can understand me and this mission. I'm quite sure this is in line with Gandhi who said that someone unable to do violence is incapable of waging nonviolence, paraphrase.

No one without a sheathing rage at what we are doing to the Childrens planet, country, to all of creation, can understand me and this mission. I'm quite sure this is in line with Gandhi who said that someone unable to do violence is incapable of waging nonviolence, paraphrase. This seems to be why, as much or more than anything, conservatives relate positively to me face to face, and liberals slink away in this pain. As Chris Hedges observes, liberals have lost the capacity to feel anything. The exception that proves the rule.

Just like we purchase everything else by giving our life for it, I want us to purchase a planet our children can thrive on by giving our lives for it. And that's exactly what I try to do.

Just like we purchase everything else by giving our life for it, I want us to purchase a planet our children can thrive on by giving our lives for it. And that's exactly what I try to do.

If I am not shocking, foreign, to most in this world, though that is never my intent, then I am of vastly too little hope for the world.

If I am not shocking, foreign, to most in this world, though that is never my intent, then I am of vastly too little hope for the world.

Your life is your message. Gandhi.

Your life is your message. Gandhi.

If my work does not piss some people off, though that is never my intent, if my work does not piss some people off I am definitely not the source of creative tension that the world needs.

If my work does not piss some people off, though that is never my intent, if my work does not piss some people off I am definitely not the source of creative tension that the world needs.

Chris Kyle's wife drowning in her orgy of white supremacy. Link

All major car companies announced a total electric future. Article link


A year in prison for standing Rock, has been averted by diligent and competent work by my lawyer. Court-appointed but funded in part I think by guardian angels. Final paperwork has been received. No court time, no jail time, minimal fine, record expunged in 12 months time. Time in prison could have been a wonderful opportunity to serve human rights but this mission is a better way so it is an incredible blessing that that was averted at this time.

A year in prison for standing Rock, has been averted by diligent and competent work by my lawyer. Court-appointed but funded in part I think by guardian angels. Final paperwork has been received. No court time, no jail time, minimal fine, record expunged in 12 months time. Time in prison could have been a wonderful opportunity to serve human rights but this mission is a better way so it is an incredible blessing that that was averted at this time.

Cheap, shallow, dishonest self-righteousness fixes, anti-abortion on the right, driving a Prius on the left.

Cheap, shallow, dishonest self-righteousness fixes, anti-abortion on the right, driving a Prius on the left.

Likely story in the Grants Pass Courier-Journal paper soon. Interviewed for an hour today and photos taken.

Likely story in the Grants Pass Courier-Journal paper soon. Interviewed for an hour today and photos taken.

If good intentions could save the world it would not be headed to hell right now. They can't. And I simply don't have time to hear them. If someone wants to help, under commit, under promise, and over perform. I hope that's what I do and you should expect nothing less.

If good intentions could save the world it would not be headed to hell right now. They can't. And I simply don't have time to hear them. If someone wants to help, under commit, under promise, and over perform. I hope that's what I do and you should expect nothing less.

I will seem even more harsh, more remote, less available, less kind, if that's possible, you may Wonder. If I fail you, if I fail anyone, it is in allowing myself even momentarily, psychologically, to come off the field of battle. I don't like......

If I fail you, if I fail anyone, it is in allowing myself even momentarily, psychologically, to come off the field of battle. I don't like...... tension, even creative tension, at least my body doesn't. I don't like being harsh, at least part of me doesn't. Believe it or not I like being Pleasant, I like being comfortable to be around. So to a degree  on Facebook, and to a degree in face-to-face encounters those pressures move me even slightly off the field of battle to being a more gentle presence. I fail you in that. Let alone I fail my clients, the world's neediest born and who will be born in the future. None of us should come off the field of battle for the future even for a moment. So am I doing so among other things is a terrible failure of leadership. I think I have it within me to stop failing you in this way. I will seem even more harsh, more remote, less available, less kind, if that's possible, you may Wonder. James

Homeless Campground Set To Open Near Downtown San Diego. Link

Las Vegas shooter, he's white, Christian, nothing to see here, move along, Move Along. No terrorists here. Link


Coming out of the bike shop that is wonderfully rescuing my vehicle from disaster due to a broken rear wheel, and substantially strengthening it, and critically weakening my financial position which is already on life support, I came across a gaggle of beautiful.......

Coming out of the bike shop that is wonderfully rescuing my vehicle from disaster due to a broken rear wheel, and substantially strengthening it, and critically weakening my financial position which is already on life support, I came across a gaggle of beautiful....... women my age, women in black. Women in black they announce themselves as. They invited me to lunch and later I attended. Mary Beth was among them, 88 years old, a self-described peace pilgrim that has traveled the country promoting peace. Such a magnificent soul. All of them very nice Souls. It was a great joy. They seemed to want to know much about my story and journey. They seemed to receive some inspiration from it. When folks genuinely wants to know what I'm doing, it causes me to connect with depths of emotion that generally I don't connect with. Quite frequently I was choked up.

Las Vegas shooting. Victims of the United States have rarely known such peace, Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Puerto Rico and on and on and on and on and on and on. Our victims have rarely known such peace.

Las Vegas shooting. Victims of the United States have rarely known such peace, Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Puerto Rico and on and on and on and on and on and on. Our victims have rarely known such peace.

The heart is one hell of a pilot. About 15 years ago I got tired of my head and flesh being in charge and made the heart, soul, my pilot. It is one hell of a ride. Not for one breath.....

The heart is one hell of a pilot. About 15 years ago I got tired of my head and flesh being in charge and made the heart, soul, my pilot. It is one hell of a ride. Not for one breath..... have I regretted it. And early in my business career of running into failing situations to turn them around, I started to get pretty good at it. There was no way that my fairly sharp mind was going to figure things out in time. I had to turn to that much larger part of the nervous system, the heart, feed it like crazy with appropriate information, and hope it coughed up the Solutions in time. Pretty regularly it did. And that's the way miracles happen. Einstein said something like, I think 99 times and nothing. I go swim in a quiet pool and there's the answer.

Folks are so passionate about lip service, and so passionately averse to life service. So ready with suggestions of what others can do, so averse to doing. The rare exceptions prove the prevailing rule.

Folks are so passionate about lip service, and so passionately averse to life service. So ready with suggestions of what others can do, so averse to doing. The rare exceptions prove the prevailing rule.

I think that making the truth easy is not possible, and attempting to do so makes it less likely to discover. This I have been guilty of. I think?.......

I think that making the truth easy is not possible, and attempting to do so makes it less likely to discover. This I have been guilty of. I think?....... the best that can be done is to make the truth discoverable, to point in the direction of its existence. Then the rest is somehow up to Creation. The man Jesus said, no one can come to me except that the father brings him. I am so impatient, I am so desperate for the world to be saved, can I learn to do this? I think maybe.

Financial and other contributions badly needed. Marooned in Grants Pass Oregon while parts arrive for repairs and strengthening of the vehicle. Departure now expected......

Financial and other contributions badly needed. Marooned in Grants Pass Oregon while parts arrive for repairs and strengthening of the vehicle. Departure now expected...... on Thursday, roughly 10 day Journey Down to the all-important Silicon Valley. Lodging desperately needed in the San Jose region. Laws and finances will put me in jail unless legal places to park this vehicle in someone's driveway or yard are uncovered. So far there has been lip service, a little bit, but nothing provided by those who said they might help. It is important to see how few people are really friends of this Mission, almost none.

Which Jesus, I need to ask when people ask me if I love Jesus? The brown-skinned Palestinian Jew whose religion was unconditional loving of the poor, outcasts, vulnerable, enemy, foreigner, or the white supremacist European American jesus that........

Which Jesus, I need to ask when people ask me if I love Jesus? The brown-skinned Palestinian Jew whose religion was unconditional loving of the poor, outcasts, vulnerable, enemy, foreigner, or the white supremacist European American jesus that....... preachers the religion of wealth stolen from the poor and vulnerable, and genocide?

No sir, just one, human rights, starting with those most violated. This in response to the man, wow, he said, you're involved with a lot of issues, obviously disturbed, who......

No sir, just one, human rights, starting with those most violated. This in response to the man, wow, he said, you're involved with a lot of issues, obviously disturbed, who....... kept clutched in his hand the money he had thought to donate as he asked me to stop on the side of the road to talk with he and his friend. When he saw the free Palestine on the left front tire, he changed his mind. It was wonderfully awkward.


Unless you help, I'm likely to go to jail, stay in jail. Die in jail. And the vehicle possibly destroyed.  The mission ended. This vehicle is going to be seen in Silicon Valley if it kills me. They already built f****** Trump's wall, but.......

Unless you help, I'm likely to go to jail, stay in jail. Die in jail. And the vehicle possibly destroyed.  The mission ended. This vehicle is going to be seen in Silicon Valley if it kills me. They already built f****** Trump's wall, but....... financially, invisible. And with immoral laws. These f****** Masters of the Universe have passed laws to make it illegal to sleep in vehicles in their Ivory Towers. F****** bastards. Many times now I have put the word out for people to find places where this vehicle can park for the night legally so that the driver can sleep. Nothing so far. Tap your networks, find someplace for this vehicle to park at night in San Jose, Milpitas, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara. Prepare to do jail support if safe lodging does not emerge. Or do nothing. Have a nice day.

Reminder to self. the one adult population among whom I have been substantially welcome throughout my adulthood is the population of people with an extreme, complex, problem. an emergency, if you......

Reminder to self. the one adult population among whom I have been substantially welcome throughout my adulthood is the population of people with an extreme, complex, problem. an emergency....... , if you will, where they thought I might be able to help. Beyond that, not so much, not very long. Initially they naturally project on me a type of person with which they are familiar, they fairly rapidly discover that I am not something that fits in a traditional mold, extremely intense, extremely devoted to a just world, and I become unwelcome pretty fast, although rarely are people rude.

Wow, Francis on politics. Wow.......

Oh, it is definitely a stress fracture in the right tibia, or something with exactly, exactly, exactly the same symptoms. If someone has access to a friendly doctor, it sure would.......

Oh, it is definitely a stress fracture in the right tibia, or something with exactly, exactly, exactly the same symptoms. If someone has access to a friendly doctor, it sure would...... be nice to know what happens if one does not rest, but moderately keeps using the leg. I am doing so and  the pain seems to be moderating so far. Help needed.

Is it that the truth cannot be given, it can only be earned?

Is it that the truth cannot be given, it can only be earned?

Why is it that so often only after they die that we discover people and who they are and what they have to teach us?

Why is it that so often only after they die that we discover people and who they are and what they have to teach us?

If you don't want truth bad, no one can't get it to you, no one can't help you.

If you don't want truth bad, no one can't get it to you, no one can't help you. 

Note to self. To be a better vehicle for the totally essential creative tension, I must do a better job of pointing two truths, but leaving room for others to they're by Discover it. Baby, if we give Cruise too clearly, too easily, we prevent it from being seen.

Note to self. To be a better vehicle for the totally essential creative tension, I must do a better job of pointing two truths, but leaving room for others to they're by Discover it. Baby, if we give Cruise too clearly, too easily, we prevent it from being seen.

I have become a good vehicle for the essential of any hope, creative tension. I must learn to do better.

I have become a good vehicle for the essential of any hope, creative tension. I must learn to do better.

Threatening to kill me, pretty much every day, for fifteen years now, is telling the truth. But the moment I stop, I have killed myself, all joy. It is the way, the only way. Jesus, king, Gandhi.

Threatening to kill me, pretty much every day, for fifteen years now, is telling the truth. But the moment I stop, I have killed myself, all joy. It is the way, the only way. Jesus, king, Gandhi.

We miss the essential truths unless something causes us to look really really really hard. Ever see the picture of the young woman and the old woman? This is why I will probably stop making the truths I am shown so easily available on Facebook. By making.......

We miss the essential truths unless something causes us to look really really really hard. Ever see the picture of the young woman and the old woman? This is why I will probably stop making the truths I am shown so easily available on Facebook. By making.......them so easily available I think I am making it impossible to see them. There was a really wonderful, tremendously awkward, scene in the Robin Williams movie, Patch Adams, where the old man said, look at my fingers, what do you see!?!? This is what Willy Wonka knew, isn't it? Can I love enough, to become this way?

I love the truth above everything because the truth is necessary to love everything, and anything. I do not know the group that loves truth more than it loves its own Darkness. The.......

I love the truth above everything  because the truth is necessary  to love  everything, and anything. I do not know the group that loves truth  more than it loves its own Darkness. The........ conservative town breathtakingly kind and supportive to this mission, but then they found out that I call out conservative to behavior that I find destructive. And then it went dead. And the same thing happened in a very liberal town. Breathtakingly supportive. And then things went dead. I am not conservative. I am not liberal. I stand with the truth that gives life as best I can, and I call out what I think leads to death. I do not know the group that loves truth more than its own Darkness.