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SPDF Day 33. pic. 158 lbs, losing .51 lbs per day. STOP PALESTINES DEATH, FAST.

Dr. Norman Finkelstein: vid. 100min. Gaza's Martyrdom and the Future of Palestine

SPDF Day 33. vid 9 min. US tortured less than 50. Israel SIMILARLY TORTURED... 10'S OF THOUSANDS. Norman Finkelstein

SPDF vid Day 33: Miko Peled and Rabbi Weiss Expose the Truth about Israel. 5 min

Half Of Americans Think The Nation's Relationship With Israel Has Weakened. IF DEMS ONLY HAD A SPINE...

SPDF Day 33: The lie Israel sold the world — settlement 'outposts'

SPDF Day 33: Palestinian child Zakariya al-Julani wounded in Israeli gunfire loses eye

SPDF Day 33: Chris Hedges on Our Moral Collapse. 9 min. 2009

pic. SPDF Day 33: Dr. Jane Goodall: "We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources."

Dr. Jane Goodall: "We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources."


nd. SPDF Day 33: :-( Too windy, gusts to 40mph, to be out with my light posters today. Working indoors online.

nd. SPDF Day 33:  :-(  Too windy, gusts to 40mph, to be out with my light posters today.  Working indoors online.


SPDF vlog Day 32: Physically, today is starting to be different, tougher...

Over all I've been amazed at the strength that my body has had.  Today it is starting to be different.  My eyes are quite blurry.  I had an errand to do today, it was raining so being out witht the posters was precluded.  When I tried to walk up the steps into the shelter my legs felt dead as I don't recall my legs ever feeling before.  About half an hour ago I was studying a video of Malcom X and the next thing I knew a fellow came by and gently shook my shoulder, I had sort of passed out.  At only 6:00 today I want to be crawled into bed.  It'll be extinct and see how this plays out.

***** SPDF vlog Day 32: This could change things... Is his handling of Iran central to to President Obama's handling of Israel Palestine, or has president Obama been AWOL on Palestine as I have thought?

This could change things.  I had not been considering the impact of the Iran negotiations on the response of president Obama to Israel and Netanyahu.  And this may have been a major oversight on my part.  I don't know how long it will take to see whether or not that is the case. 

Netanyahu is furious about the Iran deal not for his stated reason of Iran being an existential threat to Israel, but because it is an absolute threat to the hegemony that Israel has been allowed in the Middle East, tyranical reign over countries in that area. 

If the deal goes through, and certainly it looks as though it will, what does that do to the prospect of full human rights for the Palestinians?  How conservative has President Obama needed to be to get this far in the negotiations with Iran?  How much of the inaction on his part was due to this? 

Although I had lost confidence that president Obama, I had previously been certain that Pr. Obama detests Israel's barbarity as much as I do.  I concluded that I was mistaken.   Maybe my mistake was in not understanding that these Iran negotiations are his most effective means of boxing Israel in and getting a just resolution for the Palestinians,

SPDF vlog Day 32: I knew how to recognize and pick business associates. I should've seen that picking 'frieneds' is the same, for me.

I was good if not extremely good at identifying associates, partners, team members in business that were up to the Herculean tasks that were always my focus and responsibility in business.  I can see who could do the work, quite clearly, I could see who was not up to the task, quite clearly, I could see when they were attracted to the mission, and I can see when they were not capable of that. 

These skills of mine for which I take no personal credit were instrumental to the business success that I had.  I always had an important, ultimately important, role to fulfill on the team, but never did I achieve any substantial results except as part of a maniachally committed, massively focused, heroically motivated team of individuals.

It has only just occured to me in the last couple of days that in my personal life, and in my activist life these last 10 years , I've been as unsuccessful at my associations as I was successful in business. 

It is occurring to me now that I was using an entirely different mindset in the two different situations and that this was a tremendous mistake. 

I believe that the healthy individual lives to achieve important human missions and that everything else is to be subservient to that in the healthy person, and I mean physiologically, psychologically healthy.  Therefore one should not use different considerations in whom they associate with in a any aspect of their life , certainly not in the most sacred of pursuits, activism.  But I have viewed it entirely differently and thereby wasted a tremendous amount of time of other people and of myself. 

It's not a matter of blaming myself, or of absolving myself blame.  I've done and will always do the best that I can but I think I've just gained a massive new insight.  I need to consider each and any association from the perspective of the entirely mission oriented individual that I am.  This is a very optimistic consideration for me.

SPDF vlog Day 32: For a decade have I misungerstood the problem: Is it a 'follower problem,' not a 'leadership' problem?

Am I guilty of the proverbial seeing every problem as a nail because my only tool is a hammer? 

I don't think so but thinking along this line has occurred to me for the first time in any of my campaigns.  

By training was in leadership in graduate school back in the mid seventies.  My avocation and vocation have been leadership ever since.  I learned fairly quickly in industry that my only interest was in urgent situations that required a dramatic turnaround to avoid disaster, and that by my only skill was in such urgent situations, rather, the skill that aligned with my greatest strengths, and with my interests, passions.  I learned that I have no interest in, and no apparent talents, in normal situations.

More specifically what occured to me is that relative to Palestine,, saving the last remnants of democracy in America, stopping ecocide, it is not a leadership problem but a follower problem that we have.  That is, the denial among the American people is so catatonic, so sick, so deep, so all powerful that leadership may not be the problem,

But I think leadership is the only solution.  Leadership,, being among the first to do what a healthy, loving, sane, not catatonically delustional personl person does in the face of a 68 year torture and torment of another people, the Palestinians, by one's own government. 

It is so much lonelier than what I ever had to do in industry.  The motivators for the groups involved were so much clearer, losing their job, going out of business, losing their income....  So the followers were, if not always, often, ready to do their part.  There is no evidence of that in any of the three problems that I've mentioned.  Quite the opposite.  It appears that the followers will avoid taking personal responsibility no matter what.

So I think I was mistaken to have this doubt.  I'll continue to consider it, but maybe more than ever it is a leadership problem.  Being among the first to act as a human being should act in the face of such horror.

vid. 'Love is the only God!' Music producer & activist cries on air talking about Palestinian kids

***** SPDF Day 32: vid. YES. A child's future is worth EVERY sacrifice. EVERY CHILD

vid. Chris Hedges: Americans Are Living a Fantasy - The Illusion of Love, Wisdom, Happiness

SPDF Day 32: Palestinians condemn Israel’s arrest of prominent leftist lawmaker Khalida Jarrar

vid. Reza Aslan: If Isis is Islam, 10's of thousands of Isis victims are Islam, and 10's of thousands fighting Isis are Islam, what does this say about Islam.

SPDF Day 32: Americans for Peace Now calls settlements a ‘plague’

***** vid must watch PBS: Scientific Studies Prove Rich People Really tend to be Psychopaths. Power does corrupt. Keltner. Berkeley

nd. SPDF Day 32: My left eye has gone near totally useless all of a sudden.

nd. SPDF Day 32: My left eye has gone near totally useless all of a sudden.




***** SPDF Day 31: 1st Kenyan to stand up to the Dictator, by himself, beaten, threatened... never looked back...never stopped.... Still alive, so far.

SPDF Day 31: Massively sick today... this afternoon... while in front of NPR - Numbing Paralyzing Rubbish.

My large intestine has been shut down since the first week. That's what they do when they have no food.  But I guess, and not dissimilar to prior fasts I've been on, dead cells of my flesh I am consuming to stay alive... accumulate and at some point get expelled. But never like today.  There was no way I could stop the torrent.  Thank God I've been 'wearing' a large hand towel just in case.  Thank God I had on rain-pants for warmth against the 25mph gusts today, or otherwise with the stench, I'd not have been allowed into Union Station for the 30 minute clean-up. Fell into my cot on return.  Very weak now, taking liquids.  Must see if my doc can prescribe some rubber pants for me.

'We Palestinian Christians say Allahu Akbar'

Really Muslims, really???? You are just as savage, hatefilled, ignorant, Satanic, UnGodly as the Christians??? REALLY???? .... Identical twin studies show homosexuality not genetic

Dozens of Immigrant Women Stage Hunger Strike at Texas Facility

***** Day 31: SPDF... the book. MAJOR UPDATE.