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"JAMES, ON ISRAEL YOU ARE OVER THE TOP!!!" (all caps are mine). From one of the only 2 HS 'friend' still communicating with me on FB (as of last night, that is): "Your diatribes against Israel are over the top...." (click link for detail)

"JAMES, ON ISRAEL YOU ARE OVER THE TOP!!!" (the all-caps are mine). From one of the only 2 HS 'friend' still communicating with me on FB (as of last night, that is):  "Your diatribes against Israel are over the top...."  (click link for detail)...

My reply:

"You'd say the same to me if we were back in 1940 and my issue was my family the Jews in Germany, or in 1985 and the issue my family the blacks in South Africa, etc, etc. (Darfur Genocide, Rwanda Genocide, Black Slaves, Southern Lynchings and Southern 'Democracy' of the pre-1960's, women not having the vote pre-1920, etc, etc, etc). There have always been a million misled, uninformed, ignorant, detached, dispassionate, heartless, walking dead, cowardly people in these situations saying calm down, be reasonable, be balanced, for every one like me that cares enough to see the truth, to learn the truth, to speak the truth, to live the truth. I'm guessing that unlike me you have not studied dozens of the scholarly works * on the subject of what's going on in Palestine? Either way my comments stand. Throughout the ages those like you, and like I was for so many decades, are why these horrors don't end. Martin Luther King said: nothing in all the world is so dangerous as conscientious stupidity and sincere ignorance. Friend, if the shoe does not fit please do not wear it.  (* a collection of the easiest to digest sources are at the top of my blog .  Yes, they take more time than it does to dismiss my postings as 'over the top,' but they take less than the 68 years our willful ignorance has allowed it to go on so far.)"

As we enter the 68TH YEAR OF THE TORMENT, TORTURE, TERRORIZATION, HOLOCAUST, INCREMENTAL GENOCIDE of Palestines... if it is to be stopped... it will by dispelling the vicious, sadistic, cruel, savage, brilliant lies deeply sewn in American minds these last 100 years. PLEASE take a moment to review and understand the resources I've collected for you at the top of my blog:

As we enter the 68TH YEAR OF THE TORMENT, TORTURE, TERRORIZATION, HOLOCAUST, INCREMENTAL GENOCIDE of Palestines... if it is to be stopped... it will by dispelling the vicious, sadistic, cruel, savage, brilliant lies deeply sewn in American minds these last 100 years.  PLEASE take a moment to review and understand the resources I've collected for you at the top of my blog:


Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters' Moshe Feiglin is Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset He posted the message on his Facebook page at the weekend Plan includes shipping the people living in Gaza across the world IDF would 'exterminate nests of resistance' as part of his plan The Gaza

***** vid. “I was born in Israel. I served in the army. Now I chose to leave Tel Aviv and live in Berlin.” Around 30 thousand Israelis did this in the last few years. “The Pain Inside” - an extraordinary story in Palestine Remix.

Only 37 percent of Americans said that keeping up with the news and public issues is a “very important” obligation for citizens. In 1984, a majority — 56 percent — said that being informed was a very important civic duty. One-fifth answered that there is “no obligation at all” to keep up with the news. Read more:

Only 37 percent of Americans said that keeping up with the news and public issues is a “very important” obligation for citizens. In 1984, a majority — 56 percent — said that being informed was a very important civic duty. One-fifth answered that there is “no obligation at all” to keep up with the news.

nd. From an elementary school teacher I know, regrding children with deep troubles in thier lives: "The point is to make every day as wonderful as possible....and to listen to them and let them know they are loved.....unconditionally....."

nd. From an elementary school teacher I know, regrding children with deep troubles in thier lives: "The point is to make every day as wonderful as possible....and to listen to them and let them know they are loved.....unconditionally....."

Israel had detained 1,266 Palestinian children below the age of 15 in the occupied territories throughout 2014.

Israeli home demolitions in Jerusalem leave 2 families homeless

Has Israel's military-political machine gone insane? Does Israel seek to turn the conflict into a religious one, the least rational and most bloody form of armed conflict?

YOU F'ING AMERIKANS!!!! 67 YEARS OF VIOLATION OF PALESTINIAN RIGHTS!!!! AMERIKANS... YOU HAVE NO MORAL STANDING IN THE WORLD. OBAMA - F YOU TOO!!!! 'U.S.: Palestinian UN bid fails to account for Israel's security needs.'

U.S.: Palestinian UN bid fails to account for Israel's security needs 

10 Pictures of a 26 Year old Obama Connecting with his African Roots

Friends of Palestine - BE WARNED. DAVID DUKE HAS SOME VALID IDEAS... AND HE IS POLITICAL PLUTONIUM. DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP OF PASSING ON HIS INFORMATION. Do not KEEP falling into the trap of passing on his information. Take what is useful, use it, but DO NOT PASS IT ON. YOU'LL DESTROY YOUR CREDIBILITY.

Friends of Palestine - BE WARNED.  DAVID DUKE HAS SOME VALID IDEAS... AND HE IS POLITICAL PLUTONIUM.  DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP OF PASSING ON HIS INFORMATION. Do not KEEP falling into the trap of passing on his information.  Take what is useful, use it, but DO NOT PASS IT ON.  YOU'LL DESTROY YOUR CREDIBILITY.

Israeli Forces Train with Live Ammo in West Bank Civilian Areas


vid. 10 min. 'Dear God... does Islam need us, or do we need Islam....'

Dear God...

Hamas calls on Palestinian Authority to withdraw UN statehood bid. (I trust Hamas more than all the other actors in this combined.)

nd. To those few that have stayed in contact with me... you amaze me. You make my world better. I'm quite sure, you make THE world, better.

To those few that have stayed in contact with me... you amaze me.  You make my world better.  I'm quite sure, you make THE world, better.

(as I've been saying....) nd. "When I have considered the enormity of the white man’s crimes against humanity—against women, against every living person of color, against the poor, against my mother and my father, against me … when I consider that at this very moment he wishes to take away what little freedom I have died to achieve, through denial of my right to vote … When I consider that he is, they are, a real and present threat to my life and the life of my daughter, my people—I think, in perfect harmony with my sisters of long ago—Let the Earth marinate in poisons. Let the bombs cover the ground like rain. For nothing short of total destruction will ever teach them anything. And it would be good, perhaps, to put an end to this species in any case, rather than let the white man continue to subjugate it, and continue to let their lust dominate, exploit and despoil not just our planet, but the rest of the universe, which is their clear and oft-stated intention—leaving their arrogance and litter not just on the moon, but on everything they can reach. If we have any true love for the stars, planets, the rest of Creation, we must do everything we can to keep the white man away from them. They who have appointed themselves our representatives to the rest of the universe; they who have never met any new creature without exploiting, abusing and destroying it; they who say we poor and colored and female and elderly blight neighborhoods, while they blight worlds. What they have done to the Old, they will do to the New. Under the white man every star would become a South Africa, every planet a Vietnam. Fatally irradiating ourselves may in fact be the only way to save others from what Earth has already become. And this is a consideration that I believe requires some serious though from every one of us. However, just as the sun shines on the godly and the ungodly alike, so does nuclear radiation. And with this knowledge it becomes increasingly difficult to embrace the thought of extinction purely for the assumed satisfaction of—from the grave—achieving revenge. Or even of accepting our demise as a planet as a simple and preventative medicine administered to the universe. Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring, and because it has fresh peaches in it. In any case, Earth is my home—though for centuries white people have tried to convince me I have no right to exist, except in the dirtiest, darkest corners of the globe. So let me tell you: I intend to protect my home." ~ Alice Walker

"When I have considered the enormity of the white man’s crimes against humanity—against women, against every living person of color, against the poor, against my mother and my father, against me … when I consider that at this very moment he wishes to take away what little freedom I have died to achieve, through denial of my right to vote … When I consider that he is, they are, a real and present threat to my life and the life of my daughter, my people—I think, in perfect harmony with my sisters of long ago—Let the Earth marinate in poisons. Let the bombs cover the ground like rain. For nothing short of total destruction will ever teach them anything.

And it would be good, perhaps, to put an end to this species in any case, rather than let the white man continue to subjugate it, and continue to let their lust dominate, exploit and despoil not just our planet, but the rest of the universe, which is their clear and oft-stated intention—leaving their arrogance and litter not just on the moon, but on everything they can reach.

If we have any true love for the stars, planets, the rest of Creation, we must do everything we can to keep the white man away from them. They who have appointed themselves our representatives to the rest of the universe; they who have never met any new creature without exploiting, abusing and destroying it; they who say we poor and colored and female and elderly blight neighborhoods, while they blight worlds.

What they have done to the Old, they will do to the New.
Under the white man every star would become a South Africa, every planet a Vietnam.

Fatally irradiating ourselves may in fact be the only way to save others from what Earth has already become. And this is a consideration that I believe requires some serious though from every one of us.

However, just as the sun shines on the godly and the ungodly alike, so does nuclear radiation. And with this knowledge it becomes increasingly difficult to embrace the thought of extinction purely for the assumed satisfaction of—from the grave—achieving revenge. Or even of accepting our demise as a planet as a simple and preventative medicine administered to the universe. Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring, and because it has fresh peaches in it. In any case, Earth is my home—though for centuries white people have tried to convince me I have no right to exist, except in the dirtiest, darkest corners of the globe.

So let me tell you: I intend to protect my home." ~ Alice Walker

nd. "After 70 years of work, the Jewish archaeologists have found no historical or archeological evidence to back the biblical narrative of the Exodus, the Jews' Wandering in Sinai, or Jashua's conquest of Canaan. There is also no archaeological evidence to prove that the Temple of Solomon ever existed." Prof. Israel Finkelstein. " The Father of Biblical Archaeology". Tel Aviv University.

"After 70 years of work, the Jewish archaeologists have found no historical or archeological evidence to back the biblical narrative of the Exodus, the Jews' Wandering in Sinai, or Jashua's conquest of Canaan. There is also no archaeological evidence to prove that the Temple of Solomon ever existed."

Prof. Israel Finkelstein. " The Father of Biblical Archaeology". Tel Aviv University.

Israeli boats open fire at Gaza fishermen

nd. Another 14-16 hours of sleep again today. WTF?

nd. Another 14-16 hours of sleep again today.  WTF?

***** vid. 8 min. 'Exterminate the Palestinians' the Israel's DEMAND

As I've said since day 1. (Oh, if we citizens had been worth a sh*t....) Barack H. Obama is the Greatest President of Modern Times

As I've said since day 1.  (Oh, if we citizens had been worth a sh*t....)  Barack H. Obama is the Greatest President of Modern Times

Gallup: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Extend Run as Most Admired

6059 Palestinians Kidnapped By The Army in 2014. “There hasn’t been a single day that did not witness the abduction of Palestinians,” Ferwana said. “On average, the army has kidnapped 505 Palestinians each month; approximately 17 a day.”

Must read. Oil’s Swift Fall Raises Fortunes of U.S. Abroad

***** nd. Today a notion has taken me captive, a notion I have not considered centrally for many years. I do not know from whence the idea descended upon me. The idea is that our central work in returning sanity to earth is the spirit that we embody and the spread. That that spirit must be one of loving. It is so long since I have had such a thought I do not know what I will find when I examined my behavior of recent months and its light. But I intend to do so. Of course I will examine the idea itself, as well. But it strikes me as extremely correct. The spirit of our age is frenetic, frantic, inebriated consumption to the point of extinction of all life. I'm wondering if I have ever appreciated the benefits, and maybe the existential necessity, of a deliberately slower life.

Today a notion has taken me captive, a notion I have not considered centrally for many years. I do not know from whence the idea descended upon me. The idea is that our central work in returning sanity to earth is the spirit that we embody and the spread. That that spirit must be one of loving. It is so long since I have had such a thought I do not know what I will find when I examined my behavior of recent months and its light. But I intend to do so. Of course I will examine the idea itself, as well. But it strikes me as extremely correct. The spirit of our age is frenetic, frantic, inebriated consumption to the point of extinction of all life. I'm wondering if I have ever appreciated the benefits, and maybe the existential necessity, of a deliberately slower life.

posted from Bloggeroid

How the Palestinian children looked being shot by sponge bullets

National catholic reporter. The coming Palestinian State

Stop funding Israel's war on Palestine, CPI-M tells Modi government

A Tyee Series Ten Things Learned Living Off-grid in Canada

Israel has all but made Palestine disappear. Yet Palestine appears to have found a new footing, its people animated by a renewed sense of purpose in spite of their suffering. “With nothing else to lose but themselves, Palestinians could yet rally behind the one thing which unite them all — Palestine. And this is what terrifies Israel,” said Osman, of the Strategic Foresight Group

Judge: Equality in the West Bank, just not for Palestinians

Who Was the Most Racist Modern President? 5 Surprising Candidates Who Fit the Bill. What these presidents said in private and what they did in public were often sharply at odds.

Imam Jameel Al-Safir, 16, Monday afternoon was shot dead by Israeli occupation forces under the pretext of throwing stones, at the Za'tara checkpoint south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

***** The Police Are Still Out of Control I should know. By FRANK SERPICO


Mass Palestinian grave found in Tel Aviv. Skeletal remains of dozens of Palestinians killed by Israelis during 1948 have been found in a mass grave in Tel Aviv.

***** vid. 6 min. Berkeley. We are built to be kind... (as I've shouted with each breath for over a decade)

Israel police identify burnt bodies of two Palestinian brothers - See more at:

Israel police identify burnt bodies of two Palestinian brothers - See more at:

***** Israel Demolishes EU-funded Irrigation Pools created for Palestinians

***** article. video. 6 Holocaust Survivors Who Fight Against Israel's Treatment of Palestinians

movie. Uprising. Wanna see what the Zionis are doing to the Palestinians? Well, Hollywoood is devoted to COVERING THAT UP. But watch this, on the Polish Uprising. Yes, it is a Zioni propaganda piece, but it is EXACTLY what Israel/US is doing to Palestine. WATCH IT. SHARE.

Wanna see what the Zionis are doing to the Palestinians?  Well, Hollywoood is devoted to COVERING THAT UP.  But watch this, on the Polish Uprising.  Yes, it is a Zioni propaganda piece, but it is EXACTLY what Israel/US is doing to Palestine. WATCH IT.  SHARE.

Cops Threaten a Blue Coup in New York City. By The Free Thought Project on December 26, 2014. The police union chief instructed his members to impose a martial law-type policing regime on the city. Read more at

Cops Threaten a Blue Coup in New York City.

By The Free Thought Project on December 26, 2014. 
The police union chief instructed his members to impose a martial law-type policing regime on the city.


Gazans take to streets demanding end of blockade

Article. New York City police. In their view, their actions are above reproach. Any effort to prevent them from using unnecessary force or stem the killing of suspects is met with fierce defensiveness. The mock-outrage, the publicity stunts and backs being turned, do a disservice to cops around the country who want to do a good job and serve their community with honor. Pretending that cops, regardless of circumstance, should be placed on an alter and any scrutiny is “anti-cop” is pathetic and demeaning. Cops deserve better, Bill de Blasio deserves better, and New Yorkers especially deserve better.

Eyewitnesses and Palestinian shepherds on Sunday complained about the factories in the Industrial Zone of "Burkhan" Israeli Settlement near Salfit, North West Bank, every Thursday and Friday utilize the weekend, to pour its waste-water all at once in the Salfit valleys.

Confessions of a one-time religious right icon I was a religious fanatic appealing to political leaders. Today, the fanatics are the political leaders Frank Schaeffer

***** Jerusalem high school alumni to students: Refuse military draft

Jewish settler runs over 7-year-old Palestinian child near Hebron


nd. I am sorry. No free Palestine vigil at the White House until further notice. I woke up on time this morning to walk the 18 blocks to the White House with my 30 to 40 pounds of stuff but my body was real clear on three things. 1. It could get me to the White House but it would not have the strength for the often explosive interchanges I have there with the Zionist's; 2. Carrying all that stuff could do significant damage that would set me back further. I think this is what happened last weekend. 3. And impossibly, my body needed more sleep. So I went back to sleep and slept another 5 hours.

I am sorry. No free Palestine vigil at the White House until further notice. I woke up on time this morning to walk the 18 blocks to the White House with my 30 to 40 pounds of stuff but my body was real clear on three things. 1. It could get me to the White House but it would not have the strength for the often explosive interchanges I have there with the Zionist's; 2. Carrying all that stuff could do significant damage that would set me back further. I think this is what happened last weekend. 3. And impossibly, my body needed more sleep. So I went back to sleep and slept another 5 hours.

posted from Bloggeroid

Israel’s maintenance of conditions to prevent Gaza’s reconstruction

article. BBC Grossly Misrepresents Facts Regarding Israel’s Almost Daily Violations Of Gaza Ceasefire Through misreporting and non-reporting, the BBC presents a thoroughly inaccurate picture of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land.


nd. To those who claim to fight to Free Palestine, but keep bashing Netanyahu's #1 Enemy Pr. Obama... you need to reflect on this: "Nothing in all the world is so dangerous as sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." MLK Jr was speaking of you.

To those who claim to fight to Free Palestine, but keep bashing Netanyahu's #1 Enemy Pr. Obama... you need to reflect on this: "Nothing in all the world is so dangerous as sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."  MLK Jr was speaking of you.

***** 2010. “All I saw in Israel was cowards with guns” BY PAUL WOODWARD ON JUNE 6, 2010 “All I saw in Israel was cowards with guns.” These are the words of Ken O’Keefe, a former US Marine who was just deported from Israel after surviving the Mavi Marmara massacre.

“All I saw in Israel was cowards with guns”
“All I saw in Israel was cowards with guns.” These are the words of Ken O’Keefe, a former US Marine who was just deported from Israel after surviving the Mavi Marmara massacre.

***** nd. The Zionists are God's Chosen people.... only if Satan, the God of Evil, Hate, Subhumanity, Inhumanity, Sadism, Racism, Bigotry, Sociopathy, Savagery, Cruelty, their God.

The Zionists are God's Chosen people.... only if Satan, the God of Evil, Hate, Subhumanity, Inhumanity, Sadism, Racism, Bigotry, Sociopathy, Savagery, Cruelty, their God.

nd. When Injustice becomes Law, Resistance becomes Duty.

When Injustice becomes Law, Resistance becomes Duty.

article. Chris Hedges banned by UPENN. "Hedges’s banning is a reminder that none of the rules apply when it comes to Israel. Americans are allowed to mock and satirize any country we like– or even make a movie about assassinating a foreign dictator, and the president will stand up for you against efforts to suppress it– but don’t touch a hair on Israel’s chinny chin chin. - See more at:

Hedges’s banning is a reminder that none of the rules apply when it comes to Israel. Americans are allowed to mock and satirize any country we like– or even make a movie about assassinating a foreign dictator, and the president will stand up for you against efforts to suppress it– but don’t touch a hair on Israel’s chinny chin chin. - See more at:

article. Palestinians stress their right to respond to Israeli escalation

article. Former Israeli soldier wants to live in Palestine, says, ‘I hate Zionism’ - See more at:

Former Israeli soldier wants to live in Palestine, says, ‘I hate Zionism’ - See more at:

article. 5 things idiots believe about Muslims which just aren’t true…

5 things idiots believe about Muslims which just aren’t true…

article. Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks - See more at:

Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks - See more at:

article. More than one-third of the Netherlands' 475 mosques have experienced at least one incident of vandalism, threatening letters, attempted arson, the placement of pigs' heads, or other aggressive actions in the past 10 years.

article. In families of police officers, domestic violence is two-to-four times more likely than in the general population — from stalking and harassment to sexual assault and even homicide. As the National Center for Women and Policing notes, two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10% of families in the general population. America’s police domestic abuse problem was on full display in Monday’s horrific murder of Valerie Morrow, who police say was shot to death by her ex-boyfriend, Stephen Rozniakowski, a Philadelphia-area police officer. Morrow, 40, had just been granted a protection from abuse order against Rozniakowski, who had been charged with 75 counts of stalking. After Rozniakowski reportedly resigned from his job Monday, police say he kicked open the door to Morrow’s home, shot her to death and wounded her teenage daughter before being apprehended at the scene.

article. Extremist settlers hurls abuse at injured ISM activist

***** vid at min 10: "Jews are God's Chosen People... at the top of the hierarchy. Then comes everyone else."

See min 10... on.

artivle. 'Some Sort of Hell': How One of the Wealthiest LIBERAL Cities in America Treats Its Homeless

article. How New York Times conceals Israeli violence against Palestinians

nd. The side where the tumor was removed is still very very very sore to the touch... but I think last night may have been a turning point. I've accepted three days of insane amounts of sleep... and it feels like things are on the mend now. Am praying to be in front of the WH Sat and Sun, weather permitting, and have some hope my body will cooperate this time. I have no complaints - my body has done much more for me than I've had any right to expect - but it is still hard to deal with its ever increasing limits.

The side where the tumor was removed is still very very very sore to the touch... but I think last night may have been a turning point.  I've accepted three days of insane amounts of sleep... and it feels like things are on the mend now.  Am praying to be in front of the WH Sat and Sun, weather permitting, and have some hope my body will cooperate this time. I have no complaints - my body has done much more for me than I've had any right to expect - but it is still hard to deal with its ever increasing limits.



article. Negev Bedouin are now demolishing their own homes out of despair

article. In Israel In 2013, 66.4 percent of Arab children were living below the poverty line, compared to 20 percent of Jewish children


***** pic. If your God too, is Truth, you need to take out your highlighter.... What Jesus ACTUALLY did and said in the Bible...

Click to enlarge.  Right-click to download.

article. acked by pain, the 93-year-old rabbi walked shakily to the lectern to give his sermon on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. Then his spine straightened. His gaze grew firm. "Another Yom Kippur," he said. "Another 500 children of Gaza killed by the Israel Defense Forces, with callous disregard for their lives." Tension rippled through the Jewish congregants seated hip to hip inside one of Los Angeles' most prominent synagogues. Rabbi Leonard Beerman....

article. terrifying facts about America’s biggest police force. The NYPD has expanded into a massive global anti-terror operation with military capabilities

***** must read. Why I don't criticise Islam

***** pic. The Meaning of Life is the Reducing of all Suffering and the Increasing of all Joy... in the world.

The Meaning of Life is the
Reducing of all
Suffering and the Increasing of all Joy... in the world.

nd. What the Bill O'Reilly's of the world, and their mindless minions, know, is that those who pay the price to use their brains and know something of the Truth practically never use their Hearts enough to stand up to the bruit force of Bill and his hoards. Hence, their utter contempt for Truth.

What the Bill O'Reilly's of the world, and their mindless minions, know, is that those who pay the price to use their brains and know something of the Truth practically never use their Hearts enough to stand up to the bruit force of Bill and his hoards.  Hence, their utter contempt for Truth.

article. Israeli Police Shoot 5-year-old Boy In The Face


nd. Not sure if my wish will come true of doing the vigil at the White House tomorrow to free Palestine. My body required a 16 hours of sleep today and I seem to have a mild stomach virus. We will see.

Not sure if my wish will come true of doing the vigil at the White House tomorrow to free Palestine. My body required a 16 hours of sleep today and I seem to have a mild stomach virus. We will see.

posted from Bloggeroid

Cardinal Sean O'Malley responds to Pope Francis' rebuke of church leaders: 'He has our support'

a. Jordanian politician: 'I'd rather set myself on fire than sign gas deal with Israel.' give me liberty or give me death.

Article. Jesus the Muslim profit.

***** ANTI-Chr'stian Amerika: Majority says CIA harsh interrogations justified

Nyt. There is a still-powerful political faction in America committed to the view that conquest pays, and that in general the way to be strong is to act tough and make other people afraid. One suspects, by the way, that this false notion of power was why the architects of war made torture routine — it wasn’t so much about results as about demonstrating a willingness to do whatever it takes.

a. Republican strategist John McLaughlin will advise Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign ahead of the March 17 election.


article. Israel Makes Mosque a Museum, while 10,000 Have Nowhere to Pray

***** pic. Ignorance of Ebola is not a ‘defense.’ Ignorance of the Creator’s Law, the Law of Unceasing Loving... is not a ‘defense.’ This has never been about the Creator punishing you. It has always and only been about keeping you from punishing yourself, and, yourselves. ‘I didn’t know she was being abused,’ ‘I didn’t know the homeless were being criminalized,’ ‘I didn’t know how to make it stop,’ ‘I didn’t know the Truth about Israel,’ ‘I didn’t know ... ‘ ’I didn’t know...’ IS your SELF INFLICTED KILLER. “You didn’t know...” is your moment by moment choice. You think it protects your selfishness. What it actually does is destroy your Heart, your Soul, Your True Joy and Happiness, and those of your dearest ones as you lead them to the same pit of emptiness, meaninglessness, depression, individual and collective self-destruction. You can’t go back, but you can repent, and move Forward, and maybe others....

***** vid. 7 min. Here lies my brother. (6 year old Palestinian speaks of the loss of his teenage brother, who we see murdered, walking alone, broad daylight, on a stroll.)

article. Israel has long suffered in public opinion across Europe, where it has struggled to stave off mounting calls for divestment and the labeling of goods produced in its settlements. But since October, there have been signs that governments are beginning to embody those sentiments in legislation. The French vote follows similar measures undertaken by the parliaments of Britain, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Sweden, and comparable steps are pending in Denmark and Slovenia. Last week, the European Parliament voted to recognize Palestinian statehood “in principle” and called for the advancement of peace talks. Hours later, 126 countries meeting in Geneva at a summit organized by the Swiss government condemned the occupation of Palestinian lands. The same day, a European Union court removed Hamas from the EU list of terrorist organizations, citing a legal technicality. Read more:

Israel has long suffered in public opinion across Europe, where it has struggled to stave off mounting calls for divestment and the labeling of goods produced in its settlements.
But since October, there have been signs that governments are beginning to embody those sentiments in legislation. The French vote follows similar measures undertaken by the parliaments of Britain, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Sweden, and comparable steps are pending in Denmark and Slovenia.
Last week, the European Parliament voted to recognize Palestinian statehood “in principle” and called for the advancement of peace talks. Hours later, 126 countries meeting in Geneva at a summit organized by the Swiss government condemned the occupation of Palestinian lands. The same day, a European Union court removed Hamas from the EU list of terrorist organizations, citing a legal technicality.

article. Black Cops Fear Other Cops Two dozen black NYPD cops tell Reuters that they've been treated similarly to Eric Garner.

Video: Hebron elder fights back as Israeli soldiers seize 10-year-old boys

article. detail. Israeli Defilement Forces (IDF) on Tuesday suppressed a peaceful march calling for "Christmas without occupation" in Bethlehem. Demonstrators marched to the Israeli military checkpoint in northern Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas and hand out gifts to children in the area. Marchers held up signs reading: "Jesus came with a message of: Peace, Freedom and Justice" and "We want Christmas without occupation." Israeli forces prevented demonstrators, some of whom were dressed as Father Christmas, from reaching the checkpoint and fired tear gas at the crowd.

The necessity of “insubordination” – Washington, DC. Ari Roth firing part of a disturbing national trend. Director Fired from Jewish Theater for Presenting Palestine

article. Soldier shoots and kills Muhammad Jawabreh at home, from afar, although he posed no risk

article. Israeli settlers invade Bethlehem area; looking for site to brutally steal to establish new colony

Israeli settlers invade Bethlehem area; looking for site to establish new colony

article. Savagely Racist Israel - gleefully giving to Ukrainians land they Stole from HOMELESS PALESTINIANS (NOW)...STILL RUNNING WITH BLOOD. THERE IS NOT A HELL HOT ENOUGH... 'MORE THAN 200 (WHITE, BLOND...) UKRAINIAN IMMIGRANTS LAND IN ISRAEL'

***** interractive: Two Palestinian Boys individually Executed by Israeli Defecation Forces

nd. No Peacemaking, No Peace! Injustice? No Peace! (I really hate the expression 'peace,' by itself.)

No Peacemaking, No Peace!
Injustice? No Peace!
(I really hate the expression 'peace,' by itself.)

article. (Ismael Mohamad / United Press International) Israel violates Gaza ceasefire nearly every day

article. In an unprecedented measure, Israeli authorities have destroyed 1,000 Arab houses in Negev throughout 2014, Anadolu news agency has reported.