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US Fear Factory kills free speech

From: Irish <>
To: gazafriends <>; Free Gaza Coordinators <>; FG free for all discussion group <>
Sent: Wed, June 23, 2010 10:43:10 AM
Subject: [GazaFriends] US Fear Factory kills free speech

By Yvonne Ridley
AMERICA is still embarrassed by the infamous McCarthy Hearings which ruined the lives of thousands of innocents during the Fifties.Anyone then, suspected of being linked to communism was arrested, interrogated and either imprisoned or forced to give names of others suspected of communist tendencies.
And so the fear and intimidation spread like a great plague across the USA.
Names were blacklisted, careers and lives ruined as the authorities ruthlessly traded on peoples' fears, paranoia and weaknesses.
With little or no evidence people were found guilty and anyone daring to question any of the actions and the wild accusations also had suspicion cast upon them.
But hey folks, that was back in the Fifties and various administrations resolved the same insane hysteria, hatred and fears would never again cast a dark shadow across the Land of the Free.
Sadly, the Salem-style witch hunts have returned, but
the new villains are no longer communists. The Red Scare has been replaced by those who shout Viva Palestina!
From the very highest law-makers right down to ordinary John Doe there is an irrational fear so great that it holds many of them hostage in their homes, workplaces and schools.
Their vision has become so skewed they are unable to distinguish between what is real and what is not.
And so when they're told that heavily armed Israeli soldiers shoot peace activists at near point blank range because they are defending themselves, few dare to question.
When they see babies dying on the Gaza Strip because of lack of medical equipment because of the Israeli-enforced blockade, they remain silent.
And even fewer dare to criticize Israel.
Millions upon millions of Americans wake up frightened, go to sleep frightened while others feed on the hatred and bile spewed out by politicians, preachers, academics and the media who tell them Israel is good and Palestine is bad.

There are some politicians who want to see the heroic Americans who boarded the Free Gaza Movement boats, joined the Viva Palestina convoys and the recent Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla prosecuted as terrorists.
Today I trolled through some of the pages in the American media and there, among the column inches, are stories that perfectly illustrate the Zionist Fear Factory in operation.
Los Angeles Times reveals that UC Irvine has told its university students that the Muslim Student Union will be suspended for one year because it dared to criticize Israel and protested during a speech given by the Israeli Ambassador. So there you have it – freedom of speech is now banned.

The unprecedented action also sends out a chilling message to students across the USA who might consider demonstrating, rallying or protesting against the Zionist state and its supporters. Free speech, it seems, is a thing of the past in Barack Obama's America.                                                                     
And should you be in any doubt, read a story about the latest decision to emerge from the US Supreme Court. In a majority 6-3 ruling it becomes virtually impossible for anyone to put food into the mouths of malnourished babies in Gaza or to give money to a charity to do the humanitarian act for you.                             
Insane as it sounds, it is now a crime in America to work for peace and human rights in Gaza because the day-to-day running of The Strip is carried out by the democratically-elected Hamas government. Therefore it would be virtually impossibly to bypass Hamas to operate in Gaza.                                           
 In an astonishing McCarthy-like ruling any American who even offers advice to banned organizations like Hamas, including legal assistance and information on conflict resolution, will be prosecuted as terrorists. Be afraid, be very afraid … this is happening in the USA, here and now.                                                        
Barack Obama's barmy administration reckons that even giving advice intended for peaceful purposes will amount to "material support" for terrorism.                                                                
 "The supreme court has ruled that human rights advocates, providing training and assistance in the nonviolent resolution of disputes, can be prosecuted as terrorists," said David Cole, a Georgetown university law professor who argued the case before the court. In the name of fighting terrorism, the court has said that the first amendment [on free speech] permits congress to make it a crime to work for peace and human rights. That is wrong."                           
 The ruling is designed to intimidate Palestinian supporters and their fundraising activity. Some have already been prosecuted and jailed for raising cash for social groups dealing with issues such as housing and welfare in Gaza.                                               
The government's case was enthusiastically argued in February by Elena Kagan, who is now the Obama administration's nominee to the supreme court. She said: "Hizb'Allah builds bombs. Hizb'Allah also builds homes. What Congress decided was when you help Hizb'Allah build homes, you are also helping Hizb'Allah build bombs. That's the entire theory behind the statute."                                                     
Well if that's the case an interesting legal situation looms on the horizon – unless all of this legislation is purely designed for Palestinian supporters.                            
A Congressional subcommittee, led by Representative John F. Tierney, Democrat of Massachusetts, has uncovered evidence showing US tax dollars are funding the Taliban.                          
The source is a Pentagon-issued $2.1 billion dollar contract called Host Nation Trucking, which pays for the movement of food and supplies to some 200 American bases. It appears Afghan security firms have been extorting as much as $4 million a week and then funneling the spoils to warlords and the Taliban in return for a safe passage. In short, the US is financing the enemy and undermining international efforts to stabilize the country.                                 
Hmm, isn't this material support for terrorism? I think we need to have the Commander in Chief charged with immediate affect.
* Journalist Yvonne Ridley is one of the founders of Viva Palestina and European President of the international Muslim Women's Union. She presents the current affairs weekly show The Agenda and co-presents Rattansi & Ridley both for Press TV.

Greta Berlin, Co-Founder

URGENT: Diane Wilson in On Taiwan TV - Badly Behaved?

Well Behaved (like Jesus).  May do the same.

Formosa Taiwan Busted (5) by Shrimper Captain Diane Wilson and Friends

"Nothing is so deadly as holding ourselves to lower standards than we hold others." SL

"Nothing is so deadly as holding ourselves
to lower standards than we hold others."  SL


Two Gaza-bound aid ships request approval to set sail from Lebanon

Two Gaza-bound aid ships request approval to set sail from Lebanon

Anti-Apartheid Picket at Oakland Docks Stops Unloading of Israeli Zim Line Ship

Sun Jun 20 2010 Anti-Apartheid Picket at Oakland Docks Stops Unloading of Israeli Zim Line Ship
Labor and Community Picket of an Israeli Zim Line Ship Unions, labor federations and other organizations around the world have condemned Israel's deadly attack against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on May 31. Nine people were killed and dozens seriously injured in the Israeli commando attack in international waters on ships attempting to bring humanitarian cargo to the suffering and blockaded people of Gaza. Six people aboard the ships are still missing and presumed dead.

In response on June 20th, a labor and community picket of an Israeli Zim Lines ship was called for the Port of Oakland. In San Francisco in 1984, a picket line and refusal to unload cargo of a ship carrying South African cargo was a key event in mobilizing the anti-apartheid movement worldwide. The Oakland picket has already succeeded in shutting down the port for the morning shift, after the ILWU refused to cross the picket line. Activists have promised to return today at 4:30pm to stop the next shift from unloading the Zim lines ship when it arrives from Monterey this afternoon.

The picket is sponsored by the Labor / Community Committee in Solidarity with the People of Palestine: Arab American Union Members Council, ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), Palestine Youth Network, US Palestine Community Network, Al Awda- Right to Return Coalition, Arab Youth Organization, MECA-Middle East Children's Alliance, Students for Justice in Palestine, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, International Solidarity Movement, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, International Socialist Organization, Peace and Freedom Party - SF, Transport Workers Solidarity Committee and many labor activists in the Bay Area.

And you? Jimmy Buffett plans free concert on Alabama beach AP

Nations rethink drilling in wake of BP oil spill AP
We must capitalize on this moment.  Will you?

FRIENDS, UP THE PRESSURE: Rahm Emanuel: 'Moment of Opportunity' to make Mid East Peace

"FATHER'S DAY: My dad was the most Unconditionally Loving person I've ever known...." SL

Just now I had the most extraordinary Facebook dialog(below)  with two young Friends.
It was sparked by my profile picture:

SS:  Although you seem to never smile, you always seem like the happiest
person wherever you are. I met you once, that is saying something.

CH:  he neednt smile, his eyes are always smiling for him.

SS:  exactly.

SL:  SS, CH - you couldn't possibly know how nice your comments are for
me, on Father's day.  Well, my Father, my dad, is the most Unconditionally,
Universally Loving person I've ever met.  Hmmm, you're bringing tears to
my eyes now.  :-)  Not that it matters, but he's been dead 20 years now. 
What you are noticing about me rarely smiling, this was true of him too! 
But further, you notice the Joy that is ALWAYS in my eyes.  THIS WAS
TRUE OF HIM, TOO!!!!  No one has ever spoken to me of noticing this before. 
Now, maybe you know how very nice for me are your comments. 
Your Loving brother,  Start


SL here: :-)

From one of my visitors at the Vigil, from Texas:

""Start, I simply went on a Washington trip and i came home 2 texas
 with a whole diffrent perspective on this great world that we live in all 
thanks to u Start!! U are the most thankfull person and clever person
 that i have ever encountered on and u r my 2 idol behind god! I am only 
12 years old but u help me have knoledge that people wouldnt have in 
a lifetime! I truly thank u!! :')""

Deplomacy over Bombs: Obama praises China's move to allow its currency to float

"The INSTANT that Humility stops, you become Deadly to Humanity. Humility before the Suffering of Humanity IS Salvation." SL

"The INSTANT that Humility stops,
you become Deadly to Humanity.
Humility before the Suffering of Humanity IS Salvation."

He visited me on Darfur Hunger Strike: Former NBA star Manute Bol dead at 47

"Rethugs drive US into Ice Burg, all but sunk, hand it to Obama, and crucify him for it sinking. While we pitiful sheep stand on deck an bleat." SL

"Rethugs drive US into Ice Burg,
all but sunk, hand it to Obama,
and crucify him for it sinking. 
While we pitiful sheep stand on deck an bleat."  SL

Lend a hand at

What did YOU do this week?  This is what Barack attempted for us:

Pr. Obama wo061110 Mon with Alabama Officials
Pr. Obama wo061110 Wed Addressed Am. Nurses Assn.
Pr. Obama wo061110 Biden on Economic Growth
Pr. Obama wo061110 Gulf Restoration with Ray Mavis
Pr. Obama wo061110 Kidding Adm. Thad Allen

"Inescapably we addicts Crave the "high:" Naturally, thru Loving Service; or Un-naturally thru Stuff." SL

"Inescapably we addicts Crave the "high:" 
Naturally, thru Loving Service;
or Un-naturally thru Stuff."  SL

"I'm soooooo grateful to be back at the vigil. It is a profound privilege, and joy." SL

"I'm soooooo grateful to be back at the vigil. 
It is a profound privilege, and joy."  SL

"I'm soooooo grateful to be back at the vigil. It is a profound privilege, and joy." SL

"I'm soooooo grateful to be back at the vigil. 
It is a profound privilege, and joy."  SL

"The final battle for humanity is now. I've got my post to man. I refuse to divert 1 second from it." SL

"The final battle for humanity is now.
I've got my post to man. 

I refuse to divert 1 second from it."  SL

"Godness is God. Period. Goodness, some call It." SL

"Godness is God. Period.  Goodness, some call It."  SL

Pr. Obama - DAMN US if we don't stop the lunatics

Pr. Obama - DAMN US if we don't stop the lunatics

Weekly Address: Republicans Blocking Progress The President calls on Republicans in Congress to put scoring political points aside, and instead to


"There's no hope till activists stop treating the symptoms, and start treating the disease - Lovelessness." SL

"There's no hope till activists stop treating the symptoms,
and start treating the disease - Lovelessness."  SL

Shrimp Captain Attempts Arrest of BP Hayward at Senate Hearing

4:15 Jun 18, 2010 115 0
Shrimp Captain Attempts Arrest of BP Hayward at Senate Hearing Gulf commercial shrimper Diane Wilson was arrested for interrupting BP CEO Tony Hayward's testimony on Capitol Hill. Hayward barely started his opening statement when Wilson, painted to look like she had oil on her, shouted, ""You need to be charged with a crime!" Wilson was joined by other members of Code Pink, a protest group that she co-founded. The group also held a demonstration the day prior in front of the White House, where Hayward was meeting with President Obama. Wilson was arrested last week when she interrupted another congressional hearing on the Gulf oil spill by pouring syrup on herself. Photos and video of the protests from today and yesterday are below.

DN! German Jewish Group to Send Two Aid Ships to Gaza

0:22 Jun 18, 2010 3 0
DN! German Jewish Group to Send Two Aid Ships to Gaza

German Jewish Group to Send Two Aid Ships to Gaza Several groups have announced plans to send new aid ships to break the naval blockade of Gaza. The German-based group Jewish Voices for a Just Peace says it will send at least two ships of entirely Jewish passengers sometime this year. The group had initially planned to send one ship but says it's been forced to add another to accommodate a flood of volunteers.

VID Shrimper Diane Wilson Demands Prosecution of BP Executives

0:41 Jun 18, 2010 1 0
Shrimper Diane Wilson Demands Prosecution of BP Executives

Protester Removed After Calling Hayward "Criminal" Hayward's appearance was briefly interrupted by protester Diane Wilson of the group CODEPINK, who called for Hayward's criminal prosecution. Diane Wilson: "This is what it looks like on the Gulf! This is what it looks like in the marshes! This is what it looks like for the people on down there! And I think you need to be charged with a crime! You need to go to jail! Matter of fact, I've got some chains, and I'm going to do a citizen's arrest! You need to be charged with crimes! You need to be charged with crimes!"


Connie's "Freedman?"

I NEVER do anything for "effect."  NEVER.  My every attempt is
to BE the Truth of how a person should Live in the Word, in a
particular Situation.  I believe in the Power of the Truth, as
Gandhi did.  I try to Be that Truth, at all moments.

I finally chose to Be the Truth that Connie treating me like literally,
explicitly, a "nothing" is Wrong.  She doesn't singe me out -
she treats everyone that is helpful to her that way, but I'm
not responsible for what others do, just me, and it was Wrong
for me to accept such horrible treatment.

Yesterday, and today on the Hill, I totally re-oriented myself
from where I WANT to be, at the Vigil, to a Life away from the
Vigil.  I had ZERO expectation of Repair.  Ever.

Tonight I had the first time opportunity in 16 months to get to sleep at a
normal time.  Connie awoke me from my sleep, kindly, respectfully.
My sense is simply that she took some time to think a little, just
a little about me, and how she treats me.  In that alone she
treated me as other than a "nothing."  In the 5 min or so we spoke
outside the room I use, her demeanor remained INFINITELY more
thoughtful, more Human, than is usual for her, toward me.  For those
moments I was not a "nothing" to her.

Tomorrow morning at 6am instead of being on the Hill again, as
I Totally expected, I will be back at the Vigil, God willing.

"The Pastors Lobbying the Cap. Hill today, 'You are Right! You're Courageous.'" SL

"The Pastors Lobbying the Cap. Hill today,
'You are Right! You're Courageous.'" SL

They were DRAWN to these posters, these all dressed up Protestant
Pastors on the Hill Lobbying for Palestine.  They wanted photos,
said "thanks," and offered encouragement.  I think they were reminded
of what Standing looks like, and they were grateful. 



Connie's "nigger" stands up, escapes north. :-(

Tonight she pushed this "nigger" just once too often.  An extreme pity,
but, oh well.  In all this time, one sign, just one poster that I've wanted,
among all her stuff - the one with the map of shrinking Palestine,
CONNIE'S main issue!!!!  "Start, I don't want you to use that any longer.
I want you to use the one on depleted uranium... They don't give
a damn about your gaza poster Start."  [Uh, actually, it has been orders of magnitude
more productive than anything that has been at the vigil all the time
I've been there.]  "Connie, if everything has to be your way, everything,
everything, everything, everything....and nothing
my way, then tonight was my last night."  "I don't care," Connie replied,
or something to that effect.  "That's up to you," she said several times,
without hesitation or regret.

Starting tomorrow instead of the vigil I'll have my two 2'x3' posters on
Capitol Hill during the week when Congress is in session, and in Lafayette
Park the other days.

Unless and until Connie comes to see clearly, unmistakably, that I'm NOT her
"nigger."  [No, in no way shape or form has she ever used the word, or the
concept.  "Rock,"  "piece of plastic," "commode..." are honestly more in
keeping with how she treats me.  She'd need to see CLEARLY that I'm none
of those things, either.]

CIA's Ray McGovern: Israel controls US Gov. BE AFRAID.

A chief lesson to learn from President Barack Obama’s recent unwillingness to stand up to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Lobby is that such timidity can get people killed.

Casualty figures are still arriving in the wake of Israel’s Sunday night-Monday morning commando attack on an unarmed flotilla trying to bring relief supplies to the 1.5 million Palestinians crowded into Gaza. Already, at least nine civilian passengers aboard the ships are reported killed, and dozens wounded.

Yet, seldom has an act of aggression been so well advertised in advance. Israel had made clear that it would use force to prevent the ships from reaching Gaza and heard no stern protest from President Obama, who apparently could not overcome his fear of Israel’s legendary political clout.

Earlier this year, Obama did criticize Israel’s continued settlement of Palestinian areas and Netanyahu’s resistance to hold meaningful peace talks, but the President has failed to back up his words with firm action or resolve.

For that reason, Netanyahu was left convinced that Israel could do what it wished, including dropping commandos by helicopters onto crowded ships and after an apparent clash with civilians on one of the ships, ordering the use of lethal force.

Then, Netanyahu could expect that America’s Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) – with leading figures like Wolf Blitzer who built his journalistic career by working for the Jerusalem Post – would finesse the murderous assault into something reasonable and possibly even tilted sympathetically toward the Israeli troops.

Early on, CNN began repeating the Israeli “explanation” for its attack on the high seas, parroting the Jerusalem Post which reported that “militants were killed” after they set upon Israeli naval commandos who boarded one of the six ships Monday morning at two o’clock.

The commandos “were met with strong resistance from men armed with bladed weapons and the situation degenerated into a massacre when one of them grabbed the weapon of a soldier and opened fire,” said the Jerusalem Post, quoting Israeli military sources.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claimed that the relief convoy organizers had a “radical Islamic anti-Western orientation,” and that Israeli “naval forces were attacked with metal clubs and knives, as well as live fire,” though there were no reports of Israeli deaths. The IDF statement continued:

“The demonstrators had clearly prepared their weapons in advance for this specific purpose,” adding that the Navy then used riot dispersal methods, which include live fire, according to JTA, the global news service of the Jewish people.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak blamed the organizers of the convoy for the violent outcome, and Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told a news conference why that was so: “The organizers’ intent was violent, their method was violent, and unfortunately, the results were violent.”

So, you see, the Israeli military resorted to violence only in self-defense. Right.

Quiet Conversation

On Monday, President Obama spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone about the incident. Afterwards, the White House said Obama had expressed “deep regret” over the deaths, but declined further comment, citing “the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances” as quickly as possible.

However, don’t count on the timid Obama or his Likud-leaning advisers — much less the FCM — to question the Israeli version.

We are likely to get an “explanation” worthy of the late Alexander Haig as to why the slaughter may well have been “justified.” Haig’s death in February brought to mind comments he made about a brutal incident on the night of Dec. 2, 1980, shortly after Ronald Reagan’s election victory.

In rightist-ruled El Salvador, government security forces stopped four American churchwomen in their mini-van and were ordered to kill them. The soldiers first raped the women and then executed them with high-powered rifles.

Reagan’s foreign policy team decided to treat the rape-murder as a public relations problem, best handled by shifting blame onto the victims. And so, the women were deemed not nuns, but “political activists.”

After becoming Reagan’s first Secretary of State, Haig told Congress that “the nuns may have run through a roadblock or may have accidentally been perceived to have been doing so, and there may have been an exchange of fire.”

In just a few weeks, the American women had gone from being innocent victims to “political activists” to armed insurgents – although knowledgeable U.S. government officials conceded there was no evidence to support Haig’s shoot-out speculation. As an intelligence analyst at the time, I knew of Haig’s inclination to make up stuff.

Watch for the same thing to happen to the international “activists” who were killed and wounded in the incident off Gaza. I don’t watch the FCM anymore (it’s just too much for my Irish temper), but I’m told that Israel-friendly pundits are already spinning faster than the famous centrifuges in Iran.

Uncle Remus’s Wisdom

“He Don’t Say Nothin’,” as Uncle Remus put it, with improper grammar but with an accurate understanding that by not saying anything you can often convey a powerful or dangerous message.

As a presidential candidate, Obama was careful to say nothing about the brutal Israeli blockade against the 1.5 million people in Gaza, about to enter its fourth year. As president-elect he stayed mum as the Israelis attacked densely populated Gaza, killing some 1,400 Gazans.

As President, he has backed down at every significant moment when Netanyahu thumbed his nose at Obama or at Vice President Joe Biden.

Obama knew about the “Freedom Flotilla” and its plan to bring supplies to Gaza. And he had to be aware of Israel’s threats to attack the relief ships. But, like Uncle Remus’s B’rer Fox, Obama “don’t say nothin.’”

Quite the contrary, Obama’s pro-Zionist White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, who recently vacationed in Israel and met with Netanyahu last Wednesday, extended an invitation for a working visit at the White House. Netanyahu was to visit Obama on Tuesday after a four-day visit to Canada.

On Monday morning, Netanyahu canceled out of a gala dinner to be held in his honor in Ottawa and nixed the visit to Washington. He said he hoped that both Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Obama “understand that Israel has a great security problem.”

However, according to Craig Murray, a former British ambassador and Foreign Office specialist on maritime law, the commando raid in international waters was more than just a security problem; it was a violation of international law and the Law of the Sea.

"Possibility one," Murray wrote, "is that the Israeli commandoes were acting on behalf of the government of Israel in killing the activists in international waters. The applicable law is that of the flag state of the ship on which the incident occurred," in this case Turkey.

"In legal terms, the Turkish ship was Turkish territory. So ... Israel is in a position of war with Turkey, and the attack by Israeli commandos falls under international jurisdiction as a war crime," Murray continued.

"Possibility two is that, if the killings were not military actions authorized by Israel, they were then acts of murder and fall under Turkish jurisdiction. If Israel does not consider itself in a position of war with Turkey, it must hand over the commandos involved for trial in Turkey under Turkish law.

"It is for Turkey, not Israel, to carry out any inquiry or investigation and to initiate any prosecutions. Israel would be obliged by law to hand over indicted personnel for prosecution."

Getting Away With Murder

But the fatal incident off the Gaza coast was not the first time Israel had used lethal force against a nearly defenseless ship at sea. The attack on the “Freedom Flotilla” was reminiscent of the attack on the USS Liberty during Israel’s Six-Day War against three of its Arab neighbors.

The war started on June 5, 1967, when Israel carried out an unprovoked Blitzkrieg attack. What is my source for “unprovoked?” Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who 15 years later admitted publicly:

“In June 1967, we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that [Egyptian President] Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”

Three days into the war, Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats turned their firepower on the intelligence collection ship USS Liberty in international waters after the Israelis had identified it as a U.S. Navy ship.

The Israelis later insisted they had lost track of the ship and that the strafing was an accident in the fog of war. However, U.S. intelligence intercepted Israeli conversations at the time, indicating that the Israeli mission was to sink the ship and leave no survivors.

Israeli commandos clad in black were about to land from helicopters and finish off what remained of the Liberty crew when Seaman Terry Halbardier (later awarded the Silver Star) slid over the Liberty’s napalm-laden deck to jury-rig an antenna and get an SOS off to the Sixth Fleet.

Israeli forces intercepted the SOS and quickly broke off the attack. But 34 of the Liberty crew were killed and over 170 wounded.

To avoid exacerbating bilateral tensions, the U.S. Navy was ordered to cover up the deliberate nature of the attack, and the surviving crew was threatened with imprisonment, if they so much as told their wives. When some of the crew later called for an independent investigation, they were hit with charges of anti-Semitism.

One of the surviving crew of the USS Liberty, decorated Navy veteran Joe Meadors, was with the “Freedom Flotilla” when it was attacked. Meadors is past president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association.

The State Department tells us that Joe Meadors survived this latest Israeli attack. At last word, he sits in an Israeli jail.

Rachel Corrie

Another incident occurred on March 16, 2003, when 23-year-old Rachel Corrie, an American volunteer serving in Gaza with the International Solidarity Movement was run over by an Israeli Army bulldozer after a prolonged face-off in full view of several of her volunteer colleagues.

Rachel was trying to prevent the bulldozing of a Palestinian home where she had been staying.

The apparent message the Israelis wanted to convey in killing Rachel Corrie was that international volunteers would no longer be exempt from the brutal treatment accorded young Israeli volunteers who tried to stand up, as Rachel did, for decent treatment of Palestinians in Gaza.

The FCM’s excitement over President George W. Bush’s eagerly anticipated “shock-and-awe” bombing of Iraq three days later pushed what limited coverage there was about Rachel’s murder to the back pages. The Israelis claimed the killing was an inadvertent mistake, like the shoot-up of the Liberty.

The courageous Rachel was very much with the Freedom Flotilla in spirit. One of the ships in the convoy bore the name “Rachel Corrie.”

Israel cannot hide behind “inadvertence” this time, although its spin-masters are already doing their best to smear the civilians on the ships with buzzwords, calling them “terrorists” who “ambushed” and tried to “lynch” the Israeli commandos.

These P.R. tactics may work with the American FCM and neocons in Washington – and by extension the TV-watchers in the United States – but patience with Israel in the international community is wearing paper-thin.

Much of this has to do with Gaza, including the Israeli attack from Dec. 17, 2008, to Jan. 18, 2009, as well as the three-year blockade that began when Hamas won Palestinian elections and became the governing party in Gaza.

Israel and the U.S. government deem Hamas to be a terrorist organization, though some other countries regard it more as a resistance movement fighting against Israeli occupation.

Yet, regardless of how one feels about Hamas, Israel’s harsh blockade of Gaza and last year’s military assault are widely seen as inflicting a humanitarian disaster on the Palestinian people.

Has Netanyahu Gone Too Far?

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reacted strongly to the Israeli attack on the relief ships, the largest of which sailed from Turkey. According to one report, Turkey has served warning that Turkish Navy ships will escort future relief convoys to Gaza.

Erdogan has had it with Israeli mistreatment of Muslims in his eastern Mediterranean neighborhood. On Jan. 29, 2009, at the economic summit in Davos, he leveled harsh criticism to Israeli President Shimon Peres’s face, labeling Gaza “an open-air prison.”

Erdogan angrily cited “the sixth commandment — Thou Shalt Not Kill,” adding, “We are talking about killing” in Gaza. Erdogan’s one-and-a-half-minute tirade was captured on camera by the BBC.

Five days before Erdogan’s outburst, the Brazilian government also condemned Israel’s bombing of Gaza and its effect on the civilian population as a “disproportionate response.”

It seems to have been the atrocity in Gaza that galvanized the successful joint effort by Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to defy Israel by getting Iran to agree to transfer fully half of its low-enriched uranium to Turkey for further processing, rendering it unusable for a nuclear weapon.

Defy Israel? you ask. If Israel believes that low-enriched uranium is an essential part of an “existential threat” to Israel from eventual nuclear weapons in Iran, would the Israelis not be delighted at Iran’s agreement to send half to Turkey? Good question.

If the truth be told, Israel cares a lot less about Iran’s uranium that it does about forcing “regime change” in Tehran. Netanyahu does not want any agreement with Iran; he wants sanctions against Iran, and eventually a military conflict.

And this twin wish is shared by American neocons who remain influential in the Obama administration and in the FCM.

The pro-Israeli hardliners appear to be the ones running U.S. policy on the Middle East, not Obama, who seems only nominally in charge. Unusually clear proof of this came when the Brazilians released a letter revealing that Obama had personally encouraged the Brazilian and Turkish leaders to pursue the kind of deal they were able to work out with the Iranians.

Thus, the leaders of Brazil and Turkey were surprised when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other administration spokespeople trashed the tripartite Iran-Turkey-Brazil deal and pressed ahead with a new round of sanctions.

And the President? Did he step up and acknowledge encouraging Brazil and Turkey to seek the uranium deal? Well, he don’t say nothin’.

Israeli Influence

While Americans continue to be starved of real information from the FCM, people around the world are able to view with disdain the degree to which Washington dogs are wagged by Israeli tails.

When I suggested five years ago before a Capitol Hill hearing chaired by Rep. John Conyers that Israel was right up there, together with oil and military bases, as comprising the real rationale for war on Iraq, I, too, was called anti-Semitic. But the evidence has always been as clear as it is abundant.

An inadvertent remark by former British Prime Minister Blair has provided insight — straight from the horse’s ass, I mean, mouth.

In early February 2010, the British press revealed that Blair, testifying to the Iraq war commission in the U.K., offered the following account of his discussions with Bush in Crawford, Texas, in April 2002. That’s when Bush said war was the only way to deal with Saddam Hussein, and Blair acquiesced.

But Blair’s remarks revealed that Israeli concerns were a major part of the equation and that Israeli officials were involved in the discussions. Thus, Blair:

“As I recall that discussion, it was less to do with specifics about what we were going to do on Iraq or, indeed, the Middle East, because the Israel issue was a big, big issue at the time. I think, in fact, I remember, actually, there may have been conversations that we had even with Israelis, the two of us, whilst we were there. So that was a major part of all this."

It is a safe bet that Hillary Clinton’s Likud-friendly lieutenants and their new junior partners in London are busy conferring with Tel Aviv right now about how to handle the PR challenge caused by the upstart leaders of Turkey and Brazil with the temerity to work out a deal with Tehran. (Never mind that Obama personally asked them to do it.)

How does one make into a bad thing Iran’s agreement to ship half its uranium out of the country, even if additional steps might still be needed to assure the world that Iran is telling the truth when it says it isn’t building a nuclear bomb?

More and more people around the globe are seeing Obama as subservient to the Likud Lobby, perhaps not as enthusiastically as Bush was, but still unwilling to put action behind his occasional words of dissatisfaction.

Important players in the Middle East, as well as increasingly assertive countries like Turkey and Brazil, conclude that the policies and behavior of Tel Aviv and Washington are virtually identical.

And then there is the $3 billion or so that the United States gives Israel each year that enables the Israelis to arm themselves to the teeth. It is understandable, then, that many will blame Washington for what happened in the dark of night, on the eve of Memorial Day, on the high seas.

Hard Lessons

The likely results are three-fold:

--On Memorial Day next year, there may well be hundreds more “fallen heroes” to honor, killed by Muslim and other “militants” who make no distinction between what the U.S. had done in Iraq and Afghanistan and what Israel does in Gaza and the occupied West Bank — and add Lebanon and Syria, for good measure.

As Gen. David Petraeus pointed out earlier this year, the unresolved Arab-Israeli “conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel” and thus puts U.S. troops at greater risk.

“Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the [region] and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world,” Petraeus said. “Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support."

--The linking of U.S. support with Israeli actions enhances the incentive of terrorists to ply their dark arts in the United States.

While it is difficult to find a measure of objectivity in official U.S. government documents on this topic, every so often there is a slip between cup and lip. There was such a slip on Sept. 23, 2004, for example, when the Pentagon-sponsored U.S. Defense Science Board issued a formal report concluding:

“Muslims do not ‘hate our freedom,’ but rather, they hate our policies. The overwhelming majority voice their objections to what they see as one-sided support in favor of Israel and against Palestinian rights.”

You will not be surprised to find out that the board’s report was generally suppressed in the FCM, as were the following, more specific, examples:

“By his own account, KSM’s [9/11 “mastermind” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s] animus toward the United States stemmed not from his experience there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel.” [9/11 Commission Report, July 22, 2004, page 147]

And what motivated Dr. Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi, the 32-year-old Jordanian physician of Palestinian origin, who on Dec. 30, 2009, detonated a suicide bomb at a CIA site in eastern Afghanistan, killing seven American CIA operatives? According to his brother, al-Balawi “changed” during the three-week-long Israeli offensive in Gaza, which killed some 1,400 Gazans.

When al-Balawi volunteered to treat injured Palestinians in Gaza, he was arrested by Jordanian authorities, his brother said. It was after that arrest that al-Balawi allowed himself to be “recruited” to spy on al-Qaeda for the CIA.

Quickly, it became payback time for Americans and Jordanians whom he associated with Israel.

Christmas underpants bomber Abdulmuttallab also is reported to have been particularly outraged by Israel’s slaughter of the 1,400 Gazans at the turn of 2008-09 and Washington’s defense of Israel’s action.

That Israeli actions in Gaza acted as catalysts to al-Balawi’s and Abdulmuttallab’s determination to exact revenge on the U.S. is hardly surprising — the more so in view of Washington’s efforts to suppress the findings of the UN-commissioned Gaza investigation by Justice Richard Goldstone. His report concluded that:

“The blockade policies implemented by Israel against the Gaza Strip, in particular the closure of or restrictions imposed on border crossings in the immediate period before the military operations, subjected the local population to extreme hardship and deprivations that amounted to a violation of Israel’s obligations as an Occupying Power under the Fourth Geneva Convention. …

“Israel has essentially violated its obligation to allow free passage of all consignments of medical and hospital objects, food, and clothing that were needed to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the civilian population …

“The Mission concludes that the conditions resulting from deliberate actions of the Israeli forces and the declared policies of the Government with regard to the Gaza Strip before, during, and after the military operation cumulatively indicate the intention to inflict collective punishment on the people of the Gaza Strip.

“The Mission, therefore, finds a violation of the provisions of Articles 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.”

--Attacking Iran?

It is no secret that this goal enjoys high priority on Netanyahu’s agenda. It could be stopped in its tracks by a public warning from President Obama — but all signs point to his bending to neocon advice to shy away from a showdown.

The fact that world leaders consider Netanyahu a clear and present danger to peace in the region is showed by the way the leaders of Turkey and Brazil moved at an accelerated pace to draw the Iranians into the kind of deal that Obama personally had advocated, before being overruled by Clinton and Democratic neocons.

The urgency of the Turkey-Brazil initiative came through in the words of Brazilian President Lula da Silva, who could hardly have been more explicit:

“We can't allow to happen in Iran what happened in Iraq. Before any sanctions, we must undertake all possible efforts to try and build peace in the Middle East."

A Green Light

Netanyahu listens only to Washington, when he listens at all. Following the bloody attack on the Freedom Flotilla, I imagine he will now get at most a mealy-mouthed “please-don’t-do-this-again” from the White House, together with an Al-Haig made-up excuse about an “exchange” of fire.

If that proves to be the case, Netanyahu is altogether likely to consider that Israel has a green light to provoke hostilities with Iran, with the full expectation that the United States will jump right in to help the non-ally ally finish the job.

Non-ally ally? Sorry, despite what you hear from Obama, Congress and the whole Washington Establishment, Israel is not an ally of the United States. Webster’s (and international law) define ally as “a state associated with another by treaty.”

There is no mutual defense treaty between the U.S. and Israel. (Washington has broached the idea to Israel from time to time, but Israel has said no thanks. Treaties, you see, require internationally recognized borders, and Israeli leaders avoid that subject like the plague.)

NATO member Turkey, on the other hand, is a U.S. ally. This could make things very awkward if Turkey sends its warships to accompany the next convoy trying to lift the siege of Gaza. It is possible that Washington may have to choose between a real ally and a synthetic one, if shots are fired.

URGENT: Former CIA Officer: Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media

DN! [Treasonous] Dem. Senator Charles Schumer praised Israel's Strangling of Gaza

SL here. To anyone alive enough to hear: Six Months in Federal Prison for Fighting US Torture and Murder

SL here.  To anyone alive enough to hear:  Six Months in Federal Prison for Fighting US Torture and Murder

I personally know Louis and Michael to be two of the finest, purest souls on Earth.

SOA Watch <>
Sent: Mon, June 14, 2010 11:29:59 AM
Subject: Six Months in Federal Prison!

June 14, 2010
for immediate release

Human rights advocate sentenced to six months in federal prison for civil disobedience at the School of the Americas

Washington, DC resident Michael Walli was one of four human rights advocates who were arrested during the annual November Vigil to close the School of the Americas / Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/ WHINSEC). Michael Walli was sentenced on Monday, June 14, 2010 to six months in federal prison.

During his November arraignment, Michael told judge Malon Faircloth that he would not pay any bail and that he would not voluntarily return for the trial. Michael Walli made good on his promise and Faircloth issued a warrant for Michael's arrest. Federal marshals arrested Michael in March 2010 at the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House in Washington, DC.

Ken Hayes, Father Louis Vitale and Nancy Gwin, the three human rights advocates who were arrested together with Michael Walli, were each sentenced in January 2010 to six months in prison as well - the maximum allowed for the charge of tresspass. The extremely harsh sentences are intended to deter others from following the example of the 'SOAW 4.'

"Those who speak out for justice are facing prison time while SOA-trained torturers and assassins are operating with impunity," said SOA Watch founder Father Roy Bourgeois.

The SOA/WHINSEC is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers. Its graduates are consistently involved in human rights atrocities and coups, including the El Mozote Massacre in El Salvador and last year's military coup in Honduras. In 1996 the Pentagon was forced to release training manuals used at the school that advocated the use of torture, extortion and execution.

SOA Watch works to stand in solidarity with people of Latin America, to change oppressive US foreign policy, and to close the SOA/WHINSEC. In November 2010, thousands will return to the gates of Fort Benning to call for justice and accountability.

Send a message of solidarity to the prisoners:

Make plans to join the November Vigil at the gates of Fort Benning:

School of the Americas Watch,

To my poster demanding an end to Israeli Lawlessness - "Thank you," the middle aged Jewish woman whispered.

To my poster demanding an end to Israeli Lawlessness -
"Thank you," the middle aged Jewish woman whispered.