I don't recall ever feeling more hopeless than I do at the moment about the future for humankind and creation. During the 35 days on the road I was forced to escape the many many hours a day looking at what is happening in the world, Palestine in particular, but Syria, United States, well, pretty much everywhere. In the last 3 weeks I have been able to devote many hours a day, as I have, looking at things square in the face.
Early on felt moments of elation with words from Francis on his current tour, but in the last several days I have seen him gravitating toward meaningless dogmatic doublespeak and there by diluting his earlier, crystal clear message, of living universal family.
Several days ago there was a physical attack on the vehicle where I store it at night stealing $200 worth of electronics that are useless to anyone but me. A grim reminder of what hideous creatures we've devolved to in this loveless, godless, lost... culture. Yes, this victimizer was undoubtedly poor, probably homeless. More deadly by far are the ultra wealthy vulturous creatures on Capitol Hill.
Yesterday I was subject to a withering verbal attack by a psycho in the shelter.
At the moment I can't think of a more sane, moral applicable tale than that of Don Quixote. The only hope is for personal salvation in this life from living the material and spiritual hell that is earth today. To do so by fighting the unwinnable fight, dreaming the impossible dream, fighting when the odds are impossible.... Yes, truly, with no hope of winning.