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Showing posts with label Wagers of Loving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wagers of Loving. Show all posts


The degree to which we don't live out the love inside of us is the degree to which we truly suffer. And there are those who have shown us that, the truth is, there is no price too great to pay to love fully. I experience my recent decades has learning to follow their example. It is heaven. It looks like hell, but it is heaven. Those lifestyles that look like heaven, are hell.

The degree to which we don't live out the love inside of us is the degree to which we truly suffer. And there are those who have shown us that, the truth is, there is no price too great to pay to love fully. I experience my recent decades has learning to follow their example. It is heaven. It looks like hell, but it is heaven. Those lifestyles that look like heaven, are hell.


***** There are two basic ways of making a life for oneself: 1. Being lovable, adorable, desirable, pleasurable... for the purpose of consuming; 2. Lo........

***** There are two basic ways of making a life for oneself: 1. Being lovable, adorable, desirable, pleasurable... for the purpose of consuming; 2. Loving, Serving, Sustaining, providing, building, creating, being creator, being giver and sustainer of life... so that others less fortunate have the basics of decent living to consume. The first is what we idolize in Western influenced culture. We idolize taking, having, consuming, taking pleasure, being consumption. The second we flee with all of our might, in terror, in horror, in ridicule, in disdain. The first is literally the cancerous lifestyle, unsustainable, terminal 2 the environment and all but the most powerful. The second is sustainability itself, the life process embraced, lived, made manifest. Jesus literally died to lead us to the second and away from the first, as have all the saints of every religion and no religion at all, of the one true religion, Loving. I never understood the revered work, The Great Gatsby, until these epiphanies came flooding to me through the night. I hope to learn to better understand and articulate this.

***** To the point of almost unbearable isolation I scrupulously avoid inflicting the Life Path I follow upon anyone else. I follow the Path for the ultimate joy of it. I give my life to try and show the Path to others. But for many decades now, and increasingly, I pay an extreme personal price to avoid inflicting my path on anyone else.

***** To the point of almost unbearable isolation I scrupulously avoid inflicting the Life Path I follow upon anyone else. I follow the Path for the ultimate joy of it. I give my life to try and show the Path to others. But for many decades now, and increasingly, I pay an extreme personal price to avoid inflicting my path on anyone else.


Focus is everything. To my friends who focus on every conceivable injustice issue, : I will paraphrase the formative partner of Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, who......

To my friends who focus on every conceivable injustice: I will paraphrase the formative partner of Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, who harshly admonished Dorothy, early in her work, upon publication of her first newspaper edition of The Catholic Worker, 'whoever would serve everyone, serves no one.' She had put everything she had into that first paper, his words were crushing to her, she took them to heart, she never made the same mistake again. Focus is everything. Whoever stands for everything, stands for nothing.


Pope Francis: Weeping for other people's pain does not only mean sharing in their sufferings, but also........

Weeping for other people's pain does not only mean sharing in their sufferings, but also and above all realizing that our own actions are a cause of injustice and inequality. Once we realize this, we become more fully human, since responsibility for our brothers and sisters is an essential part of our common humanity. Do not be afraid to open your minds and hearts to the poor. In this way, you will give free rein to your... talents, and discover the happiness of a full life.