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Showing posts with label Lip-service Left Citizens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lip-service Left Citizens. Show all posts


### No friends in deed. Mission Exploring for Life in US will take place regardless, beginning Friday barring any major disasters. A little bit of lip service but no help has.......

### No friends in deed. Mission will take place regardless, beginning Friday barring any major disasters. A little bit of lip service but no help has materialized regarding Logistics or occasional lodging or shelter from likely hurricanes, no money for food, the trip will take place anyway. If there is a perfect metaphor for what my nervous system is calling me to do I haven't yet found it. Fishing Expedition captures some of it, the inability to see where the fish are but one takes One's best shot and place,  for a while, and then moves on and repeats. But there is also an element of being a cultivator of life, a sower of seeds, that I find in this call. Another metaphor, and a better one I think, is, Exploring for Life in US.  This encompasses the aspect of attempting to be a source of seeds, a sewer of seeds. Particularly if one keeps in mind the notion of, searching for Life on Mars, it incorporates the aspect of truly not knowing if there are any subpopulations or individuals in America above the age of two or three years old that can support the life of the child that is born within all of us, unconditionally loving, filled with wonder, awe, amazement. If what I'm saying seems insulting to anyone I'm okay with that. In the sheer fact that no support has emerged for this mission I don't take it personally, I take it as affirmation that even the subgroup with whom I've been in communication many for a long time now, what Gandhi considered life, the love of a mother for her child, but spread Universally, it just isn't there. I'm not denigrating anyone. I'm not elevating myself. Although I think I'm infinitely more healthy now than I was even 15 years ago, spiritually, psychologically, I was doing my absolute best then, I'm doing my absolute best now. Nothing more can be asked of any individual. But I assess that I was infinitely less healthy then. And I assess that even those with whom I have been in close communication with maybe one or two exceptions, lack what is the life that has animated the great Souls throughout history that are possessed by, seek to be possessed by, this Spirit within them that they can't control but that they can submit to, be it called conscience, heart, soul, wisdom, Loving , Divine insanity, solidarity with the neediest Among Us. The first of roughly 3,000 miles, and then 5 or ten Thousand Miles subsequently around the country begins on Friday barring any major disasters in final preparation of this vehicle.


***** If our citizen cowardice and inaction, if our liberal Citizen inaction and cowardice, are not to blame for the world's problems then there is no hope because no one can set things right except for we American citizens, we liberal American citizens. To someone that is outraged that I.....

***** If our citizen cowardice and inaction, if our liberal Citizen inaction and cowardice, are not to blame for the world's problems then there is no hope because no one can set things right except for we American citizens, we liberal American citizens. To someone that is outraged that I would not send Obama to Louisiana until they stop denying climate change:  I'm an American, I live in America, I believe that America5 deserves and Americans  deserve need Untold misery for our criminal neglect and how we allow our government to trample people all around the world. That means that I would suffer for that to happen. I take responsibility for the actions of my government. The buck stops with me. In my book, and in the real world, the buck stops with we citizens. You need not feel the same. But that's how I feel and that's how I act..... and to a long time friend  who is horrified at my stance on this, I reject citizens blaming what is 99.99 9% of what we f****** liberals do. Oh, except ourselves, we never blame ourselves. I embrace total responsibility, personal responsibility, personal f****** citizen no excuse buck stops here responsibility. If you are only understanding that now about me, thank goodness you are understanding it now. I am happy to be rejected, I welcome being rejected,  unfriended,  whatever, by all who do not Embrace this. It is totally right and just that those who do not Embrace this would unfriend me. James


### Our men and women in uniform have been put in an impossible situation because we f****** liberals haven't had the balls to do anything to stop the death spiral of this country for the last 40 years. They are our victims. We are the villains. We have much to repent for. Much to pay for. Soon it will be too late for us to start.

### Our men and women in uniform have been put in an impossible situation because we f****** liberals haven't had the balls to do anything to stop the death spiral of this country for the last 40 years. They are our victims. We are the villains. We have much to repent for. Much to pay for. Soon it will be too late for us to start.


***** If I have to choose between which is more dangerous, 1. Scientists that deny, that are blind to, that are not in awe of, that there is a force of creation behind everything, and 2. So-called religious folks that deny science, I'll go with number one. By every......

If I have to choose between which is more dangerous, 1. Scientists that deny, that are blind to, that are not in awe of, that there is a force of creation behind everything, and 2. So-called religious folks that deny science, I'll go with number one. By every objective measure it is number one that is necessary and sufficient for all life on Earth to be destroyed. Without number 1 there is no fracking, no deep sea Drilling, no nuclear weapons, no Advanced Weaponry of any sort, no global warming, no massive Wall Street Trading, no Global destruction of the environment.... Yes, they both concern the hell out of me. But objectively, the Liberals, the scientists, are in the final stages of destroying Earth. Not the religious lunatics.


### Extraordinary moral stature. The great change agents, the Agents of positive change, throughout history are of an extraordinary moral stature. Indisputable, right? How.........

### Extraordinary moral stature. The great change agents, the Agents of positive change, throughout history are of an extraordinary moral stature. Indisputable, right? How many activists since the assassination of Martin Luther King don't totally reject measuring themselves, let alone being measured by others, against that same yardstick? Practically all, they incinerate anyone that dares go there. Moral stature is everything to the true would-be Catalyst for moral change. And it doesn't even make it into the discussion, into the consideration, into the planning these last fifty years in America. Everything but. This is why there's no hope.


***** Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason for denial, not the primary reason. Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason that we limit how much ugliness we are willing to see on Facebook, how much unpl......

***** Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason for denial, not the primary reason. Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason that we limit how much ugliness we are willing to see on Facebook, how much unpleasantness we allow to become Central in so-called activism or in the nature of the so-called activism we have been willing to practice these last forty years or so. The primary function of denial is not to avoid unpleasantness, it is to avoid becoming loving, it is to avoid Gandhi's Truth Force, to avoid what happens when Awful Truth makes it past our denial system and hits our heart. It activates our heart, it hijacks our nervous system, and turns us near irresistibly into Insanely Humane (INSHE) Warrior antiviolent Servants of righteousness, Servants of what is Right, Servants of what our human family most needs of us, what all of our fellow life forms need of us. God forbid.... So, as the central one of our many contributions to the extermination of all life on Earth, we f****** baby boomers, our central contribution has been the activism-ino-ism of the last 40 years which is so careful to be sure that we conduct ourselves in a way that it is attractive, it is fun, it is Pleasant, it is something that people want to do, to 'join' ( a social club with a thin veneer of activism )... thereby scrupulously and absolutely avoiding bringing online truth Force, the heart, soul Force, loving... the only force in the universe that could overcome the largest mercenary force that Earth has ever seen. Brilliant. Murder.


The pursuit of justice is a wonderful breeding ground, a wonderful excuse, for hatred among those doing the pursuit toward whoever their targets are. The arrogance, hatred, hypocrisy in current 2016 so-called activism........

The pursuit of justice is a wonderful breeding ground, a wonderful excuse, for hatred among those doing the pursuit toward whoever their targets are. The arrogance, hatred, hypocrisy in current 2016 so-called activism is throwing this in my face as I so wish it was not. Without love, it is hatred. If anyone is being dehumanized, discriminated against against, victimized, it is not loving, just more of the same old hatred. Not Revolution. More of the same. Just an attempted change in who is doing the oppressing and who is oppressed.


***** My fellow progressives, Sanders supporters, opponents of ecocide: regardless of what else they say or do, none of us that consumes more than our fair share of global resources is an opponent of ecocide, but rather a fierce agent thereof. No one; but rather the most disgusting and leathal of hypocrites. The law of morality and.......

***** My fellow progressives, Sanders supporters, opponents of ecocide: regardless of what else they say or do,  none of us that consumes more than our fair share of global resources is an opponent of  ecocide, but rather a fierce agent thereof. No one; but rather the most disgusting and leathal of hypocrites. The law of morality and the law of ecology finally now reject the delusion that they are two different things. Oh, we are able to continue in our delusion, our hypocrisy, but not without causing the final cataclysm to run its course. Gandhi understood the Golden Rule to be, ' steadfastly refuse to have what billions cannot have.' True Revolution, now, is all that will save us. The revolution is not , more Justice for we, all of us, grotesquely overprivileged Americans, which by every global standard we are. The revolution is Justice for the least of these our Global sisters and brothers. You, I, have a simple test. Are we truly, actually, really, in truth, living at or near the Golden Rule as stated by Gandhi, which is the measure of our Brotherhood, our solidarity, or sanity, our decency, our worthiness, our loving, or not? Are we consuming more than our absolute need, as measured by our neediest sisters and brothers on Earth? Are we consuming more than our share, as measured by our neediest sisters and brothers on Earth? Those of us that continue to live our grotesque hypocrisy richly deserve the cataclysm that will befall our children. Our children, and our Global neediest sisters and brothers, however, do not. Only living full solidarity with the global media is the revolution. That is the only Revolution that has ever been possible, and the only one yet to be tried.


If all of those highly trained, very well intended, professional advocates for the homeless were combined into one human being it would still lack a spine...... .The meeting at City Hall that I participated in this week, the three-hour lobbying event to end chronic homelessness in DC, was very well organized I felt. It took me a day or two.......

If all of those highly trained, very well intended, professional advocates for the homeless were combined into one human being it would still lack a spine...... .The meeting at City Hall that I participated in this week, the three-hour lobbying event to end chronic homelessness in DC, was very well organized I felt. It took me a day or two to realize that although the organisers are very capable, if they were all combined into one human being it still would not have a spine, from what I saw. They are totally not oriented to going to the mat. They may play a role, but going to the mat for the homeless is not a role that they're currently going to play. Way above  achieving results they Place access, being viewed favorably for future hiring positions, not upsetting their funders.... Results is on the list but it is way below a lot of other stuff. It is really important that we be aware of that.


***** The revolution is those who are offering the very price of their lives for a more Humane world. The status quo is everything less than that. The chicken is involved, the pig is committed. I see.......

***** The revolution is those who are offering the very price of their lives for a more Humane world. The status quo is everything less than that. The chicken is involved, the pig is committed. I see almost no commitment. Those who are involved but not committed simply don't understand where we are in history, what is it stake, and what it will take. They are straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic. I have no time or interest in that. And I have no time to work with those.

***** Suddenly I feel profoundly less alone. I consider Norman Finkelstein the most important nonviolent Warrior in the last 30 or 40 years , certainly the most heroic, qualified, determined, capable.... And here he is at the top of his powers totally and completely marginalized, an outsider, rendered a non-participant by this sickest of all cultures, this most disgusting shadow of a left liberal movement. Yes, suddenly I feel much less alone. ''Norman Finkelstein on Sanders, the first intifada, BDS, and ten years of unemployment.''

The cowardice and inaction of liberals for the last 30 years or more has left the police as the s*** sweepers. Ours is the shame. The police are The Fall Guys for the Liberals criminal inaction and when it comes to the clintons, criminal actions.

The cowardice and inaction of liberals for the last 30 years or more has left the police as the s*** sweepers. Ours is the shame. The police are The Fall Guys for the Liberals criminal inaction and when it comes to the clintons, criminal actions.


***** With great sadness and a heavy heart I have departed from engagement with the activities. The infinite ocean of inclusiveness and love that was tangible for the last 10 days with those magnificent, Godly, loving, 140 Marchers from all over the country, as far away as Guam, was replaced with objectification, generalization, hatred, bigotry, discrimination, violence, abuse this morning in the typical, appalling, hateful 2 hour Violence Training this morning.........

Everyone would have left and gone home if gays, trans, Hispanics, blacks, or any other liberal supported group was so objectified and dehumanized as was reflexively and self righteously done throughout the entirety of that 2 hour violence  training debacle to our men and women in uniform, our sisters and brothers in uniform, the police. With great sadness and a heavy heart I have departed from engagement with the activities. The infinite ocean of inclusiveness and love that was tangible for the last 10 days with those magnificent, Godly, loving, 140 Marchers from all over the country, as far away as Guam, was replaced with objectification, generalization, hatred, bigotry, discrimination, violence, abuse this morning in the typical, appalling, hateful 2 hour Violence Training that is always provided here in DC by the DC activist Club.  Same hateful,  arrogant,  elitist, supremacist, self righteous, self-serving, divisive, ignorant  lip-service liberal crap that I first saw 10 years ago upon arriving in DC. Everyone would have left and gone home if gays, trans, Hispanics, blacks, or any other liberal supported group was so objectified and dehumanized as was reflexively and self righteously done throughout the entirety of that 2 hour violence  training debacle to our men and women in uniform, our sisters and brothers in uniform, in the police. I don't do violence. I don't do abuse. I don't do dehumanization. And I don't do hipocricy. I will not participate in it. Gandhi rightly said it is as much a duty to not cooperate with violence as it is to avoid doing violence, and this 2-hour violence training was disgusting violence against the human Integrity of every one of our brothers and sisters in uniform, every bit as much as is the discrimination against any segment of our population with respect to their right to vote. Silence is complicity. The last 10 days march are the happiest days of my life. Never in my life have I remotely been associated with so many loving Souls at one time, in one place, in one group. I will forever be touched, and blessed by the experience. I do not leave those Souls. I leave the spirit of hatred, violence, abuse, discrimination, bigotry, rank evil that was formerly introduced into that much larger group. Be well friends. I'm with Gandhi. 'I consider myself a soldier, though a soldier of peace.' And, 'Give me a military person to fight alongside any day, don't give me any [liberal] cowards.'  How can these creatures conducting this training be so ignorant of the fact, so rigorously presented by Erica Chenoweth, in her copious research recently, that  nonviolence never works, until the men and women in uniform are converted to their side? Breathtaking, criminally negligent ignorance.


Remember how the people sent the bankers in Iceland to prison? Seems like we should be doing the same thing to GMOs Scientists, scientists who developed fracking, scientist.......

Remember how the people sent the bankers in Iceland to prison? Seems like we should be doing the same thing to GMOs Scientists, scientists who developed fracking, scientist who developed Deepwater Drilling, scientist who developed nuclear power, scientists developing the robots that are automating everyone's jobs.... And somehow the Liberals, almost all scientists are liberals, can't understand why white people whose livelihoods are being destroyed by their science, can't understand why they are pissed off. I suppose it was the same for the Liberals back in the 1930s in Germany. Of course those liberals just joined Hitler's regime and developed his weapons, developed as computers for cataloging the Jews for extermination comma Etc. And the Liberals can't understand why the non-intellectual elites get so pissed off. Incredible stupidity.


Neither Obama or Trump have created this disease unbridled ignorant hatred that we see sweeping across the country.. Between them they have simply caused it to come into the open. Now.......

Neither Obama or Trump have created this disease unbridled ignorant hatred that we see sweeping across the country.. Between them they have simply caused it to come into the open. Now we get to see if the antibodies, the people of goodwill, are strong enough, numerous enough, good enough, able enough to go beyond their lip service good intentions, to deal with it before it kills the body.


To the Liberals constantly disparaging, attacking, belittling, taunting the uneducated, ignorant Americans, stop it!!! Do you taunt.......

To the Liberals constantly disparaging, attacking, belittling, taunting the uneducated, ignorant Americans, stop it!!! Do you taunt people who are physically crippled? Not in public you don't. And you attacked those who do. The white, uninformed, uneducated people that you constantly disparage have been systematically and deliberately crippled intellectually and informationally by the rulers. They are in revolt against you and you deserve it. Figure out how to help them, how to make up for your years of neglect and bigotry, and stop attacking them.