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Showing posts with label Least of these. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Least of these. Show all posts


SL here. My Life may not be totally in vain. Please read...

Today I've received two notes that suggest my life may not
be in vain; one from a sister in the DC area, and one from
a sister in the south.

----- SISTER ONE --------

Hey SL! How are you? I've missed you - yes I have!
I want to come see you on the White House grounds.
I am currently working on hosting a movie premiere of
Heaven's Rain. A true-crime tragedy I've been very passionate
about lately. BUT I think about you every day & wonder
how your life missions are going on. Remember I am always
here for you if you need me. This is my cell # if I haven't
given it to you already.... I worry about you & your safety
sometimes. You're like the (Earth) Father I've never had.
Hoping you are well. xo


Hey sis! Sorry it took me so long to reply to your wonderful
note. It will be good to see you, when that is destined to
be. I've just watched the trailer for Heaven's Rain. Deeply
disturbing. The temptations to leave our Hearts for Head
and Flesh are soooo powerful, seem sooooooo right, sooooooo
irresistible. But they are always Deadly error; Murder.

I'll be sharing a note tonight that I received tonight (below) that
addresses the question about how my missions are going.
I want to Save the world, all of it, this instant. But I'm at
peace, pretty much, that I can barely help at all. But what
I can attempt, I attempt. There is no personal price I
hesitate to pay. And, I suspect, it is not all for naught.
Your kind notes testify to that, and the note I'll share
tonight from another, also so testify. Jesus spoke a lot
about leaven. I get it. I'm Called (we're all Called) to be
leaven, and I'll guess that each week I am leaven to the
Heart of several of my global brothers and sisters. My God,
I wish I could be INFINITELY more; but this tiny bit is what
I can do.

Well, maybe I AM the earth Father you've never had;
and without question I'm your Brother. If you Love me,
I'll never leave you because I'll be in your Heart, as you
are in mine.

Anyone that worries about my safety needs to understand
that I AM my Family, nothing more, nothing less, nothing
else; I am just one cell in my current and future body of
Humanity. Therefore she/he that worries about me, only helps
me by caring for the neediest parts of my body, and this
is NOT this little cell here in front of the White House; but
rather my tortured cells in Palestine, Haiti, our inner
cities, our starving, our fossil fuel victims....
This is the Body of Christ that Christ Jesus spoke of, of

Wonderful to hear from you and to receive this deeply
Loving note from you.

And thank you for always being there for me. I believe
you. And I am always here for you.

Your brother forever, no matter what, sl

-------SISTER TWO-------

Dear Brother,
We met scarcely a year ago and though, no doubt, you
do not remember me, I feel inclined to write you. I was
sixteen last March and begrudgingly travelled to D.C. to
partake in a "National Youth Leadership Conference" despite,
frankly, a lack of faith in both people and leadership, dreading
the inevitable revelation that our leaders, our future leader—
well, ignorance, if in every other way is virtue less, at the
very least does not discriminate. During our visit to the
White House, I used my time to speak with you, to ask
about your vigil's purpose. Never have I stood so in awe
of one man—indeed, because to me you did not represent
one; you represented and were all men. You encompass
me, I encompass you, etc. etc.—but what was most
extraordinary was your potential fulfilled, your transcendence,
your belief in rising above the human tragedy. I believe—
if I can assert this—that I do, very much, understand what
you mean through your actions, your idea of universal love.
You said that you could see my heart and it was loving, alive,
awake—your words have not left me. I write to you now
because I want you to know that, in my own way, I protest
against ignorance and prejudice; that when I feel isolated
and disparaged, your very existence gives me more hope
than I have ever had. You told me that many people view
you as a circus attraction—please know that I do not. I
believe I understand and am still trying to understand, am
still trying to become a human being and loving to my
fullest. You spoke to me both in words and in the silence
of absence that ensued. I am eternally grateful for the work
you do for all of us; your heart beat is very much heard and
felt. In a world which seems so very lost and dark, there is,
at the very least, one other who is opening their eyes. So,
once again, my love, thanks, admiration, and infinite respect.
Your faith in the difference of one individual, in "the majority
of one", gives me the courage and the hope to care unapologetically
and to act accordingly. In short, you inspire me to lead a life
worth living. I do not pretend to have evolved yet into the
person I wish to become and will be, but there is not a day
in which I do not consider and progress; I am still learning
and growing, but I am always, always loving. Thank you for
challenging me to think in such a way that no one else has.

Sincerely, your friend,



Well, my beloved sister, you've quite lanced my Heart, and
leave me in tears of gratitude, wonder, and Joy. I've received
many hugely nice, and encouraging notes. They are deeply helpful to
me, they massage my Heart, and help it beat all the stronger.
But I don't recall ever receiving a nicer, more thoughtful, more
promising note than this note from you.

I must correct you. I am nothing. Heart, living out of our
Heart, well, it is Divine, and it is Heaven. And I refuse to
spend one second Living out of anything except for my Heart;
not my Head, not my Flesh, though my Heart use Head and Flesh,
every speck! This relentless Living out of Heart is what you
see that you respond positively to. It is what King, Gandhi,
Teresa, Jesus, Eleanor Roosevelt too did, and died to get us
to do too. You speak of evolving. It is actually 'returning' that
you are yearning toward. "Be like a child and enter in," the
greatest of teachers Jesus said, and did, and was right. No,
not the spoiled brat child in us, but the child we are all born of -
wonder, one-ness, openness, unity, Universal Love,
CONSCIENCE...HEART... Our Father's image. This is what we
must re-discover, re-empower, re-birth in ourselves, protect,
strengthen, nurture, encourage, EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE....

I've created many sites to help us find, walk and master the
Path - they are simply and entirely what have enabled me to
reclaim, rediscover, remaster Life, Truth, Love, Peace. I pray
they provide you many, many, many hours of help, strength,
speed, courage, comfort, especially these sites - , , .

My Love and Hopes go to you sister.
Your Loving brother forever, no matter what, sl


ViD. STUNNING - NPR Marketplace -

A Joyful Chrstmas to you

Wishing you all that Jesus died to give us -
Infinite Joy that comes Only from
Selfless Devotion to The Least of These.

Your brother,
