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Showing posts with label Least of these. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Least of these. Show all posts


"The purpose of Life is to help the neediest Live. Period." SL

"The purpose of Life is to help the neediest Live. Period." SL

"Time to write a book, and move on." SL

I suspect my primary focus this next month will be writing
a book. 

My personal Salvation from living Hell was helped by nothing
more than books of "Quotations,"  Gandhi, Teresa of
Calcutta, MKL Jr, Jesus, Tolstoy.... 
I don't yet grasp why that is, but somehow
the truth that Saves can be contained in a sentence, or
is is not the Truth that Saves.

I'm not sure I'll ever grasp why so much of my writing has
been discrete sentences of the form '"xxx xxxx xxx" SL' written, as you've
so often suffered from me.  I'm amused by it.  But I'm amused by
most of my life these last 10 years.  50% of me feels like
a bystander, and observer for the other 50% of me - watching
with interest, wonder, confusion and amazement what I
do, say, think....

So I think it is time for me to consolidate my writings thus
far into something like "Back toward the Sustainable way of Being.
Start Loving in Its Own Words."  Maybe, some day, it
will be a stepping stone for someone, as it has been for me.
I expect to put it up and leave it up on the internet.

I invested literally everything I had and was in the Nov
election - a decisive final battle of the Civil War, and the
North lost - never really fought, actually; just laid back
and got raped and plundered.  So, I lost;
and it is exactly what was needed from me.  But now
it is time to figure and lead to where humanity needs
to go now.  NOW.

A couple
of things that came out of my head and fingers this

"Every $ you spend creates or destroys someone's meaningful job." SL

"Western Culture is Terminal now.
A New Way of Being's Salvation, or there is none."  SL

"The purpose of Life is to help the neediest Live. Period." SL

"Start Loving; Everything less is Genocide." SL

"Every Heroic act of Love is activism.  Nothing else is."  SL

"The purpose of Death, Cancer is to give pleasure to me and mine." SL

I suspect (but am not certain, and don't care)
there are many more months and years for me
here at the vigil - I sense it is massively powerful work for me,
tho it would appear to most, otherwise.  But mentally, I think
I'm seeing that the societal current order is Terminal, and the termination
is so much at hand, that I need to move significantly from
the role I've been playing of making the current system change,
to being a more deliberate tip of the spear in terms of creating
the new way of being for those who survive the pending total demise
of the current civilization.

