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Showing posts with label LOVING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOVING. Show all posts


Progress. P2. I was blind and now I see the joy of soul in charge.

I don't remember when this sight was lost. It may be several years. I remember when I gained it and held onto it for many years. It was during my activism in Washington DC in roughly the 2008 time frame. This is well after I had left to the death grip of the material world but what happened was an extreme step. I don't remember the

I was thrilled to die last night for the soul joy of my murderer.

This only in my imagination, but this was new, and it feels like really really really really important growth. Time will tell. But it feels like really really really really important growth. In a waking dream in the middle of the night I was in a torture cell And was concerned not with the torture happening to me but entirely with the soul of my torturer which itself was being tortured by the head and flesh of this tormented perverted corrupt individual. This is who and what I want to be. For the joy of it.  For the freedom from the straitjacket that otherwise is my head and flesh, that I Revere, but that I do not want to be constrained by. And maybe I am moving in this direction even when I'm awake. Let it be so.

LOVING SOUL FOUR JOY 1. 4 Yourself 2. 4 The other 3. 4 Their circle 4. 4 The world


... by their very existence the heroic athletes of [loving] incalculably influenced humanity in the same decisive way in which any great hero in any field influences the ordinary folk by striking their imagination, and.... Sorokin. Ways and Power of Love

by their very existence the heroic athletes of [loving] incalculably influenced humanity in the same decisive way in which any great hero in any field influences the ordinary folk by striking their imagination, and.... by becoming a fascinating myth of heroic — religious and moral — achievement. Their shining example grows into an irresistible and enchanting  image calling forth mimesis and catharsis of the masses. Heroic images of Plato in philosophy, of Newton in science, of Phidias and Michelangelo in architecture and sculpture; of Alexander the Great in military art; of Homer and Shakespeare in literature; of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven in music; of a great athlete in sport: each of these images has become an unforgettable myth for imitation by their followers. In a similar way the athletes of God have been one of the important forces in the moralization of humanity. They have discharged this role by their very existence and by becoming heroic symbols of creative love and spirituality.

James, not creator, the force of Loving Creation, is your god. The Matrix is the real thing inside us.

This was very surprising, as all inspiration is. Time will tell if it is persistent with James. Came as a big, haha.


[Updated comments in post] The most hopeful book for any individual or group wanting to live joy in this material hell unfolding.

Free download
But even with this Divine book unless one can find in themselves the difference between Joy and pleasure, loving, and lusting, respectively, they are unlikely to make any progress. But if they can find this they are unlikely to be able to avoid progress.

Morning, and Sorokin, along with all the great Souls except for Jesus, did not understand this.

Loving to propagate for joy, being loving to propagate for joy, is the Supreme state of being and Sorokin seems to almost see this but not quite. If you don't hold on to this you will get lost in his analytical brilliance.

However, catastrophic this book is likely to be for the reader that does not take the step that Sorokin seems to never take. And he did not have the benefit of the last 20 years Neuroscience discoveries. The super-conscious is the mammalian brain, the limbic system, the soul. Loving is the essence of what it is, and what it does. It all comes down to as simple as learning that the joy that the soul in charge gives us is the Supreme Human Experience. And tragically the emotional intelligence of the human species gets lower with every year that goes by.

But if you can bring these two things, above, to the reading of this bo can transform you enter nabal you to transform others as maybe no other book can do. ok


Only a notable infusion of the love relationship into this society can save it from its further degeneration into either compulsory totalitarian society or chaotic human flotsam. To sum up.....

Only a notable infusion of the love relationship into this society can save it from its further degeneration into either compulsory totalitarian society or chaotic human flotsam. To sum up.... : the love relationship is not only the supreme form of social relations, but it is an absolute necessity for the harmonious existence and survival of any social group. Without it no good social life is possible. Plato and Aristotle were quite right in their statement that the true friendship or love is the most vital stuff of all true social relationships. Often overlooked, this function of love shows its unique power in social life and in man’s historical process. 8

Sorokin. Ways and Power of Love. Free download