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Showing posts with label INTOXICATION - PLEASURE - LUST - ME n MINE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INTOXICATION - PLEASURE - LUST - ME n MINE. Show all posts



This call to be in all 48 states, completely unexpected, little understood.....

What in goodness name? LOL.

James has become something new. The child of his parent, creator. Always child like he has been, a fruit of autism I suspect, refusing to let


Your life before sex, do you remember how awful were those years of Innocence? I don't......

Bringing this to my mind is a very worthwhile read I'm in the process of, Frans De Waal, our inner ape. He is a globally-recognized primatologist and certainly worthy of that. An excellent scientist scholar.
A primary population that he studies is bonobos and they are profoundly sexual.
Less than half way into the book no final conclusions by me yet, but my impression this far is that he is much of the culture that sees sex as Central to life and he has said that without that how incredibly boring life would be.
Full disclosure, there is no one for whom sex was more Central in their life than me for every moment from the age of about 8 until my late forties. It was an obsession and I understood that to be virtue.
In comparison with my life now, it was so incredibly boring, such an incredible waste of time. Exactly the feelings I have looking back as if I had been a raging alcoholic and looking back at all that wasted life.
Recollections I have of my life before sex, before age 8 or 9, is that there was much wonder and awe and joy in it. It was wonderful.
And for the last 20 years and certainly now that is what characterizes my life.


May 2nd, ignite Soul log. Such a gratifying read today. If only we behaved like animals.

Several days ago was extremely disappointing, listening to the world leaders in the field of psychology, such a corrupt field, the only medically oriented profession to sanction torture under Bush II, the current leaders, as f****** blind as they possibly can be high Priests of the extermination of Soul, the limbic system. They don't know. They don't care. It serves their greedy cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. So who the f*** cares? It's a bloodbath.

They were not going to be the target for several days ago for reading, but what I was looking for to my surprise was not in my downloaded list. Last night or this morning that was rectified.

Primate studies. Today the book, our inner ape, Frans De Waal, was begun. And internationally recognized leader in primate studies, particularly chimpanzees and bonobos.

So helpful. Without it being his primary purpose he confirms the history of Western science that we have demonized all positive aspects of our animal nature for a variety of hideous reasons, but all toward the suicidal end of elevating the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex, Reptilian Brain and computer, to be in charge of the limbic system, the soul, the mammalian brain, to serve our deadly selfish interests.. But it has been all but complete. Vicious, Relentless, complete, to this day and Beyond.

But as a hard-bitten scientist and observer, he lays out the obvious facts to the contrary.

Why are you able to read this? Probably because your mother and or father cared more about you at times than anything else in their life. Maybe it was for reasons of selfish hypothalamus and cerebral cortex. Probably some of it, at heroic times, was their mammalian brain,  the limbic system, the soul, that for the joy of it led them in the opposite direction of pleasure, Joy, despite the material pain and sacrifice, and you are reading this now.

It does not seem that he is biased in his reporting of the research. Yes, among chimpanzees there is murder. Although I wonder why it took observers decades to see this? He raises that question. The answer is pretty obvious. Who could study the human species in today's culture for several hours and not see Murder?

Quite possibly tomorrow the graphics for the left hand side of Sol, the vehicle, will arrive and be applied. It is a very glad coincidence, some number of people, maybe a lot, will be in town for the 5 a.m. Saturday morning Marathon, super marathon, 10K, Through This Magnificent region. It is the largest or one of the largest Trail marathons in the country?

The schedule was not rearranged to be where Sol can be seen by people that are in town for this but the schedule does support that. It is very much a fishing Expedition where the waters are totally Uncharted and it is unknown if or where there are fish in the water.

A project was begun several days ago to analyze the view and understanding that James has as to who throughout history are the preeminent LSGIA Being. a spreadsheet has now been begun and completed with all of the names identified at the site of this name, and roughly a quarter of the 70-plus names have been evaluated according to 5 Criterion, Joy driven, soul in charge, cerebral cortex and hypothalamus not in charge, not pleasure driven. Although the analysis is not as biased as the shorthand terms just provided indicate. There is nothing precise about this however it will certainly be useful to James and a responsibility of James to do the best he can do more specifically identify in some sort of ranked fashion Who are the exemplars of what his life is dedicated to ignite. He is finding that these five categories which have been a lifelong hunch of his do correlate highly with those individuals, in many cases, the James has considered the Pinnacle of fully actualized, not murdered, Child come to adulthood. And he is surprised at some of the names that he reveres that do not rate quite as highly, and upon reflection this make sense to him. The point is not, of this exercise, to determine who has been helpful to humanity, who has tried. But who most exemplifies, and therefore provides the example to others, of being a preeminent LSGIA Being.


Odd, is it not? Yes, this is what Joy looks to me like. It always has. My father looked somber like this. This is my....

Odd, is it not? Yes, this is what Joy looks to me like. It always has. My father looked somber like this. This is my view of Jesus, King, Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Confucius, and yes, Buddha. The most enviable Souls there have ever been, no?  Yes, to me. Since my earliest memory.  Enviable!  Admirable yes, but enviable!  No? Joy is quite the opposite of what we worship in this Society, pleasure, happiness, Glee..... I've tried those. They are like eating sand to me. Joy is being alive, and nothing else is. I highly recommend it. With all of my life.
LOL. If you do not resonate at some significant level with this, and this is not a challenge I'm giving you, it is a loving observation, if you do not resonate with this, then do not walk, run, from any closeness to my work. Because my every fiber of being is trying to drag people in this direction of joy.



Maybe I've never shared this, among the most important gifts I've ever received. About 15 years ago I......

Maybe I've never shared this, among the most important gifts I've ever received. About 15 years ago I embarqed toward the journey that has captured me ever since. Leaving the ways of our culture, 180 degrees in the opposite direction, from working to make rich people richer, like me, to lived solidarity from the soul serving our neediest sisters and brothers. It was Joyful from the start. There was never, has never been, the tiniest portion of a instant when I've been other than overjoyed with this total change of direction. It is pretty much muscle memory for me now, but not so at the beginning. It could not have been. It was natural for me, I think it is the natural path we were all born to. But our sick culture strips us away from that path, thinking it virtue to do so to its children, and puts us on exactly the opposite, exactly the wrong path. And we gain muscle memory for that and our nervous system literally and actually atrophies for the correct path. So it takes tremendous work and experience for that to be recreated. Really in my departure on this path I found it useful to imagine that there is a creator of us all, a parent figure that unconditionally loves us all. For me then and now God is love, life, and Truth. Period.  People like Teresa and Gandhi said the same, and most if not all of those who throughout history I Revere lived the same. That was an understanding in my head but it was also something more and more clearly felt in my spirit. It became tangible for me in that way. I had a wonderful warm feeling, tremendous peace, each moment that I experienced myself as in creators will. And then I received the gift. From my earliest memories I was obsessed with the female form and all things sexual toward that form. For most of my decades, carefully taught by my culture in a trillion ways, I thought that virtue. I was carefully addicted to all of the lists that our society worships but I'll speak of this one for the moment. The gift I received was in the form of a question that came to my mind, as I was following my inclination to admire a shapely female form, the question came to me, is that that you are now starting to direct your attention toward, is that toward or away from God? The answer was instantaneous for me, instantly and comfortably clear, away from. Yes, I can hear the chorus arguing otherwise. I'm speaking what I experienced then, and with every breath since. The answer for me was instantaneous, that's away from being a vessel for love, life, and Truth. It is turning away from love, toward lust, toward my selfish inclinations, away from serving the neediest from the soul in solidarity. It was then instantly clear to me that turning away from the pure Spirit of love, life, and Truth, was not the choice I wanted to make then. And it has never been the choice since then that I have wanted to make, in any instant. Experientially for me it is not about right and wrong. It is not about guilt or not being guilty. It certainly has nothing to do with an afterlife in which I have zero belief. For me it is simply a matter of now having a mechanism that enables me to pursue Joy rather than pleasure, Joy being infinitely more gratifying in any and every moment then pleasure. I don't know that this could make sense to anyone beside me. Or maybe everyone beside me learned it much earlier and knows that much better. I don't know that it can be helpful to anyone beside me. But it has saved me from wasting even moments on Pleasure when there was an infinite Divine banquet of Joy there before me,   and before all of us I believe, with every breath we take. But it is all but completely obscured behind the Avalanche, the ocean, the universe, love sick country messages inundating us from our pathological, suicidal, malignant culture telling us exactly the opposite. So without mechanisms such as I just mentioned it is almost impossible to choose the joyful path from moment to moment.. James


In life it is inescapable that each moment we seek to feel psychologically full, and there are only two ways to pursue that: 1. Having, 2. Being. In our culture......

In life it is inescapable that each moment we seek to feel psychologically full, and there are only two ways to pursue that: 1. Having, 2. Being. In our culture we are taught that there is only one way, having. In truth, there is only one way that can succeed, that can make us feel constantly full, being. Did you know that Americans are the most self-medicated people there have ever been? Did you know that for decades Americans have been roughly 4% of the world's population consuming roughly 25% of the world's resources?