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Showing posts with label Hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hell. Show all posts


Behold YOUR brother -

Obama Breaks Down in Tears at Dorothy Height's Funeral

WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama broke down in tears at the funeral of 'Godmother' of American civil rights movement Dr. Dorothy Height in Washington today.

Obama was weeping openly as he watched the service for Dr. Height who changed the course of history by standing up for the rights of the Blacks in America along with her comrade-at-arms Rosa Parks.

Mr Obama watched as Dr Height's coffin was carried into the cathedral, and said he was here because of her as he took the podium to deliver the eulogy for Dr Height today.

The US president was joined by his wife Michelle, and Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the service.

Dr Height died last week at 98 after a long illness. She was a pioneering voice of the civil rights movement who remained active and outspoken well into her 90s.

Dr Height led the National Council of Negro Women for decades and marched with the Rev Martin Luther King Jr.


!!!!!! "In physics, in reality, nothing is free. Everythig has its price; like Saving the World." SL

"In physics, in reality,
nothing is free. 
Everything has its price;
like Saving the World.

Until Peace Makers pay the price,
IN FULL, the torture and death
will accelerate beyond the point
of no return.  Everything less
Kills Time, and thereby the Suffering,
one, by one, by one by unnecessary one.


Peace Makers pay the price,
personally.  It looks like Hell.
Actually, it IS Heaven." SL

He "lost it!!!" Gandhi's all-time hero just, um, LOST IT! :-|

According to the internationally recognized group of elite, non-believing,
academic, forensic/historical, international scholars known as The Jesus Seminar, the
lives of most in Jesus day were tortured beyond anything known on planet
earth today. As impossible as that is to fathom, that is their massively
researched conclusion.

I grew up perceiving that Jesus was furious, but fully self possessed and
appropriately planned and scripted when he flipped the tables in the temple.
For the last decade I've realized that the "furious" part of my perception was
incorrect.  Jesus was Universal Love incarnate, in the same way Hitler was
and Dick Cheney is, Evil incarnate.  I've realized that Jesus was NEVER not
a brother to anyone, and that this was a brotherly, not "furious," not violent

But just this morning I realized that Jesus "lost it!"  Just as Einstein "saw"
possibilities, likelihoods actually, in the realm of physics that most of
us STILL can't "see," Jesus "saw" that the Living Hell of most in his day could
INSTANTLY be displaced within each individual that became Universal Love
Incarnate, and that doing so en mass would likely avert the total destruction
of the Jews in Israel, that otherwise appeared certain to him, that in fact
did occur within the next 70 years. 

this day we still don't, can't, won't "hear," and now it is within months, or a few
years of being too late for us all.

He "lost it."  In the Temple, he "lost it."  As Gandhi knew, as Tolstoy saw
before him, Jesus was just a man, as Einstein was just a man.  Near perfect
in his realm in comparison to anything we've ever seen - but an imperfect,
finite man. 

Flipping the tables may have been Jesus' most powerful contribution to us -
his most penetrating wake-up call.  But it was NOT the moment that Jesus
would have been the most proud of.  It was not out of "knowing how to
respond" that he did it.  It was out of knowing A RESPONSE WAS URGENTLY
NEEDED that he expressed himself in this way - a desperate outcry, an
act of Faith that expressing the "Truth" imperfectly was more responsible,
and an infinitely better Service than repressing or delaying any expression at all. 
"The Little Dutch Boy" seeing the dike spring a leak, didn't know how to
save the town, but knew that doing nothing was death to the town.
Jesus "lost it" inside, and chose that allowing that to become manifest was more
responsible, was more Loving than the much personally safer path of keeping his
mouth shut and his hands to himself.  It got him Crucified, a fact that surely he
didn't regret, as he would have seen that this unpremeditated, spontaneous act
was among his greatest contributions to His Family.

Idle speculation?  "Start, I think you are the reincarnation of Jesus
Christ."  First said to me decades ago, who I consider the world's greatest
Peace Maker of recent times, an avowed "non-believer," has stated this to me several
times these last 3 years.  Massively humbled, and encouraged by these
words, I none the less relegated them to the realm of fancy, I suppose in part
because I am a non-believer in such things myself.  But this morning I see that what
I was being told is "a" reincarnation of Jesus.  Not "the," but "a."  Yes, it is
clear to me that I've been moving in this direction throughout my life, in
EXACTLY the same way that Pr. Obama, a life-long admirer of Abe Lincoln
clearly is becoming a reincarnation of Abe, and other life long students have
quite automatically, quite unintentionally become a "reincarnation" to
substantial degree, of the object of their life's focus.  And in doing so, the
one that moves toward being "a" "reincarnation" gains insights into
their Subject that otherwise would not be possible.  No, the thoughts
expressed above are more than idle speculation.


"Start, are you trying to be like Gandhi, King, Jesus...? :-)" "Hell yes! Aren't you!?!?!?"

"Start, are you trying to be like Gandhi, King, Jesus...? :-)" my friend
asked, trying to bring me down a peg.

"Hell yes!  Aren't you!?!?!?"  Unless we get a bunch of Gandhi's, King's,
Jesus's, Eleanor Roosevelt's, Diane Wilson's, Col. Ann Wright's...
running around, we're screwed for good!


THESE FOLKS DIE TO BE JOINED   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Respectability: Living in a way that the poor should weep in Joy, Awe, Gratitude." SL


Living in a way that the

poor should [would if they fully knew]
weep in Joy, Awe, Gratitude, Wonder;

That is, Incarnating Universal Love;
BEING Immediate Family TO the least of these.

[Thomas, Jesus, King, Gandhi,
Teresa, Romero, Eleanor Roosevelt,
Pr. Obama, Michelle Obama,
Diane Wilson, Col. Ann Wright.]


EVERYTHING less than, EVERYTHING else besides
the least of these our global brothers and sisters;
that is, NOT being Universal Love incarnate /
Immediate Family TO ALL,
ESPECIALLY the poor in
Spirit (enemy, wicked, foreigner)
and materiality."


To Those True Friends that would Save Start L. from his Errors, Ignorance, Limiits....

[NOTE: A God-send of a friend was sent to me in Decemember this year.
Our relationship has been a great blessing to me, and to this friend as well I think. But as has so often been the case in Start's life, this promising relationship may well be headed toward being a massive frustration and drain on my friend. Hence this note, that may be of benefit to others as well. This is prompted
by my encounter of today with this blessed friend.]

Dear Friends,

I am writing this out of Love and Compassion for you. That is, I
don't need you to read the following for me, and I suspect it is
likely to become a rather long email. I provide it because I feel
it may empower you in managing our relationship, and reduce what otherwise
might be mountains of unproductive frustration and unhappiness
for you. I need no reply. I don't need for you to read any further.
I simply need to make some things AVAILABLE for you, my Friend,
for wherever these things they may lead.

The circle of Leaders in whose company I SL have learned to consider
myself includes Pr. Obama, Gandhi, King, Jesus.... Ridiculous, yes?
I know. Hilarius! But Our Father and this circle of Mentors agree with me.
:-) . Seriously. It is not by accident that I've attained this level - my entire life's
dedication has been toward this end, because as one of you and I
shared today, "Leadership is Everything." There is no hope for
my suffering Family of 6.8 billion and the 10's of billions that are
born in the future, unless there comes about a spark(s) of Transformative
Leadership that causes a total Revolution of the Spirit - Globally,
that is, a spark that brings about the Revolution that our
beloved Jesus was Dying to unleash, and so too the ML King's and Gandhi's
of the world afterward; and we've all but irreversibly concluded
our global journey in exactly the opposite direction through this
moment in history.

Now, what is the nature of this desperate Leadership need? Is it incremental?
Is it small steps? Is it something that can take place over decades -
centuries? Is it normal? Is it more of what we've seen, only better?
The nature of the leadership task to Save Humanity -
physically and spiritually, now in 2009, a world that is within months
of being beyond redemption in Life Support (Plan B 4.0) is instantaneous,
Totally Transformative Leadership that within months, NOT decades
or centuries brings Our Father's Kingdom to Earth, Universal "Family,"
on a Global Scale - EXACTLY the Miracle Jesus Died for, and that so far
He has TOTALLY and completely FAILED to bring to fruition.

On an infinitely smaller, but not insignificant scale, this has been
my life's work - Saving the Lives (livelihoods) of thousands of folks
in high-tech industry from all but certain doom - serial major and minor
Leadership Miracles that defied all odds and all prevailing wisdom.
And they were achieved in no other way than Spiritual Transformation.

The last company I ran went from certain downfall to increase in
market value 20 fold in the 3 years I was leading the hundreds
of people involved. This is not atypical of my Leadership impact
throughout my 28 year professional career. Serial human Miracles
against impossible odds, leveraging the Great Unseen Force -
Human Goodness, Universal Love, the Truths of Jesus, God some
call it - to achieve results considered unimaginable.

And ALWAYS I've been viewed as weird, strange, stubborn, hard
headed, Messianic, wrong, misguided, outsider.... "If at first the idea [person] is not
absurd, it has no hope." Albert Einstein. The hallmark of insanity is
attempting to achieve different results by doing things the same old way.

The Truths of Jesus I've been working to grasp, be grasped by,
to understand and to master since I was young, and explicitly and
concertedly these last 12 years. For 5 of those years I understandably
thought that what calls itself the "Christian" "Church," whatever
denominations, was where I could go for help in gaining the mastery
I needed to be able to "Save." What instead I found was a near
perfect slaughterhouse for the Spirit - all denominations. The
Scribes, Pharisees, the Hypocrites of Jesus' day have simply re-branded
their murder as "Christianity," totally perverted and corrupted
His Truths, and have been keeping Him DEAD for the last 1900 years.
I accuse FEW of conscious malice; nor did Jesus - Hypocrisy is the
great Murderer - Lying to oneself first, and thereby murdering
Truth, the Holy Spirit, Universal Love - the only hope for Humanity.

I DESPERATELY wish there were those who could teach me the
fundamentals of Jesus' Truth, what "Church" should be, because everything
in my life has convinced me that Jesus was our Einstein of "Saving" ourselves. But
there are not. And in their stead are the "blind guides," "ravening
wolves," armies of "Christian" hypocrites - general merchants of death
that have turned my Father's House, the Church, into a den of thieves,
a Slaughterhouse of the Truth, of Life.

With 1-2 billion "Christians"
on earth and now earth is MUCH MORE HELLISH than before there were
such a large % of "Christians," there are only two conclusions possible -


B. That being TRUE "Christian" is of NO EARTHLY IMPORT OR IMPACT!!!! Jesus'
teachings were nothing more than a Mystical obstacle course/
game of chance that determines whether you go to Hell or Heaven after you
die! There is NO WAY, if there are billions of Christians, in TRUTH, that Jesus
Truths are other than earthly weak nonsense IF WE ARE TRULY CHRISTIANS!

"B" is Utter horrible, insane, murderous nonsense. We are no more
"Christian" than the Jews of Jesus' day; and worse, cuz we've
built up monstrous immunity to His Truth these last 1900 years.
"I like your Christ. I do NOT like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."
Gandhi. "I think that to be a Christian you should resemble Jesus."
Teresa of Calcutta. Start agrees. And we don't. So, we AREN'T.

I am totally, 100% dedicated to becoming the embodiment of what Jesus
died to give me, and to share it with as many of my beloved fellow
humans as I can, thereby Saving as many as I can. He TRULY knew
that Miracles were possible, NECESSARY, and He taught and showed us
the way. I'm in. Not to Talk, not to Pretend, but TO DO, OR DIE.

In principle I, Start, am open to discuss anything! I am NOT God and
therefore do NOT have perfect knowledge of, well, anything. And
in the realm of things that our western society deems worthy of
discussion - sports, entertainment, stuff - not only would I of necessity
be open to discussion - I'd have to sit with my mouth shut - cuz
I know NOTHING OF THESE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally. But in
the realm of TRANSFORMATIVE, HIGH STAKES Leadership, and the
realm of Christ Jesus - well, tragically, I've found during my lifetime
such a murderous void of knowledge and expertise available, I've
been forced to attempt, and to succeed at becoming a world
authority, if no one but me and Our Father knows that I have become.

So, I know EVERYTHING on these 2 subjects? :-( In 20 lifetimes I
would not. But in the same way that today there are recognized,
and unrecognized world authorities in Physics, yet they will be
deemed ignorant and inept centuries from now; your brother
Start is for today, a world authority on Leadership and the
Truths of Christ Jesus, today.

It offends me not in the least anyone that does not recognize this,
my professed Authority in Leadership and Jesus' Truth. It breaks my heart, in the
same way it broke the heart of Dr. Jos. Lister that in 1870 he knew
that unclean scalpels were the cause of massive slaughter, but
for another 30 years of carnage he FAILED IN LEADING ANYONE to change
their behavior! But as Lister, and Jesus before me, I KNOW the
Truth sufficiently in the areas of Transformative Leadership and
Jesus' Truth that no physical price or pressure will be able to cause me to
deviate from attempting to bring them to Earth - and Our Father's
Kingdom thereby - nothing more, nothing less, NOTHING ELSE.

Now presumably, during those 30 years for Lister, there were folks
that took genuine compassion on Lister, and attempted to get
him to "see" the error of his knowledge, or methods. And at
the time, ALL CONVENTIONAL WISDOM were with those trying
to "Save" Lister from his folly, to "educate" him, to "correct" him.
But he WOULD NOT BE SAVED, not were it to "cost" him everything,
and neither will Start be "Saved." :-)

Right around 1900 Our Father, Universal Love, The Way Things Are...
took Mercy on Jos. Lister, and Humanity. Our Father arranged for
the Queen of England to require surgery, and made it known to her
the theories of Jos. Lister. She demanded he come and that his
ideas be followed to the letter. She survived and recovered. In
a brief time then the world of surgery was Transformed - Globally.

It took 30 years, but Jos. Lister became a Transformative Leader
of the world, as few have before or since. And for every Jos.
Lister that Our Father finally helped, there were 1000's just as
Enlightened, just as possessed by Truth that Our Father did NOT
allow to see the Truth of their promise, nor for the world to
recognize it. And that is Our Father's way. And so it is for Jesus,
so far.

Start is alone. With decades of expensive training, and decades
of Leadership expertise and skills, he sits, mostly alone, in front of the White
House, ignored, disrespected, irrelevant, scorned, largely abandoned.
If you pick up your cross - YOU WILL BE CRUCIFIED. Hmmmm. We
today live as though Jesus stated or implied some time limit on that;
that He thoughtlessly left off - "Oh, that is, Until the world is crawling
with false prophets, re-branded scribes and parisee "Christians" calling out
in my name - THEN you won't be Crucified any more." Huh?

HE GAVE US NO SUCH TIME LIMIT - except the implied - WHEN I
that has happened? Who thinks Jesus would call America a "Christian"
Nation? Who thinks there are more than 1 in 100,000 "Christians"
that Jesus would recognize? Start does NOT think so.

For those that worry that Start is alone, failing, wasting his talents
and life - you need not worry. If Start does not exist in Heaven,
he wishes not to be told, cuz that is how EVERY second feels to him.
:-) And if there are those that persist
in trying to "Save" Start from the errors of his ways - get ready for
some massive frustration, and eventual impatience or unavailability.
Start doesn't have time for the basics, debate, or arguing the "basic"
Truths. He has time to be left alone, or..........

Start YEARNS for the day when Our Father, Universal Love, brings
alongside him others WITH THE SAME VISION OF TRUTH, JESUS'
are on Fire with that Truth, or YEARNING to be so. WHO HAVE FAITH
them alone Start has all the time our Father Gives him to FACE
the Truth, Learn the Truth, Master the Truth, be MASTERED BY
the Truth - and to work to Save the World, or die in the attempt.

With much Love for you all,


And I don't have time to discuss, or be schooled in Leadership. My every waking
second is dedicated to Refining, Practicing, Perfecting and Proliferating
what I know.


EUREKA. "The Families are Two; of Which are You? The Answer is Everything." SL Inspired by Gospel of Matthew

Day #15, roughly, of my study of Matthew.  Now, these are 1/2 days for
me - the cold has greatly cut my productivity, at least that is the excuse I give
myself.  Getting older may be more like it.  Oh well.

But I pour over and over, line by line, attempting to deeply, deeply, deeply be
grasped by the meaning, and the implications of just Matthew, so far.


There are two families on earth (not three, not millions):

Family 1, THE GIVERS.  Those that "see" everyone as Immediate Family and
Live accordingly  - the ML King's, Diane Wilson's, Col. Ann Wrights, Eleanor
Roosevelts, Vandana Shivas, Barack & Michelle Obamas, Gandhis...

Family 2. THE TAKERS.  Those that are blind to the Fact that we are All Immediate
Family and exist, mostly in isolation, at war with all but a few, to get as
much stuff for themselves as possible - almost everyone you have ever

Hell - the life experience of the "blind" masses, cuz the Life we are created for,
and capable of IS the life as Brother or Sister to ALL.  Every other option
is so massively deficient in its ability to satisfy our emotional need to be significant
that we are reduced to hideous, parasitic, clinically addicted, craving shadows
of what we were designed to be, created to be, born to be.  And it is EXACTLY the
Hell of the Addict, repleat with the impenetrable DENIAL and DELUSIONS.

Heaven - the Life experience of those who "see" that WE ARE ALL
IMMEDIATE FAMILY - the ML King's, Diane Wilson's, Col. Ann Wrights, Eleanor
Roosevelts, Vandana Shivas, Barack & Michelle Obamas, Gandhis...

It may be that I'll be Called to write much, much, much more on this.  My
Study continues.

Note:  12 years ago I was exposed to and undertook extensive study
of the greatest psychologist of all time - Alfred Adler.  At this point in my
study of Matthew I for the first time see where this seminarian's theory
came from, even though I had been told he considered his theory a
"scientific" version of Jesus teaching.


Con't: Selfishness IS Hell. There IS no other. None other is needed.

It's that we are born these nearly infinitely Giving,
Universally Loving, Creative Spirits, and when our
culture stuffs into ever smaller containers of Selfishness,
well it is Hell - Prison - living Death, Clinically.  And the
Madness is, most of us don't see it, and think everything
is fine.  It isn't.  Not for us, not for those we lead into
the same Walking Deadness.  Will the sleepers awake?


The Hell of Selfishness
is the prevailing feelings of








With just enough Pleasure mixed in that
we think this is


How things should be

As good as it gets


Giving, Otherishness, Universal Loving

ARE Heaven.
ARE as Good as it Gets

Selfishness IS Hell. There IS no other. None other is needed.

The Hell of Selfishness
is the prevailing feelings of








With just enough Pleasure mixed in that
we think this is


How things should be

As good as it gets


Giving, Otherishness, Universal Loving

ARE Heaven.
ARE as Good as it Gets


"Heaven and Hell are the two, alternative Universes of Mind. Your Choice is?" SL

"Heaven and Hell are the two, alternative Universes of Mind. Your Choice is?"  SL


What Obama faces on our behalf Aragorn would RUN FROM

Gary Cooper and High Noon, for the last time.

And we sit and watch, as Obama fights for us. 

He confronts the military / US Insane over Afghanistan.

He confronts the US Insane over Health Care.

He confronts the military / US Insane over Nuc disarmament.

He confronts the military / US Insane over Honduras.

He confronts the military / US Insane over embrace of the UN.

He confronts the Financial Elite over regulation, Taxes, Social expenditures....


And we sit, fricking watch, criticize, whine.... God damn US to Hell.  (And
It is.)



The Ultimate Threat - Hypocrisy's (Chronic, Ongoing Dissonance between Word and Behavior) dual, ultimate malignancy / violence / destructiveness of Victim(s) AND Perpetrator.

[I received this portion of my Easter gift this morning. Please let me share.]

What most in all the world horrified Jesus, Gandhi's #1 Hero, was Hypocrisy. Here is why:
  • The most toxic, damaging, destructive force on the mind is the "double bind," that is, being subject to an environment where WORDS express one thing and ACTIONS another. Among the only concepts upon which psychologists agree is this concept of double bind, and its preeminent destructive consequence. This, by other words, is the word and its impact - Hypocrisy.
  • Sustained and or extreme exposure to Hypocrisy DESTROYS, DESTROYS, DESTROYSthe all important cognitive function of Conscience / Soul / Moral Navigation / Heart / Sociality / Community / PeaceMaking / Love. "My daughter, the reason I am raping you is because I Love you." Hypocrisy thereby amputates Humanity - the ULTIMATE VIOLENCE.
  • Hypocrisy quite literally burns out these circuits of Life, Love, Compassion, Joy, Humanity, Peace, Conscience, Truth.
  • The dual, ultimate malignancy of Hypocrisy (Chronic, Sustained Dissonance between Word and Behavior) lies in the fact that Hypocrisy destroys the Conscience / Soul / Moral Navigation / Heart of BOTH the Perpetrator AND the Victim (s) (those in the environment upon which the Hypocrisy is imposed).
  • AND THEREBY HYPOCRISY DESTROYS ALL KNOWLEDGE OF MORALITY / MENTAL HEALTH / SOCIETAL HEALTH... BY DESTROYING FOREVER THE PROPER DEFINITIONS OF ALL RELATED CONCEPTS (Orwell's dreaded DoubleSpeak)! "My daughter, the reason I am raping you is because I Love you." The meaning of the word "Love" is forever destroyed, is forever PERVERTED in both the Perpetrator and Victim(s).
W, Cheney, the Repugs, the risk-nothing Dems... are among our most recent, global current examples of Hypocrisy.

But far more destructive is Bill Clinton.
  1. Why more destructive than even W, Cheney the Repugs...? Because of his extraordinary social skills, "Teflon," "Stealth," that multiply his ability to DEEPLY penetrate and destroy the very capacity for Humanity many, many, many fold beyond what the social cripples W, Cheney or Repugs, or risk-nothing Dems ever could do.
  2. 'Ohhhhh, I care for people so much,' as he, Clinton, sanctioned the Genocide in East Timor, and sat and did nothing to stop the genocide in Rwanda lying that he knew nothing; deceitfully perpetrated the bombing of East Europe for oil while claiming it was for social reasons, starved 500,000 Iraqi CHILDREN for their oil; destroyed the of Hope and Life Support among Poor / Middle Class Americans and Billions in the Third world with his expansion of NAFTA (Mexico) and Free Trade more broadly; destruction of Social Support for moms on Welfare who themselves are society's victims; destruction of the US economy by de-regulating Wall Street.... There is a specail place in Hell for this man.
Extremely destructive also is the vast majority of what calls itself the Peace Movement / Peace Activists that is so impassioned in its/their words about the suffering of and threats to Humanity, Justice, Peace but is/are so SELF SERVING IN (in)ACTION - selfish, self protective, self serving, self centered, self indulgent, self promoting, COWARDLY.... "No one chose war. They chose selfishness and the result was war." David Dellinger.

The Ultimate Perpetrator - The CHURCH. This brings us to the ultimate toxin, the ultimate Perpetrator of Hypocrisy - the Church of Love - whose "Priests" bless aircraft carriers, sanction war, protect pedophiles, HATE queers, HATE "Free Choice" and those that support it, Torture the Poor with Over Population, love the poor while bleeding them to death of their resources for their own big houses, fine robes, elegant buildings, support of the rich....
Remember the story about Gandhi? A mother came to Gandhi with her child, having walked for many, many, many miles. ' Gandhi, will you please tell my child to stop eating sugar?' 'Hmmmm, please bring your child back to me next month.' Frustrated, the mother agreed to do so. She returned with her child that next month, and to her distress received the same answer, and then again the 3rd time the same thing happened a month later still. On the fourth visit Gandhi said to the child, 'You must stop eating sugar.' Well the mother was both delighted and enraged! 'Gandhi, why didn't you say this the first time? This would have saved me all the enormous time we spent traveling?!?!?!' 'I couldn't say this to your child until now, because I was still eating sugar myself.'

The Ultimate Threat - Hypocrisy's (Chronic, Ongoing Dissonance between Word and Behavior) dual, ultimate malignancy / violence / destruction of Victim(s) AND Perpetrator.

Good News!!!!!! Diagnosis is 99% of the way toward cure!

Happy Easter!


We LOVE lIFE, and we don't Love Life in the slightest.

If we Loved Life, the Life of people, the Life of those Suffering, the way we Love Money - the world would be Heaven.  It SOON will be Hell, for real, cuz we don't.  Unless....


Jesus' Sense of Urgency - The Work is like Planting Seeds on a Battle Field

So much of what Jesus taught has such an urgency to it - the Virgins that should remain awake; the Servants that should remain awake; the rich man who's life was taken that night; THE SON OF MAN HAS NOWHERE TO REST HIS HEAD....

My understanding of what Jesus was telling us just made a monumental leap. Of course I've known, really my whole life, that Jesus was NOT telling us about some Heaven AFTER we die. That's rubbish. No! Jesus died to show us Heaven in THIS life. Of course.

So these parables with such sense of urgency were NOT about winning an afterlife ticket. So what ARE they about?

Jesus was telling us a central feature of our work; that is, our opportunity for Life! The field in which we sew Universal Love is a constantly shifting battle field on which the battle is raging. Period. Always. IT IS NEVER NOT A BATTLE FIELD WITH WAR RAGING AROUND US. When the bullets are being fired on the right, we dash and sew on the left; when the firing is on the left, we dash and sew on the right, and so on.

Now that I stay on or close to the Path, life is SO LIKE THIS! Where I am welcome one second, the door slams the next. When a heart is open to receive one second, it is slammed shut the next. When meager resources, funds, equipment, whatever are available one second they are obliterated the next. Until the Kingdom reigns, this is how it is for those who's religion is Universal Love.

This is important and helpful for me to know. Otherwise I would have the tendency to blame myself for such extreme instability. No. It is the nature of the battle of Life we have the Privilege and Joy to pursue.

Our opportunity, our ONLY Opportunity is to embrace our role as Medics on the Raging Battlefield of Life. The alternative, embraced by almost all is the Purgatory/Hell of the drone, the zombie, the degenerate.


Fw: StartL is nothing but a failure. And it's Heaven.

Beloved Sister,

Just to share with you, there are, and for years now in my life, there has been nothing really but a long string of "failures" in my life.  At least, truly, that is how any but the most "enlightened" observers would have to view my life.  You are lucky, in a way, to get the occasional "tail wagging," or friendly "deer in the yard" encouragements and rewards.  But with me God has pretty well chosen to just keep on stripping me of resources, support, safety, security, RESULTS.... 

And Sister, I'm perfectly fine with that, to my surprise and amazement. And, I don't think it was (or IS) much different for Jesus!   I know I am doing what She/He/It wants me to do.  And that is my reward.  And it is better than anything, all the riches and pleasures I was born to and gorged on most of my life.  It IS Life, and the other was trash.

Now mind you, God connecting me with you and a very few others is an incredible Blessing and Joy.  But the 99.999% of my life that is NOT spent with you is.... Heaven (AND Hell).

It is that being filled with God / Universal Love - well it is like swimming in it, Yes?  This is Heaven, if we are careful to find it, and Enter In.

Love you.



Want to find the path that Jesus, King, Gandhi, Eleanor R., Rosa Parks, God... all gave their lives to help you find?

1.  Meditate on this question for as many minutes, or hours as necessary to arrive at a deep, gut level, heart level answer:  What would you do if - SUPPORT OF FUNDS, FRIENDS AND FAMILY WERE NO ISSUE? 

2.  When you arrive at a strong get sense, BEGIN.  DO THAT NOW!!!!!!, or say goodby to Life, Love, Passion, Meaning, Worth to Humanity, Destiny, Calling, Fulfillment, God...; and say hello to emptiness, sadness, meaninglessness, harmfulness to others (you'll spread the disease), waste of life, joylessness, lifelessness... TRAGEDY.

This is the path to Life traveled by ALLLLLLL that have found It.  Can you think of any exceptions?  There are none.