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Sally, not her name, was for several moments sitting....

Sally, not her name, was for several moments sitting in a car pointed at us in the large trailhead parking area where I had spent the night, sleeping 13 Hours, and
awakening was eating some of the delicious nutmix from my new sister of yesterday, and feeling a bit irritated that someone was sitting in a car looking at the vehicle while I was trying to eat and drink some coffee. The individual finally got out of the car and approached. I forget what she said but it was something like May I provide support for your work? She was holding a paper note. I accept donations I said, pleasantly. Our conversation was hours ago and I'm afraid memory is a bit cloudy accept I remember how such an incredible blessing our encounter was for both of us. 

In not too many years shall be able to retire from public education in the midwest I believe she said. She spoke fondly of the vehicle to which as I told multiple people now, please don't think this vehicle is freedom for me. It is not. It is a wonderful thing. If it is freedom for me it is enslavement to my head and flesh. The Only freedom is self enslavement to soul for the joy of it to serve the neediest. She was not trying to be agreeable and I was not trying to provoke. Our views were so common. It was quite affirming for both of us I'm sure. I'm not a fan of the church I said when she was obviously drawn to the motif suggesting Jesus. She agreed. They saw a powerful brand, I said, and immediately co-opted it and stuff underneath the brand Everything Jesus had lived and died to replace with simple Humanity. She instantly agreed. But maybe what she found most helpful was my disagreeing sense that for me the vehicle and the way I live is freedom. That if it is freedom for me that I have enslaved to my head and Flash. I am enslaved joyfully to my soul I hadn't thought of it that way but I think it clicked. Such a privilege to have such encounters with Souls that still have life in them and to share what I have learned to fuel mine.

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