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His photo is of me smiling, it's been a long time since I've done that. As I was taking a photograph of the turtles an hour ago (delayed posting) I noticed a car stopping down......

His photo is of me smiling, it's been a long time since I've done that. As I was taking a photograph of the turtles an hour ago (delayed posting) I noticed a car stopping down the country road across from me. after a while a tall handsome middle-aged fellow begin walking on his side of the street toward the vehicle, hesitant. I said hello and he said hello. We had the most wonderful, painful, sad, Joyous 10 minute conversation, tho I'm afraid I did most of the talking. Frequently he was obviously choking back emotion. I don't think it was what I said as much as he was feeling less alone. About depression, was I ever depressed, did I ever feel sad. He wanted to know my experience because I believe those feelings are Central to him. As I've written and spoken before, I shared with him that only someone that is insane would not be occasionally depressed and sad given the destruction of everything of value going on before eyes. No disrespect to anyone else it is the most important face to face interchange I can recall having in many many days or maybe weeks. We discussed the turtles that I was photographing and with great joy he mentioned Turtle tunnel 2 miles ahead which indeed I went over. He was so glad that in the not-too-distant past efforts had been made to provide a safe Crossing for those Turtles from one wetland to the other. When I mention Standing Rock he also choked Back eMotion, saying that it was very emotional for him. He did not elaborate further and I did not invade his privacy to ask. I didn't mention to him the year in prison for being there I face. Such a privilege, such a joy, to connect heart to heart, soul to soul, with another person. So rare.

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