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Major update. The Hunger Games sponsors were at me today. Etc.

Major update. The Hunger Games sponsors were at me today. Etc.

No complaints. Goodness no. Complain about what in this Dying World?

But substantial depression has been part of me for several weeks despite this extraordinary setting at the base of Mount Whitney.

And it seems pretty sure today that the depression is Lifting and the reasons are fairly clear. Depression has been frequently encountered by me throughout my life and never has the encounter been something I regretted. Painful? Yes. Worrisome? Yes. To me it is analogous to what I suspect the caterpillar goes through when they turn into soup, they turn themselves into soup, they allow themselves to become nothing so that they can become something new. That's what occurs to me at these times anyway.

And I am becoming something new. Totally different? No. Slightly better? Yes for certain.

This vehicle, The Organic Transit ELF, it's a Marvel. I have no idea how it's being received in the world particularly if it's being received really well. It is not my impression that it is. But Jesus, the real man, He's not been received real well either. Or Confucius, or Buddha, or probably Muhammad Etc. On the other hand Donald Trump is received exceedingly well by a ferocious part of the US population. Things must not be judged by Me based on their popularity.

But this wonderful vehicle from Organic Transit, I mention it, because it is dramatically different as it sits here at the base of Mount Whitney, then how it comes off the factory floor. No credit to me a potential was seen and a rich man's toy was turned into a extraordinary solar RV vehicle with this old nervous system that sits here being the catalyst.

That is a Segway into the major work, and the fruit that seems to be coming, out Of these last several weeks. My 3rd, 4th, and soon V reading of the most important book available on Earth today, George vaillant, spiritual evolution.

That my nervous system took the Organic Transit ELF Way Beyond what the Creator envisioned, was that disrespect or disregard to the original creation? Quite the opposite, I saw the potential and put in the work to do the realization of that potential.

That's how extraordinary this George vaillant book is. No credit to him he has given us an extraordinary rough draft I would say. An extraordinary starting point. Tremendous homework that we can build on.

It is not typical that I would read a book three four five six times. That's how extraordinary I find this one.

But like the original elf extremely incomplete and with some terrible flaws.

Why the depression these recent weeks? Why not the depression for the rest of my years. Unending. You see what's happening in the world don't you?

But my nervous system is unwilling to either turn away from the unstoppable disaster, nor to accept that there's nothing we can do to help a little bit. And with this book and so many readings this old nervous system is digesting it and being substantially strengthened, enlightened, empowered, and emboldened by this meta-analysis that this 70 + year old Dr. has brought together for us.

Creator willing within the next week or so some form of review, critique, analysis will emerge from here in Lone Pine. The form is unclear. Annotation of the PDF to some degree. But probably a very detailed review that might be posted on Amazon by me, just to give an idea of where the work is headed over the next week or so.

Lone Pine is extraordinarily wonderful for this Mission at this time. The time is 7:40 p.m. Last Light here is somewhere after 5 p.m. so it's been dark for hours. Slight breeze coming off the mountain, clear night sky except for some of the smoke from the California fires high up but not much tonight. Internet signal within literally a several foot band at this particular campsite if the phone is turned a certain way. Miraculous really. Temperature currently is 40 degrees and it will probably drop to mid-thirties tonight, consistently 5 or 20 degrees warmer than the weather services say it will be. Sometime that will probably end.

My friend bill, and there are not many people that I would erm my friend, no discredit to anyone, was the host at the Mount Whitney portal Campground and I met him 4 months ago. An African American man. Rare rare rare in these parts. We very much enjoy each other. He's mid-50s I think, his sister lives about 2 hours away where he'll go and spend time at Thanksgiving. Nice relationship with her. He has gotten to know me in part through my Facebook posting and I think finds that my political and human views are to his liking.

We see each other probably 3 or 4 times a week one way or another. Over a pizza and salad bar that is insanely affordable for lunch that he introduced me to. He is much liked and loved up and down this extraordinarily beautiful, sparsely populated 395, white, Trump corridor. Tomorrow I'll gladly accept his invitation and go to a town potluck dinner in the Tiny Town of Independence about 15 miles north of here.

I understand from Bill that the economy in this Valley is stable. The people that live and work here spend maybe 4 months serving the flock of tourists that come to the Valley from LA and internationally, and then they kind of chill as Bill says, for eight months. At least one person who works in town is already treating me as a favorite townie, favorable rates. Many people have been quite nice to me.

Sol, the vehicle, and I have a better relationship than ever. I'm still learning a lot about how to be kinder to Sol and yet still get what I need. What I need is exercise primarily and secondarily transportation. Whereas I used to think that I needed to do 30 or 40 or 70 miles a day for the exercise I need not so. Turns out I can set things up so that going down the steepest Hills my maximum speed is 4 miles an hour with me pedaling! So traveling into town as I did today, 7 mi, from this free utterly magnificent campground at the base of Mount Whitney, I could turn a 40-minute trip into a two-hour trip allowing me to burn about 400 calories leaving only another 800 calories to burn on the way back up! Extraordinarily low wear and tear on the vehicle but 1200 calories worth of exercise for me! And it truly seems that my ability to get that exercise without huge frustration at a lack of coordination in my body, I'm making real progress! Oh, and I'm stepping up to the job of managing the fact that I arrived back at the campsite as the sun disappears soaking wet. Tonight I actually managed to redress dry for the evening! LOL.

Well, back to Hunger Games. I did mention that it's 40 degrees with a significant Breeze coming off the mountain. Sitting here in that cold, no fire, for two and a half hours now. That's pretty much the routine these nights for me. But tonight, except for my toes, and unlike every prior night, I'm not on the verge of being really really really chilly.

The thrift shop in town is quite tiny. Several days ago I noticed a garment the one time I stopped in, a long quilted outer bodysuit that looked like it was made for someone 6 feet 4 inches tall. Last night I thought, well, okay, but maybe it will fit you anyway. And despite expensive socks, several layers, the shoes were either my cycling shoes or very lightweight hiking boots nylon mesh. A big problem every night. And although last winter in Joshua Tree some wonderful polyester fleece garments were purchased at a thrift shop they just weren't getting the job done here.

So the 1200 calorie Journey was undertaken today, with the purpose of just seeing what might be in that thrift shop a little more carefully. Insane. The one piece quilted outer garment would easily be 90 and probably twice that dollars on the internet. Boots start at $30 and are typically five six seven times that. A better fleece under jacket would be $70. All three items were at that Thrift Shop. How much for these ma'am? $4. Not $4 each, $4. Subsequently I got the idea that the purpose of the thrift shop is number one to help people, number two to raise money for the high school. I gave her a hard time said, $4 isn't enough, and I handed her $10 yes. Okay, she said, $5. No, $10 I said. Next week I'll at least double that and donate beyond the Garment that I gave her today.

So tell me that there are not really sponsors in Hunger Games that occasionally help people out?

Scale of 1 to 10 this Lone Pine Mount Whitney location is a 50 for the work that I'm doing. Free. Magnificent. Solitary. Spectacular exercise. Whatever support I need in this little town with nice hard-working folks. My friend Bill.

What happens when it's 10 degrees colder? 20 degrees? 25°? I don't know. I do know that is going to take a lot to tear me away from here.


Lip service to the healthy Souls is finally death to everything.

Solar RV Cycling technique. Faithfully, humbly using knees to rotate the flywheel....>>>

Solar RV Cycling technique. Faithfully, humbly using knees to rotate the flywheel....

Yes, at least yesterday, I came full circle, no pun intended. Months ago in the Cascades this was my experience and then later I vehemently denounced it. But yesterday, there it was again.

With the goal being substantial power, sustainable, enjoyable, non frustrating, I think that's the Holy Grail.

Why did I fall away from it? I think the answers are to be found among the following. I unknowingly violated them.

Gently, humbly, respectfully.

At the point of equilibrium between easy spinning and the mass of the payload.

Priority on adjusting everything, everything, speed, gear, ratio human to motor, effort, to enable the ongoing 360° ceaseless gently pressure spinning, rolling, rotating the free wheel.

Being with the Freewheel, not acting on it.

100% empowerment of the knees, turning the cylinder at the knees, the cylinder at the knees.

"James Mcginley I actually was asking whether your website includes a description of the path in a single place - you write a lot, and if I could go to one specific place for a summary I would do that." My reply: SS, I understand, truly. History's few revolutionaries... >>>

"James Mcginley I actually was asking whether your website includes a description of the path in a single place - you write a lot, and if I could go to one specific place for a summary I would do that." My reply: SS, I understand, truly. History's few revolutionaries.... - Gandhi wrote a lot, and King, Buddha, Jesus, and Tolstoy.... And few, not 1 in a million have read their works. I have to pour through them over and over and over.... I'm sure u think I miss your point. I'm quite sure I do not. But the path is the one, lived, shown, taught, by the afore mentioned and their ilk -spending our ENTIRE life on those in dire need, no excuses (as does ALL HEALTHY living tissue). To which we make EXCUSES for ourselves endlessly and pay lip service not life service. That's the whole of it, and we're finally killing everything cuz of it. But 1 in a million might still have their soul / life / joy saved and on that I joyfully, solely, spend my life. There, my whole writings in a nutshell, to paraphrase Hillel. Hugs


The doctor says to get surgery and we f****** find a way to do it, now. The spiritual Geniuses of History tell us... >>>

The doctor says to get surgery and we f find a way to do it, now. The spiritual Geniuses of History tell us to do for others ALL we would have them do for us, NOW, and we're f excuse Machines. Of course everything is dying.


you might think that I consider this book perfection. Not at all. Just.... >>>

:-) you might think that I consider this book perfection. Not at all. Just an extraordinary Leap Forward from the large largely toxic malignant pile of psychology up until now. And a tremendous Cornerstone. I suspect it will be the research Cornerstone for my work the rest of my years. I have seen it all throughout my adulthood and as a minority of one built my professional and personal life on what now the research substantiates. But it is an extraordinary help that now the neurobiological and ethological research provides the underpinnings. Not that it is about my work, it is not. It is about who and what we are created to be and how our culture these recent hundreds and thousands of years has profoundly crippled what we were to become. What we each individually should and must become. It may well be soon that I compile a list of the things that I think he got fundamentally wrong but overall the direction is tremendous.


Of the many many dozens of crucial books informing my life this is Far and Away the..... >>

Of the many many dozens of crucial books informing my life this is Far and Away the most important. My business to suggest it to you, yours whether you read it. I'm on my fourth reading. Absolutely I suggest you give it a try.

Try and see the unimaginable, this: I am too insanely greedy to not be totally knowledgeable in.... >>>

To a friend that expressed gratitude and respect for my huge sacrifices:

Try and see the unimaginable, this: I am too insanely greedy to not be totally knowledgeable in what is gratifying. Thus I have sacrificed pleasure of the body for joy of the soul, intoxication of my head and flesh for profound peace of heart, friendship with a few for friendship to all of creation, comforting delusion for what Gandhi calls God... Truth....


Full disclosure. Not to discourage, but to Direct Energy toward what is of promise, this little time left....>>>

Full disclosure. Not to discourage, but to Direct Energy toward what is of promise, this little time left....

Interest in Saving the environment, the Palestinians, the people in Yemen, mammals, human rights... Have completely occupied my last 20 years except for the last 12 months or so.

If those whom one loves are in a hot desert with nothing but hot sand, and Food Supplies dwindling, does one take the seed supply and plant it in the sand, or attempt to work the miracle of cultivating enough fertile soil to at least save a few?

Wasting precious time and resource, a crime against humanity, were I to continue to invest resources in the causes I used to do. The Titanic has hit the iceberg. My denial of that would be Criminal. And I suggest the same is true for us all.

We have the seeds, the know-how, the will, everything but the fertile soil to grow the solutions. The fertile soil is the soul of the individual or the group, The Heart, the mammalian brain, the Supra conscious. All of which has been starved and bludgeoned into near Oblivion these recent hundreds of years by science and religious Dogma manifestations of an insane elevation of the capacities of the cerebral cortex, and the ascendant desires of the flesh, the hypothalamus, The Reptilian Brain.

So my energies will continue to go toward attempting to cultivate at least a tiny bit of fertile soil not to save the already doomed Titanic, but to save the potential Joy only produced when the soul is in charge, for whatever rare individual now or in the future it might help. And I suggest that every compassionate responsible individual will be so devoted.


Roughly 100% of American terrorists are conservatives, Repuglicans.

Roughly 100% of American terrorists are conservatives, Repuglicans.

Roughly 100% of American terrorists are conservatives, Repuglicans.

Roughly 100% of American terrorists are conservatives, Repuglicans.

Opposite of Hatred is Loving. Hatred is as sending unopposed.

Opposite of Hatred is Loving. Hatred is as sending unopposed.

Barring unforeseen catastrophe, the mission is really settling in, and study most of the day long is now what is happening, having books read to me while the travel continues, and then rereading and annotating the book while..... >>>

Barring unforeseen catastrophe, the mission is really settling in, and study most of the day long is now what is happening, having books read to me while the travel continues, and then rereading and annotating the book while

stationary.... eating, resting, studying. Virtually all of my posting is now happening at my blog. I hope if at such time as you like you check in there. Anyone that does will see that I am on my third reading or more of the most important book that I know of on Earth and I know many important ones, spiritual evolution, by psychologist and scientist George vaillant.

Waging love all out, a war of loving to the last breath, has only ever been the only answer. All out war is being waged on the rest of us by the Republican Taliban. No one has Soul enough to see it.

All out war is being waged on the rest of us by the Republican Taliban. No one has Soul enough to see it.


James evolving Focus. The ways and Power of >>>

James evolving Focus. The ways and Power of >>

Loving soul of goodness in action being. This is what changed values, what he believes in, what he understands to be the Natural Healthy state of the homo sapiens.

Continuing to reread the absolute must read, most important book James knows, spiritual Evolution, George vaillant, provides to clear science for what James nervous system has known, live, and practiced for his entire adulthood.

And it provides a substitute face for attempting to take things to the next level.

Cultural evolution is where all Hope For The Individual or group lies. There is so much now scientifically verified with almost no attention to the implications. James must do what little he can to bridge this Gap. If even for some tiny little group or individual that survives hundreds of years from now.

Loving soul of goodness in action being, continues to be the cumbersome and necessary descriptor of what James is onto.

The much reviled, revered by James, Headroom Sorokin, the ways of power and love, founder of Sociology at Harvard, his book by this title was important and an important first step. James is likely to work on either a new website or a portion of to attempt the next iteration of what Sorokin was onto.


He surprised me by saying, the world needs more people like you, this old shopkeeper of an old shop....

Sitting on the sidewalk by the vehicle eating some potato chips as I recall, the voice behind me started the conversation. Though the questions did not suggest to me that Soul was available in front of me, the man being much older than I caused me to indulge his questions about the vehicle. He asked about the crosses on my forehead and I told him what they said. He said, I Think Jesus is going to come back and take his followers to heaven. I repeated my belief which I had stated earlier to him, what I believe is his two Commandments, love creator with our whole heart and soul and our brother the same way. The world needs more people like you he said. This surprised me from him, but I was glad. It seems that Soul was available in this dialogue after all.


What we need, and all we need, are people that are extraordinary examples of unconditional love, every breath.

What we need, and all we need, are people that are extraordinary examples of unconditional love, every breath.

To understand love, the usually helpful resources—the ancient Greeks, the poets, and the psychologists—all fail us. They become preoccupied with lust, which even reptiles are capable of manifesting.... Vaillant

To understand love, the usually
helpful resources—the ancient Greeks, the poets, and the psychologists—all fail us. They become preoccupied with lust, which even reptiles are capable of manifesting.

In more neurobiological terms, it is our affectladen hippocampal memory of past attachments that helps to make us feel real... Vaillant

In more neurobiological terms, it is our affectladen hippocampal memory of past attachments that helps to make us feel real

Mount Whitney climb, among the 10 most difficult in the country. Pictures. Detail

This 10 mile climb to the Mount Whitney portal is rated among the 10 most difficult in the country for cyclists. Having just done the worst of it, and staying in the afternoon sun as long as possible to gather energy these are the key metrics.

PS. It is 7 in the evening, just saw the camp host in this almost entirely empty large Campground, Bill, my friend. Tonight is the last night that it is open. LOL. Who knew? Just 2 months left to the shortest day of the year. And yet we 900 pound payload climbed 4200 ft, 12 miles, 54-64 energy equivalent miles, good Sun but the final two hours were lost to the Rocky Mountains blocking the Sun, and the first two hours were lost to the sloppiness on the part of the operator, ending the day yesterday about 400 Watts down in the batteries. Yet we were able to complete the climb, cook 44 oz of hot water for coffee tonight and in the morning, and 3 cans of beans, tomatoes, and pasta for dinner, with 40% of the energy still in the batteries. Point being, this vehicle is extremely able now. Thanks to extraordinary dedication by the operator and help from a few friends. Oh, and some help from Creator whatever that is. I mean really, this is the last night it's open and this is the night we arrive? And although the operator was careful, this is a uniquely difficult climb, and two-thirds of the way the vehicle stopped. James was shocked to discover that one of the two controllers was much too hot to touch. Normally not a problem but on this climb he had allowed the ventilation on that controller to be blocked by a tarp after 10 minutes it was still too hot to touch. An absolute miracle that didn't burn up. Almost the same thing with the primary motor. Creator, or Hunger Games sponsors, whatever, decided to cut us some slack. Maybe because 67 year old stage 4 cancer survivor James did his part? He did the energy equivalent of cycling himself up this 1 of 10 or one of five most difficult bicycle climbs in the country, carrying his weight, and letting the sun and the motors carry the rest.

7 miles until Whitney portal. Today or tomorrow Creator willing.


The Charter for Compassion The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion impels ....

The Charter for Compassion
The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion impels us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to dethrone ourselves from the centre of our world and put another there, and to honour the inviolable sanctity of every single human being, treating everybody, without exception, with absolute justice, equity and respect. It is also necessary in both public and private life to refrain consistently and empathically from inflicting pain. To act or speak violently out of spite, chauvinism......


You cannot be taught love; you can only breathe it in and absorb it. Love, you see, is limbic, not intellectual.... Vaillant

You cannot be taught love; you can only breathe it in and absorb it. Love, you see, is limbic, not intellectual.

Vaillant.... The Buddha taught, “As with her life a mother cares for her own, her only child, so in your hearts and minds let there be boundless love for all creatures great and small.”4 That was the faith that the Buddha spent forty-five years of his life trekking the length and breadth of India to share with all he met.

The Buddha taught, “As with her life a mother cares for her own, her only child, so in your hearts and minds let there be boundless love for all creatures great and small.”4 That was the faith that the Buddha spent forty-five years of his life trekking the length and breadth of India to share with all he met.

If not relatively, tragically, expert in the Resurrection of the Soul no one should waste a second on what I have to say. If I am, no one should waste a second interacting with me as anything less.

If not relatively, tragically, expert in the Resurrection of the Soul no one should waste a second on what I have to say. If I am, no one should waste a second interacting with me as anything less.

Video log. Where are you going she asked? To see if there are any Souls that can be saved, I replied....

Vaillant... Good lawyers and charismatic cult leaders with their clever arguments make us believe; good mothers, saints, and positive emotion help us to trust. Belief is so exact that we think we can add up the bill. Trust always involves casting bread upon the waters with its return being only a matter of faith, not contract. “Believe what I say” stands in stark contrast to “Don’t trust what I say; trust what I do.”

Good lawyers and charismatic cult leaders with their clever arguments make us believe; good mothers, saints, and positive emotion help us to trust. Belief is so exact that we think we can add up the bill. Trust always involves casting bread upon the waters with its return being only a matter of faith, not contract. “Believe what I say” stands in stark contrast to “Don’t trust what I say; trust what I do.”