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Israel 'playing with fire' on Temple Mount, Erdogan warns

VIDEO: Is Palestine the Exception to Free Speech Rights in the U.S.?

Must read! Before Milton Friedman was earning plaudits as an economic genius, he was a shill for the real estate industry and an early pioneer for big business propaganda known as libertarianism

Flash Floods, 'Once in 200 Years Rainfall Event' Loom in South Carolina

Oslo was from the very beginning a tool for Israeli expansionism — it's time to let go


Islamic Holocaust: Western wars have killed AT LEAST 4 million Muslims since 1990

***** I am a single issue voter on Palestine and you should be too. Holocaust anywhere is an invitation to Holocaust everywhere.

***** I am a single issue voter on Palestine and you should be too. Holocaust anywhere is an invitation to Holocaust everywhere.

War Against the People is a genuinely frightening book. At its heart, author Jeff Halper provides an exhaustive survey of Israel’s weapons technology.

‘NYT’ preaches to Palestinians about launching ‘intifadas’

‘NYT’ reporters parrot Israeli claims re cherry tomato

Netanyahu’s dreary and menacing UN speech provokes Internet mockery

'Unlike the Holocaust of Adolf Hitler against the Jews, the Jewish Government of Israel’s Holocaust against the Palestinian people is conducted under the presence of the UN and without any World war.'

Food Industry To Congress: We Need You To Act On Climate Change

Roger Waters to Jon Bon Jovi: “You stand shoulder to shoulder with the settler who burned the baby”

***** pic. I bring you Good News. You'll experience this life as heaven, tho materially it will be hell, if you......

I bring you Good News. You'll experience this life as heaven, tho materially it will be hell, if you live, every breath, these three commandments: 1. Love Creator (Loving), 2. Love your Brother (exactly everyone)... with your whole mind, your whole soul, your whole body, your whole spirit. 3. There is no number 3, 4, 1000.... The churches are lying to you. For 2000 years they have been lying to you. There is only 1 & 2.

Charles Pierce nailed it: The Vatican confirms Pope Francis was “ratf*cked” into meeting Kim Davis

Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, openly declares that Israel has no intention of handing any of the West Bank over to Palestinian control.

***** I'm pro life: Pro my idea of life, that I insist on imposing on yours. My ability......

I'm pro life: Pro my idea of life, that I insist on imposing  on yours. My ability to kill your life to protect mine. My ability to kill the lives of others to protect my life. My ability to imprison, terrorize, subjugate, subordinate, impose, force upon... to enforce my idea of how life should be. Yes, I am pro-life. My life. Screw yours.

***** These are the real terrorists, truly, actually, as a matter of fact: The freedom to terrorize is the freedom fought for by those who fight all sane gun regulation. The freedom to terrorise you.......

***** These are the real terrorists, truly, actually, as a matter of fact: The freedom to terrorize is the freedom fought for by those who fight all sane gun regulation. The freedom to terrorise you. Freedom from law. Freedom from lawful action. Freedom from collective responsibility. Freedom from a sane society. Freedom to kill you, your dearest ones... anyone, at any time, that they so choose.

***** There is no 'we must do something,' there is no 'we.' That 'we' is an excuse for each individual to....

There is no 'we must do something,' there is no 'we.' That 'we' is an excuse for each individual to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait... safely, meaninglessly, pitifully on the sidelines. There is only change when one I, then another I, and another I, and another and another and another... stands up and does not sit down until the change occurs or until they are killed.

***** warning, if you read this, read the entire thing. I find the zealous right to lifers to be.......

***** warning, if you read this, read the entire thing. I find the zealous right to lifers to be disgusting, degenerate, moral mutants. They have so little empathy, so little compassion, so little humanity that the farthest their hearts can expand is an unborn zygote. They reduce all that is important in the world to an unborn zygote. And I am concerned that even Pope Francis may fit in this category. This is not religious, it is, at best,  A  perverted fetish. I find equally deadly, and maybe more so, the masses of us who place little or no active value on that zygote, which indisputably is life. We too murderously violate the 'reverence for life' which is the centerpiece sanity and constructive living.


***** “As Mr. Netanyahu tells the world he wants to negotiate for two-states, he has built the largest illegal settlement enterprise seen in modern history, on the land of the State of Palestine, while his settlers continue to terrorize Palestinian civilians.”

***** FBI. Exposed: Pro-Israel Modern Day McCarthyites Going to Extremes to Slime Human Rights Activists As pro-Israel extremism reaches new depths with the notorious Canary Mission project, the FBI investigates growing threats against BDS activists.

Free speech for all on campus! Unless you’re criticizing Israel, that is

Despite cancer, Jimmy Carter plans Habitat trip to Nepal

Exclusive: Obama brushed off Reid's plea on Palestinian state. The Senate leader wanted the president to side with Israel by disavowing a U.N. resolution calling for a Palestinian state. It didn't happen.

Tea Party Republicans Fit The Mayo Clinic’s Description of Sociopaths

Of course Pope Francis met with Kim Davis. Jesus would have.

Israel land grab, one home at a time