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***** If I know anything of value, if I have anything of value to share, it all boils down to this.....

***** If I know anything of value, if I have anything of value to share, it all boils down to this:

1. We are virtually all born in what I will refer to as the Holy Spirit, the spirit of universal, unconditional Loving, what I think Schweitzer referred to as the reverence for life. I understand this as nothing more or less than one of the psychological states that is available to us.

2. Further, I perceive that six thousand years or so ago we moved out of the tiny tribes we were designed to be in, where all the stimulation was of the notion of universal family, and have since  developed huge cultures that strip away from us virtually all of the natural stimulation of the Holy Spirit, that sense of universal Loving, reverence for life.

3.  As a consequence, now, in 2015, in the United States and the Western world, within months or a few years we strip away from our children the Holy Spirit, unconditional Loving, reverence for life... and replace it with a religiously conditional Loving, a religious lusting for self, for me and mine.

4.  What miniscule hope there is now for life worth living depends upon the individual and collective return to every breath submission to that spirit of reverence for life that I believe we were all born into, and that we can still, if we so choose, if we devote the immense time and effort, that we can find within ourselves and return reign over ourselves individually, to. We must find it within ourselves and bring it back to the rule of ourselves individually, and thereby, only thereby, provide encouragement to others to do the same.

5.  My life is devoted, every breath, to this task, within myself and to foster it within others.

Israelis to Iceland: Please boycott our country. No, really.

With my last breath I will regret voting for Bill Clinton, twice. He had, and has, nothing but ego where is the soul should have been. Hillary is at least as bad.

With my last breath I will regret voting for Bill Clinton, twice. He had, and has, nothing but ego where is the soul should have been. Hillary is at least as bad.

“What I want for you to do is call off your f–king dogs, Barack!” Clinton allegedly barked at Obama

***** For almost all christians Christianity is a fantasy game where you get to (REALLY) kill, oppress, abuse, exploit, enslave... people, Jews, Palestinians.......

***** For almost all christians Christianity is a fantasy game where you get to (REALLY) kill, oppress, abuse, exploit, enslave... people, Jews, Palestinians, blacks, Muslims, Arabs, Vietnamese, Hispanics... and at the very least you get to feel superior to all those who do not ascribe to your so-called beliefs (sociopathic delusions),  and to play for eternal real estate in the sky. And almost all Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists... Use their religion for their own form of this bloody fantasy game.

Obama, the Pope, and the President Of China Are Teaming Up To Save the World


We can only spread love by being love in action. Love is not an action. Love is not a feeling. Love is a way of being. Yes, I know that is a mystery. But that is how it is.

We can only spread love by being love in action. Love is not an action. Love is not a feeling. Love is a way of being. Yes, I know that is a mystery. But that is how it is.

Israelis celebrate video of sniper shooting Palestinian youth

Anti-BDS Website Seeks To Ruin Careers, Reputations Of Those Who Support Palestine

Deeply deeply deeply tragic. Grief over young White House staffer

Pope wraps up Cuba visit with call for ‘revolution of tenderness’

***** I stand totally against the Democratic Party and I stand against Bernie Sanders unless and until they come out absolutely, unequivocally, against Israel's decimation of Palestinian human rights. Germans stood with Hitler because........

***** I stand totally against the Democratic Party and I stand against Bernie Sanders unless and until they come out absolutely, unequivocally, against Israel's decimation of Palestinian human rights. Germans stood with Hitler because they agreed with some of what he was doing. Not me. Neither should you. If we don't stand for something - no genocide, no Zioni Holocaust, no apartheid.... we don't stand for anything.

A Highway Into Poverty, But Barely a Sidewalk Out

Cell phones are the 'Lifeline" for the homeless


Police Chief makes unique offer to addicts

WATCH: Ex-Hedge Funder Who Hiked AIDS Pill by 5,500% Says Drug ‘Still Underpriced’

Hundreds of full-time New York City workers are homeless

Brazilians protest Israel's nominee for ambassador over settler ties

Vatican, in Switch, Will Join Palestine in Flying Flag at U.N.

Paul Krugman on “the howling of the bankers”: What’s good for the banks isn’t good for America

nd. Regarding Pr. Obama critics... those who live in glass houses.... I'm appalled by some of his actions... drone program, Israel support, condoning Saudi Arabia and Egypt, TPP.... But ye who cast stones at Pr. Obama repeatedly...

Regarding Pr. Obama critics... those who live in glass houses....  I'm appalled by some of his actions... drone program, Israel support, condoning Saudi Arabia and Egypt, TPP.... But ye who cast stones at Pr. Obama repeatedly... really???? By what moral standard to you dare?  Have you attempted .00000000001% good as this man has?  I doubt it. Look in the mirror.  (Attempting nothing, and therefor being 'clean' is an ultimate sin.)

you are a wonderful human being, my oncologist said to me....

You are a wonderful human being. It is an honor to take care of you, my oncologist said to me this morning. She is tremendously sweet, and of course, tremendously competent. She is from China. She has been my oncologist for several years now. I had just, choked with emotion, observed to her that the human rights work I am now doing with this vehicle is the most productive of my life and that it would not be occurring had she and the other folks at Georgetown not kept me alive and functioning thus far. What she said to me seemed genuine and seem to come from deep inside her. She is a person of few words. I find it difficult to know what a healthcare professional really feels because they are very professional and observe boundaries very tightly. But she seemed to mean what she said about me and that was nice for me to hear. It is profoundly important to me to make worthwhile all the resources that have been spent to make me functional.

nd. My oncologist has ordered a brain scan for me on Wednesday. There is concern about the rapid deterioration of my left eye.

My oncologist has ordered a brain scan for me on Wednesday. There is concern about the rapid deterioration of my left eye.

James McGinley, a Washington Post photo I had never seen.

A Reuters article quoting me that I had never seen.

Lust for life and Reverence for Life are pretty much the opposite ways of being.

Lust for life and Reverence for Life are pretty much the opposite ways of being.

***** How inequality was created. ( if the shoe does not fit do not wear it). WATCH. SHARE. Get off your ass and fix it or die trying for all the young people you know.


Climate change is so scary it's making these women reconsider having children.


***** Einstein: our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

***** Einstein: our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

Einstein: My religion consists of a humble admiration for the illimitable superior spirit that reveals itself in the slight details that we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds .

Einstein:  My religion consists of a humble admiration for the illimitable superior spirit that reveals itself in the slight details that we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds .

***** Responsible people need to stop figuring out what others need to do and look in the mirror and figure out how to redouble what they do. Life is not a spectator sport. Life is not playing imaginary chess with the lives of world leaders. Life is the messy, impossible, hopeless pursuit of what one can do individually as pitiful as that may be.

Responsible people need to stop figuring out what others need to do and look in the mirror and figure out how to redouble what they do. Life is not a spectator sport. Life is not playing imaginary chess with the lives of world leaders. Life is the messy, impossible, hopeless pursuit of what one can do individually as  pitiful as that may be.

***** must read article. Tens of millions of people died in Hitler’s war not so that Germans could live, but so that Germans could pursue the American dream

Israel approves use of police sniper fire against Palestinian rock-throwers - reports

Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an “Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery”


***** Pic. Einstein: it has become appallingly obvious that our technology has eclipsed our humanity.

***** major update. How are things going here in DC? My medical Outlook?.....

***** major update. How are things going here in DC? My medical Outlook?..... If you saw the video log ( speaking of Schweitzer's concept 'reverence for life' then I have little to add regarding how things are going here in DC. ( if not, I suggest you take a moment and view it now.)If he was correct that reverence for life is the essential ingredient in sanity, Humanity, decency, being of hope for the future rather than its destruction... then my return to dc has only confirmed that... There is no Life here. There is frenzy. There is a feeding frenzy. There is a frenzy for stuff, status, position, stimulation, sensation, safety, superiority ..... But there is no life. There is no reverence for life. Exactly as one who is color blind does not have the receptors to see certain colors, exactly in that way the over privileged that populate DC have had those receptors for reverence for life burned away, systematically atrophied, by their upbringing In this sickest, Most suicidal, of all cultures. I am speaking most particularly of the left, the Liberals, but also of the right. The great intellectual Ashley Montagu said without trace of cynicism, we die by degrees in this society, high school degree, bachelors degree, masters degree, PhD degree.... Teresa of Calcutta observed, the greatest poverty I have seen is the poverty of spirit in the West. I do not suspect she was speaking of the poor and disadvantaged. There is no future other than hell on earth unless by some miracle that reverence for life is rekindled Among large masses of people. And to that end of my life is devoted.

As to the outlook for me personally: The major CAT scan including radioactive(?) dye occurred this past Monday and the review of results with my oncologist is scheduled for this coming Monday. My sense is that I will be back on the road spreading the gospel of citizen uprising for many many many many many months. Hence I am working to get all medical issues resolved including dental and other, and logistics such as redirected mail. I have had one dental appointment and another scheduled for several weeks out that could lead to another yet. Also, with up to 10 hours per day of traveling that I do I am scheduled to have an old orthopedic issue addressed the end of October. Whether I will delay my departure that long is not clear.

  oh, and an odd, possibly serious, concern has arisen regarding my left eye. Only 2 months ago two different ophthalmologists evaluated my eyes and prescribed my first set of glasses. In just that short time my left eye has deteriorated to the point that one of the opthamologists says that it is no longer possible to give me clear far site. He is somewhat concerned that something may be going on neurologically or behind the eye. In several weeks there is an appointment scheduled to evaluate that situation.

Mercifully and miraculously the very tough staff of the shelter I have been staying in broke all rules several times and fully allowed me back after being away for 35 days. Also, the parking arrangements in front of a massive DC Municipal Building at night is also working out allowing me to sleep away from the vehicle.

 While confined here in DC for reasons mentioned above I am situating the vehicle and myself in high traffic areas spreading the gospel among the zombies; yesterday and the day before at a park three blocks from the White House on K Street, the heart of lobbyists and nonprofit land. Today on Capitol Hill. Next week with Pope Francis drawing huge crowds to DC I will hope to situate in the midst of those crowds outside of Union Station. I will not know till then if security arrangements will make that impossible.

 Strategically my sense is that I have been blind for years but now can see dimly. That is, now that I see what the problem is the absence of reverence for life, ( ) which may be essentially what is correctly meant by the Holy Spirit, I am equipped with a workable problem definition. Equipped with this problem definition it is possible I may learn to better fashion myself into some minuscule remedy which is all that I wish to be, which is the only interest I have in remaining in this prison we call 2015 life. One of the impacts of this vastly improved problem definition that I now have is the notion it has given me that when I am in the presence of another I am in the presence of one of two things that are almost always possible from that individual: I am in the presence of their zombie, evil, spirit... Or, highly unlikely, the presence of the Holy Spirit, their reverence for life with which I believe we are all born. My a tendency has been to confront the evil spirit, the spirit of death and destruction, and the evil and idiocy, and or the excuses, cowardice and diversions... that it invariably spews. But the new insight with which I am now equipped at times, and I think possibly will become a primary response from me, causes me to simply wait, yes, maybe for eternity, but to wait for the Holy Spirit return within the individual who is in front of me. Yes, I do think there is some minuscule hopefulness to doing so, an infinitely greater hopefulness than any other response I can think of. What hopefullnrss? The hopefulness encapsulated in this: nature abhors a vacuum. If I am now, after a lifetime, finally seeing the problem clearly, I think the hopefulness would be in then, with my current clarity which may well increase substantially with practice, to be a presence in someone else's life, even for a few seconds, someone who is in the spirit of evil, self-centeredness, selfishness, lust... that is inhabiting them, a presents that sees clearly and with conviction that this evil spirit is not their natural, true, only spirit.... That putting them in contact with, in the presence of, someone who sees this truth might well be the, the only, way that one person can provide another the chance of salvation, escape, from that evil spirit. -- Sent from Fast notepad

Global Warming Could Lead to Worldwide Wars