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The religious right’s No. 1 enemy: What Pope Francis’ recognition of Palestine really means

US beekeepers lost almost half their honeybees last year

***** pic. By no objective measure were we created to personallysurvive...

***** My Future Plans... TINY MOBILE 'HOME' FOR A HOMELESS ACTIVIST (as was Jesus before us) (If you want to help, let me know)

(Yes, a bit rambling, is the following.  Sorry.  I've mashed together a few prior correspondences.)

LOL... some interesting voice-typos I see below, too.  LOL. 'urine' in stead of 'yearn,' for example.

There is an electric bike manufactured out of Durham North Carolina that I have been aware of for at least a year and I am 90% sure that I need to try and get one right away.
For my activist work on Capitol Hill and in front of the White House it will garner positive attention with its complete self enclosure, the solar panel on the roof, very interesting design. And of course it promotes my secondary issue of stopping global warming. On it I can place simple signage in addition to my posters which will help promote free  Palestine and Universal Family....

Actually, my second issue is our treatment of the world's poor generally, and the poor and homeless in the United States specifically.  And really there is a second element of that, the lifestyles that we all aspire to, consuming hundreds, thousands, 10000 times our share of global resources, and by every objective measure making our selves less happy than countries like Scandinavia, Cuba, other countries that spend a tiny fraction of what we spend or aspire to spend... and have substantially greater joy, substantially greater quality of life.

With my homeless shelter closing a year from now and really no housing prospects for me (2-3 year wait for subsidized, affordable, housing in DC per the expert I worked with yesterday)  I yearn to get that Elf electric bike and make it my little mobile home. I further envision using it at times too take my activism, my lobbying, out on the road. in July the tourist trade is pretty dead in dc and of course, Congress is not in session. I mean in August. the months of December January February are so cold in DC that my outdoor activism does not have an audience. But with this little mobile home with which I could probably travel 50-200 miles a day I can go to where a more a live audience might be at such times.

Of course there are huge unknowns regarding my thoughts. Things that I can only found find out by doing and trying. But I have thought long and hard about this and really really really really (urine) yearn to give it a go. I think it could be a godsend for my work, my various activist issues. I can't think of any living arrangement that would begin to approach the  satisfaction, the gratification, impact, learning... leadership... that this would likely yield to me.

FYI, I won't know for days or a week or so, if I will proceed,  regarding the Elf electric bike (tiny tiny mobile home for a/we Homeless).  I would not decide whether to access my Soc Sec
and kill my 'gold card' health insurance, until then.  (IF you want to help, now would be a good time to let me know.)

it would be a VERY POWERFUL amping up of all my activism

A.  Loving Palestine while we allow the Zioni Holocaust to slaughter them (increased attention, including art-work re Palestine on the vehicle),

B.  Opposing Ecocide at least so someone in the future might know that at least one more person of the tiny, COMMITTED, handful loved them enough to try to interfere with it (an elec vehicle seen all around all-powerful DC), 

C.  Non-Fascist, Non-Capitalist, Non-Consumerist...Near-zero consumption / cost... near total Contribution-For-Free living (tiny house on wheels)... donating 100% of my life, as I do, for 9 years or so now...., (the REAL point, and commonality, of all my work - sustainable ethical Loving-as-

D.  Humanity for the Poor/Homeless (pushing the boundaries of consciousness by we over-privileged and pioneering a 'housing alternative' (legally and in practice).  
After two fairly senior social workers last week told me I would NOT lose my 'gold card, carte blance, DC Medicaid' by accessing my Social Security early... yesterday, I spoke with a 'medical insurance expert' who said that without question, I WOULD LOSE IT IMMEDIATELY.  (With cancer, more bowel obstructions, etc, in my future, hmmm, yes,this would be consequential. But in and of itself, it will NOT stop my plans if I can workout the rest. This is not the time for my Survival to take priority, but for Radical Service of those we Love).
On this and other issues I'm checking further, but I'm guessing this 'expert' yesterday told me correct.  I'm going to do this if I can work out therest, below, but, if I funding  materializes that does NOT require me to access Soc Sec early, well, that could be a life-saver  *=)) rolling on the floor  .  LOL.

Other issues I'm exploring include, that could be show-stoppers... (I'll know within a week or so as I chase each down):

*  Whether the police in High Security DC would, could, LEGALLY disallow my having it on Capitol Hill and or near the White House.  I'll be approaching the police in both areas with photos of the Elf and inquiring, not about their 'preferences,' but about the Law.  Most of the officers there are anywhere between 'good' and 'GREAT' folks, so I expect to get down to the facts before long.

*  Whether I'm correct regarding the 'legality' of sleeping in the bike as is my intention...

A.  Am I correct that it still is the law that except in high security areas it is 'legal' to sleep on the sidewalk (quite sure it is); 
B.  Am I correct that it is 'legal' in DC to sleep in a car (pretty sure, but not certain). I have identified a legal team for the homeless I'll see on Monday regarding these.

*  The Elf that I WANT is about $9000, but the one that can GET THE JOB DONE is about $7000 delivered.  The costs per month?  ZERO.  The costs per year? $20... replacement inner tubes...???  It is a bike by Fed Regulations!  No fee or license in DC. No insurance req (tho I WILL probably get that... maybe $300 per year (WAY LOWER THAN A CAR).  FUEL?  THE SUN DOES NOT BILL - 100WATT SOLAR ON THE ROOF!  (In bad weather can charge in a coffee shop from AC).

*  Legality of 'sleeping by the side of the road, or in rest stops...' when 'traveling.' In the coldest DC months no tourists stop to look at a demonstration and it is pretty cold to live outside... so I could see taking my work on the road, headed south... different town every day sort of thing.  Sure, down in the Fundamentalist South they'll want to literally kill me for being 'against ' 'Israel,' but, hey, someone(s) need to lance that festering Satanic sore.  (I'd not lose my DC Medicaid as long as I kept DC as my 'home;' yes, my DC Medicaid would not apply outside DC, but when I have a next 'emergency' bowel obstruction I think ER's have to treat emergencies, and then I could hobble back to DC for extended treatment, or, dying due to refused treatment would help my cause of Humanity for the Poor and Homeless, and that would be fine. ABSOLUTELY.

*   Etc. 


NOTICE: 051315... I anticipate slowing down my posts on Palestine or anything else. ... detail

NOTICE: 051315... I anticipate slowing down my posts on Palestine or anything else. Why? Have you radically re-arranged your life to get in the way of Palestines Death, Ecocide, Amerikan Fascism, mass worship of Consumption??? Sooooo, nothing is changing... except... we are ACCELERATING toward these chasms. Little that is new, to report. My reading and study are accelerating, but my reporting will decelerate, I expect. If everyone else is going to stay 'involved,' but not 'committed,' (think the chicken and the pig), I'm going to stay committed, unless I can figure out how to be MORE SO... so I'll devote less time to posting, and more time to studying and growing my own efforts.

US cited for police violence, racism in scathing UN review on human rights

***** OH WOW. Vatican officially recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty

"He Saved Us": Hero Passenger Stops Gunman on Megabus From Chicago

"He Saved Us": Hero Passenger Stops Gunman on Megabus From Chicago

Paul Krugman | Debunking the "Nation of Takers" Myth



***** SPDF (Stop Palestines Death Fast) Day 52-20: Medical update, status, outlook....

SPDF (Stop Palestines Death Fast) Day 52-20:  Medical update, status, outlook....

*  For maybe 4 days now my body has felt very tired, as always happens after hospital visits for me, and anesthesia (colonoscopy), but other than that, I feel really normal... no obstructions, normal bowel movements for the first time in 3 years.....

*  Note, when I broke the fast 20 days ago, that day I realized the farmers market was open, bought and consumed organic sauerkraut to restart the wee beasties in my gut... never paid attention to that... my bowel, when not obstructed, has bee NORMAL EVER SINCE!  Greek yogurt, too.

*  Sat and Sun I was at the White House to Free Palestine. Not since - too fatigued, weak, and too hot out, for me, yet.  Today I have some tasks to execute.  I expect to be on  Capital $ Hill Thu and Fri; White House, Sat and Sun.

*  Also, I'm spending time close to toilet while I learn the new rythms of my newly 'normal' bowel... when I can eat so I don't have to rush to toilet while I'm on post at White House... or Capital $ Hill.

*  I am spending my time online in deep study of a range of issues - Israel's mutilation of Palestinians, TPP, chr'stian zionism, the Republican brain, Gross National Happiness (GNH) and related subjects, Happiness Psychology, Judaism (healthy and malignant cultism / zionism), etc....

*  I expect this may be my last, or one of my last SPDF posts. I've always found that the end of the fast, trying to take food on a body that has forgotten, and in whom the wee beasties in the gut have died... is the most dangerous.  This one was soooooooo dangerous that the docs kept me in hospital on watch for emergency surgery about 8 days due to 5 bowel obstruction events including a complete obstruction where the NG tube released a gargantuan 2 liters of stuff within 120 seconds.  Hence the 52 days minus 20 days... a 72 day Offering, Ransom to Reedeem Palestine.  Yes, to no avail.

*  I now have the expectation of future bowel obstructions... due to the scar tissue from my cancer and other abdominal operations... and the damage done by each of the last 5 obstructions these last  20 days.  The docs could operate but they are way loath to because, well, it would just create more scarring (the cause of the obstructions), and could damage the intestines... which is way dangerous.  So, I just wait for the next one, and eat cautiously in the meantime.

*  Within the next week I expect to finalize the Stop Palestines Death Fast Book.

*  I have a thought I'm extremely passionate about for a way to amp up my four activist areas - Stop Palestines Death, Stop Ecocide, Creation Economy (near zero consumption, near total 'free' contribution living), and Humanity for we Homeless... all with one, relatively expensive (up front, zero over the years) tactic.  It may push the boundaries of high-security DC tho my intent is nothing of the sort, and the limits of any financing I can secure... but I am exploring every option.... including something that would put my health insurance at risk, but for these causes, none of us can afford to be conservative... if there is anyone now, or in the future, on earth, that we Love.  If I can work out the details I'll be providing the opportunity for folks to chip in to make it happen.

nd. Why didn't the NRA tell Americans to arm themselves after Travon Martin was shot?

nd. Why didn't the NRA tell Americans to arm themselves after Travon Martin was shot?

***** Hate-filled Liberal Bigotry and Discrimination is the most destructive I see on earth. The condescension....

***** Hate-filled Liberal Bigotry and Discrimination is the most destructive I see on earth.  The condescension, snobbery, dirision express and implied is disgusting, all the more so because these over-privileged parasites should 'know better.'  Oh, they have the 'right' because they've 'earned it,' because they are 'qualified?' TO DO WHAT, EXACTLY, BESIDES SUCK 1000'S OF TIMES MORE THAN THEIR SHARE OF RESOURCES, AND ENABLE THEIR 'FRIENDS AND FAMILY, AND THEIR CORPORATE MASTERS ' TO DO THE SAME?


***** List Israeli Dual Citizens in the US. 114th Congress . . . and Bernie Sanders is on it.

Canadian Government Says Free Speech is for Offending Muslims — Not Opposing Israel

2003, George Soros: On Israel, America and AIPAC George Soros

Noam Chomsky: The Middle East Is on Fire, Thanks to U.S. The scholar speaks about America's past foreign policy blunders and the failures of the mainstream media.

Meet Robert Shillman, the Tech Mogul Who Funds Pamela Geller’s Anti-Islam Push

WAS I WRONG ABOUT OBAMA ALL ALONG? The 10 biggest lies you’ve been told about the Trans-Pacific Partnership You can call it "misleading" or "offering half-truths," but when push comes to a shove, these are lies


***** SPD. Israeli-trained police invade Baltimore in crackdown on Black Lives Matter

Bedouin village razed 83 times must pay $500,000 for demolitions, Israel says

NYT, NetayaYahu Times. Front-page attack in New York Times says BDS movement is driven by minorities’ ‘hostility toward Jews

Palestinian woman and her children attacked by settlers


***** video. 10 minutes. Monumentally important. The science, very hard science behind Loving, behind serving the global neediest from the soul in solidarity. The gospel.

Without Edward Snowden, Our System Could Have Failed

Edward Snowden Calls Ruling On NSA Mass Surveillance "Extraordinarily Encouraging"

Government approves 900 Jewish homes in east Jerusalem's Ramat Shlomo


**** WATCH: The Israelis who drive Palestinian kids to the hospital

SPDF: MED UPDT, 050815 9pm. For the moment, out of the hospital.......

They finally released me about 5 p_m. The doctors are not hopeful that we have seen the last of this. Although they now think that these situations were exacerbated  by my 52 day hunger strike, they do not consider that a major factor. With the abdominal surgery I've had, the liver section, the colectomy, the appendectomy, the hernia operation.... There is a lot of scar tissue inside. And each episode, of obstruction, and I've had 6 or 7 in the last 4 months, increases the odds of the next 1 occurring. Could occur tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month.....

Feeling quite symptom free so far tonight. My spirits are very good. I think I am adjusting to a different, new normal for my health. Time to get back to work.

I hope and expect to hit the white house early early tomorrow morning and Sunday morning, staying until late evening. On capitol hill Monday through Thursday early until late I hope. Working to ease the life of it least 1 person in Palestine if I can.

SPDF: Next head of 'Civil Administration' said Palestinians are sub-human

ISIS-linked group claims responsibility for attack on Hamas base in Gaza

SPDF: Medical update, Fri a.m. 050815

Please note: I mean my comments at the end about this hospital to be encouraging to the staff. But make no mistake, everything I said is exactly truthful and based on my for decades of experience both in and leading high performance organizations. this is not confidential and please share it widely. If there is any other way I can help please let me know.

One of the surgeons came in to speak with me this morning.  

They will be releasing me sometime this after noon.

Yesterday morning it occurred to me that two elements that I considered important about my situation I had never heard said back to me in dialogue with these wonderful surgeons. So I respectfully and politely took a moment to try and be sure that they were clearly registered in the minds of these brilliantly capable folks. And that's pretty much how I introduced the two points. 1. That the first incident of bowel obstruction occurred about 3 months ago. 2. That two weeks ago yesterday I completed a 52 day hunger strike where I took only about 100 calories per day and broth and/or tiny cubes of sugar so that I could complete the 20 to 40 block walks necessary for my unpaid lobbying work.

Based on my conversation this morning, clarifying these points, was time well spent.

By the way, aside from some symptomatic fullness that I experienced yesterday evening, my abdomen felt pretty normal during the course of consuming solid foods yesterday and through the night including through this very moment. 
To summarize the key points from the doctor this morning: A. they have no doubt and we mutually agree that I have had a whole series of between mild and complete intestinal blockages, doubtless due to the inevitable scarring from the surgeries that so far have saved my life, B. The 52 day hunger strike is likely a major factor in the distress I've had of the last two weeks. Their strong recommendation this morning, the first time I have received anything like this recommendation in all my doctor encounters the last two weeks, their strong recommendation is that I go extremely extremely extremely extremely lightly and carefully on food for the next two to four weeks. This wonderful doctor said, don't go have a hamburger today, don't have one for several weeks. Take it very very very very slow. As you have been, eat your meals very very very very slowly, don't have anything heavy, stop when you begin feeling the least bit full, don't hesitate to skip a meal or two, lots of broth, mashed potatoes....

In response to my question about under what conditions should I contact the team or return to the hospital: any prolonged severe pain of 1 or 2 hours or more, come to the hospital. Any symptoms that are less severe but suggest that the pattern of obstructions is continuing, call the surgical team and schedule an appointment to come in for a consultation.


I went down to the hospital management offices yesterday and asked to speak to someone about a customer satisfaction issue. Quickly they made a representative available to me and we went into a private office. I spent the next 10 or 15 minutes documenting in every way I could why I perceived that this hospital is easily one of the best in the world, from the folks that cheerfully , promptly, professionally drive one in a wheelchair down to x-ray, the housekeeping staff, the nurses, the surgeons ( the Fishbein the Banovac team the Carol team... ), the Doc He cancer team that is the reason I am still alive, the kitchen,, radiology, the tech team, the emergency room team 2 Bless, 4 Main ( where I recovered from the liver section ) .... It is a breathtakingly wonderful collection of individuals and competence and kindness. The recruiting must be brilliant, and the management must be sufficiently good that it is not extinguishing the excellence of these recruits.
And the inclusiveness, breathtaking. Black, white, brown, yellow, Catholic, Christian, Muslim, female, male....

Universally respectful, professional, kind, courteous, competent....

Excellent communication. Excellent listening....

Accommodating, efficient....

This hospital is a testament to how things should be.

And all of this delivered to a homeless bum (as was Jesus before us) with tattoos on his face.

" as you do unto the least of these my family, you do unto me."

" they will know you by how you love."

" do unto others all that you would have them do unto you."

***** SPDF Day 52-15: Israel, the psychopathic nation. Is Zionism a collective personality disorder?


SPDF: Israeli-trained police invade Baltimore in crackdown on Black Lives Matter

***** Justice is love expressing itself. Dominic Crossan paraphrase. 15 years ago or so a....

Justice is love expressing itself. Dominic Crossan paraphrase.  15 years ago or so a Methodist pastor, an African American woman in an upper class white church that I attended, told me at a conference one time, James, you love justice more than anyone I've ever seen. I replied strongly, and respectfully, that I strongly disagreed. I said, it is not justice that I love, but people. 12 years later now I realize that we were both correct. I learned in a Dominic Crossan book on the man Jesus, the historical Jesus, that I read about a year ago. In the book, one of his later ones, possibly on the Lord's Prayer, he said something like justice is love expressing itself. I think that's exactly right. Brilliant. Monumentally important understanding.

***** From my most revered activist sister in Texas: Are you autistic by any chance?......

[ dear reader, if you have any expertise, or insights you feel highly worth sharing with me, please do. ]

From my most revered activist sister in Texas: Are you autistic by any chance?   ( she was responding to a really wonderful, really extraordinary, really insightful article I shared with some of you yesterday and posted on this site, and article if she really liked. )
My reply: Never diagnosed, but I have a long-held suspicion that I am somewhere on the spectrum.

What we consider social skills in this society, mine are absolute zero. I prize, I treasure, my interpersonal skills as it comes to problem solving, diagnosing, healing and helping, and when it comes to being self serving they are 0. The self-serving social skills we prize in this society are morally abhorrent to me and have been since my earliest memory. I was a straight C student all the way through the end of high school. I could not study the stuff they put in front of us. I could not. I could not. I could not pay attention to homework. I could not pay attention in class. Could not. Could not. Could not.....

But put me out in the woods? Put me in front of great art of any genre?.... and my peers are clueless, my peers are totally uninterested when I was young, or now, & I was totally absorbed, totally got it. 

As a young person, put me in a room full of low feeling, self absorbed, socially adept people, and I want to curl up and die from the agony of alienation and embarrassment from feelings of inadequacy. Now, I'm just totally disinterested and unwilling to waste one nanosecond on such things. Lol.  
Ask a young person, put me where someone is suffering, someone is unhappy, and I feel it, I empathize with it, I share it, I respond.  Put me in the presence of someone who is being persecuted, someone who is suffering injustice, and the agony is mine. Oh, I was pathologically selfish, but I could not not feel, the suffering of others, & I could not not respond.
And on questions of right and wrong, figures like Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Gandhi, King... my young peers were beyond yawning, beyond disinterested, and I was totally absorbed, totally feeling like I was paying attention to my real kin.

Put me out in the virgin forest, all by myself, hour after hour after hour, after day, after week... and I am happy as a pig in x.....

So, I don't know. Was I on the spectrum? Am I?

her reply, she has extensive knowledge on the subject:

you sound like you have a whole lot in common with my  late teen nephew.. Another thing he cannot do? He can't lie. If his life depended on a lie, he couldn't do it. Isn't in his nature. I always considered nephew a little Budda. And he never had a friend. zero social skills. ha

my reply:   that is really, really, really helpful to hear. I can and do tell small lies when I think it can be constructive in a situation. When I think it is destructive it is impossible for me, it does not matter the price I have to pay personally. Not possible. autism or not, the article I shared makes me think a lot of you. No?

by the way, never a friend. I never had a friend. well, sort of my dad. He was 1 trillion percent devoted to me, and I to him. Come to think of it, we probably had the same diagnosis, exactly. But up through high school, never a friend, and then my friend, he was the most socially skilled guy in school. I loved him dearly, and he and his family had some weird, deep, affection for me. But we were opposites, and have had no relationship since. And then I married the most brilliantly, highly, socially skilled person I have ever witnessed besides Bill Clinton. And that unleashed 27 years of solitary hell for us both. Lol.

another friend, trained in psychology, with extensive personal experience concerning autism replied:   
After reading about you and your experience as a child, I would have to say that you are not on the autism spectrum... You are however a truly compassionate person who was sensitive to his surroundings and not sparked by the teachers or family members to engage in social interaction or given the proper sensory input to maintain intrest. Environmental deprivation. You are amazing just as you are. I do wish things had been different for you as a young person!

my reply:   You are so wonderful to have read and reply. I pray that you read both those articles. The article on highly sensitive people, I don't recall ever reading anything where I felt so spoken to, so recognized. I say that in the context of your compassionate statement that you wish I had had a different childhood. That article on highly sensitive people speaks to the fact that those of acute aesthetic sensitivity, which is what I believe describes me young med and old, such people experience higher levels of pain than others, including isolation and solitude and loneliness, but they also experience substantially higher levels of joy, and that has always been my life. So, no, although I didn't understand it at the time, I feel so undeservingly blest with every aspect of my life situation. I never have envied anyone for quality of life ever


vid. 4 min. Gorillaz, released to the wild years earlier, reunite with their humans