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SPDF Day 42: Our Coming Theocratic Hell: The Right’s “Religious Freedom” Push Is Just the BeginningReligion is far too dangerous to our liberties to be laughed off or mischaracterized as harmless.

SPDF Day 42: Why Is No One Talking About the GOP's Plan to Send Millions of Disabled Americans Into Poverty?

Dear Vivian Wineman, I’m writing as a British Jew wanting to bring a dissenting Jewish perspective to the Board’s fifty page denouncement of peaceful protest in support of human rights.

***** This is how much Israelis really care about the Holocaust: On eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, 45,000 survivors living under poverty line

***** Just days after israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza in 1967. David Ben Gurion, 81 years old, insisted that Israel, which had conquered the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank in the war, must immediately give them up. If they did not, he said, this act of forcible occupation would corrupt the Jewish state and possibly destroy it outright. His speech was barely covered in the Israeli press and widely ignored by Israelis. The Palestinians have lived under Israeli occupation for now 48 years

SPDF Day 42: 8 striking parallels between the U.S. and the Roman Empire Is our republic coming to an unceremonious end? History may not be on America's side


***** SPDF Day 41:vlog. "THEY ARE NOT WORTH MY LIFE." This is the ONLY MESSAGE that the world's bystanders hear from the Free Palestine activists. THIS IS MURDER.

Free Palestine activists, our message could not be more clear.  The only message that matters to the onlookers when the issue is social change is, in the case of Palestine, with our actions, every day, we scream, at the all important onlookers - THE PALESTINIANS ARE NOT WORTH OUR LIVES.  THE PALESTINIANS ARE NOT WORTH MY LIFE.  STOPPING THE SLAUGHTER OF PALESTINIANS BY ISRAEL AND THE UNITED STATES, IS NOT WORTH MY LIFE.

This is all the matters.  This is all the onlookers hear.  And as long as the onlookers hear that message with resounding clarity then extermination of the Palestinians is exactly what we should expect to see.  Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

The thousands of young people that went to Tahrir Square, three years ago or so, screamed a very different message - THIS IS WORTH OUR LIVES. RIDDING EGYPT OF MUBARAK, IS WORTH OUR LIVES. They said it individually, they said it collectively, with their actions, with their lives, with their commitment. And the onlookers of the world saw that, understood the message, that something noble was worth the lives of indivuduals, and they screamed - NO, DON'T LET THOSE PEOPLE IN TAHRIR SQUARE BE KILLED, at the powers that be, and they heard, and they stopped the slaughter.

Well, Free Palestine activists, be it JVP, J Street, Ali Abunimah, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Open Hillel, If Not Now When, Peace Now, FaceBookers... etc, on and on and on.  Yes, your behavior in many cases is infinitely more heroic than mine was for most of my years.  Yes, your behavior screams, at the onlookers of the world, THIS IS NOT WORTH OUR LIVES.

And of course the heroes in Palestine, who are standing up nonviolently, with their bodies, to stop this slaughter, aren't heard, aren't seen, because of the cowardly treason of the US media. 

So, unless those of us in countries like America that can do so, put our bodies on the line, and keep them there, offering or giving our lives for the freedom of Palestinians, for their full human rights, then we are simply counting the days until the next slaughter, which may be only 2000, could be 20,000, could be 200,000.

Netanyahu is evil but he is not stupid.  He knows that slowly the tide is turning against him. He knows that now he can get away with finishing the job, finishing 48, with impunity, now.

The Israel Lobby: Is It Good for the U.S.? Is It Good for Israel

Obama Takes Shot At Israel Over Iran Deal: "Consistency Is The Hobgoblin Of Narrow Minds"

***** SPDF Day 41: THIS COULD BE BIG. "Paul R. Pillar, formerly a senior member of the U.S. intelligence community, explained in a brilliant lecture the advantages of the nuclear agreement with Iran, and argued that Israel’s opposition to it stemmed from the fear that, in its wake, the occupation would become the main issue."

I've written over the last 6 months that I suspect Pr. Obama detests the Israel's savagery on Palestine as much as I, and that Iran could be part of his long game to put Israel in a box that no American president has even approached doing.

SPDF Day 41: There are hundreds of people in the Administration whose salaries are paid by the U.S. taxpayer and who believe their sole mission is to defend Israel, even by destroying freedom of expression, Congressman Findley added.

Israeli activist against Israel's war on Palestine are beaten by Israeli government supported mobs, and victimized by the Israeli police

SPDF Day 41: Israeli courts convict hundreds of Palestinian children

SPDF Day 41: Environmental Terrorism Cripples Palestinian Farmers

5. Silicon Valley’s culture is hurting our economy. Politicians like to celebrate the tech industry as a boon to the economy, but for most Americans the opposite is true. As economist Joseph Stiglitz and others have documented, monopoly practices exert a significant drag on the economy. The economy becomes increasingly capital-driven, rather than labor-driven. Monopolies suppress wages, overcharge consumers, mistreat suppliers, and drive the economy increasingly off-course.

***** SPDF Day 41: authoritative history of the atrocity. 'The Establishment of Israel’s very statehood was contingent upon upholding the UN UNIVERSAL DECLARATION of HUMAN RIGHTS and as a Member State, America is obligated to hold ALL other Member States to it....'

Could Saudi Arabia Need Israel More than Vice Versa?


Survival and struggle in 'the other Israel'

SPDF Day 40: "It is up to all of us dedicated to peace and justice to do all we can to help the Palestinians prevail in the legitimacy war and bring their long ordeal to an end." - Richard

Meet the Muslims who sacrificed themselves to save Jews and fight Nazis in World War II

Take Action: Palestinian former prisoner Jaafar Awad, 22, dies as result of Israeli medical neglect

SPDF Day 40: 'The people we call the prophets I think are the earliest dissident intellectuals, and they’re treated like most dissident intellectuals—very badly.....' Noam Chomsky

SPDF Day 40: Massively ill today.....

Arrived at the White House at 830 this morning but was massively ill halfway on the 18 block walk to get here so it was another half hour in the bathroom trying to clean up my pants and legs enough that I could spend the day here at the White House demonstrating to free Palestine and not stink so bad that my rain pants couldn't protect the visitors. Thanks to the creator I think it will work. I have advised my friends in the Secret Service that I am extremely weak and ill today so that if there is a park closing and I am a little slow and moving my stuff out of the park they will understand. With few exceptions they are a stunningly decent group of human beings, way way way above the norm.


SPDF Day 39: so tired it took me more than an hour just to get into bed tonight.....

 Was at npr beginning 7 this morning until 130 p_m. Then library of congress, and picking up some depends that my doctor prescribed for me for when I am on capitol hill all day where sometimes they make using  their restroom impossible.

SPDF Day 39: Israeli Blogger Yochanan Gordon argues that the solution to opponents in Gaza is to "obliterate them completely"

vid. 2hr. Dr. Finkelstein: 'Yes, anti-semetic acts in Europe absolutely follow Israeli Terrorism of Palestine....'

SPDF Day 39: Albanian Muslims massively saved Jews from the Holocaust

Chris Hedges: vid. 60 min. the question is how do we make the elites afraid of us? Wages of rebellion part 2

***** SPDF Day 39: Is No One COMMITTED to Palestine? Outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens....

SPDF Day 39:  outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens. I am not sure that I see any that are committed. There is no hope, there has never been any hope, except when citizens were committed.  'The chicken is involved, the pig is committed.'

Americans have yet to grasp the horrific magnitude of the ‘war on terror'