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***** Haaretz: What if parents raised kids the way Bibi and Sara run Israel? The message they're modeling? Starve the Palestinians. Let the Gazans drown in sewage. Let the town of Hazor Glilit starve, as well. Let Kibbutz Nirim defend itself. Let settlers stone U.S. diplomats. This is our home. No consequences for us.

by Bradley Burston

What if parents raised kids the way Bibi and Sara run Israel?

The message they're modeling? Starve the Palestinians. Let the Gazans drown in sewage. Let the town of Hazor Glilit starve, as well. Let Kibbutz Nirim defend itself. Let settlers stone U.S. diplomats. This is our home. No consequences for us. 

The 3 American Families Bankrolling Netanyahu


leader of a U.S. Catholic group is blaming the satirical newspaper’s staff for “the kind of intolerance that provoked this violent reaction.”

Pope Francis prayed for the gunmen behind the Charlie Hebdo massacre and their victims while bemoaning mankind's cruelty on Thursday. Wednesday's "terror attack in Paris brings to mind so much cruelty — human cruelty — so much terrorism, both isolated [incidents of] terrorism and of state terrorism," he said during daily Mass, according to Vatican Radio. "Of how much cruelty is man capable!"

Outrage as France become first country in world to ban pro-Palestine demos..... Now why in hell might someone from a Muslim Arab background be outraged at France????

Nd. Muslim shooter = entire religion guilty Black shooter = entire race guilty White shooter = mentally troubled lone wolf

Muslim shooter = entire religion guilty

Black shooter = entire race guilty

White shooter = mentally troubled lone wolf

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Pic. If the killing of innocent people in the Middle East is necessary to protect my life, then it is time for me to die.

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***** I do not know that Netanyahu is behind the attack killing 10 people in France. I do know that he is thrilled with the Israeli propaganda value of it. Therefore, had he been able to orchestrate it with 0 fingerprints, there is no question that he would have done so. Throughout its history Israel has with religious fanaticism slaughtered Muslims, Americans, German Jews, British, and anyone else, without compunction, to further its criminal and or religious fanaticism goals.

* I do not know that Netanyahu is behind the attack killing 10 people in France. I do know that he is thrilled with the Israeli propaganda value of it. Therefore, had he been able to orchestrate it with 0 fingerprints, there is no question that he would have done so. Throughout its history Israel has with religious fanaticism slaughtered Muslims, Americans, German Jews, British, and anyone else, without compunction, to further its criminal and or religious fanaticism goals.

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One victim killed in Charlie Hebdo attacks was Muslim police officer Ahmed Merabet

***** Must must must must must must watch. "A Clash of Barbarisms": After Paris Attack, How U.S. Policy in Middle East Helps Fuel Extremism

Vid. Scholar Tariq Ramadan, Harper’s Rick MacArthur on Charlie Hebdo Attack & How the West Treats Muslim

*****!!!! Terrorist attack proves Western nations must stop their war of terror on Muslim Arab nations starting with Israel's war of terror for 68 years on Palestine!!!!

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nd. I have to acknowledge the one and only passionate backer of my efforts to help humanity, and all creation, these last 13 years or so, (well, 40 years or so, I guess) every breath... the face looking back in the mirror. (If you are looking for who to blame regarding me, that is the only place you can look.)

I have to acknowledge the one and only passionate backer of my efforts to help humanity, and all creation, these last 13 years or so, (well, 40 years or so, I guess) every breath... the face looking back in the mirror.  (If you are looking for who to blame regarding me, that is the only place you can look.)

The 'real' American Sniper: Chris Kyle, a US navy Seal from Texas, was deployed to Iraq in 2003 and claimed to have killed more than 255 people during his six-year military career. In his memoir, Kyle reportedly described killing as “fun”, something he “loved”; he was unwavering in his belief that everyone he shot was a “bad guy”. “I hate the damn savages,” he wrote. “I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the Iraqis.” He bragged about murdering looters during Hurricane Katrina.

War is not a big-budget Hollywood action film starring Bradley Cooper...
Chris Kyle, a US navy Seal from Texas, was deployed to Iraq in 2003 and claimed to have killed more than 255 people during his six-year military career. In his memoir, Kyle reportedly described killing as “fun”, something he “loved”; he was unwavering in his belief that everyone he shot was a “bad guy”. “I hate the damn savages,” he wrote. “I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the Iraqis.” He bragged about murdering looters during Hurricane Katrina.

***** nd. Try this: For the next week, when you are watching television, movies, etc... as yourself: If my child, grandchild, niece... 10 years from now saw this person today would they say that this person used their life to focus attention ON the Human species determining events of 2015... or AWAY from them. At the end of the week, A. Determine what % of what you are seeing is constructive in this way, or destructive; then, B. Look in the mirror.

***** Try this:  For the next week, when you are watching television, movies, etc... as yourself:  If my child, grandchild, niece... 10 years from now saw this person today would they say that this person used their life to focus attention ON the Human species determining events of 2015... or AWAY from them.  At the end of the week, A.  Determine what % of what you are seeing is constructive in this way, or destructive; then, B.  Look in the mirror.

***** vid. WOW!!!! CREATOR BLESS HOWARD DEAN. BINGO!!!! “I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” Dean said on Morning Joe. ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

Top Alkaline foods

“US under Obama has killed more people with drones than died on 9/11. Many of those killed were civilians, and only a tiny percentage of the dead were al-Qaeda or Taliban leaders.” She may be right … The Council on Foreign Relations estimates that U.S. drone strikes outside of Iraq and Afghanistan have killed 3,674 people. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reports that up to 4,404 people have been killed – just in Pakistan and Yemen alone – between 2004 and 2014.

“Obama has killed more people with drones than died on 9/11. Many of those killed were civilians, and only a tiny percentage of the dead were al-Qaeda or Taliban leaders.”
She may be right …
The Council on Foreign Relations estimates that U.S. drone strikes outside of Iraq and Afghanistan have killed 3,674 people.
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reports that up to 4,404 people have been killed – just in Pakistan and Yemen alone – between 2004 and 2014.

Derek Flood: The fact is, both in Judaism and Christianity, the way of faithful questioning has always been a minority voice, a voice of protest from the margins. This voice can be heard in the Hebrew prophets, and it can be heard in Jesus, but the majority voice of unquestioning obedience can certainly also be found in the multi-vocal Bible as well. This is the voice that says with hellfire and brimstone "obey without question or face God's wrath!" It is the voice of religious violence, thundering down with absolute certainty.

The fact is, both in Judaism and Christianity, the way of faithful questioning has always been a minority voice, a voice of protest from the margins. This voice can be heard in the Hebrew prophets, and it can be heard in Jesus, but the majority voice of unquestioning obedience can certainly also be found in the multi-vocal Bible as well. This is the voice that says with hellfire and brimstone "obey without question or face God's wrath!" It is the voice of religious violence, thundering down with absolute certainty.

**** MUST MUST MUST SEE. Jon Stewart Learns That Black Slavery In America Never Really Ended. Uh Oh.

Thanks for killing the planet, boomers! The world as we know it is ending, and the indifference by Americans, politicians and mainstream press is maddening

We are deluding ourselves: The apocalypse is coming — and technology can’t save us

vid. Carl Bernstein on Morning Joe: Iraq War Was Driven by "Jewish Neoliberal Zionists."

thing I do know– not at my expense. If they are a nation and have a right of self-determination, not at my expense. That does not give them the right to expel us or to take our land– The audience broke into applause, the first time that any speaker had been interrupted by applause in two hours. Barghouti swiftly moved on to other questions. The questioner walked out of the hall. That summed up the spirit of the event. Its title was, “Palestine’s South Africa Moment?” Barghouti said that Palestine appeared at last to be approaching that moment.

Breaking Taboos, BDS Gains Ground Among Academics

Netanyahu says terrorists trying to destroy Western civilization. You effing savage, Israel has already done that, totally corrupting the US government and thereby the US people, turning us into your puppet terrorists murdering hundreds of thousands of Muslims around the world, driving them to insane acts of terror.

***** Video: Palestinian resistance in Gaza is “fighting for all of us,” says Dr. Mads Gilbert

People Freak Out When He Hits Her In Public. Watch What Happens When She Hits Him.

Nd. I'm here on Capitol Hill going on 3 hours now in the sub 10 degree wind chill weather with the free Palestine, Israel is a terrorist attack since 1947 posters. Not sure how much longer I will last today. Horrible Islamo terrorist attack in France. I wonder how many days it takes for the Christamo terrorists to kill that many people in Yemen? How many hours did it take this summer for the Jewdamo terrorists in Israel to kill that many children in Palestine? I'm too cold to do the math right now. Maybe you can.

I'm here on Capitol Hill going on 3 hours now in the sub 10 degree wind chill weather with the free Palestine, Israel is a terrorist attack since 1947 posters. Not sure how much longer I will last today. Horrible Islamo terrorist attack in France. I wonder how many days it takes for the Christamo terrorists to kill that many people in Yemen? How many hours did it take this summer for the Jewdamo terrorists in Israel to kill that many children in Palestine? I'm too cold to do the math right now. Maybe you can.

posted from Bloggeroid

Why Psychiatry Holds Enormous Power in Society Despite Losing Scientific Credibility

Iran's president calls for end to isolation, urges nuclear deal

Iran's president calls for end to isolation, urges nuclear deal

Robert Reich: The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disaster in the making


***** Nd. On the day that women experience all children, in every tribe, as their children, exactly, on that day the world will know peace, and not until that day.

* Nd. On the day that women experience all children, in every tribe, as their children, exactly, on that day the world will know peace, and not until that day.
posted from Bloggeroid

***** vid. Young boys asked to slap a girl in social experiment

RogerWaters: I have nothing against Jews or Israelis, and I am not antisemitic. I deplore the policies of the Israeli government in the occupied territories and Gaza. They are immoral, inhuman and illegal. I will continue my non-violent protests as long as the government of Israel continues with these policies.

Nd. I am learning to detest the human race.

I am learning to detest the human race.

posted from Bloggeroid

Vid. Malaysia calls for Israeli leaders to be prosecuted for war crimes

Vid. Carl Bernstein is perhaps the most famous and respected journalist in the USA, and here he says exactly what I have said since before the Iraq War, that it was a war created by the Jewish Zionists for Israel not for the United States. This invasion and mass murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people was based on lies, and we in America have paid the Zionist control over our government and media with our treasure and our blood. And we pay for it with hatred and attacks against America because these bloody Zionist Wars!

Jon Stewart Learns That Black Slavery In America Never Really Ended. Uh Oh.

A large body of political scientists and political psychologists now concur that liberals and conservatives disagree about politics in part because they are different people at the level of personality, psychology, and even traits like physiology and genetics.

SolarPuff lantern is inspired by origami and an earthquake

'Black brunch' demonstrators take over restaurants to highlight police brutality US brunch protests take place in the wake of police killings across the country.

***** ‘It is time to make it costly for Palestinians,’ Ross warns in NYT; and readers reject his argument


I feel not the slightest sadness over this. The bratty trust-fund kid of a millionaire Manhattan hedge-fund founder killed his dad because the old man had just cut his monthly allowance — by $200, law enforcement sources told The Post on Monday.

A senior Israeli official said on Sunday Jerusalem would be contacting pro-Israel members of the U.S. Congress to ensure the enforcement of legislation stipulating that if the Palestinians initiate any action against Israel at the ICC, the State Department would have to stop American aid to the PA, which comes to some $400 million annually. The stop-gap funding bill was passed in Congress last month. Both houses of the new Congress to be seated later this month will be controlled by the Republican Party, with many key positions filled by senators and representatives who are pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian. The law regarding the Palestinians initiating action at the ICC is strongly worded and states that President Barack Obama cannot waive a decision to halt aid to the PA.

nd. I surrender. I surrender to my body, that is. My strength completely collapsed today. I have been hoping and expecting to resume my post on Capitol Hill beginning tomorrow, despite the extreme cold that descends tonight. But today my energy has completely collapsed. I presume it has to do with the surgery of 3 weeks ago not yet being healed. I'll fight in other ways until I have my physical strength back. 󾌣󾌣󾌣󾌣󾌣

I surrender. I surrender to my body, that is. My strength completely collapsed today. I have been hoping and expecting to resume my post on Capitol Hill beginning tomorrow, despite the extreme cold that descends tonight. But today my energy has completely collapsed. I presume it has to do with the surgery of 3 weeks ago not yet being healed. I'll fight in other ways until I have my physical strength back. 󾌣󾌣󾌣󾌣󾌣

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***** vid. ALI ABUNIMAH: Good morning, Amy. Like many people, I was very relieved that the resolution failed. That might surprise some of your viewers, but the devil is in the detail. This was a very bad resolution, written by the Palestinian Authority without any support from any other Palestinian factions. It’s been condemned by Palestinian political figures and legal experts, because in an attempt to avoid the American veto, it undercut and undermined and watered down very fundamental Palestinian rights. And if this resolution had passed, it would have superseded existing resolutions which are far stronger.

***** Is Depression a Kind of Allergic Reaction?



***** pic. DONATIONS NEEDED. I intend to have this among the posters on Capital Hill beginning Tuesday where the congressscum ooozes by. It'll cost $45 at Staples, $45 I don't have. Message me and I can tell you how to donate via paypal. Hurry. Share with others who may wish to make this happen. Congress will be in town for weeks, and every time those Godless, Anti-Christ, Demonic, Satanic scum slither by I want them to have to see this. DON'T YOU??? (any $5, $10... will help.)

nd. Alert: Arundhati Roy has just lost the extreme esteem I held her in, and gained my passionate contempt. In the forward of a recent book she decided to do what she could to destroy Gandhi. This is the equivalent of the following: a group is trapped in a cave... they hear a dam broken behind them and the torrent of water about to destroy them in seconds... there is one huge wooden step in front of them that would get them high enough to reach a ledge where they could sprint to safety... the step is not high enough to save them... but it would get them to the ledge that IS high enough... they are about to heave themselves onto that step when a hugely respected leader among them, Ms. Roy, screams... "NO, THE STEP IS FLAWED, IT IS ONLY HALF HIGH ENOUGH TO SAVE US, IT IS SOMEWHAT CROOKED, IT IS FLAWED, I HAVE THIS SLEDGE HAMMER... AND I'M GOING TO DESTROY THAT STEP!!!!" HUH?????????????? Without that step... Gandhi, with all his flaws... probably No Martin Luther King Jr, and many other Unviolent warriors since. WHAT?????????? WE WOULD BE BETTER OFF BY DESTROYING, WEAKENING, HURTING THIS FLAWED STEP.... GANDHI???????????? WHAT THE HELL????? WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Alert:  Arundhati Roy has just lost the extreme esteem I held her in, and gained my passionate contempt. In the forward of a recent book she decided to do what she could to destroy Gandhi. This is the equivalent of the following:  a group is trapped in a cave... they hear a dam broken behind them and the torrent of water about to destroy them in seconds... there is one huge wooden step in front of them that would get them high enough to reach a ledge where they could sprint to safety... the step is not high enough to save them... but it would get them to the ledge that IS high enough... they are about to heave themselves onto that step when a hugely respected leader among them, Ms. Roy, screams... "NO, THE STEP IS FLAWED, IT IS ONLY HALF HIGH ENOUGH TO SAVE US, IT IS SOMEWHAT CROOKED, IT IS FLAWED, I HAVE THIS SLEDGE HAMMER... AND I'M GOING TO DESTROY THAT STEP!!!!"  HUH??????????????  Without that step... Gandhi, with all his flaws... probably No Martin Luther King Jr, and many other Unviolent warriors since.  WHAT?????????? WE WOULD BE BETTER OFF BY DESTROYING, WEAKENING, HURTING THIS FLAWED STEP.... GANDHI???????????? WHAT THE HELL?????  WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?

***** I KNOW OF NO EQUIVALENT EXPLANATION: vid. 10 min. Gordon Duff, Veterans Today: ISIS, the brutal colonization of the middle east... is by a Zionist Criminal Syndicate now controlling the US Congress... and substantial elements of the US Military Industrial Complex. If you have EXTREMELY CREDIBLE insights on this... I'm all eyes.

Israel Controls the US Congress

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

Early in December 2014 Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today delivered an Historic Keynote Address at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. This speech is sending shock-waves around the World.

nd. To my friends who with undying commitment and passion relentlessly condemn, blame, demonize Pr. Obama: If you are in impoverished India, and there is a rogue elephant trampling the villiages, and there is no means of killing the elephant, but there is the possiblility of a great rider getting on it's back, and steering it, a little bit, to reduce the killing... that was the choice of Barack Obama. What he miscalculated was: 1. The amount of evil in an around the elephant... using the elephant exactly to kill people on purpose (Zionism is the prime example); and 2. That his fellow villiagers would be LESS than useless, not only doing nothing to help, but attacking HIM for what the Elephant is doing!

To my friends who with undying commitment and passion relentlessly condemn, blame, demonize Pr. Obama:  If you are in impoverished India, and there is a rogue elephant trampling the villiages, and there is no means of killing the elephant, but there is the possiblility of a great rider getting on it's back, and steering it, a little bit, to reduce the killing... that was the choice of Barack Obama. What he miscalculated was: 1. The amount of evil in an around the elephant... using the elephant exactly to kill people on purpose (Zionism is the prime example); and 2. That his fellow villiagers would be LESS than useless, not only doing nothing to help, but attacking HIM for what the Elephant is doing!

nd. To those addicted to deamonizing Pr. Obama: When someone takes the job of President of the US... they WILL KILL PEOPLE. In the same way that when some creature is born as an elephant... THEY WILL CRUSH HOARDS OF ANTS. It is unavoidable. The only Godly choice they can make is to cause the elephant they are riding, Amerikkka, to kill as few as possible. Neither you, nor I, nor anyone in history, could have done a better job than Pr. Obama, so far, in minimizing the number of people the Rogue, Insane, Evil Elephant Amerikkkkka that he is riding... from killing more people than it has. YOU COULD NOT HAVE DONE AS WELL.

To those addicted to deamonizing Pr. Obama:  When someone takes the job of President of the US... they WILL KILL PEOPLE.  In the same way that when some creature is born as an elephant... THEY WILL CRUSH HOARDS OF ANTS.  It is unavoidable.  The only Godly choice they can make is to cause the elephant they are riding, Amerikkka, to kill as few as possible.  Neither you, nor I, nor anyone in history, could have done a better job than Pr. Obama, so far, in minimizing the number of people the Rogue, Insane, Evil Elephant Amerikkkkka that he is riding... from killing more people than it has. YOU COULD NOT HAVE DONE AS WELL. 

nd. Those who blame President Obama do so in order to avoid their own personal responsibility.

Those who blame President Obama do so in order to avoid their own personal responsibility.

posted from Bloggeroid

England’s work reminds us that it’s scientists’ willingness to admit our own ignorance and confront it head on — rather than papering over it — that unlocks the great storehouse of wonders we live in and gives us our most challenging, satisfying quests

The keywords for Israeli diplomacy in 2015, he said, are “Israeli initiative.” These is really Demoniacs will not Skype. Will you?

Palestinian minor killed by Egypt border guards

Once-homeless Raider James Jones brings hope to shelter children

Gelzinis: Edward Brooke paved way for Barack Obama

***** Another Israeli act of war. Israel is delaying the transfer of taxes it collects on behalf of the Palestinians in retaliation for their application to join the Hague-based International Criminal Court, according to Israeli media reports.

***** vid. Moyers and company. 'Children's climate crusade.' I do not recall seeing anything as hopeful as this in years.


French Economist Thomas Piketty Faces Trial by Peers. [Trial? More likely a mugging by the attack dogs of the financial elites. ]

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Man Helps 'Brave' Girl Who Survived Plane Crash

British activists launch lawsuit over deadly raid on Gaza 'peace flotilla'

Israel's PA tax freeze is a war crime. After ICC bid, Netanyahu decides to halt transfer of more than $127m in tax monies collected on behalf of the Palestinians.

nd. Every day I feel like I am drowning in my all day, every waking moments... spending every second to fight the torrent, the flood, the deluge, the ocean of invisibility of the cruel, savage, sadistic, inhumane, barbaric... Terrorisms of Israel / US on my Palestinians. Near literally all day long I read, repost, comment... on the tital wave of daily Naziesque Horrors visited on my Palestinian Family. When weather or health dictate, I do so from the homeless shelter, or a library; when weather and health permit... from in front of the White House, or on Capitol Hill where the congressscum must slither by. But fighting the tidal wave is what I do. I am not complaining. I am drowning. It is a drowning that could take decades to be terminal for me. I may have to break free for a while, not of the struggle, but of fighting this torrent, as I am. For self protection? For personal survival? No. To deepen my study of the situation, to study many of the books I've put off studying for months now, on Islam, Judaism, the history of Judaism and the Hebrew people, the history of Palestine, the history of Zionism, christian (Satanic, Demonic) Zionism.... If you sense a shift in my behavior... is it NOT a shift from Freeing Palestine... but toward trying to become better, stronger, more effective, more powerful... in my attempts.

Every day I feel like I am drowning in my all day, every waking moments... spending every second to fight the torrent, the flood, the deluge, the ocean of invisibility of the cruel, savage, sadistic, inhumane, barbaric... Terrorisms of Israel / US on my Palestinians.  Near literally all day long I read, repost, comment... on the tital wave of daily Naziesque Horrors visited on my Palestinian Family. When weather or health dictate, I do so from the homeless shelter, or a library; when weather and health permit... from in front of the White House, or on Capitol Hill where the congressscum must slither by. But fighting the tidal wave is what I do. I am not complaining. I am drowning. It is a drowning that could take decades to be terminal for me.  I may have to break free for a while, not of the struggle, but of fighting this torrent, as I am.  For self protection?  For personal survival?  No.  To deepen my study of the situation, to study many of the books I've put off studying for months now, on Islam, Judaism, the history of Judaism and the Hebrew people, the history of Palestine, the history of Zionism, christian (Satanic, Demonic) Zionism....  If you sense a shift in my behavior... is it NOT a shift from Freeing Palestine... but toward trying to become better, stronger, more effective, more powerful... in my attempts.

***** ABSOLUTE MUST READ: The real inspiration for Eko Atlantic comes not from these men but the dreamworlds of rampant capitalism, stoked by a successful, thirty year global campaign to claw back gains in social security and unchain corporations from regulation – what we now know as neoliberalism

ABSOLUTE MUST READ: The real inspiration for Eko Atlantic comes not from these men but the dreamworlds of rampant capitalism, stoked by a successful, thirty year global campaign to claw back gains in social security and unchain corporations from regulation – what we now know as neoliberalism

***** TERRORIST ROGUE SAVAGE ISRAEL'S DECIMATION OF GAZA IS TO RAPE AND PLUNDER NATURAL GAS RESOURCES. THE GUARDIAN. IDF's Gaza assault is to control Palestinian gas, avert Israeli energy crisis

What research says about cats: they're selfish, unfeeling, environmentally harmful creatures. Cat's kill more than a BILLION birds in the US alone... EACH YEAR.... [I THINK AMERICANS LUST FOR CATS BECAUSE CAT BEHAVIOR 'LAGITIMIZES,' IS AN ARGUMENT FOR, OUR PROFOUNDLY SELFISH US CULTURE, WAY OF BEING.]

nd. Until we see that there is only ONE Masterpiece, only ONE Good, only ONE thing of Value - the Creator, God... Loving, Goodness (all the same thing) there will be no Peace, and probably now, no life left on earth. We've worshiped EVERYTHING but this... and now it is all but over.

Until we see that there is only ONE Masterpiece, only ONE Good, only ONE thing of Value - the Creator, God... Loving, Goodness (all the same thing) there will be no Peace, and probably now, no life left on earth.  We've worshiped EVERYTHING but this... and now it is all but over.

And the True Jews, the Godly, die. So sad. "Three Israeli soldiers who fought in Gaza committed suicide in past month"

Israeli Terrorist Savages: Palestinian fisherman critically injured in Israeli naval attack

[IF THIS WERE REVERSED, TERRORIST ISRAEL WOLD BE BOMBING IRAN RIGHT NOW, AND THE WHORE AMERIKKKA WOULD BE ALONG SIDE THEM. "Iran claims to save nuclear engineer from Israeli assassination. Revolutionary Guards source says Israeli attempt failed; Iran blames Mossad for five dead scientists since 2010.",7340,L-4610827,00.html,7340,L-4610827,00.html

To my Muslim sister: I find, with my limited knowledge, I find Muslim women to be infinitely more Godly, as a group, than western 'christian' women. And I credit Islam for that. But if the price is women being under the control of men, the interpretations, of men, the physical, legal, social power of men OVER women... that I can never accept, and I find much of that in the site I shared with you, a site that seems very credible to me. ( ; my friend agrees this is a credible site, but she strongly denounces wrong interpreters of Islam for the negative impacts on Muslim women, and NOT on the intent of Islam, with which I agree.) I DO pray for the time when I can read much or all of the Qur'an. My sense is that the Founders of most or all of the great religions were Godly people, Loving people... and that lesser people have quickly distorted and corrupted what they tried to sew among us. I suspect and hope that this is what I will find when and if I do read the Qur'an for myself." My sister's reply: "absolutely right James, thumbs up for you."

To my Muslim sister:  I find, with my limited knowledge, I find Muslim women to be infinitely more Godly, as a group, than western 'christian' women. And I credit Islam for that. But if the price is women being under the control of men, the interpretations, of men, the physical, legal, social power of men OVER women... that I can never accept, and I find much of that in the site I shared with you, a site that seems very credible to me.  ( ; my friend agrees this is a credible site, but she strongly denounces wrong interpreters of Islam for the negative impacts on Muslim women, and NOT on the intent of Islam, with which I agree.)  I DO pray for the time when I can read much or all of the Qur'an. My sense is that the Founders of most or all of the great religions were Godly people, Loving people... and that lesser people have quickly distorted and corrupted what they tried to sew among us. I suspect and hope that this is what I will find when and if I do read the Qur'an for myself."  My sister's reply:  "absolutely right James, thumbs up for you."

nd. From a Muslim FB friend: "I think that you are a Nice man and this world needs a billion like you coz you beleive on justice and fight for..." My reply: "UNIVERSAL FAMILY, LOVING, BEING LIKE JESUS, THE MAN, is my Religion. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else... no matter what that costs me personally. (((HUGS)))" My friend: "I admire your enthusiasm and courage... As Jésus said love each other that was thé best message i ever heard..." My reply: "Me too... the best message and example I've ever seen... tho many other examples of Loving Lives guide my journey as well, thank Creator. For me... Loving IS God. God IS Loving. THIS is my Master. THIS is what I Worship. LOVING is my God. I will have no other. Your kind words mean a great deal to me. Thank you for sharing them with me. My journey is very solitary... almost none wish to walk the road I travel... so it is particularly nice when I get encouraging words."

From a Muslim FB friend:  "I think that you are a Nice man and this world needs a billion like you coz you beleive on justice and fight for..."  My reply:  "UNIVERSAL FAMILY, LOVING, BEING LIKE JESUS, THE MAN, is my Religion. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else... no matter what that costs me personally. (((HUGS)))"  My friend:  "I admire your enthusiasm and courage... As Jésus said love each other that was thé best message i ever heard..."  My reply:  "Me too... the best message and example I've ever seen... tho many other examples of Loving Lives guide my journey as well, thank Creator.  For me... Loving IS God.  God IS Loving.  THIS is my Master.  THIS is what I Worship. LOVING is my God.  I will have no other.  Your kind words mean a great deal to me.  Thank you for sharing them with me.  My journey is very solitary... almost none wish to walk the road I travel... so it is particularly nice when I get encouraging words."

nd. From a Muslim FB friend: "I think that you are a Nice man and this world needs a billion like you coz you beleive on justice and fight for..." My reply: "UNIVERSAL FAMILY, LOVING, BEING LIKE JESUS, THE MAN, is my Religion. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else... no matter what that costs me personally. (((HUGS)))" My friend: "I admire your enthusiasm and courage... As Jésus said love each other that was thé best message i ever heard..." My reply: "Me too... the best message and example I've ever seen... tho many other examples of Loving Lives guide my journey as well, thank Creator. For me... Loving IS God. God IS Loving. THIS is my Master. THIS is what I Worship. LOVING is my God. I will have no other. Your kind words mean a great deal to me. Thank you for sharing them with me. My journey is very solitary... almost none wish to walk the road I travel... so it is particularly nice when I get encouraging words."

From a Muslim FB friend:  "I think that you are a Nice man and this world needs a billion like you coz you beleive on justice and fight for..."  My reply:  "UNIVERSAL FAMILY, LOVING, BEING LIKE JESUS, THE MAN, is my Religion. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else... no matter what that costs me personally. (((HUGS)))"  My friend:  "I admire your enthusiasm and courage... As Jésus said love each other that was thé best message i ever heard..."  My reply:  "Me too... the best message and example I've ever seen... tho many other examples of Loving Lives guide my journey as well, thank Creator.  For me... Loving IS God.  God IS Loving.  THIS is my Master.  THIS is what I Worship. LOVING is my God.  I will have no other.  Your kind words mean a great deal to me.  Thank you for sharing them with me.  My journey is very solitary... almost none wish to walk the road I travel... so it is particularly nice when I get encouraging words."

Fing savages. Israel to halt transfer of tax revenues to Palestinians following ICC bid



vid. I'm just inches into my many mile long journey to become less ignorant of Islam. This vid strikes me as very credible and informative:

vid. IDF Isreali Demonic Forces, joyfully destroying Palestinan homes.

Yale Lawyer, Israeli Agent Dershowitz named in lawsuit alleging abuse of underage sex slave - See more at: This creature is ultimate scum. Creator, I pray it be true, and if it is PLEASE do not let this SCUM OOOOOZZZZEEEE OFF THE HOOK!!!

Dershowitz named in lawsuit alleging abuse of underage sex slave - See more at:

A respected, Muslim, FB friend: "Why do you always mention the un friending thingy???" My reply: "I mention the unfriending thingy as a duty as I make the choice to speak the Truth unvarnished as I do. I cannot do one without the other. I cannot build a fire in the fireplace if I do not make sure that the exits are clearly marked and clearly known." She further commented: "You have to understand how other cultures live their lives." My reply: "I 'want' to know how other cultures live their lives, but as a mortal, I'll never do more than scratch the surface on this. For the last hour I've been studying Islam. But, the Creator has no culture - not eastern or western, not north or south, not christian or muslim... and it is the Creator I am concerned with above all, and that portion of the Creator within us... that knows none of our foolish human boundaries." Finally she said: "If you see we must not be connected then unfriend me" My reply: "And if, to protect you, or out of some other consideration I judge I should unfriend you, I will not hesitate to do so."

A respected, Muslim, FB friend: "Why do you always mention the un friending thingy???"  My reply:  "I mention the unfriending thingy as a duty as I make the choice to speak the Truth unvarnished as I do. I cannot do one without the other. I cannot build a fire in the fireplace if I do not make sure that the exits are clearly marked and clearly known."  She further commented: "You have to understand how other cultures live their lives."  My reply:   "I 'want' to know how other cultures live their lives, but as a mortal, I'll never do more than scratch the surface on this. For the last hour I've been studying Islam. But, the Creator has no culture - not eastern or western, not north or south, not christian or muslim... and it is the Creator I am concerned with above all, and that portion of the Creator within us... that knows none of our foolish human boundaries."  Finally she said: "If you see we must not be connected then unfriend me"  My reply:   "And if, to protect you, or out of some other consideration I judge I should unfriend you, I will not hesitate to do so."

***** (2012 article): Every year, somewhere between US$200 billion and $1 trillion are spent in “mandatory” alms and voluntary charity across the Muslim world, Islamic financial analysts estimate. At the low end of the estimate, this is 15 times more than global humanitarian aid contributions* in 2011.

nd. I've been following a 'feeling' for most of my life, but yesterday I 'saw' what I had been feeling. It was a piece by Amy Goodman, the first ever interview, of the young, blond, pretty, lawyer who blew the whistle on a major NYC bank resulting in a $9b settlement. You should find, and watch, the segment. I don't recall her words, but when asked why she risked all (can you imagine taking on one of these consummately evil monsters? The Courage? A smart, educated, pretty... young woman in NYC???? I don't know if I can)... it was obvious from her words, humble, simple, self-effacing... THAT SHE IS OF, BY, AND FOR... A DIFFERENT WORLD, A DIFFERENT REALM, THE REALM OF GOODNESS, JUSTICE, LOVING. I am NOT saying that SHE sees this, but to me, for the first time every, I think, I could SEE that this is what is going on. It is the same for me, has been for many many years... trying to be born my entire life... but only watching this segment was it so 'clear' I could 'see' it. Alayne Fleischman is her name, this Angel. JPMorgan Chase is the MONSTER she stood up to.

I've been following a 'feeling' for most of my life, but yesterday I 'saw' what I had been feeling. It was a piece by Amy Goodman, the first ever interview, of the young, blond, pretty, lawyer who blew the whistle on a major NYC bank resulting in a $9b settlement. You should find, and watch, the segment. I don't recall her words, but when asked why she risked all (can you imagine taking on one of these consummately evil monsters? The Courage? A smart, educated, pretty... young woman in NYC???? I don't know if I can)... it was obvious from her words, humble, simple, self-effacing... THAT SHE IS OF, BY, AND FOR... A DIFFERENT WORLD, A DIFFERENT REALM, THE REALM OF GOODNESS, JUSTICE, LOVING. I am NOT saying that SHE sees this, but to me, for the first time every, I think, I could SEE that this is what is going on. It is the same for me, has been for many many years... trying to be born my entire life... but only watching this segment was it so 'clear' I could 'see' it. Alayne Fleischman is her name, this Angel. JPMorgan Chase is the MONSTER she stood up to.

nd. Palestinian PM: "We always remember that Jesus was the first Palestinian to be tortured in this land."

nd.  Palestinian PM:  "We always remember that Jesus was the first Palestinian to be tortured in this land."

nd. FB post to a Muslim sister for whom I have considerable respect, and from whose posts I profit: "I NEVER do anything to be 'disrespectful,' including making comments or posts that maybe directly conflict with the views of others. And I only bother commenting on the posts of the very few other people for whom I have considerable respect, such as you; or to whom I feel an obligation to comment. I believe we are at a point in history where our 'polite' shaving of the Truths as we see them, is doom. When I lose 'friends' as a consequence of speaking the Truth unvarnished as I understand it, at all costs (lost a 'friend' yesterday over this) I feel deep sadness and loss, but my respect and Love for the other person is never reduced. And I am relieved when those who find it too painful to travel near me, drop off, and so protect themselves."

FB post to a Muslim sister for whom I have considerable respect, and from whose posts I profit:  "I NEVER do anything to be 'disrespectful,' including making comments or posts that maybe directly conflict with the views of others.  And I only bother commenting on the posts of the very few other people for whom I have considerable respect, such as you; or to whom I feel an obligation to comment.  I believe we are at a point in history where our 'polite' shaving of the Truths as we see them, is doom.  When I lose 'friends' as a consequence of speaking the Truth unvarnished as I understand it, at all costs (lost a 'friend' yesterday over this) I feel deep sadness and loss, but my respect and Love for the other person is never reduced.  And I am relieved when those who find it too painful to travel near me, drop off, and so protect themselves."

Germany's Cologne Cathedral To Turn Off Lights In Protest At Anti-Muslim March

nd. No offense, but with so much suffering in the world, I don't want to know what gym you belong to, what restaurants you go to what kind of car you drive, what organizations you belong to, what your culture or background is, or most importantly what religion you have. Show us how humane you are, how loving, how embracing of all humanity, of all creation. Then I will know your true religion and may ask you how you regained your humanity. Only at that point might I be interested in hearing about your religion.

No offense, but with so much suffering in the world, I don't want to know what gym you belong to, what restaurants you go to what kind of car you drive, what organizations you belong to, what your culture or background is, or most importantly what religion you have. Show us how humane you are, how loving, how embracing of all humanity, of all creation. Then I will know your true religion and may ask you how you regained your humanity. Only at that point might I be interested in hearing about your religion.

posted from Bloggeroid

nd. How slowly I learn. Smh. Like all highly creative and productive people I am at least mildly manic depressive. When I undergo surgery as I did most recently two and a half weeks ago, I anticipate this rapid recovery. The opposite happens. My body demanded another 13 hours of sleep, so far, today. Smh. Depression is highly adaptive. It is nature's mechanism of slowing down the creature so that healing and renewed growth can happen. It is painful. It is distressing. It is frightening. But if it is not wallowed in, not disrespected, it does an amazing amount of wonderful work. I feel my body beginning to rebound and my psychology as well, with huge up-and-down swings.

How slowly I learn. Smh. Like all highly creative and productive people I am at least mildly manic depressive. When I undergo surgery as I did most recently two and a half weeks ago, I anticipate this rapid recovery. The opposite happens. My body demanded another 13 hours of sleep, so far, today. Smh. Depression is highly adaptive. It is nature's mechanism of slowing down the creature so that healing and renewed growth can happen. It is painful. It is distressing. It is frightening. But if it is not wallowed in, not disrespected, it does an amazing amount of wonderful work. I feel my body beginning to rebound and my psychology as well, with huge up-and-down swings.

posted from Bloggeroid

nd. Brilliant Truth from our sister Beth: 'Everyone wants fluffy kittens and puppies. Very few want to stare down the evils of the world.'

Brilliant Truth from our sister Beth: 'Everyone wants fluffy kittens and puppies. Very few want to stare down the evils of the world.'

posted from Bloggeroid

Palestine requests joining fee International Criminal Court system. Israel is horrified. Why is Israel afraid of the law?

activist Manal Al Tamimi was arrested today in Al Nabi Saleh while, she and her family were coming back from working on Ramallah. Manal, her Husband Belal, their son Osama, and Marwan, Belal's brother, were arrested by the israeli soldier's argument they were entering to the village. But they know that, Tamimi's family are an strong activists on this village

86 Israeli Attacks on Islamic and Christian Holy Sites in 2014

It saddens me to see that other people’s wishes for the New Year are so different from what so many Palestinians would even consider possible. Why? Why can’t we dream of things other than having a year without another bloody war with Israel, having 24/7-electricity, and having the freedom to travel abroad? Why can’t Gazans just have a normal life? Why can’t we enjoy a festive beginning to the New Year as all other people around the world do? My heart aches, what I and other Gazans call wishes are what the rest of the world calls rights!

Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land

Settlers attack U.S. convoy near West Bank outpost Settlers from the West Bank outpost of Adei Ad threw rocks at a U.S. Consulate convoy carrying American diplomats on Friday afternoon. The convoy was hit after arriving at a nearby Palestinian village to examine olive groves that were uprooted a day prior. According to Ynet, American security personnel drew their M16 rifles as settlers approached the convoy. No one was injured in the confrontation

Paul Krugman: How Soaring Inequality May Lead the World Down the Path of Fascism The esteemed columnists sees disturbing parallels to 1930s Europe