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FaceBook posts 02.27.14 (99% of my postings are FB only now. Friend me, or miss out.)

Beautiful piggy! — with Fantasia Johnson and 2 others.

Sharks are awesome. Humans... not so much.

We need to stop the #sharkfin industry!

From Give a Shit about Nature

On average, humans kill over 11,000 sharks every single HOUR.

Image via: World Wildlife Fund

Brand new episode of the IFLS show available now:

  1. This photo speaks for itself. Image by Mica Erdman. — with Mila Sunlove.
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    Here at PetIDMe we love all animals and couldn't resist sharing this adorable baby dolphin.
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  3. (M) That's not justice...
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  4. Image from Union Thugs

    Which state will be next?
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  5. Draft-dodging Dick Cheney had the audacity to criticize Pres. Obama for using taxpayer money to feed hungry seniors and children.
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  6. How to Build Plastic Bottle Greenhouse -->
    I love is Eco-friendly idea Check it out!

    More #DIY projects -->
    — with Lolita Nuyda Racho Cantos and 22 others.
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  7. IMPORTANT INSIGHT: "Amidst all this hate, Republicans remains unerringly infatuated with the enormous multi-national corporations of uncompromising greed that seek out red states with zero money for their poverty level residents, but billions to throw at low-wage, part-time hiring, mass polluters who know a sucker state when they see one."
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  8. "More Inequality Means Less Upward Mobility" by Occupy Posters


    Corak, Miles. 2013. "Income Inequality, Equality of Opportunity, and Intergenerational Mobility." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(3): 79-102, available at
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  9. Like · · Promote ·
  10. Wow....God have mercy
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  11. I'm soooooo proud, awed, moved. But we have got to find a different way for our young rather than feeding them into the corporate war for profits meat grinder.
    Leading the fight is U S Marine Gunnery Sgt. Michael Burghardt, known as 'Iron Mike' or just 'Gunny'. He is on his third tour in Iraq. He had become a legend in the bomb disposal world after winning the Bronze Sta...See More
    — with Logan Johnson and 31 others.
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  12. This guy needs to go far, far, far away from the US.
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  13. Only 7000 attended in the entire country!?!?!?!? We are soooooooo lost.
    Tonight's "Inequality for All" watch parties were a huge success. Over 7,000 people attended in 49 states. Many thanks to "Democracy for America" for organizing them.

    Remember: Don't complain. Instead, organize, mobilize, and energize others. Don't wait for the changes we need. Fight for them. And never give up.
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  14. Like · · Promote ·
  15. Sharks are awesome. Humans... not so much.

    We need to stop the #sharkfin industry!

    From Give a Shit about Nature
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  16. On average, humans kill over 11,000 sharks every single HOUR.

    Image via: World Wildlife Fund

    Brand new episode of the IFLS show available now:
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  17. wait. act. wait. act. #YouAreNeeded

Dear Arizona State Legislators,

Butthurt Republican headline.

We agree.

#Walmart seems to get all the bad press but #Target is just as bad about paying low wages. - MK #RaiseTheWage

No one "earns" $100 million. — with Hunter O'Hara.

etc... here>>> 
Start Loving

pic. Jesus - My body wasn’t cold before my Teaching of: A. Infinite Joy of Radical Universal Family... was perverted into... B. Endless Pleasure of Jesus as pharmaceutical: anti-anxiety, Jesus ‘high,’ individual superiority, Death- avoidance....

My body wasn’t cold before my Teaching of:

A.  Infinite Joy of Radical
Universal Family...

was perverted into...

B.  Endless
Pleasure of Jesus as pharmaceutical:
Jesus ‘high,’
superiority, Death-


This mornings operation was a success. I arrived at the hospital at 8am. By 9 a.m. They were putting me to sleep. My chemo port is now successfully removed. I'm in recovery for 2 hours. Then a driver from the hospital will return me to the shelter.

This mornings operation was a success. I arrived at the hospital at 8am. By 9 a.m. They were putting me to sleep. My chemo port is now successfully removed. I'm in recovery for 2 hours. Then a driver from the hospital will return me to the shelter.

posted from Bloggeroid


Thomas Jefferson: "I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies."

pic. FDR: "We know now that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob."

must see pic. American Exceptionalism

I love my country but we sure need improvement in a lot of areas ......
(M) People who think America is perfect are missing all the ways we need to improve.

Thanks to Occupy Posters for sharing this.

pic. George Bernard Shaw: "Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."

"About 80% of the world’s population will be wiped out by 2100 [by Fosil Fuels use]." James Lovelock World Renown Scientist. UK Guardian